The Water Is Nearly Boiling. Are YOU Ready To Jump Out of the Pot?

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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"It is called The Boiling Frog Syndrome. Many of you have heard of it, but for those who have not, allow me to describe it. If you drop a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will instantly jump out and save itself. But if you place a frog into a pot of lukewarm water and slowly increase the heat, the frog will remain blissfully docile … right up until the point when it becomes a … deceased frog.

This little fable is the perfect metaphor for how our controllers are slowly but relentlessly stealing our freedoms and increasing their power. Using the Wuhan Virus as their justification, they have tossed the entire global population into a massive cauldron. As the heat rises, we are warmed and stupefied until we end up dazed and helpless. Then they can easily impose their Iron Fist of Power.

And so, as I review this vile and disturbing year, it seems quite appropriate to call it … The Year of the Frog. My belief is that our Malignant Overlords have used the WuFlu deception to terrify us to the point where we are barely floating and nearly comatose.

My quest is to jolt you out of your stupor and show you how grotesquely you have been manipulated. And then, even if you can no longer jump from the pot, at least some of you will squirm out. And hopefully, the most valiant will turn off the stove and hold the chefs accountable … FULLY AND MEMORABLY ACCOUNTABLE!

So, here are some examples of how they have blatantly conned you into submission and compliance. With each of these tactics, they raised the heat in the cauldron, making it even more difficult to escape.

- Lock-downs For over a thousand years, the most successful approach to lessening the impact of infectious disease, has been to isolate the sick people from the healthy people. This protected the most vulnerable, and allowed the strong to develop the herd immunity that would lead to the decline of the illness.

However, in 2020, the exact opposite approach was taken. But WHY? There were no convincing studies rolled out to prove that rejecting a millennium’s worth of acquired knowledge would be helpful. Not only has this policy been bizarre in theory, it has proven grossly unsuccessful in practice. Many places with the strictest lock-down mandates also had the highest death rates.

- Words DO have power The powers that should not be, are definitely mindful of the potency of language. Step back a bit, and observe how effortlessly they have inserted completely new phrases into your vocabulary and into your way of thinking about the world. These new words are not marshmallows. They are arrows of control.

Here are some examples: Flatten the Curve. Social Distancing. The New Normal. Immunity Passports. Dark Winter. Build Back Better. The Great Reset.

The teleprompter readers on TV repeat these phrases endlessly, but they never examine or question them. Let’s scrutinize the first one – Flatten the Curve. There was concern that hospital ICUs would be overwhelmed by a deluge of patients.

New York City was particularly concerned about this, so a large temporary facility was erected in Central Park. Plus, a U.S. Navy hospital ship was moved to the nearby waterfront. Even as the crisis reached its peak, both of these extra medical sites were barely used.

The overstretched hospitals alarm was a deliberate hoax designed to spread fear. That’s because a fearful population is a compliant and controllable population. The obedient mask-wearing zombies are a perfect example of this.

- The Mysterious Death Count A couple of months ago the CDC quietly released a study revealing that the verifiable deaths that were specifically caused by just the WuVi, were quite different from the “be very afraid” numbers that were terrifying us 24/7. How far off, might you ask? A mere 94%. That is not a typo. They established that only 6% of the supposed Covid-19 deaths could actually be traced solely to that disease.

So how and why did the death statistics become so distorted? There were a few reasons. For example, there was an enormous financial incentive for hospitals to declare as many CV deaths as possible. They were literally paid about $13,000 by the government for each supposed WuVirus case. This explains the more bizarre examples in which people in motorcycle crashes and with gunshot wounds, supposedly died of this super flu.

And since the self-annointedelite are trying to use this crisis as the justification for their Great Reset, they needed to exaggerate the death tolls. More fatalities would also harm President Trump in his re-election campaign. He is a big obstacle to many of their plans. His stance on The Paris Climate Accords, the TPP and gun ownership are hated by the Davos Crowd.

One final and important point about the death counts is this. Where are the excess deaths? If there actually was a horrific plague ravaging the planet, then each country’s annual death numbers would be hugely higher. But this is just not the case. What IS the case, is that millions of deaths by other causes have been re-classified as Covid mortalities. Just look at the stats for the usual seasonal flu. Influenza deaths have practically disappeared. It is a CON people … the largest con in human history!

The TRUE Wuhan Virus Agenda As I mentioned earlier in this essay, I am trying to jolt you with powerful evidence of what this phony crisis is truly about. Although I don’t use the term-paper approach, filledwith footnotes, all of the statements that I make, can be easily verified with minimal online research.

For example, if you don’t believe that the hospital ship in New York City was barely used, you can do an internet search and find that information. My goal is to deal more broadly with the Big Picture of this massive Psychological Operation. Here is my conclusion, as clearly and simply as I can state it:

A tiny group of pathological megalomaniacs is seeking to gain almost complete control of the human population.

For most of us, such malevolence is almost inconceivable. That is because we have “decency bias.” We are not hard-wired to crave power over other people. We simply want to live decent, happy lives and be left alone to do so.

We must realize that these people are different from us. They are so consumed by arrogance that they believe that they are our “betters.” But actually, they are “monsters.”

They intend to impose a High-Tech Neo-Feudalism, with the vast majority of humanity reduced to the status of serfs. Even worse, they perceive us as DISPOSABLE serfs. Their writings and interviews are full of statements calling for a gigantic deployment of robots and Artificial Intelligence. While at the same time they seek massive reductions in the human population.

They have even etched it on enormous Stonehenge-like granite tablets called The Georgia Guidestones. Look for yourself, and you will see that they desire to reduce humanity from 7.5 billion to .5 billion. And you can bet that none of their loved ones are among the 7 billion marked for … elimination.

Many of the mechanisms that they have devised to establish this totalitarian control matrix are facilitated by the WuFlu scam. This includes the cashless society, universal basic income, next generation cyber-censorship, mandatory vaccines, track and trace surveillance, immunity passports, destruction of small businesses, and initiation of medical martial law.

Every single one of these authoritarian goals have been significantly advanced by this staged crisis."
SOURCE URL: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/12/31/2020-the-year-of-the-frog/

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    Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 5 months ago
    Well maybe Fauci will fall off a cliff. Now he says California is filling with the mutated Covid. I wish he would shut up.
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    • 11
      Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      I wish he'd fall in the same infinitely deep black hole with Soros and all the pols in DC, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Chicago, LA, SF, NY, Detroit, Philadelphia, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, NJ,Boston, never to be heard from again.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 5 months ago
      Creepy smiling "don't wear a mask--no! nein!--do wear a mask" Celebrity Herr Doktor FuhrerfullaSchiff von Falsie now sez the pandemic won't end until 2021's football season.
      So me dino is to suppose he's achieved psychic powers now? Pass them salt grains in thet thar jar, por favor.
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      • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years, 5 months ago
        You know what the “funny” part is? The mortality rate of the Coronachan has been dropping an average of 0.10% per week since October. Every Friday Night I take 2 mins and calculate based off the CDC’s numbers. Based on the current trajectory , it drops below 1% sometime in February. 10 weeks later it drops to influenza levels as defined by THE World Health Organization. That’s why the rush to get the vaccines out. Saint Anthony of the Church of the Branch Covidia is lying again. This is the 3rd time now by my count. And the first 2 have been confirmed. So let’s just believe the little piece of shit one more time. And the convenient Super COVID. To drag it out just a little longer. Of course me even saying this makes me some kind of -ist or guilty of some kind of -ism. Even though I can demonstrate it with math. But what does this country know about math? 1+1=3 when you find a box of ballots under the table at 1am. And whatever happened to EVERY world wide lab saying this virus has a low mutation rate. Not even a year in and BOOM Super COVID! 70% more infection! 100% more fear!
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 3 years, 5 months ago
      Well, the latest propaganda is a small town of 600 that had not had ANY cases, wore no masks, had nothing.then a couple months ago BLAM, huge numbers, and then designated as a critical level area. Now they supposedly had one of, if not the, first case of super COVID. Now how does that work? No vectors for transmission...pure lies and proaganda and a squirt bottle...
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 5 months ago
    You guys will love this one. My dear friend took her 93 year old father to the hospital and the staff agreed he might have COVID. His daughter suggested 'Call his doctor, he's treating him for a kidney infection!'
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 3 years, 5 months ago
      My wife has what might be a pneumonia caused by her being asthmatic and breathing in too much dust. Normally she would go the the hospital's outpatient clinic and get a treatment for it. (It's worked before.) Now she says, "I'll treat it myself here at home. I don't want to be 'diagnosed' as Covidial."

      That means her current condition really is "COVID-related." She fears going to see the doctor because others are scared of the CCP virrus. It's not medical; it's political, or perhaps WWIII.

      We are betting on T's Second Term.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 3 years, 5 months ago
    Again, I say this whole scenario will tear the country apart. So much for Biden wanting to bring every together, not going to happen. Not that I believe in prophecy, Coast to Coast AM had John Hogue on last night and he was predicting that 2021 would be the year of revolution. So, there you have it folks USA going into the ash heap of history.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 5 months ago
    Yes, the heat's being turned up and a lot of people are being driven nuts. I believe masking is absolutely useless, but I wear one in public not because Il Duce Cuomo says I have to, but because of the nuts that will ruin my day if I don't. I'll wear one to get groceries or a bit of spirits just long enough to get my stuff and leave. I don't need the hassle. Yes, I've experimented with going maskless just to see what happens and found that some people aren't just nuts, they are F*_KING NUTS!

    Edit add: Two months ago I was raking leaves outside my fence on the side walk (yeah, public space) and a young lady driving by and wearing a mask stopped, rolled down her window, and said I need to wear a mask. I looked at her and said, "Why in Hell are you in a car? Don't you know those things can kill you?!" I got a "F_ck You" response and she drove off. A classic nut, but brainwashed sufficiently to feel the need to stop along the road and bitch at a stranger.
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
    I dont listen to what the politicians (including Fauci) have to say. There are so many hidden agendas contained in their verbiage, I have just tired of having to unpack all of that.

    I stay away from sick people, places where there are a lot of unknown and potentially sick people. I use common sense which seems to work better than masks for sure. I try to stay healthy, and take Vitamin D. Lets see what happens. Not sure about the vaccine thing- I will wait until we get a bunch more data on side effects of both the first and second shots
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 4 months ago
    Well, I hate to have such dark hopse, but Biden just took his seocnd COVID vaccine shot, with luck the researchers and mfg. website will prove true - people will start dying in a couple months after getting the vaccine. On the upside, Soros cannot possibly live much longer. Pelosi cannot take the shot for the Botox, but she also is getting old and slurring words. Maxine is ancient and showing strong signs of Dementia. ON the up side we have Cruz and Rubio in the wings, youthful and strong, and Jim Jordan. Tech giants are just one discovery away from being obsolete, and once no one is on Twitter because it is stupid, they will be gone too. If all else fails, we are old too.But, I will fight to the end.
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  • Posted by $ servo75 3 years, 5 months ago
    Easy to say. But it is American society that must jump out of the pot, not one person. No offense, but all over the place I see such postings, telling us what we already know, talking about all the doom and gloom that they forsee coming our way.

    Yet the thing I NEVER see is actual answers. Calling out and cursing out the "ruling class" at the end is all talk and accomplishes nothing.

    So if you have suggestions on how to FORCE America out of the boiling pot I am all ears. But I have officially tuned out to news sources for just this reason: I've grown weary of all the hot air. Of all the major talk show hosts and news anchors and commentators that I USED to turn to, not a SINGLE one has offered any SOLUTION, or even deigned to talk about it. If I watch ONE more Tucker Carlson monologue telling us, "We're going to hell and now a word from our sponsor" I will explode!!

    Sure, complain about and make fun of the left, or the uniparty, or the Global Order whatever one wants to call it, but the time is come for ACTION, not words. The time has come, for me at least to turn a permanent deaf ear at anyone who is not going to talk about WHAT WE DO NOW. We are at war and time to go on offense. Memes and commentary are not going to cut it.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 3 years, 5 months ago
      We wait and see what happens Jan 6, and whether Trump will pull the trigger Plan B if Pence traitors out. Rumor is that Pence will resign after being arrested, and Flynn will be appointed,
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      • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
        we need to secede and leave the leftists to fail on their own. They stood in the way of trump so much, and if he gets back in they will redouble their efforts to get rid of him.

        I want to be finally left alone in a place where individual rights are respected.
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        • Posted by $ servo75 3 years, 5 months ago
          Now you're talking. That's what I meant in my previous comment about a PLAN. Not very specific but at least it's a start. I'm tired of being on defense. It's time for the Objectivists and even run-of-the-mill libertarians and conservatives to LCAOGOTW. Form sanctuary states of our own, and show the left we won't go so easily. As much as the left has cornered the media market, I think Americans really are wise to that, and they will follow if they see people who will lead the way.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 3 years, 5 months ago
          I am hoping the arrests will happen Jan 7 and eliminate a lot of the aggravation, GITMO may be too good for the turds, maybe the idea of the Greenland camp isn't so bad, I would like to see Felony and Shumer and Shift Shit with icicles hanging off their little pecker faces.....
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