American Thinker Caves To Threats From Dominion (Fraudulent Election Systems)

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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"We received a lengthy letter from Dominion's defamation lawyers explaining why they believe that their client has been the victim of defamatory statements. Having considered the full import of the letter, we have agreed to their request that we publish the following statement:

American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error. "

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 4 months ago
    If this be the case and the fault doesn't lie within the machines, someone better start rounding up the traitors who tampered with our election in 7 states. This didn't happen in Texas and we didn't use the damn machines. We have stringent voting rules of identification. I had to show my passport and I have been voting right here for 48 years! I was a Precinct Judge and an elected City Official.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
      I think the owner of American Thinker did not have the assets to resist a legal attack from Dominion lawyers. He was forced to comply or be financially ruined.
      He published that letter as ordered by Dominion to save himself. Dominion dictated the text he had to publish.
      I still hope that Sidney Powell's lawsuits will expose the truth of Dominion's treason.

      I had to show my identification to vote, too. In Georgia. Those who voted in rural areas in person followed the law. In big cities- Buy-dem operators, the law was broken in numerous ways.
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