Libertarian Terrorists? - Ron Paul

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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No surprise to people in the Gulch, many who predicted exactly this crackdown by leftists if they cheated their way in to the White House and Senate majority.

"The Department of Homeland Security issued on Wednesday a nationwide terror alert lasting until April 30. The alert warns of potential terrorist attacks from Americans who are “ideologically motivated” and have “objections to the exercise of government authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives.”

The language used in this alert suggests that millions of Americans are potential terrorists. Second Amendment supporting, antiwar, anti-tax, anti-politics, anti-militarization, pro-life, and anti-Federal Reserve activists certainly have “objections to the exercise of government authority.” They are certainly viewed by the political class and its handmaidens in big tech and the mainstream media as ideological extremists. Anyone who gets his news from sources other than mainstream media or big tech, or who uses certain “unapproved” social media platforms, is considered to have had his grievances “fueled by false narratives.” For something to be considered a false narrative, it need only contradict the “official” narrative.

The "domestic terrorist” alert is the latest sign that activities on January 6 on Capitol Hill, like the attacks of September 11, 2001, are being used to advance a long-standing anti-liberty agenda. Legislation expanding the federal government’s authority to use its surveillance and other unconstitutional powers against “domestic terrorists” is likely to soon be considered by Congress. Just as the PATRIOT Act was written years before 2001, this legislation was written long before January 6. The bill’s proponents are simply taking advantage of the hysteria following the so-called insurrection to push the bill onto the congressional agenda.

Former CIA Director John Brennan recently singled out libertarians as among the people the government should go after. This is not the first time libertarians have been smeared. In 2009, a federally-funded fusion center identified people who supported my presidential campaign, my Campaign for Liberty, or certain Libertarian and Constitution parties candidates as potentially violent extremists.

The idea that libertarianism creates terrorists is absurd. Libertarians support the non-aggression principle, so they reject using force to advance their political goals. They rely instead on peaceful persuasion.

Libertarianism is being attacked because it does not support just reforming a few government policies. Instead, it presents a formidable intellectual challenge to the entire welfare-warfare state.

The ultimate goal of those pushing for a crackdown on “domestic terrorism” is to make people unwilling to even consider “radical” ideas — to make people so afraid of certain ideas that they refuse to even give those ideas a fair hearing.

Progressives who are tempted to support what is being promoted as a crackdown on right-wing violence should consider the history of government harassment of progressive movements and leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. What do they think a future right-wing authoritarian would do if given power to go after “ideological extremists”?

All Americans who cherish the Bill of Rights should come together to stop this latest crackdown on liberty. My Campaign for Liberty will be mobilizing Americans to stop passage of any domestic terrorism legislation, while my Institute for Peace and Prosperity and my Liberty Report will provide Americas with the most up-to-date information about the continuing attempts to smear those who speak the truth about government lies."
SOURCE URL: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2021/february/01/libertarian-terrorists/

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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 3 years, 4 months ago
    My wife wants me to tone down my rhetoric on FB since she has read that the thought police will be monitoring what is being posted there. It seems that the Zuck and other internet companies will be doing the same. The new administration is ignoring the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, All the EO's that B.is doing is government by fiat. I wonder if people like Ron Paul will be arrested first?
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  • Posted by Turfprint 3 years, 4 months ago
    "The lessons learnt in defeat are usually far more valuable than those learnt in victory.”
    In case people are reluctant to acknowledge it, we are in a civil war. The left has kicked the right's ass so far. I don't see any change in the immediate future. Particularly with swampy Republicans in Congress.
    BTW, I suspect the powers that be will start mining social media past for trouble makers. "What you said will be used against you"...new slogan for the word police.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 4 months ago
      Yeah, well when you consider that we on the right stick our ass-cheek right up there and paint a big sign on it that says "Kick Here," what do you expect? I agree: no change is coming. And they are laughing themselves crazy every time they think we aren't looking. And even when they know we are looking, they don't care.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years, 4 months ago
    The fact that we believe in the NAP has zero consideration. Apparently.
    I’m a radical Libertarian. Not only do I want to be left alone. And want you to do your own thing. My radicalism makes me REALLY want to be left alone. And I REALLY want you to do your own thing.
    And no alleged “open minded” leftist sees a problem with this characterization?
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  • Posted by dansail 3 years, 4 months ago
    I would like to see Justin Amash run. He could be formidable and even taken more seriously. His level-headed approach to politics did not cast him in a light of being an extremist (as if being Libertarian is an extremist view!).

    Most likely, during the next presidential election, once again the Libertarian Party will have to claw tooth-and-nail to even be put on the ballot, let alone be allowed in the same room with the debates.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 4 months ago
    Hello fellow Gulchers...
    I am sharing a letter that I wrote to my City Mayor and City Council. It regards the Homelessness Problem. I sent this letter two weeks ago. I have not heard back from them. I am likely now on a Watch List:
    Hello City of West Richland Mayor and Council Members –
    Perhaps you are aware of the Homeless Bum Invasion of cities on the Other Side of the mountains (images below from The Emerald City):
    . . . Embedded images of Seattle Bum camps . . .
    You can familiarize yourselves with documentaries from The Invasion:
    • “Olympia’s Decay” – We The Governed (Dec. 9, 2020): https://youtu.be/NmW-w9Xvo3A
    • “Olympia’s Decay Continues” – We The Governed (Jan. 20, 2021): https://youtu.be/LgnSaPTN-Lw
    • “Seattle is Dying – a KOMO News Documentary (March 19, 2019): https://youtu.be/bpAi70WWBlw
    • “The Fight for the Soul of Seattle – KOMO News (Dec. 13, 2020): https://youtu.be/WijoL3Hy_Bw
    If you watch these videos or are exposed to similar accounts, whether in video, audio or printed format, you will find that buried under the Homeless Problem, there is actually a Drug Problem. In short, many of the homeless are in their state of homelessness as a direct result of their chosen behavior. They choose to perpetuate a lifestyle of drug addiction. Their lifestyle can only continue so long as it is nourished – much like Cancer – Cancer can only survive as long as it is fed from a rich red blood supply. The cancer is competing with the healthy productive cells for the nutrients provided by the blood stream. The cancer must be cut out, either directly via surgery, or indirectly via radiation, chemo or some toxic mix of treatments. If the cancer is not removed, it will eventually kill the host. I am going to make the assumption that the survival of the host (productive cells) is of higher value than the parasitic cancer cells.
    With further cogitation, we can see that buried under the Drug Problem is a Political Problem. The State provides nourishment to the drug-addled homeless bums:
    • Overtly through welfare handouts (theft of income from producers which is then handed, with great flourish, to the parasites, while the bureaucrats take their cut).
    • Covertly by turning a blind eye toward the wreckage that the parasites inflict on the communities where they set up their camps like ticks on a dog.
    Bottom Line – the Politicians allow the cancer to move into the cities, then the Pols promote and feed the cancer via their conceit-driven redistributive social support structures.
    The City of West Richland has a Municipal Code (recently revised / adopted Nov. 17, 2020). The code is clear on what is not allowed within City boundaries in terms of trash, nuisances and disorderly behavior (homeless bum encampments):
    • Chapter 8.08 UNIFORM LITTER CONTROL CODE (codepublishing.com)
    • Chapter 8.16 NUISANCES (codepublishing.com)
    • Chapter 9.20 (codepublishing.com) – Misc. Crimes – Disorderly Persons / Any person found intoxicated from the use of illegal drugs, in any public place in the city.
    Which brings me to My Bottom Line. If I should see cancer (homeless bums) move into my town – whether that be in the city parks, along the roadways, or worse, close to private homes and businesses, I Will:
    1. Communicate my findings to the City Council.
    2. Start the Clock – The City Politicians will have One Week to Remove the Cancer.
    3. If the cancer is Not removed, I will take it upon myself to Remove the Cancer:
    a. I will not be working alone – I know like-minded individuals who will partake in surgically cutting out the cancer.
    b. I will make it abundantly clear that the cancer is not welcome in my city.
    c. I will physically cut out the cancer.
    Additionally, if any Antifa cockroaches or Burn-Loot-Murder thugs should choose to bring their destructive behavior to my city, they will similarly be treated like cancer. There are citizens in the City of West Richland that will not tolerate open-pit cesspools of human filth, the likes of which have metastasized within the formerly beautiful cities of Seattle, Olympia, Portland, San Francisco, et. al. We are tired of the tolerance meted out to the fetid garbage that choose to rampage through the cities and destroy private property as they exercise their envy-intoxicated rage against the Wealthy, the Achievers, the Successful, the Producers. Either the elected politicians will ensure that the filth is not tolerated, or the citizens will take up arms against the invading barbarian horde.

    Sent with the seriousness of Stage-4 Pancreatic Cancer,

    Signed / West Richland resident of 17 years, Tri-Citian of 30 years / Internationally Accomplished Mountaineer – Entrepreneur – Philanthropist – Mathematician – Engineer – Pilot – Libertarian – Objectivist
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 3 years, 4 months ago
    Concerning the "Welfare/Warfare" State: My neighbor's son, a freshly minted Lt. Commander in the Navy has been unexpectedly and immediately deployed. Damn it.
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