Corruption is cost-free in America (For the Perpetrators) because most of it is legal.

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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"There are three primary sources for the complete systemic corruption of America. One is the transition from civic responsibility for the social contract and the national interest to winner-take-most legalized looting.

This transition is visible in the history of empires in the final stage of collapse. The assumption underlying the social order slides from a shared duty to the nation and fellow citizens to an obsession with evading civic duties: military service, taxes, and following the rules are all avoided by insiders and elites, and this moral/social rot then corrupts the entire social order as elites and insiders lean ever more heavily on the remaining productive class to pay the taxes and provide the military muscle to defend their wealth.

That corruption is now everywhere in America is obvious to all but those adamantly blinded by denial. The JP Morgans pay fines as a cost of doing corrupt business, while "public servants" game the system to maximize their pensions with a variety of tricks: colluding to boost the overtime of the retiring insider; finding a quack physican to sign off on a fake "heart murmur" so the insider pays no taxes on their "disability" check, and so on in an endless parade of lies, scams, skims and insider tricks.

The excuse is always the same: everybody does it. This is of course the collapse not just of the social contract but of morality in general: anything goes and winners take most. Insiders look the other way lest their own skims and scams be contested, and elites and insiders view those who aren't skimming and scamming as chumps to be pitied.

The second dynamic is that financialization has completely corrupted the American economy, and that corruption has now spread to the political and social orders. Once the financial sector conquered the real economy, it began siphoning 95% of the economy's wealth to the top .01% and their toadies, lackeys, apologists, enforcers and technocrats.

As they hollowed out the real economy, distorted incentives and made moral hazard the guiding principle of the American way of life, the recipients of financialization's domination gained the wealth to buy political power from the pathetically corruptible political class."
SOURCE URL: http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2020/10/corruption-is-now-our-way-of-life.html

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  • Posted by GaryL 3 years, 7 months ago
    I find it very difficult to disagree with anything you said here FFA. I do see things a little differently and I bet you will agree. If you play by the rules you first have to decide which set of rules you want to play by. Theirs or the real ones? President Trump made a starkly valid point regarding the taxes he has paid. He says his accountants played by the rules Congress put in place and took advantage of all the loopholes all the other fat cats use when doing their own taxes, if they don't like the rules they put in place then they alone have the power to change them. Let's talk about rules while we are hot in the middle of a very important election. The left is changing them every way they can and that good old "Nuclear Option" that they put in place is coming back to bite them in the ass big time! Sadly "We Subjects" can't afford the price to play by "Their Rules". Then we have to figure out if it is the rules for democrats or the ones for republicans or is it the ones for the wealthy or the ones for the poor? What I know for sure in my heart is the good guys finish last and I am OK with that. Every day when I read the daily news and see who got caught it means nothing to me unless it is one of us good guys caught up in their nasty BS.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 7 months ago
      I went to Honduras about 15 years ago for 6 months to investigate investing in a resort there.
      (I decided not to do so.)
      One of the things that was different in Honduras compared to the US was government corruption.
      In the US, government corruption is only available to the very wealthy and they are the ones who get all the benefits while the majority of the middle class get no benefits and get to pay for the benefits they don't get.

      In Honduras they have what I call equal opportunity corruption. Anyone in the middle class can buy the benefits they really need and are not forced to pay for those they don't want. Yes, politicians still lie, cheat, and steal, in Honduras, but a modest amount of money can change the effects for many people, not only for the elite.
      I find the corruption in the US to be disgusting and treasonous.
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      • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 7 months ago
        Corruption in places like Honduras makes for interesting study. As you say it is very widespread, quasi-legal, and exists at low levels. I am told, think of it like a fee for a service. It is done via government but you do not pay government you pay the guy who performs the service, and I am told there are scales of charges. These are almost but not quite, published.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 3 years, 7 months ago
    There's at least one other excuse these days: Critical Race Theory, which says "whitey owes it to us because slavery once existed."

    This theory is so obviously BS you would think it isn't dangerous. But they're teaching it in grade schools now.
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