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  • Posted by XenokRoy 11 years, 9 months ago
    I personally think that entitlements can be connected to a whole slew of social failings in our society. While not the single cause I think they are a factor.

    Foremost among these is the loss of civility between our citizens. The thieves who refuse to identify themselves as such cannot avoid the knowledge that they are thieves. That knowledge that people are forcable having their property removed so that the thief can get a free ride causes the thief to become less civil to others whom he/she fears may call them on it and make them face the guilt of being a thief.

    the person who is the victim of some percentage of taxes that provide no value back to them, but only provide a value to the thieves to take advantage of the system feel resentment at being a victim of there fellow man and become less civil.

    This creates a vicious circle that results in more divorce, uncared for children, less interest in self and less ability to build society up since they have less strength of self.

    We could go into nearly any ailment society faces and demonstrate how Entitlements have added to the problem; or at the very least present a case for why the entitlement would promote the bad behavior and discourage a productive behavior.
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  • Posted by Nietzsche 11 years, 9 months ago
    Good essay. A nation of paupers is not where we want to go. I'm sure most readers in the Gulch have this link, but if not here it is:
    As our debt passes the $16 Trillions mark, I hope enough voters have enough of an incentive to get out to the polls and defeat the current administration.
    Then we need to hold those we elect accountable.
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