Coronavirus is the New ‘Terrorism’ - Another Irrational Excuse For More Government Power

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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"The strategic plan could eventually include Bill Gates' and Anthony Fauci’s suggestion that individuals receive “digital certificates” indicating they are vaccinated for or immune to coronavirus. A certificate would be required before an individual can go to work, to school, or even to the grocery store. The need to demonstrate vaccination for or immunity to coronavirus in order to resume normal life would cause many people to “voluntarily” receive a potentially dangerous coronavirus vaccine.

The coronavirus panic has given new life to the push for a unique patient identifier. The unique patient identifier was authorized in 1996, but appropriations bills since 1998 have contained a provision forbidding the federal government from developing and implementing the identifier. Unfortunately, two weeks ago, the House of Representatives voted to repeal the ban. The unique patient identifier would aid government efforts to track and vaccinate every American, as well as to infringe in other ways on liberty in the name of “health.”

Politicians and bureaucrats cannot eliminate a virus any more than they can eliminate terrorism. What they can do is use terrorism, a virus, and other real, exaggerated, or manufactured crises to expand their power at the expense of our liberty.

Politicians will never resist the temptation to use crises as excuses to gain more power. Therefore, it is up to those of us who know the truth to spread the message of liberty and grow the liberty movement, A strong liberty movement is the only thing that can force the politicians to stop stealing our liberty while promising phantom security from terrorists and viruses."
SOURCE URL: http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2020/august/10/coronavirus-is-the-new-terrorism/

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  • Posted by SilentScream 3 years, 10 months ago
    Thanks for sharing. I love Ron Paul and was out there holding signs, burning DVDs to pass out, knocking on doors in the neighborhood to get the word out (b/c the TV wouldn't) when he was running for president. Wasn't even too upset when he lost, just knowing that he woke a ton of younger people like me up and got them interested in politics & trying to make a difference. There was no way "they" were going to let someone who wanted to end the fed & go back to the gold standard be the president anyway.

    I hadn't thought about it this way "that the pandemic is the new terrorism", but it totally makes sense. It's exactly the same sort of power & money grabs and frantic scramble to get unconstitutional laws passed while everyone is panicked and distracted.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 3 years, 10 months ago
      It seems that terrorism is now even being promoted by our own "trusted" institutions! Our plight might now be about several things, each possibly more frightening than the next. We seem to be careening towards the tyrannical control by petty bureaucrats with powers derived from promoting fear throughout the population by complicit leaders. It seems to be focused on destroying our Constitutional protections and in the process, making us serfs in a new and more virulent feudal society, led by an elite cabal of the super wealthy (Bill Gates immediately comes to mind).

      It is also about controlling every aspect of our lives via a system much more powerful and technically advanced than anything that Aldous Huxley or George Orwell could ever have imagined. 5G and our Internet of Things (200 billion of these "smart" devices so far), all capable of spying on us including every aspect of our lives makes this point in time extremely troubling to anyone who values the freedoms that many have given their lives for.

      The "clowns" in charge even have us eagerly waiting for vaccines that are probably worse than the diseases they are designed to "protect" us from. Add electronic tags to these vaccines (something already proposed and being worked on) or mandate that we all get "chipped" and viola! We are the property of the state and there is no recourse for us. This is the reason that our judicial system is looking as corrupt as it does! Sounds like a great science fiction book doesn't it?! Unfortunately, it all is very close to coming true thanks to folks like Bill Gates, Fauci and our "well meaning" public officials including a good many in Congress who could care less about our freedoms. Look closely and you can easily see who the clowns are! Yes! Ron Paul is spot on correct and his warnings should be heeded!
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      • Posted by SilentScream 3 years, 10 months ago
        Have you seen the documentary "Who is Bill Gates?" Apparently it came out back in May but I only just found out about & watched it. Many of the same things you mentioned covered and it still looks like all gas & no brakes.

        Interview 1570 was shared by a friend which is what drew me to that site. Me & my bro are a little more prepped than most average joes, but we know that only gets you so far & preps or not, if the community falls apart we're all screwed. So that's been more on me & my brother's mind lately than keeping up with the Kurrenteventians. A little of that too (trying to steer clear of the fake news) just to not be clueless, but primarily trying to figure out "What can we ACTUALLY do, like in reality, to spark some kind of a change that helps wake people up to start breaking their chains?"

        We're in a small rural city out in the country surrounded by a lot of simple, largely overweight (& prescriptions to compenate for underlying issues), mostly "god-fearing" but also plenty of meth-monkeys too, & lottery playing folks. Generations of failed state-run schooling teaching group-think and how to give the answers that are expected rather than to think for yourself outside the box, all living generations dopamine-addicted to social media (even my elderly mom because it's for her "ministry" & "mentoring") and the escape from reality in a second life online or in games, generations of alcoholic fathers & moms, barefoot & pregnant, smoking a cig but "trying to cut back for the baby", and even the smarter, cooler folks that we've met around here fall victim to the usual traps. It seems like an almost hopeless & almost impossible task but in our conversations it feels like we're getting somewhere.

        "Trying" to change the world will always fail, yet still we DO change others around us in unexpected and un-predictable ways through our interactions, so there is at least that to work from towards maximizing the opportunities and value that we have to share. In what seems on the surface like a total contradiction to that, I finally deleted my FB a few days ago (he did a few months ago) to free up more time for more productive thought. I might have been able to share "better" news and views with everyone on my "friend list" & "get the word out" about some things, but it's like casting a message in a bottle out there and having it wind up in one of the floating islands of litter - just kind of a fruitless task and it's not really "keeping up with" family & friends. Everyone's just putting their best foot forward with hardly any good conversations to be found. Besides, I don't appreciate being spyed on OR censored/filtered.

        It would have to start small & grow grassroots. The movie theater is closed and it's not too expensive to get a projector online. We've had a few "bonfire and a movie" nights when the nieces & nephews came to visit, but we would probably want to wall in an area (with cameras & other anti-tresspassing measures) if we were going to have friends inviting friends to our yard for a more or less social-distancing movie night. We could even paint "graffiti allowed" on the wall, and maybe start a "cloud" of sorts with the movies, videos, and E-books that we or our friends feel are worth sharing/storing in the playable collection. If it's needed & wanted and we run out of room, oh well, but you can always start your own. It would be good to also have some sort of central organized website for our town listing work needed, services offered, and other such things so more folks could know what home or pro businesses we have around, be better able to buy more local, and more able to advertise. It would be good to have a more participant owned staffing agency/trade school too instead of getting raped by the temp agencies while getting raped by a soul-crushing factory job. No shortage of ideas, just trying to concentrate down to "where would be the best place to start"? (The path of least resistance)
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 10 months ago
      My pet theory is that the CCP let Covid-19 spread in a hope it would get Trump out of their hair either by losing his reelection of contracting the disease. .
      Whether it was preplanned or an accident given directions to spread, launching a biological attack upon the rest of the world is an act of war.
      Our response? Cut all ties, all trade.
      Nukes flying all over the place is out of the question--or what restrained both the USA and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 10 months ago
    "Vaccinated and Immune" If the vaccine is 100% safe (zero side effects or complications) and 100% effective with absolute immunity against all variants then why not? But that is Fantasy Land (and it is closed in Orlando the last time I looked). Government is "immune" (amazing how that works) from liability so my answer is NO. Buy more ammo.
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  • Posted by Spiderwilliams 3 years, 10 months ago
    When you see in print or on the air outright lies about covid data or people testing positive when no tests were given then challenge it. Copy and or send with links, dates etc to the source, local news, state wide media and national media and demand action and public response. Let them know your not letting go. Use their own data against them. CDC info and statistics for example shows that only 45 kids K-12 have died nation wide from covid. WHO lists TB as the #1 infectious disease in the world. TB killed 500,000 kids last year. Our average lifespan in America is 78. The majority of deaths from covid are people over that age. 63% of them are going to die within 12 months without covid. But in San Antonio this data is being broadcast to the public in the opposite direction. They distort the truth and data betting no one will bother to check it out. Their health dept, University Health has called people on a list to recieve free test kits after registering and are telling them they tested positive when no test was ever given. I'm following up on that and have names. They even lied about the first death on March 17th about a woman who died from alzheimers. They got caught and nothing happened. I'm following up, still on that one. I worked for over 4 years helping to expose the fake opioid crisis which media outlets began exposing last year finally. Reason was one of them. If I can do so can you. Just backtrack your facts, cross your T's and . your i's.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 10 months ago
    Oh, it won't be a bracelet, it will be an implanted chip, maybe inserted at the time the vaccine is given, with all your failing, such as conservative! They will kill people with the vaccine, and it will break down, leaving them to die from it anyway. They know only Tcell immunity, natural immunity is lasting, but they are fine with short sighted control. When Mike DeWine makes Ohioans prisoners to a Chinese mask, because stupid Dr. Amy said we need to be mroe like China, we are in big trouble, even the Republ. governors are not doigt hoework, but relying on stupid advisors who also are part of the mainstream. So they make us all criminals if we do not conform, sound like communism? Some are even denying water and power to those who disobey, which they should not be able to control. The rioters have more rights than taxpayers, and they answre to Soros.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 10 months ago
    As I've mentioned here in the past....I have been involved in governmental health care, pharmaceuticals and vaccines (especially) for about 15 years now. When you combine something like the Government Science Institute with government force and a vaccine industry that (unfortunately) has its safeguards removed starting back in 1986 you are looking at a very precarious situation. Everybody just keep your thinking caps on with these developments...
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 10 months ago
    I agree totally. A patient identifier selected by the government would be as accurate as the other things the government tries unsuccessfully to do- like the attempt to require approval from the government before you can hire someonoe.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 3 years, 10 months ago
      Yes, RFID tags under the skin and/or Nano markers in vaccines. There is a method to their madness for sure.
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      • Posted by term2 3 years, 10 months ago
        As long as the vaccine is safe, I dont agree it should be mandatory at all. If they made it mandatory to go anywhere, I would probably take it IF it was safe. It would be nice if it would work, but I am not about to test it !!!
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        • Posted by fosterj717 3 years, 10 months ago
          Unfortunately, that is what they are banking on! A compliant population that buys into the storyline is the real story. It also has little if anything to do with this supposed pandemic. Even with all the jimmying of the data and "statistics" they are hard pressed to demonstrate it is anything near they are portraying it as. Generate enough fear in the population, then you can do with them as you will! This is classic! The problem is that no one is really questioning it. Fauci hasn't gotten anything right yet and the Democrats are too busy building the narrative to detract from the president's strength. What can possibly go wrong here?! Truth be told, we are lemmings being led off of the cliff!
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