WAKE-UP, Donald! Your Malpracticing Doctors Are The Real Killers - David Stockman

Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago to Politics
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The mad doctor’s plot against you (and the American people) is being played out right in public by a camarilla of wanna be public health rulers and their compliant media megaphones, who presume to control all that moves and all that stands still in America.
But for crying out loud, where does this supercilious old geezer come up with “needless suffering and death” if American workers, students, shoppers and consumers are let out of house arrest?
Were not Friday’s catastrophic employment numbers a sufficient wake-up call?

So what Fauci and the Virus Patrol have decided to stop dead in the water is a badly crippled, hand-to-mouth economy in which the overwhelming share of households and small businesses have no material rainy day funds, no cash reserves and no balance sheet resilience.
In medical terms, the US economy has virtually no antibodies to fight back. Infect it with a massive, sudden loss of incomes and cash flow and you are virtually inviting a pandemic of cancelled orders, ballooning payables, missed rents, credit delinquencies and soaring defaults that will surely ravage America’s body economic in the weeks and months ahead.

Oh, yes, when and as Lockdown Nation is finally lifted, what lies in store is the next quasi-Orwellian phase of this madness—-massive testing, contact tracing, immunity passports and forced quarantine of the allegedly infected.
We can surely hope that human nature and pro-liberty lawyers from both the left and right will eventually secure from the courts a constitutional kabash on the Virus Patrols. But in the interim, the very economic foundation upon which American liberty and self- government rests is being imperiled like never before.
As we said at the beginning, WAKE-UP, Donald!

Your malpracticing doctors are plotting your and our demise.
SOURCE URL: https://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2020/05/wake-up-donald-your-malpracticing.html

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  • Posted by $ Commander 4 years ago
    I think in the long run the information and misinformation will shake out. The people of the world will make their respective choices on the comfort of their respective Congregationalisms or Tribalisms. The real battle is about ignorance versus manipulation, ignorance versus Corporatism and Profiteering.

    Of more concern for me; if or when The Fed calls the Note.
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  • Posted by Lucky 4 years ago
    When you have been diagnosed with a serious medical condition, seek a second opinion.
    Especially when the first expert has financial bias, and when there is more than one field such as economics as well as epidemiology, medicine, law, constitutionality and politics.

    A writer in The Spectator UK observes, epidemiology is more like economics than physics.

    A proper government leader will make sure to get a range of advice. Yes that enables a bit of picking and choosing, but that is the job. The buck stops with government not the advisors.

    Looks like Britain's Boris has fallen in the same trap as The Donald in this respect.
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    • Posted by 4 years ago
      Would you post that Spectator article as a topic here for the Gulch folks to read? ( I think you posted it as a comment earlier?)
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      • Posted by Lucky 4 years ago
        Yes, worth reading.

        The mantra.. 'government is being led by the science'
        in private ..an admission of ..an early belief that the science was more definitive than it actually is.
        . . accepting the expert advice too readily.
        .. .. they didn’t realise quickly enough that epidemiology was more like economics than physics: lots of variables, lots of assumptions, and no one right answer.

        Issues common to everywhere-
        Note the UK government made some appalling early decisions-
        they kept open borders, then pretended to close borders except for air traffic and refugees coming in by boat!
        they removed patients from hospitals to enable empty hospitals to be ready, but they weren't, those patients went to care or to home, fatality rate was high, hospitals remained fairly empty - not enough PPE equipment!
        they locked down the economy, hard, the usual petty restrictions which were ignored by the Imperial College modeller (etc) big scandal, (whose advice from fake models was followed by Trump (if no hard lockdown then deaths will be mega thousands)
        then they said borders will be closed in in two weeks time. ..
        treatment with HCQ was banned (but we don't know what Boris got)
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