Covid 19 Ain't Nuthin'

Posted by Herb7734 4 years, 1 month ago to History
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Most of you in The Gulch were born after the Cuban Missile Crisis. So, duck-and-cover beneath the school desk in the hope that it will save you from an atomic attack probably doesn't ring a bell.In fact, today it sounds pretty silly, right? However the Communist monster was a constant concern in 1963, it was a huge preoccupation with the public at the time. After Kennedy's assassination. Senior government officials knew that if enough sentiment was whipped up against the Russians , all hell might break loose. An atomic war could kill 40 million Americans an hour., said the Atomic Energy Commission. Makes the pandemic seem measly, doesn't it? It scared the bejeezus
out of President Johnson. Please notice the similarities between Russia of 1963 and China of 2020..
In order to divert attention from the possibility of Atomic War, , Newspaper writers and reporters were enlisted to divert attention. They knew how much this country loves conspiracy theories . It always has and always will.Members of the DIA and others knew this and took advantage of it.They found individuals who could make up stories. They promoted the Mafia theory, and I was as guilty as any , having written a magazine article promoting the Mafia idea myself. Bobby Kennedy helped with the diversion by going after organized crime very hard. Oswald and Ruby were known to have ties to the Mafia. Then there was Jim Garrison, a complete nutcase and a New Orleans district attorney who tried to frame a a local businessman in the conspiracy..Now, back to the future. While we trade with China, we must never forget they are our mortal enemy. They have as many A-bombs as Russia, most likely more, and more territory and more people, and in a major war in which nobody wins, they'll still have more space and more people. So, now, I ask you, why was a virus, apparently not much worse than the flu,
allowed to shut down the economies of the entire world? Then China fosters lies upon lies upon lies about it. What is it diverting us from?Don't think such drastic diversions as the
assassinations of Bobby Kennedy, and M.L. King would work today without causing as much horrors as an out and out war.But, a pandemic? Brilliant idea!

All Comments

  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years, 1 month ago
    Our govt is broken, the multitude of bureaucrats are eroding the fabric of this country. I still see secession one of the few options left along with the evaporation of the hostile media. They are helping in the fracturing of this country. Greed by the American Oligarchs must be stopped and it's tentacles physically cut off. Along with that the re-education of the medical establishment towards promoting healthy lifestyle for their patients.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 4 years, 1 month ago
    I remember well the Cuban Missile Crisis followed soon by the assassination of Kennedy. I would have been 8 in 1963. I was 9 when they removed silver from our coinage. Something was amiss.

    Suburbia Boston. I remember every day riding my bike down the streets to visit the McClellan's and watch the progress as he completely tore up his driveway and front yard, installed a bomb shelter and then put everything back, the lawn the paved driveway, the shrubbery. When done all you could see was an exhaust vent behind a bush.

    But more, I had one of the spiffiest bikes around. The ol' monkey bike with high handlebars and banana seat. Spiderman was new, and the Fantastic Four. Ah, the '60's.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    “The world should treat them for what they are, a bunch of thieves without morals or any care for their fellow man.“ This description sounds like the RiNO’s and most of the Dems , 90 % of the media and the Socialist leaders worldwide. The Bloodline deletes control all of these human scum. They are the target. The want a Technocracy. The reaction from countries Worldwide is a technocratic response. This is the Great Awakening and most of the sheep are yawning.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Me dino remembers exactly where I was. Dressed in shorts and a T-shirt at the end of a PE period outside, I was entering the Dothan High School gym (in Alabama) and seeing two coaches listening intently to a portable radio. Heard a male newscaster say Kennedy had been shot.
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  • Posted by $ brightwriter 4 years, 1 month ago
    The Powers That Be don't want to be caught with a true economic collapse obviously of their own doing. Taking a genuine but small health problem and magnifying it dramatically allows them to hide their guilt.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    The Animal Farm pigs on top of the Red Chinese commie ladder don't give a damn how their lavish life styles are paid for.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    In 1962, I was 13. Somehow I managed to miss all the scariness from the Cuban Missile Crisis and didn't hear of it until years later. I guess my parents did a good job of keeping me unawares. Surprisingly, our schools didn't have air raid drills, either. Not sure why.

    Of course, I was brought into the moment the very second the teacher's classroom phone rang and we heard that President Kennedy was in the hospital and "undergoing surgery." Of course he was dead immediately from the first shot, but I guess they didn't want people to know that just yet. I do remember that morning while getting ready for school and hearing he was coming to Dallas (not far from my home) thinking "I sure hope nobody does something stupid while he's in Texas." Not particularly prescient, just thinking things might not go very well. And of course, they didn't.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    This is the one thing (more than any other) that I hope we don't "forget" when things get better.

    We need to get ingestible items - especially drugs - out of the hands of those who have so generously provided us with melamine powder for our babies to drink, dog poison in case Rover isn't quite up to snuff, farm-raised tilapia and cod, and garlic grown in human feces. That's just the beginning of the list!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Me dino says do no more business with Red China. Period!
    Most especially move our entire pharmaceutical industry back. Allowing commie scum to control 95% of that is sheer madness.
    I'd look into prosecuting those responsible for that. Believe I heard a couple of names come up somewhere such as Bush and Obama. Bet some other Deep State curs pocketed some big time moolah.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 1 month ago
    Me dino was 15 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was a lot more scarier than the current pandemic or any other I recall.
    Locked into my memory is my girlfriend at the time being all wide-eyed during a recess as we stood with other kids all grim and expressing a grave concern over being nuked.
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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 1 month ago
    I think this was engineered by the chinese government as part of their china 2025 plan. we need to stop buying from china as soon as possible Our prices will go up and our economy will shrink, but its better than having china take us overe
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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Its absolutely shocking that despite the lack of wave here, the Governor still has things shut down until at least May. Hospitals are ghost towns and have laid off many of their physicians and nurses for the time being. And all for a non-existent threat...
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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    And put on our favorite band's record on the phonograph. Nothing like great music to relieve stress. (Uh, well, there is one other thing.)
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  • Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Would you kindly inform the media of that information. It apparently got lost in translation from English to English.
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  • Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    DITTO on girls. We old farts were once red-blooded American teen age boys. Erectile tissue was as common as tree pollen. I recall the three of us, mom, pop, son gathered around the beautiful Zenith console radio with AM and a dozen shortwave bands and all the household lights off during the air raid tests. We even taped a hankie over the Zenith glowing "magic eye."
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  • Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Trump is human after all. I was worried that he had feet of clay and that his infallibility would be revealed as fallible eventually.
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  • Posted by 4 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    The Olympic committee should take the games away from China in 2021 and give them to Italy in 2022 in order for them to have time to prepare for them. Those slimy bastards caused 90% more deaths than were neccessary. The world should treat them for what they are, a bunch of thieves without morals or any care for their fellow man.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 1 month ago
    I remember.
    Every time the air raid sirens went off, fear struck our hearts and we'd duck into the woods, looking to the skies but generally, all it took was distant bad thunder storm in the middle of the night, awakened suddenly, to bring a vision of the destruction of NYC to mind.

    The administration, Knowing what the left's ruse is, has decided to play along, all the while going after high value targets in the child sex slavery trade, the drug trade and getting ready for modern day Nuremberg Trials against the Treasonous left.

    That's the scoop from Q, anyway. Only time will tell...

    Those days in the late 50s and 60s is what caused me to worry about the survival of mankind...we all, at the time, were looking forward to flying cars and space travel, we so anxiously, awaited that future...I didn't want to see it all end,.. even then,...I knew something wasn't quite right, but payed it no mind cause what did occupy my mind at the time was,...GIRLS!
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