Covid 19 Ain't Nuthin'

Posted by Herb7734 4 years, 1 month ago to History
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Most of you in The Gulch were born after the Cuban Missile Crisis. So, duck-and-cover beneath the school desk in the hope that it will save you from an atomic attack probably doesn't ring a bell.In fact, today it sounds pretty silly, right? However the Communist monster was a constant concern in 1963, it was a huge preoccupation with the public at the time. After Kennedy's assassination. Senior government officials knew that if enough sentiment was whipped up against the Russians , all hell might break loose. An atomic war could kill 40 million Americans an hour., said the Atomic Energy Commission. Makes the pandemic seem measly, doesn't it? It scared the bejeezus
out of President Johnson. Please notice the similarities between Russia of 1963 and China of 2020..
In order to divert attention from the possibility of Atomic War, , Newspaper writers and reporters were enlisted to divert attention. They knew how much this country loves conspiracy theories . It always has and always will.Members of the DIA and others knew this and took advantage of it.They found individuals who could make up stories. They promoted the Mafia theory, and I was as guilty as any , having written a magazine article promoting the Mafia idea myself. Bobby Kennedy helped with the diversion by going after organized crime very hard. Oswald and Ruby were known to have ties to the Mafia. Then there was Jim Garrison, a complete nutcase and a New Orleans district attorney who tried to frame a a local businessman in the conspiracy..Now, back to the future. While we trade with China, we must never forget they are our mortal enemy. They have as many A-bombs as Russia, most likely more, and more territory and more people, and in a major war in which nobody wins, they'll still have more space and more people. So, now, I ask you, why was a virus, apparently not much worse than the flu,
allowed to shut down the economies of the entire world? Then China fosters lies upon lies upon lies about it. What is it diverting us from?Don't think such drastic diversions as the
assassinations of Bobby Kennedy, and M.L. King would work today without causing as much horrors as an out and out war.But, a pandemic? Brilliant idea!

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