Impeachment (paperwork) Arrives in the Senate

Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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HOUSE DEMOCRATS formally triggered the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump early Wednesday evening with a solemn ceremony and procession steeped in tradition that transmitted across the Capitol the two articles of impeachment finalized only minutes before.

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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 4 months ago
    I dont even want to know what is going on. They either impeach and toss him out of office, or they dont. Lets see what happens. In the meantime, the news organizations are going nuts whipping us one way and the other in order to make money for themselves
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  • Posted by sgijantopaeth 4 years, 4 months ago
    Is anyone else worried about how certifiably insane these powerful people are? I am concerned that no one on the left has any concept of reality. Crazy people are dangerous people.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 4 months ago
      I don't know. The thing that bothers me is that I see people who I consider to be otherwise perfectly sane (in the populace, friends of mine who I normally consider to be reasonable people) jumping right on the bandwagon and they don't see a thing wrong with what happened. In fact, they think it's a good thing. What do they know that is completely invisible to me?
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  • Posted by $ servo75 4 years, 4 months ago
    I've honestly gone numb to this type of stuff. Acquittal is as foregone a conclusion as the impeachment itself, but in the larger picture, I'm tired of viewing conservative news shows and podcasts and you have a bunch of people like here just making fun of the left and their actions, picking the nice ripe low-hanging fruit, but no one's doing anything about it. The polls still show 51% of Americans favor impeachment. I think the right ought to start waking up. The Congressional Democrats are only the short-term problem, only the symptom. The entire country is diseased and will the Republicans be able to retake the House in spite of this? The dominance of the left in Academia, in the news media, social media companies, fraudulent voting, and any prominent conservative running for office still brings knives to gunfights. I'm tired of just saying things like, "Those stupid Dems are just costing themselves the House and making it easier for Trump to win." Are they? Are they really?
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  • Posted by exceller 4 years, 4 months ago
    "“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California held an "engrossment ceremony" in the wood-paneled Rayburn Room, where she signed the resolution adopted just several hours prior that appoints the managers who will prosecute the case against Trump, funds the trial and sends the articles to the Senate.
    "Today, we will make history. I will sign the resolution, transmitting the articles of impeachment to the Senate which will be delivered by our managers. When they bring this over, we'll set in motion a process on the Senate side," Pelosi said, adding that Trump's impeachment means "that this president will be held accountable."

    Accountable for what you miserable old skeleton? But the Dems will not be held accountbale for FISA; or the FBI and CIA shenanigans under Hussein, right?

    He was and is the one above the law, and the hag Clinton. Comey said that anyone else would be sitting in jail. How much more can be said about guilt?

    BTW, Piglosi, your glee that Trump is "impeached forever" is a lie (I know you are incapable of telling the truth): he was impeached in your partisan House, not in the Senate. You can't even wait until the Senate process concludes. Was Clinton impeached forever?

    Having said that, why is there even going to be a trial if the two articles of impeachment are not a crime? What happened to McConnell's chest pounding that the entire matter will be dismissed up front? I’m hearing they’re gong to call witnesses etc. but if the impeachment is unconstitutional and there are no crimes then why are they having a trial? If President Trump has the right to investigate corruption before he hands over billions of dollars of aid, there is no way that he obstructed justice because the Democrats have no crime. If Republicans don’t see any crimes because the president has the right to establish foreign-policy, then the impeachment should be dismissed.
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  • Posted by NealS 4 years, 4 months ago
    Those pens they handed out will become real collector items representing a party that actually committed treason and (so far) has gotten away with it. I view everything they've done so far as against the Constitution, the law, and the human justice. Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence? To be charged with murder, isn't a body required, or at least the name of one? How can anyone defend themselves when they aren't even told the what the crime is?

    It is so opposite from the way criminal charges are expresseed against a Dem and then just passed over. They are doing their best to destroy this country, and our adversaries have got to be laughing their asses off. Even our "friends" have got to be laughing behind our backs.

    The election coming up in November will determine the survival, honesty, and integrity of the people that voted these treasonists into office. And I'm talking about the election for the congressmen even more so than the Presidency. This is where the effort need to be put, talking to the (politically ignorant) people that vote these blind haters into office over and over again.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 4 months ago
    She called it a "solemn" ceremony even though she was gleeful during the entire thing. Not only that, but did you see the huge pile of gold pens she went through - souvenirs?

    What a complete joke. No wonder America has tuned out. Can't wait for the elections when Trump trounces whichever remaining idiot the Dems finally put up against him. What would be awesome is if the Dems lose the House as well, though that's a taller hurdle.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 4 months ago
      The Dems losing the House would make sure that this doesn't happen again. Otherwise I fear, this impeachment is just the first in four more years of the same. There's clearly no moral hurdle; they don't have to actually find something that he did appears that parting his hair or wearing the wrong-colored tie will work just fine for them to impeach again. They can do this over and over and over again, if they so choose, and some of them have indicated a desire to do just that.
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