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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 10 months ago
    Republican party is very compromised and collectivised. Too bad actually. Its not as bad as the Dems, but not much better.

    Fox has deteriorted a lot in the last year also. They are spending a lot of airtime pandering to leftist pundits- to the point I dont watch or listen to it nearly as much as I used to. I dont listen or watch ANY of the other MSM outlets.

    This leaves me with YouTube people that I like.
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 10 months ago
      I find that about half of those with an (R) next to their name are pretty wishy-washy. Then there is the other half normally associated with the Freedom Caucus who are your more traditional Conservative Republicans. The problem is that if you're just counting D's and R's you get a warped sense of who actually has power. There are only a few moderate Democrats and those from swing states. Most Dems are just simply socialists.

      Fox changed hands and its new management is not the friendly Fox people got used to watching. That's why they lost shows like Glenn Beck and others. I'll be surprised if Hannity doesn't jump ship here shortly and when he does Fox is going to be in big trouble.

      I'd be careful about YouTube. Their pandering and ideology are well known and communist in nature. They've been blocking and defunding many sites normally friendly to traditional thinkers. I'm looking forward to a new site being built by Jordan Peterson which promises not to block content as YouTube has.
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      • Posted by term2 4 years, 10 months ago
        I have heard of the defunding thing, so I am sure there is LESS of what I would want to watch on YouTube. Its owned by Google, so that says it all. I watch Jordan Peterson, Pat Det-David, Levin, some Ben Shapiro (when he doesnt have tons of ads), Dinesh D'Souza, and Candace Owen. Other than that, I use YouTube for some history based videos, and some travel based Vlogs.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 4 years, 10 months ago
    The Tea Party movement's major weakness is that nobody owned its name, and thus there was no way to prevent takeover by phonies (primarily Republican politicians who had no real intentions to reduce the size, scope, or power of government).

    Trump doesn't either. That he is nevertheless the "last, best hope" for many (most?) people on this site, in my view means that unless a miracle occurs, in the medium term we are losing.
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 10 months ago
      And if you look, most of those terms/organizations have actually been purchased by Democrats...

      As to winning/losing, Trump is just forestalling the inevitable. Without serious reform to our nation's spending priorities, our debt is going to cripple us and send us into an economic black hole which will make the Great Depression look like a minor dip in the road. And I just don't see Congress being willing to make those changes. And we're still woefully short for an Article V Convention of States to do it in spite of the politicians...
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      • Posted by $ jdg 4 years, 10 months ago
        Agreed on all points. And that means in the short run that the country is going to look very much like in Atlas Shrugged -- but does not by any means imply that "John Galt" will win. More likely either we become a typical 20th-century banana republic, and if there's any economic recovery it happens elsewhere in the world -- or more likely, some nasty power-seeking group such as Red China or Iran moves into that power vacuum and winds up the dominant power in the world, and then makes it impossible for the rest of the world to have modern economies.

        It may well be that the only possible way to avoid these outcomes is to start a nuclear war. I would vote to do it, bue I expect most of the population would not, at least until it is far too late for it to work.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 4 years, 10 months ago
    Well, I don't have all that much time allowed on these machines in the library, so I didn't read the whole thing, but I found most of it (I did read most of it) encouraging. I don't think it's dead.
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  • Posted by shaifferg 4 years, 10 months ago
    TEA party members that are not yet dead should (if they haven't already) look at the Convention of States movement. Many of their objective are similar. And COS could use the help and support.
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 10 months ago
      Agreed. I don't think we will get the systemic changes needed by our system through the hyper-partisan and irrational body currently occupying Congress. It's never easy to change the system from within.
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  • Posted by exceller 4 years, 10 months ago
    The Tea Party is a legitimate voice of normal Americans.

    Hussein advertised it a "frightening" movement, because it did not buy his crap of "hope and change".
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 4 years, 10 months ago
    I had joined the Tea Party some time ago, prior to Trump. When the primaries occurred the 'tea party conservative's had a serious degree of in fighting where manufactured lies and images were thrown around like candy.Those following Trump were as rabid and fallacious as the left in their propaganda, so much so that when I pointed out the blatant lies and explained how they were hurting conservatism the censured me. When they turned on Cruz they were relentless and their antic were disgusting, Trump did not help. The 'tea party' as it was founded is dead and, if its not quite dead, it certainly isn't anything conservative at its core.

    Common folk may still have the principles of conservatism but as a group, as a political force, they are as fake as the craven Boston Tea Party myth.
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 10 months ago
      And much of that was orchestrated by the Democrats. If you look at nearly any remaining "Tea Party" entity, at its heart you will find Democrats. Like you, I am still a Tea Party idealist at heart but I refuse to join any of the official entities because of the perversion they have become.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 10 months ago
      I used to be quite active in the Tea Party here in FL.
      But I remember the Cruz/Trump "fights".

      I was ALWAYS Pro Trump. So a couple of gals there ASKED REASONABLY to have an honest conversation...

      I explained: I would rather see Trump blow the world up, than support Cruz, BOTH because he has ties to the big banks, which are part of the deep state.
      And Also I don't like the way he talks DOWN to me. He feels he is better than people, was my take.

      They explained that Trump had ZERO qualifications, and that Cruz had tons... And in doctors terms, said "If you needed heart surgery, and your choice was someone with lots of experience doing heart surgery (Cruz), or Trump who never did heart surgery before... Which would you choose?"

      I laughed and said: "If I have to listen to them talk to me EVERY DAY For the next 4 years... TRUMP! Because he talks like me. I would shoot myself listening to Cruz." BUT, if I would not hear from either of them, then Cruz is the better choice (for the surgery)... But that's NOT what's on the table. Trump will be hard to beat, because he WONT play by the rules. I am tired of plugging my nose and voting conservative! I REFUSED to vote for McCain and Bush!

      But it was a good dialogue. They Ultimately asked if I would support Cruz if Trump was out. I explained I liked Rand Paul better, but would support Cruz if he beat out Trump. Cruz wans't a "bad" choice. He was just not as good of a choice (for me) as Trump obviously was.

      The media has DEFAMED the TeaParty something fierce. I had people I was talking to at a bar and they asked how I stayed so connected, I told them I was with the TeaParty, and they literally balked "They have such a bad rap!"... NO! The media gave them a bad wrap! If one Tea Party person sneezes, it's headlines. But the left leaves $3 Million dollars worth of cleanup after an event... And they don't even report it!

      The damage to our country is really deep. I view Trump as the Last hope. And I TRULY Believe he knows:
      - We must take away the LEVERAGE of the Deep State
      - We must gain access to their black mail
      - We must use it to REMOVE THEM from power
      - We must pass laws making it so that flippers and whistle blowers are truly protected to prevent this again...

      But Crowder did and Interview with Alex Jones... These people get into power, then setup Billionaires. And get an ever lasting funding source!

      Once Clinton was knee deep into the rituals, he might as well go full fore... What's the difference between 5 and 50 lewd acts with a minor?
      Finally Cernovich asked the right question... Why did they NOT use the full extend of the charges in order to RAID all of Epsteins properties at the same time?
      Because it already looks like CLEANUP started the instant he was arrested... Evidence is lost!
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 10 months ago
      Keep believing this if it helps you.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 4 years, 10 months ago
        I don't have to 'believe' anything I witnessed it first hand, got muted several times and temp banned once before leaving - all for trying to keep the discourse honest and respectful.

        The Boston Tea Party was a cowardly act where businessmen dressed like natives to avoid retribution for their actions. Those businessmen were protecting their profit from being undersold by the British Tea even with the tax on it. The Boston Massacre isn't what most think it was either. Theater at best.
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