The Dayton shooter........

Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 10 months ago to News
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Well well the kettle is calling the pot black.

This all leaves very little question about who Betts really was. He was absolutely a far leftist. He was not a white supremacist and hated religious people. He repeated antifa, as well as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talking points on his social media. He was a global warming enthusiast and an avowed socialist. Every piece of evidence we have points to his radicalization coming via the left, not the right.

All Comments

  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Introduction and approach, I guess, makes the difference. Mankind at one point had those strange voices. Where they his own?,.. abet, with no connections from the left to the right brains or was it really a voice at all.
    As Jaynes explains, mankind at one point, was schizophrenic in nature...until the voice went away and we (some of us) re-awakened to the voice of self.

    But again, to your point, I think a rational, fully integrated man may have the same questions but approach the problem differently.
    Many scientist, investigating their chosen subjects think that there is no way all that we see and think we know already could not have come to be all by itself nor just randomly happen where everything just falls into place...there must be causation but unlike Religion, (organization of some information), the scientist will continue to look for causation without developing rituals in it's honor but still appreciate one's own existence and whatever cause might be responsible in the big picture without the need to humanize it.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 4 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Does not the same apply for many of other such beliefs. I, recently met an otherwise intelligent woman who had a PHD in psychology who finding that I was an atheist, just the kind without a belief in the existence of a god for never finding any evidence and no atheism theory as to why a non existent should be considered existent other than not finding any evidence of existence, related that when younger she was agnostic, but later in life had some religious experience of a christian god and now is a practicing christian counselor. She seems not to be aware of how the bicameral brain works and does not question how her speaking in tongues may a mental problem. She had advise for me on where to read the bible that would convince me of the existence of a god. She is local to my village and writes mystery novels. So I tried one and found that it was just childlike religious solutions of the characters for those irrational questions about the meaning of it all. No real rational thought with introspection. I should have had a hint with the book in the library's religious collection which is kept away from the other stacks.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 4 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    This has gotten past the point of "dumba$$ed Californians. .Russia and North Korea would look at this with a skeptical eye. If indeed they could understand the language to begin with.
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  • Posted by 4 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Thanks bobsprinkle ,
    From the article......But here's how California public schools want to define capitalism:

    Capitalism- an economic and political system in which industry and trade are based on a “free market” and largely controlled by private companies instead of the government. Within Ethnic Studies, scholars are often very critical of the system of capitalism as research has shown that Native people and people of color are disproportionately exploited within the system. In a capitalist economy, surplus value (profit) is generated from human labor and everything is commodified.
    Well, so much for prosperity! Let's just return to big government command-and-control economies. That worked out so well for the Soviet Union, right?

    But it gets better, and, by "better," I mean so much worse. Ethnic Studies would also oppose anthropocentrism.

    Anthropocentrism- the belief that human beings are the most important entity or species in the universe or human-centeredness.
    So, the fact that only human beings have developed civilization, advanced technology, culture, art, history ... that's all irrelevant. No, humans are inherently oppressive if we don't take into consideration the rights of animals, or something. Note: this is not saying humans should treat animals nicely — it is saying that the idea of humans as unique and uniquely deserving of rights is fundamentally bigoted and oppressive.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I think their religion, politics, laws, rituals and Language prevent them from viewing their own behavior, "self introspection" which defines consciousness and without consciousness, one would have no conscience.
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  • Posted by 4 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The kids dad it has been reported was a follower and trained by “John of god” the sick human trafficker Rapist that Oprah promoted.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 9 months ago
    Our young people have been brainwashed and radicalized by our gov Schools. They have learned to take "talking points" without evaluating content. They become angry when real life does not become what they had been told. They have been fed Rx meds to control them in school. They have been gender rearranged, and taught killing is okay, starting with abortion, and ending with call of violence from Hollywood and Congressional radicals. This kid had a therapist for a dad, lor knows what he was on. Gun are not the issue, but screwed up young people are very much the issue, and the NEA and others should be held accountable.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 4 years, 9 months ago
    Has anyone investigated his family relationships? Among other people he shot and killed his own sister. Do you think maybe she was the prime target, and all the rest of this was a cover for that?
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  • Posted by TheRogue1000 4 years, 9 months ago
    There will ALWAYS be nut cases. That will not be handled or corrected at any near time in the future. These nut cases will come from many walks of life. And had more folks been armed, the shooter would have been dispatched far earlier. In truth, the number of dead in TEXAS quite amazed me. No one was carrying???
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    What's sad about Islam is that Muhammad had good intentions about revealing a loving, caring deity to the pagan Arab population. Deconstructing the randomly assembled Koran into a consistent temporal sequence, we find the prophet's early statements to be aligned with the kind of direction toward compassion toward others found in the Christian New Testament. After he approached the Jewish hierarchy, and was mocked and rebuffed, he became increasingly bitter, reflected in the later passages, which reflect anger and violence, particularly toward Jews.

    The worst offenses against compassionate human behavior come not from the Koran, but from the Hadiths, which are supposedly based on informal conversations with the Prophet. Some reformist Muslim scholars think the Hadiths were assembled to win over those Arabs who wanted to cling to some of their pagan practices, and should be regarded as less binding than the Koran to the faithful.

    To cling blindly to religious texts, or the interpretations expressed by rigid ideologues is unworthy of a species with a mind as capable of rational thought as we are. Righteously spouting scripture, or political statements based on it, is a weakness, when we are fully capable of deciding what is right and wrong when we consider all aspects of a situation. That is not a support of conditional morality that progressives are so fond of, but of the human mind to recognize all aspects of a situation without reliance on racial, cultural, or religious differences. Omar is very guilty of using her religious upbringing, with all of the antisemitism inherent to justify her defiant, abusive behavior. White supremacists are very fond of selecting biblical statements as justification for their violent behavior as well. Both of those tendencies are definitely pathological.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Alcohol and drug usage is genetic, the bad behavior is usually a result of that usage but not in all people. Both change the brain chemistry because it was pleasurable to do so.

    Sure, some use alcohol and drugs to cover for some deep hurt but again, it was one's genetic pronality that made it an acceptable option.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 9 months ago in reply to this comment.
    It's got to be genetic Doc.
    I can definitely say that a psychopath and a Sociopath have a dysfunction that prevents the left and right brain from cooperating. They usually use only one side or the other.
    My insight is that one needs the cooperation of both sides in order to have a conscience.

    Sociopaths may be a bit different in the aspect of brain wiring where pleasure is derived by harming others regardless of whether they are aware of right or wrong, good or evil. They may only have a weak or sporadic connection but a psychopath has none.

    Also, Narcissism is always present in a sociopath whereas it is not always present with psychopaths.
    The commonality is a lack of empathy...putting themselves in the shoes of others.

    Both however, suffer from a lack of identity, the "I" or the Mind and often make one up. Freud called it the Superego...he didn't know about the Mind, he only studied the mentally ill.

    PS...I am beginning to wonder if Omar is a sociopath aided by a religion that makes it acceptable.
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  • Posted by 4 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Tack Min vattenbror,
    Got your digital pony express and one from Herb7734. For all who interacted with Herb , a tremendous asset and participant on this Galt’s gulch he is doing better after a few difficult health issues. Sadly, his posting days will be limited in the future. Send well wishes in a Private Message.
    He will get it , but he may not respond.
    Shalom to Q
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I think, in a human interaction instance, we can define good and evil but where natural events are concerned it's not that easy.

    I break down the acts of evil by humans as a lack of conscience...and I don't think it's a choice. We Can't fix it, we have politically looked the other way instead of really studying the issue in a logical way.

    I will be happy to check out your post, thanks for the heads up, Doc.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    OUC, check my post about genetic sociopaths, posted a couple of hours before your post. We have difficulty engaging with someone for whom there is no good or evil, but simply whether something does or does not please them. Serial killers are of this ilk, viewing their acts of horror as simply entertainment, and their victims as objects used for their pleasure.

    The answer is that "good" and "evil" are learned value judgements. Genocide has been portrayed as a truly evil act, but in the view of the ones committing the genocidal acts they often feel they're protecting themselves and others of their kind from racial impurity, revenge, social destruction, or some other such justification, and see it as a necessary thing, good for their group.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Unless you've been exposed to a real sociopath, particularly one who has shown not one moment of compassion, and enjoyed the suffering of others consistently since birth, you have no basis on which to dismiss a genetic cause. My brother is a narcissistic jerk, but I consider that due to the fact he couldn't cope with all of the relocations we had as children, while I could. My cousin was not relocated, growing up in a quiet small town. His behavior was unsettling, because he was not consistently in trouble. He appeared to view other people as objects to be ignored or brutalized for his entertainment. It was that abstract, disconnected lack of empathy that characterizes a real sociopath. The only time he showed rage was when someone stopped him from tormenting animals or other humans, denying him his entertainment.

    For the sociopath, whether genetically predisposed, or created by the abuse of others, there is no good or evil. Their value system is based on what pleases or displeases them. There are some sociopaths who are less dangerous, getting their pleasure out of tormenting others with mental or emotional abuse, but empathy is totally lacking. They consider themselves more intelligent than their victims, and disregard the idea they themselves could be victims. One such person I asked about the concept of becoming a victim just shrugged, and said "If it happens, it happens."

    I'd be curious to see what OldUglyCarl has to say about sociopaths, given his close encounters with the breed over many years.
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  • Posted by 4 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Thanks for the story DrZ,
    The Evil Hag was predisposed to evil. I would think she abused animals early in life. Likely much to the pleasure of her gangster father.
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