Global Ocean Circulation Appears To Be Collapsing Due To A Warming Planet

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 10 months ago to Science
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This is what a Japanese scientist modeled back in the 90's when he got access to a supercomputer, and he developed a theory specifically that incorporates this and says you got from warming to Ice Ages quickly when the "conveyor" breaks, as the warm water is what keeps Britain and Northern Europe somewhat temperate. His theory was really reflective of what they are describing here, the fresh water changes the density of the ocean and blocks the downward movement and cooling of water. I am trying to find hid original presentation, as he suggested that this is cyclical and normal for our planet.

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  • Posted by philosophercat 6 years, 10 months ago
    The models as should have been expected are wrong in their assumptions.
    1. They under estimated the dry land forest cover by over 40-47% (Science May 12 2017)
    2. They underestimated the rate of take up of CO2 by trees by some 20%
    3. They had no actual estimate of the quantity of water locked up in glacial ice because of the lack of data on surface coverage and depth of glaciers.
    So the estimate of sea level rise is 0.73 m in 10,000 years if all the ice melts.
    Thus warmer is good as the ice melts it is replaced by trees and we will have two hay crop harvests in Maine instead of one and our trees will annually add .6 cords per acre instead of .43 cords per acre. CO2 is good as wood!
    The assumptions about nature in the models have all been shown to be inaccurate and most of all the models do not properly reflect the non-equilibrium thermodynamic nature of the biosphere.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
      That is where there is the one issue of ocean acidification. That may be an issue that does need addressing.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 10 months ago
        Please inquire into what acidification means. The oceans are a little over PH 8 which is alkaline not acidic. The PH must get below neutral at PH 7 before one can even talk about acidification of the oceans. They may be getting a bit less alkaline but not a bit acidic.
        Please note in the article that the graph showing the cold spot in the Atlantic, that the Fahrenheit temperatures are the trend over about 100 years and just show that the temperatures there have been steady for the last century or so. They do not show a cold spot, though being north, it should be colder than the tropics.

        So you have a layer of cool less dense water over a dense warmer water which loses heat to the cool top layer and gets denser and sinks keeping the current moving?
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
          There is also an issue of salinity, which the cooler water is denser, that is where the trouble starts, normally you would have warm, salty water, but the lighter water from runoff covers it, and so it starts cooling earlier, dropping deeper. The system works on a specific area acting like a funnel, and as the warm salty water cools, it sinks and gets into a southward motion (taking years to get back to where it was in the south. It also brings nutrients along, then starts heating,, starting an up welling to the surface. One reason for things like Sargasso, and large fish herds in the gulf, as the nutrient rich water flows back north . The acidification is a know issue, causing coral reef die offs and bleaching, along with temperature increases. I am not an expert on acidification but here is a wiki article, see what you think:

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          • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 10 months ago
            Hi Nickursis,
            This is more important for the oceans.
            "Fukushima has contaminated the entire Pacific Ocean in just five years. This could easily be the worst environmental disaster in human history and it is almost never talked about by politicians, establishment scientists, or the news. It is interesting to note that TEPCO is a subsidiary partner with General Electric (also known as GE), one of the largest companies in the world, which has considerable control over numerous news corporations and politicians alike. Could this possibly explain the lack of news coverage Fukushima has received in the last five years? There is also evidence that GE knew about the poor condition of the Fukushima reactors for decades and did nothing. This led 1,400 Japanese citizens to sue GE for their role in the Fukushima nuclear disaster."
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  • Posted by jhagen 6 years, 10 months ago
    A model is only as good as the program. And every climate model leaves out at least one butterfly's wing.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 10 months ago
      Also, concepts, language, and even models cannot be reified, i.e., are not any more than mental existents and not physical existents. They are ways of describing objective reality and nothing more. Models are nothing more than hypotheses about some aspects of objective reality and reality must be observed to see whether the models might describe reality correctly.
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    • Posted by peterchunt 6 years, 10 months ago
      Glad this administration is now using the phrase “extreme weather” instead of climate change.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
        I do think there is some form of climate change, there is almost always some form in progress. To think we can stop it is pretty arrogant, at best the entire population could slow it down, just ask why there is no efforts at controlling it beyond slamming regulations and fees and money at it, if it was such a threat.-Their whole treaty was a bogus pile of steaming dung, as it allowed the 2 worst offenders to continue until 2030, and then they could decide to join, or not. If it is a crisis, all hands on deck, or shut up.
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  • Posted by dutchmanii 6 years, 10 months ago
    Everyone overlooks the fact that in the last 10 years undersea volcanic action has created 11 known islands observable above the surface. How many are below the surface? Don't you think that these currents would be altered a bit in some way from these actions. All these observations mentioned here are not caused by man..
    There you go, l think about that for a few minutes.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
      dutchmanii, I spent 20 years in submarines under water patrols, and I had an oceanographic installation specifically for gathering boatloads of data like temp, salinity, conductivity, etc. We never saw any specific changes to any ocean areas broadly, that we could relate to any volcanic activity, although we had several in the North Pacific. We are talking here about huge global bands of differentiated seawater, taking warm water from the south at the equator, and going north to the sub arctic. The issue is that if you melt a bunch of freshwater, it will make the water lighter and less likely to sink, this sinking pushes water along the deep ocean bottom to the south where it will upwell and warm, creating a conveyor belt like affair. This is what the Gulfstream does, and it warms Europe a lot, the theory is, break it, and Europe goes cold. (along with Alaska, Canada and Oregon/Washington. The manipulators would have us believe it is ALL because of CO2 and so they will apply their rules and laws and restrictions which will, of course, "fix it". There are other possibilities like increased solar output, changes in sunspot activity, even magnetic field changes, none of which anyone seems to want to discuss in the climate world (except a few "radicals"), because the money is all in CO2.
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  • Posted by Lucky 6 years, 10 months ago
    The extent of Arctic ice is about the same as it was ten years ago.
    The planet was warming as it came out of a mini-ice-age, the warming has stopped
    -paused, plateaued, the 'hiatus'.
    Climate models that do not rely on the carbon scam fallacy predict lower temperatures are coming.

    If on top of that the North Atlantic current slows or stops is would be bad news for western Europe.
    The amount may be about the 2degreeC per hundred years the alarmists threaten but cooler is worse than warmer.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 6 years, 10 months ago
      The problem I have with the carbon scam, is the peddlers of it. All of the published sources seem to be connected in some way (or outright owning) alternative energy companies or producers. While I do have (made in America) solar panels on my house, I did it for economic reasons - the greenies made utility power stupidly-expensive in California, even though hydro is the largest single source.

      Bill Nye (the Science Guy) would have been living out of a cardboard box by now if he wasn't on the greenie speaking tour. Al Gore can't be that concerned, because his mansion is consuming like 40 times what his neighbors do. Have you ever seen one of the celebrities telling you to ride a bicycle in anything other than a Mercedes limousine or a private jet?

      Their argument omits that manmade emissions are practically table crumbs compared to the geologic output of volcanoes. They ignore the fact that if the North Slope and the Middle East hadn't once been a tropical savannah, there wouldn't be a lot of fossil fuels in either one.

      Remember the predictions of "peak oil" in the 70's and we were running out of it - dead dry by the 1990s? We pretty much fought the Persian Gulf War on that theory. Then we became the world's largest producer of oil (and now an exporter again) after discovering that the reservoirs replenish themselves within a couple of decades.

      I do agree that there is impact, and I've observed that winters in my hometown in northern Minnesota seem to be milder than when I was a kid 40 years ago, but in all honesty - that's an improvement.

      We were supposed to be underwater by now, and that didn't happen.. so the skepticism is also there.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
        I agree, the CO2 thing is so suspect, as well as seemingly set up in one of those "your not smart enough to understand, so we will dumb it down for you" things, which allows for all kinds of manipulation and skew toward the desired goal. They then try to impose their rules and regulations and it ends up costing everyone huge amounts which get funneled away to special interests. Typical government corruption/corporate manipulation.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
      I am still searching for the original program I saw, the Japanese scientist spent a lot of time explaining in a very easy to understand way, the interactions and just how this cycle occurs, and what it takes to "kickstart" it back, which is what does happen. I think his time frame was a little shorter for seeing impacts from it, so we have to see, we also have to see what the CO2 gang comes up with to counter the position.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 6 years, 10 months ago
    The model I see that supports man made global warming is based on the uptake of the additional CO2 produced by human activity. The major flaw I see is that the model assumes CO2 uptake by vegetation is constant and does not include increased vegetation as a result of increased CO2 levels (even though the amount humans produce is tiny compared to that of planet earth production). My observation last fall is that I raked up a hell of alot more leaves than I have in previous years. I can't quantify it other than my sore back.
    Cause and effect are difficult to determine when there are so many variables. I tend to look at the money trail for the answers.
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  • Posted by wiggys 6 years, 10 months ago
    If you happen to believe this stuff I will gladly sell you the Brooklyn bridge with the option of putting toll booths on it.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
      I do believe that the Ocean conveyor will break, given the current circumstances, and I also believe that it will result in a huge shift in climate over time that will make the northern and southern latitudes colder, the resulting snow and ice will increase albedo and cool the planet, until they start up again and the cycle resets. The physics make sense, the logic is sound and there is some evidence to say it has happened before several times. It seems to be the natural thermostat for the planet, but there is no money in it for the politicos who bought into it. CO2 may add to some of it, may change some of it, but I don't see how much. I also believe if they were so damn serious, they would be planting trees everywhere, and stopping destruction of the Amazon basin. For "ecologically sensitive" people they sure do ignore what doesn't pay money. That always makes me suspicious.
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    • Posted by mspalding 6 years, 10 months ago
      So you don't believe there is any change in climate due to carbon emissions? Has there been no effect from adding billions of tons of carbon to our atmosphere?
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
        No...carbon cannot retain heat as a group of NASA scientist just discovered while trying to develop a standard way in which to judge the atmospheric, composition and temperature of other planets and the likelihood of life there.

        More carbon equals more life on this planet...not to mention a degree of protection from overcharging of our atmosphere during electrical events. Carbon is also an electrical dispersent.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 10 months ago
          Very true. And scientists are now measuring the increased plant growth which has been resulting from the higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Crop growth has been most measurably affected. (One should also point out that the CO2 levels are still percentage points below where they were during the prehistoric eras of the dinosaurs when life flourished prior to the Ice Age.)
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          • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
            I can believe that. Again, ocean acidification id probably the only real issue they would need to address fast, and they have not touched it except to use it as justification to screw everyone except India and China.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
          I will give you a concrete example of that effect, in making micro chips, you use containers which are saturated with carbon strings, specifically to dissipate static electric charges (the wafers will gather huge amounts of static from spinning, and it needs to be dissipated, or poof).
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
            One of the best materials for protection from solar and cosmic EMP's...even humanoid made ones, is...................CARBON? who'd a thunk!

            Hmmm, it doesn't retain heat and it disperses electrical currents...think maybe we should be coating our electronics with this stuff?
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
              Carbon threaded shells, however, most cases are used to insulate and protect, adding carbon would sort of negate that...
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
                I was thinking more in the line of everything else that isn't insulated with carbon threaded shells; ie. circuit boards, resisters, power sources/capacitors etc...maybe for wires and the entire circuit board, it would be better to coat them with polyethylene; which is another material to use for electrical shielding.
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                • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
                  Yes, you run into issue with inductive transfer, especially in low energy signals and then it just doesn't work, also most boards and such are specifically insulative so the wires etched into them become the conductors. However, specific carbon laced material would work for a Faraday type protection, maybe.
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
                    That's what I was thinking...faraday function. Carbon works probably the best because of the size of the atoms. Polyethylene has small atoms also but it's something that might be able to be sprayed or used in a "flexible" situation like wires.
                    I think in a shielding from an EMP situation we must shield it all because it all is exposed to the atmosphere which would now be in overcharged mode and looking for places to go.

                    In the same vein, I wonder if it would help to shut down all grounding possibilities also making the circuit less attractive. My guess is that anything holding a charge and not shielded will be susceptible regardless of whether it is grounded or not.
                    It's been suggested that even your solar panels and generator should be unplugged...I don't think they should be don't want all that electricity to go to ground and burning everything up on the way like what the carrington event did to the telegraph wires.
                    What's your take?
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                    • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
                      There are a lot of things on the web dealing with this, the real issue is finding carbon impregnated material. It is used in ESD applications, can be expensive, and I have not shopped around for it. But you are correct in isolation is the best defense is a Carrington event, which we would have a lot of warning (2-3 days). On panels and such I would isolate rather than ground, while they may charge to their capacitive limit, that will be a lot less than a runaway charging reaction. Look up EMP shielding on Google, you will be overwhelmed with the options and some plain old crazy stuff. Where do you think the tinfoil hat thing came from?
                      But your car is also susceptible, I have heard of conductive mesh laid over it will absorb and ground an EMP hit, so you might look at that, or a metal garage may work..
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                      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
                        You would definitely need a flexible mesh that touches the ground for the you could leave on while your driving.

                        From what I understand, NASA warning sat's recently put up could only give us 1 hour, maybe, warning of a cosmic ray event...and yes, if you watch your morning news a'll get a decent amount of time to prepare for a strong solar event.
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                        • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
                          True, cosmic ray events are a whole different kettle of fish, although I am not sure what is the bad part about them, do they bring a string of energized particles with them? If so, it must take a long time to travel. I have seen shows on how devastating a cosmic ray hit could be, and that it could erase all life if strong enough and direct.
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                          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
                            Yea, they can be very wipe out the entire planet bad. Although we could get X rays from the sun. cosmic X rays are much stronger...not to mention, gama rays...which are rare, thankfully; but either way, with a sleepy sun that's not engaged with our magnetosphere, (-25% strength for different reasons) and ionosphere we are even more vulnerable this time around.

                            I dislike mysticism's but I will keep my fingers crossed on this one.
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                            • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
                              You may be interested in this article:

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                              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
                                Even though the graph is off on the sun spot numbers, (much lower now than the high a few years back during a normal 11 year max), he is correct about the strength of the occasional wasn't that long ago we just missed an X40! but what we have noticed since the weakening of the shields, an X10 would have the same effect now with our weakened shields.

                                PS...Ct govern, talking about shutting down Milestone Nuclear Plant...hate to tell em...gona take a few years so they better have power back up to keep the pumps running till the rods cool down enough.
                                Maybe they do know or maybe they are just worried about hacks.
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                                • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
                                  All of which have ways to be fixed, power is an ever present issue in regards to generation without impact, but that can be solved too, given a free hand and no government rules and morons.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 10 months ago
          Since heat is energy in transit by photons, momentum, convection, etc., it cannot be stored. Energy, though it is a relationship between matter, can be considered to be store-able. The temperatures in the atmosphere indicate atoms, molecules, dust, etc. which have motion -- translational, rotational, or vibrational. Unless the air's temperature is purely due to CO2's motions, the N2, O2, and Ar must have gained energy to contribute to the atmospheric temperatures. But those gases do not radiate well, so cooling must be done mostly by greenhouse gases such as CO2 which more easily can absorb heat, including that from those other molecules and atoms by momentum exchange, and more easily radiate it to space in the upper atmosphere. They also help to warm the other gases in the atmosphere along with conduction with the surface and other heat transfer mechanisms.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
            Transfer perhaps but not store...making the atmosphere warmer. We have always seen higher CO2 in cold climates and decreasing in warm can look at CO2 climate outlook and it doesn't show up in the tropics on the see it in the higher latitudes N and S. The troposphere is almost a closed system with little interaction with the stratosphere except within the boundary layer which has a tendency to try and equalize.
            I have been observing that generally, what happens in the troposphere kinda stays in the troposphere and gets either trapped or blown around. In the case of OX and CO2 gets used up by us, animals and green plant life (Which is basically a wash during the day/night exchanges) (including in the water)...that's why it sticks around in no place to go except storage in snow packs.
            The only thing we see, so far as I have seen, that transverses the atmospheric levels is ozone...Note: my research/learning at this point, is certainly not complete.
            Not to mention, CO2 is a coolant in the ionosphere but that just might be due to it's ability to disperse the electrical charges. That CO2 comes with the solar and cosmic winds and maybe, perhaps ionic boundary layers.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 10 months ago
        Just remember that carbon, carbon dioxide, and methane are three completely different things. The first is not a gas and so cannot be a greenhouse gas. The last two have greenhouse gas properties but differ in properties from each other. Neither has great affect or temperature due to their small concentrations: 1 part in 2500 for CO2 and about 1 part in 500000 CH4.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
          Well, your statement apparently did not get to the GW scare mongers:

          Now, one has to wonder, the story we get is human action has destroyed the planet, killing us all, turning it into a furnace. Yet, my basic education says there have been several "warm/cold" cycles where, during the warm period, there were huge amounts of biomass laying around, rotting (making methane) not to mention a hack of a lot of big animals farting and belching their way to the next snack. The 2 biggest sources of methane I know of are underwater nodules melting and releasing their methane and the "defrosting" of the previously frozen tundra. The same actions must be assumed to have happened in past cycles as I do not see "man made" getting attached to either. So, why is this cycle so much different than any of the previous ones? Am I being a simpleton here? The story makes no sense to me.
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      • Posted by philosophercat 6 years, 10 months ago
        Go to the Mauna Kea observatory web site and look at the graph of the Co2 they publish. That is the most uniform constant change of any natural phenomena on earth. How can there be a seasonal variation with no change in the annual increase? The Volcano peak is in the wind pattern from China, Korea, and Japan but their dramatic changes in CO2 emissions don't register at the observatory. There should be spikes and changes in annual growth but none. Are they falsifying the graph?
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        • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
          Seasonal changes occur in colder areas, (winter), due to the dormancy of plants and the available carbon is not utilized and just gets blown around...and that might be offset globally because down under (and visa versa) is in summer months.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 10 months ago
        Climate is far too complex at this point for humans to accurately predict outcomes even a few years into the future. Not a single one of the climate models of the past 100 years has been even remotely accurate, so based on scientific observations NOT corresponding to proposed hypotheses, I'm going to wait until something DOES correlate before I get too worked up about it.

        Remember, scientists in the seventies were claiming that we were about to enter a global ice age. In the eighties it was all about the scare of acid rain. In the early nineties it was El Nino. In the late nineties you had Al Gore leading the charge for global warming and all we saw was stable temps for 17 years. It's not science - its a scare fad to get funding.
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        • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
          We don't need a model...we have observable cycles that have recorded the changes we can expect going 1000's of years back.
          What we don't know is when multiple cycles occur at the same having a magnetic shield that is 25% weakened, north and south magnetic poles moving around dramatically...these observable occurrences just might lengthen the 400 year cycle we've entered.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
            The key take a way and main threat to civilization is Food production. We need to grow food indoors, hydroponically and in each town and city for local consumption.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
              Food has always been a weak link, and consideration should be given to more efficient means, even unorthodox like towers with drip feed that uses gravity to travel down the lanes of plants, with clear sides for sunlight etc...
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
                We will also need to supplement sunlight as well...besides it's lacking of all the necessary frequencies during the GSM, it also will be more cloudy more often as well.

                PS...noticed this year, even with, (finally!) warmer soil, only certain plants are thriving...string beans, lettuce and tomatoes...squash and beats are weak at best...getting the same complaint throughout this to be the lack of certain frequencies of light from the sun that those plants need.
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                • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
                  Well, no issue in Oregon, my wife tried raised beds this year and she planted 5 zucchini and had to rip 3 out, she got several shopping bags of them and we couldn't give them away, and they are pricey in the store (about 1.00 a pound). They are like frigging weeds, and go like crazy, especially if you water them daily in the global warming (>90 degree) summer...luckily, a low next week for sprinkles or maybe to put the fires out, we have heavy smoke in the Willamette Valley from fires in BC.
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
                    We've had a lot of cloudy days and either too much rain or not enough, cooler nights but normal day temps for this time of year but I've had some growth...5 years ago, I was in your boat with an abundance.

                    Hmmm, where there's smoke there is CO2!...may have helped.
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                    • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
                      Oh, you are in CT. My wifes family is in New York by the PA border near Scranton (about 2 hrs from there east/northeast) and they have only gotten in about 5,000 bales of hay, when they are normally at 15-20K. All because it is too wet to bale. The grass gre like crazy but won't dry. We have had 5 weeks of 85+ temps and a couple of 105's and no clouds, everything her is brown and stage 3 fire alert, along with heavy can never get just what you want. I would like some good old fashioned thunderstorms (we rarely see any)... Just hope the 21st is clear, or I am driving like a madman somewhere...
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                      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
                        Just think...a few states to your east aren't growin anything...the Dakota's on down got late snow, freezing temps, then heavy rains, flooding then a drought...most everything wiped out. A bit lower by Kansas only lost 30% of the wheat in may/june...haven't heard of any other adverse conditions so far except the upper midwest is expecting more cold weather.
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                        • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
                          Hmm.. seems like it came out of a book? Anyways, they will start asking for government relief, even though I think there is a federal crop insurance program already.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 10 months ago
          There is still a group thinking we are entering a solar minimum which will cool the planet, and there is some things that seem to support it. I do think that there is one item that does fit into increased CO2, which is an increase in acidity in the ocean which is proven to be occurring. That does pose a problem, and could alter sea life drastically, making the CO2 thing something that does need addressing, but then we go back to why they allow carbon sinks to be destroyed without a word.
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  • Posted by preimert1 6 years, 10 months ago
    (sigh) some one certainly threw a rock at the hen house this morning. ...guess we'll just have to wait and see what the climate does. Every body is guessing ...some with super-computers.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 10 months ago
    Hmm...the north/south Atlantic/Pacific oscillations changes according to the polar vortex's during Grand Solar Minimums. The vortex's this summer are wack-a-doo!...we used to see this in winter but now we see it all the time.
    Ben shows this on suspicious 0bservers and David at adapt2030.
    News this morn shows a possible cold spell coming to the northern midwest and great lakes areas.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 10 months ago
    In simpler, less scientific jargon, predicting global weather is a crapshoot.
    First of all, it doesn't happen on a human time scale. Ten thousand years, twenty million years, a billion years -- who cares?
    If we are talking about less than 100 years or so, OK, people, go to it if you're bored and have nothing better to do, but leave the rest of us our more useful pursuits. If you want to create an agenda, here's my suggestions:
    1. Cure cancer and heart disease.
    2. Go to Mars (you're late).
    3.Get fusion to work.
    4. Teach rational thinking (history would
    be good, too).
    5. Add the thoughts of better Objectivist thinkers
    than me.
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  • Posted by 1musictime 6 years, 10 months ago
    John Galt is not believing in global warming climate change,The villain Floyd Ferris more believes in it, or is not, but wants people without knowledge , to believe it's there.John Galt is not wanting to talk to Floyd Ferris.
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