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  • Posted by LibertasAutLetum 9 years, 9 months ago
    Unfortunately this has to be done. I urge anyone reading this to perform their own research.
    The concern about H1N1 back in 09 was not hype. H1N1 (swine flu) is only a few amino acids away from the pandemic of 1918 that killed upwards of 100 million people.
    The current strain is likely, at some point, to mutate back to the deadly strain from less than 100 years ago.
    Big deal you say? We have such highly advanced medicine now! Nope. That can’t help you.
    Just a few hours after symptoms you’re already in a death spiral.
    It’s a perfect virus and the healthier and stronger your immune system the more fatal the disease and the faster it kills you.
    The reason being is that it creates what’s called a “cytokine storm” and it’s actually your own body’s defenses that kill you.
    Most victims literally drowned in their own bodily fluids shortly after showing symptoms of the H1N1 strain of 1918.
    People with weaker immune systems, i.e. children and the elderly, were spared death far more often than those of us considered to be generally healthy.
    Don’t think for a second that any hospital or form of modern medicine would be able to help us if, and when, the 1918 strain returns.
    If this sounds alarmist, good, it is supposed to. You should be alarmed.
    If this sound like hype, you’re dead wrong. Do the research and prove me wrong.
    Bottom line is nature will more than likely bring it back. Do you really want us to be defenseless when it does?
    Compare it to the 2A debate. People don’t want other people to have guns because it makes them uncomfortable knowing they are around but we insist we need them “just in case” and we’re responsible enough to handle them.
    Well the same applies to research like this, it has to be done “just in case”.
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