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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 4 months ago
    Most, not all, of the 23 seem harmless to ineffective but none of the actions taken or proposals would have prevented the mass shooting that prompted this knee jerk reaction except perhaps # 18 depending upon actual intent/ implementation. As usual these actions and proposed legislation will only be respected by the law abiding. A reasonable solution to minimize future events of this nature could be to revamp our mental health care facilities. In my area two large mental institutions were closed in the last decade or so and the patients were let loose on the streets. Parents of the mentally ill should take extra security precautions. It should be mandatory for doctors and family members to have mentally ill people evaluated and institutionalized if they are found to pose a public threat.
    I do not like the background checks the way they are being done and the information that is no doubt being collected to a data base. The only data base should be a list of those who have committed violent crimes or have mental issues that pose a threat. If there is to be background checks then a gun buyer should have to show picture ID. And a search should be done by the gun seller to make sure the buyers name is not on the list before any sale is concluded. Once a buyer is cleared they should be free to purchase what they wish and no record should be kept of what if anything they purchased. Law abiding gun owners should not have their property listed and potentially used later by a tyrant to confiscate, or available to newspapers to publish. Law abiders should report stolen firearms to authorities, but not the guns they still possess. Only those people who pose a threat to law abiding citizens should be on a list. Not the law abiders.
    "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Thomas Jefferson

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  • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 4 months ago
    Wow. Just like Ayn predicted: they are depending on your willingness and virtue to always be TRUTHFUL when answering questions to your doctor. When questions are about my PHYSICAL HEATH yes. When they are about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH MY PHYSICAL health, HELL NO. I WILL LIE.

    It's like asking questions to a prospective employee about their experience fixing automobiles and you as the employer suddenly ask them if they have any bowling balls in their home: What does this have to do with fixing cars? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. The government lies to us all the damn time, who says we're compelled to tell them the truth?
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  • Posted by 11 years, 4 months ago
    I also think it's in the works to raise our ins. rates if there is a gun in the home. (All ways to find out what we have.) Which is NO body's business. Attacking privacy. On top of everything else that's being attacked and all the other huge problems facing this country that aren't getting resolved. We're spinning around in a cesspool of bad ideas...
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  • Posted by lostinaforest 11 years, 4 months ago
    It does not appear that any of the executive orders would have any impact on the guns people currently own-or would like to purchase- and that all proposals regarding limiting the availability of assault weapons or large ammunition clips will be proposed for Congressional action. As such, any potential effort to create a constitutional crisis—or the leveling of charges that the White House has overstepped its executive authority—would hold no validity.

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  • Posted by fivedollargold 11 years, 4 months ago
    Perhaps the most repulsive part of this to me is federal interference in medicine. Physicians are licensed by the States. Of course, this hasn't stopped the Feds before, with Ovomitcare being the most intrusive example.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 4 months ago
      We (those of us with a functioning brain) KNEW b.o. care was intrusive and would remove our medical's amazing they've tied this in with guns and every other privacy in our lives and more taxes too. The zombies will never wake up and get it....and they vote. I couldn't be more disgusted or depressed. America is every way possible.
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      • Posted by $ kathywiso 11 years, 4 months ago
        The National Medical database was put in place to Save Money.... which has proven to be a big, fat lie also, now all our medical records are forced to be online, for emergency purposes, so you would get immediate help if an emergency would happen, instead, it is for ALL to see and now it will be put into this gun information, so if anyone in your household were to have, lets say, any kind of a medical problem, another excuse to take all defensive mechanisms out of your home....
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 4 months ago
    Btw, I don't know if you heard about the NRA ad? In it they ask why our children aren't as important as pres BO's are. They have armed security, so why can't our children. Bo's press secretary said it was reprehensible to use the pres's kids for political purposes. Does any one else see the irony of that?
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    • Posted by $ kathywiso 11 years, 4 months ago
      Last nights meeting had a speaker from the NRA... hate to tell you all, but the money pushing this legislation is staggering, Bloomberg well above $600million, Soros, and all the union support they had during the election. Be prepared to list all your guns on your tax returns and pay dearly for them, no doctor-patient confidentiality, a new federal data base containing all medical records, gun records, not to mention other issues that came up and aren't being discussed truthfully in the release. This is a full attack on ALL our rights. Still have that sick feeling I got when I first heard of the gun regulations only it is so much worse than that. A total intrusion on any privacy.... Oh, and within 1 hour of the shooting in CT the administration had an ad out for the control of guns, so proves it was already made and produced long before, just waiting for a tragedy to use it.
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      • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 4 months ago
        Today in the paper at the end of all the blather about meaningful changes in gun regulations, there was a quote by a Newtown resident and parent of one of the children killed, that said he was uncomfortable with the full court press by the govt to do something and use Newtown as the catalyst. I was really surprised, and then I wanted to invite him to The Gulch! That was the first time I'd heard anyone say anything in that vein
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      • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 4 months ago
        You have hit it on the head. It is repulsive how the govt is just using a highly emotionally charged event to play on the fears and irrationality of the general populace. Lets make the rifles have non-pistol grips, so they look less scary. The buyers of these guns are typically returning military, and they are comfortable using this type of grip. The woman in Georgia that shot the intruder 5 times. Her revolver held 6 rounds. If she had used a revolver with 7 chambers, under the proposed bans, she would have been committing a felony! Which would have been a get out of jail free card for the guy who was actually the only one breaking the law. Absurd!!!!! And the govt has absolutely just been waiting for this opportunity.
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        • Posted by $ kathywiso 11 years, 4 months ago
          Fact is: to have an Assault Rifle, you have to have a class 3 license to purchase one. NO One in our entire state has one of those. They are all intentional LIES !!! They know all the BS they are putting out is untrue..Pseudology - it is an art of bullcrap and these people are buying it.... It is disheartening.. to say the least.
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