Stealth Prosecutor Activated, Avoided ‘Z’,Severe Pain Coming To DC

Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 5 months ago to Government
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A good summary of the current situation and the recent Q&A with Q. Even if you do not believe in Q, consider this one post:

Gold Standard Coming Back?
12 Dec 2018 - 4:01:15 PM
12 Dec 2018 - 3:57:57 PM
Q: Do we have the gold?
Gold shall destroy FED.

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 5 months ago
    Listen here, I don't read this code stuff? Are we getting like the Army when they call 'Riot Control' a code name like 'Garden Plot"????
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    • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 5 months ago
      I suggest you subscribe to Spaceshot76 to hear Q’s decodes.
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      • Posted by evlwhtguy 5 years, 5 months ago
        I'm with 25n56il4 here....WTHeck is this code stuff. I don't want to learn some pig Latin language to see a post here. When I make a post i work to make the grammar and composition accurate as a courtesy to the readers. I'm not perfect, but you can read what I post and hopefully understand my point. ......will the moderator please stop allowing this.
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        • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 5 months ago
          Yes, this. What's wrong with the good old English language we all have?

          Plus, it's all about something that's "going to" happen, but I'm still waiting. And with the confusion over what is being said, I may never know if it happened or not!
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          • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
            In WW2, a congressman stated that "The Japanese cannot kill our submarines, because they set their depth charges to shallow to get them" The Japanese read that and started setting them deeper, several subs were lost after that. Would you tell your enemy out in the open what you are doing and what you are planning? Q posts are not coded, they are done in "brevity", short statements of specific meaning. That is why the Anons are part of Q, people like a mystery, take the posts and then find the evidence and material to flesh it out. Q will even respond when they get it, with "Well done Anon", to indicate correctness. Read the posts and then do some searching and you will be amazed at how many things seemingly unrelated are related. Or, go watch some of the many You Tube channels that do it for you. Some are good, some are not. But you will not get "We have the evidence to arrest Hillary Clinton for treason and will do so on January 12 at 3pm". It doesn't work that way, Just like the Democrats caught over and over saying "illegal immigration must be stopped" and now say "a wall is not needed". Open statements mean nothing, and you do not tell your enemy what is coming. You may hint at it to make them panic and make mistakes....



            "After the war, May was tried and convicted for war profiteering and served nine months in federal prison."
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            • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 5 months ago
              I think we have discussed this before, and neither of us has moved much in our stance, if at all.

              I get your point about January 12 at 3 pm; I really do. OTOH, the way he's going about it now, it reminds me of a horoscope, except a little harder to understand. Whatever happens, if it's good, he predicted it, and if it's bad, the prediction just hasn't come to fruition yet.
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              • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
                That's fine, as I have learned from the evolutionary War history I am listening to, less than 20% of the people in the colonies thought they would be free from Britian, and 40% were ambivelant at best, because no one could lay out a clear, step by step plan to achieve it, given that the British kept changing tactics and the communications made for such large delays acting on any kind of recent intelligence is near impossible. The last 40% were dedicated Tories and believed in British rule. So, despite such a small group, the country managed to survive. It will continue to do so, once we clean house again, and maybe end some of the bad things Ayn Rand pointed out.
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                • Posted by bobsprinkle 5 years, 5 months ago
                  What do you mean "clean house again"....we had the House/Senate/Presidency and not a DAMN thing has happened. Our biggest gain has been in the Supreme Court. Absolutely important but, we need more. What....impatient??? Damn right.
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                  • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
                    It took over 40 years to clean out the British influence in the country, between 1776-1817. It may take 40 years to clean it again. Please consider this, the Republicrats had TWO YEARS of majority, they had a president proposing things right, left and center but the boatloads, nothing happened. Why? Corruption? Greed? Incompetence? Intentional dysfunction? Who made the gains in the Supreme Court happen, and how did it happen? Anything Paul Ryan did? Anything McConnell did? Answer this stuff and you will be on the trail to Q, Consider a whole lot of unrelated stuff and suddenly it will all make sense who is doing what and why.
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                    • Posted by bobsprinkle 5 years, 5 months ago
                      I am currently reading O'Reilly's "Killing England".
                      I'll look for a few Q parallels there.
                      I am still impatient. Kinda like "The Beaver" says
                      I'll do it. But, I'm not gonna like it.
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                      • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
                        I have not looked into "Killing England" but I will. I have found there is a lot of history never taught, that indicates the old adage "doomed to repeat". Corruptions is not exclusive to the 20th century, in fact John Paul Jones history and a lot of crap he put up with with one of the Continental representatives (who tried to hijack his ship so he could bring his carriage back to the U.S.) was very interesting. He had quite the checkered history.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
      No, Q was saying that the real government has enough gold stashed to stabilize the economy and currency using gold backed currency, which is the ONE thing the deep state does not want above all others. The Fed is not a government institution, but a creature of all the huge banks, and the democrats created by them in the 30's. We have had fiat money ever since.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 5 months ago
        Stabilized at what price for gold?
        A grain of gold for $100? 1,000? $10,000? $1,000,000?
        Will all the USD debts in existence be reduced to $1 for $1,000,000.
        (BTW, I think for a currency to be stable, it must have something of value to back it, not just promises from looters and their politician puppets.)
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        • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
          I believe Trump and Q agree..Who knows what form it will take, but I would say and investment in hard gold and silver right now might not be a bad idea...I would also say we may see gold and silver certificates again.
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          • Posted by $ pixelate 5 years, 5 months ago
            The way I see it -- if there was a serious move to peg US currency back to Gold (and / or Silver), it would merely be used as an excuse for the legal confiscation of Gold and Silver. Example -- if you run the numbers and determine that each ounce of Gold can back $55,000 in currency, then surely those folks that do own Gold will be quite happy in seeing the purchasing power of their asset become magnified so greatly. So the GOVT would come up with some public story with great fanfare regarding this New Solid Gold Currency -- but in order to make it work and be Fair, we need to coalesce all of the gold into a single point of custody ... and the Govt would issue some small amount of currency for each bit of Gold sold back to the Govt. And since such a small percentage of the population owns Gold, these individuals will be painted as Evil Hoarders that must get their morality straightened out by the Govt "for the good of The People."
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            • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
              I cannot argue the point, because there has been no real information put out. Just Q's statement, and the known fact that the Fed has been a tool of the government since it was created, and all the major banks in most countries followed the model. Since the Fed is NOT a government institution, one wonders who are they serving, big banks, currency manipulators, or the people? I give the people a 1% chance of being the winners there... If you have noticed, there are more and more rumblings of the need to remove the dollar as a world currency and to create a new one, possibly based on China. Amazing how often China comes up and Russia doesn't, except by Democrats....
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          • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 5 months ago
            Will we see gold confiscation again?
            imo, there isn't enough gold in existence to support the economy. But currencies backed with something of real value don't have to be gold alone.
            For example, a Texas currency could be backed by hydrocarbon fuel royalties. Price of oil would be brutal on that currency though.
            A NY currency could not exist in a free market because there is nothing of real value in NY that isn't based upon looting and government intervention against competition. The elite of NY would have to get competitive in real productive business for the first time in 200 years.
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            • Posted by Lucky 5 years, 5 months ago
              NY currency, nah. The NYC economy is strong having inflows in billions for food, entertainment and personal services from the UN.
              Mind you, I could make a suggestion about that.
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              • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 5 months ago
                I lived in Houston during the oil boom of the late 70s. The media kept spouting how Houston had a multi-faceted economy-oil, real estate, entertainment -remember the tv show Dallas ) and many people believed the rubbish. I kept saying if the oil bid-ness fell the economy would be crushed. They all laughed. Utill the oil bid-ness collapsed and so did real estate and suddenly Dallas wasn't so popular.
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            • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
              I agree, but that assumes that they do not end up vaporizing the trillions of "derivatives" that are nothing but paper shells of no value. Trump may not care if a thousand or so elite members of the deep state who have paper fortunes go broke. I do not know their plan, just what they said so far, but they have something cooking. It may also be connected to SWIFT, which is another whole story of the global banking control cartels efforts to have complete control of finance. I do not see them wanting to confiscate peoples property or hard metals.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 5 months ago
    How do you question Q if you believe in Q? Religious belief is "believing in" and just indicates belief without question. Scientific or rational belief is "believing that" and indicates a openness for changing one's belief with new knowledge. Look for discussions about the difference between the two types of belief.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
      There is faith, a belief in something that is unproven or testable, such as religion, and there is faith, a belief that something is true and real based on factual evidence. For example, Q posted 3 weeks ago "Flynn is safe" and then they announced no jail time and they are moving to dismiss all allegations. There are numerous "Q proofs" where Q predicted specific events and they happened. Not because Q is some god or something, but because the Q is privy to data and information no one else is, like any good intelligence organization. They use it to predict and drive events to the conclusion they desire. The faith part comes in that they are trying to save the country as it is, and get it back to what the founding fathers tried to create, and not the new world order one world government. Along the way they will stop a bunch of looters who have used us for 60 years or more. Will the looting stop? Maybe. For a little while. Cynicism suggests that can never be eliminated. I am listening to "Give me a Fast Ship" the history of the navy in the revolutionary war, and there were a lot of looters back then that took the fledgling country for a ride to enrich themselves, while masquerading as patriots. Some got caught, some didn't. You can believe we have patriots fighting for the country, or not, it is entirely up to you. I see enough factual evidence to support this hypothesis and that Q is what it says it is.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 5 months ago
        How often does Q get it right? Is he a genuine soothsayer?

        Even 'believing in' something proven and testable does not mean that new evidence will not be found in the future. That is why science is open and testable and why the 'that' in a belief. Science uses math in many cases to describe what is objective but only to describe what has been observed. The math is true as proven theorems but math does not determine what exists. Math does not exist other than in a mind in objective reality and thus does not determine what is real. The math that is used is the subset of mathematics which describes what is known at a particular time. the rest of math does not describe objective reality. If new knowledge is found the math will change.
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        • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
          The math changes only when the inputs change. The fundamental mechanics do not change. New ways of doing the same basic functions may be found, but they do not negate the old. Quantum mechanics did not change Eisensteinian physics, it complements it. Q is NOT a soothsayer, they are Military Intelligence using social dynamics, communications data gathering and probably some heavy probability math to determine paths of events based on specific stimuli. Therefor, they are not soothsaying but using scientific methods to come to scientific decisions. In addition, they have to balance motive and opportunity to dig into all the dark corners where the NWO has hidden it's dirty laundry, play for pay actions, and other less savory pastimes. You are, of course, free to believe whatever you wish, because the proofs have to convince you, not me.
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          • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 5 months ago
            Math for a physical phenomenon is the description of the future action of the physical objects. When new information about the action, which contradicts the results of the math, then new math, i.e., new set of equations, etc. are needed. One does not use the same equations if they give contradictory results to the new data. Quantum mechanics is a new set of equations which were produced because relativity theory's results contradicted the new quanta data for very small bodies. Quantum mechanics sure did change special relativity in that the equations changed to incorporate the the operator math from quantum mechanics.
            Sure Q is a soothsayer. He predicts the future. It does not matter whether the predictions are by mystical means or by more rational means or by social dynamics. If he is just giving present knowledge that he is privy to but unknown to his audience, then he is not predicting anything and is not saying sooth. He is predicting the future ins many cases. He is predicting the return of the gold standard. He cannot know if and when it might return. Soothsayer is an archaic term which might be renewed to label those prognosticators of climate, elections, the future, life after death, etc.
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            • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
              I hesitate to use the term "soothsayer"..but whatever floats your boat...My point is that the fundamentals do not change, they are added to, new branches discovered and investigated and the evolution of knowledge goes on.
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  • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 5 months ago
    This entire Q thing reminds me of another character ," Who is John Galt". Fictional and faceless character that many subscribe too yet few know anything about. I have friends who are believers but I have not yet paid much attention to all this coded stuff.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
      It is not coded. Some people have seen gematria used in specific posts (the use of numbers to represents letters) and there are some workable instances of it. The posts are used to provide hope and information to people who still believe in the country. They also provide misinformation for the other side to use to be trapped. Being the other side does not have the capabilities of Q, they are portrayed as "stupid" by Q, because they are always drawn in. What do you think were in the envelopes at Bush's funeral? Not condolences, if you watch Jeb Bushes face.....
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 5 years, 5 months ago
    In the beginning I also was intrigued with Q. The "secret code" and all that. Kinda like the cool kids code. It became a full time job to decipher the message. But, at this point it seems that the Q game is more important than the message/information we need to get out to citizens.There is enough info available to hang the Clintons. Time to stop playing cloak and dagger games and save this country.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
      If you have been reading Q, you would know that you cannot run out and arrest Clinton and all the 63,000 indicted so far. It would cause a schism and civil war with the sheeple who have been programmed to be mouthpieces for Pelosi and Schumer. You have to slowly acclimatize them to the idea of Clinton going to jail, and that investigations were done for facts and justice not politics. That is going on now, go look at the Clinton Foundation Panel report, they were adamant in expressing they are not political, were not paid and did not have an agenda but the truth.
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  • Posted by $ root1657 5 years, 5 months ago
    Does anyone have a link to an analysis of past Q so we can judge the new stuff on past performance?
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 5 months ago
      This is the link to the Q posts, and you will have to go back and see if you see items you know happened. Failing that, they a search for an analysis of Q. Good luck, every post I have found so far is of course "a crazy right wing conspiracy" but then the very people antithetical to Q run those same search engines, so what do you expect. Would be the same as looking for "democratic government" in Nazi Germany.
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