Those Who Take Government Money Should Not Vote

Posted by $ MikeMarotta 5 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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Elected officials, appointed officials, employees of agencies and departments, soldiers, police, teachers, people on welfare...

You might think that if people on welfare could not vote, the Democrat party would be hurt (and it would) but the Republican Party would suffer more. People on welfare, as we usually think of it, as aid to families with children, already tend not to vote. The habitual turn-out at the polls comes from old people, Republicans on social security.

For myself, serving in the Texas Military Department, I decided not to vote in state elections.
(See my blog post here: )

What about people who work for Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, ArmaLite, or Wornick?

Where do you draw the line? By what standard do you decide?

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