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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 9 months ago
    It's ironic that many of these people announced how they intended to vote before the nominee was selected. It's very unlikely some aid is going to find something that would change someone's vote. I think it's nonsense. I was just becoming aware of gov't at age 12 around the time of the Bork hearings. It was the golden age of local talk radio, and I got into it by AM band DXing at night. I got the idea that that level of politicization of the process was new. Now it's reached a point where we don't even pretend it an apolitical question of selecting expert judges.
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    • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
      Kavanaugh worked for the Bush administration, which was a "political" position. They want to go through everything related to him they can get their hands on in the guise of reviewing a nominee they already know they will vote against because they want everything they can get on political decisions and discussions in the Bush White House to exploit for any purpose. As part of that if they happen to find something they can "interpret" and spread about Kavanaugh they hope to influence others like Sen. Collins to vote against him.
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  • Posted by mshupe 5 years, 9 months ago
    I suspect you are alone. These turds in the Senate don't care. It's been going on since the first pub ran out of rye after the Constitution was ratified.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 9 months ago
    What you're witnessing is a combination of a stalling tactic, with the Dims hoping they win enough senate seats to sabotage Kavanaugh after the elections. They don't care what's in the documents.

    The other part of this clown show is Booker and Harris competing for the title of most freakish, putting on a display for the extreme left of their party, thinking that will get them the presidential nomination in 2020. I think these idiots are misreading the tea leaves, as most Democrat voters aren't part of the "resist" movement in league with Antifa. What's bizarre is the fact that even these black wannabes have abandoned their own race to hug the new "victim" in town, the illegal alien. They will pay for that mistake when black voters stay away from the polls, or even vote Republican.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 9 months ago
      Bingo Bango bongo, you hit for the cycle with your response Dr Zarkov99.
      Many Blacks for Trump.
      Funny most of the moderate dems that I know ignore the hard leftist shift of the party and see any example as just a goofy extremist and most dems are not name calling or anti-Fa ...and don't want to get rid of ICE .so there is nothing wrong .
      I guess as the saying goes don't argue with stupid as they will bring you down to their level and beat you with expirience.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 9 months ago
    The libs at the hearing are still stewing over their thwarted expectation that Cackles The Evil Hag is supposed to be the president.
    Yeah, they shouldn't even be fussing with this crummy Kavanaugh silly stick to that silly Constitution upstart. Having to do so is an insult to our elite betters.
    Cackles woiulda picked someone who thinks socialist more like them.
    It isn't fair that the Tangerine Tornado usurped Cackles out of her entitled coronation. Trump should be impeached for that by any means that can be cooked up.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 9 months ago
      Those were precisely the words of Ted Cruz.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 9 months ago
        Cruz and me dino are Constitution-based American conservatives. Evidently, we have the same fix on the feelings that motivate the warped statist mentalities of Dump Trumpsters, though I can't recall him specifically stating as much. Surely, he doesn't revel in ad hominem attacks on hominids like me dino loves to do. .
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 9 months ago
    What you are witnessing is the political process run amok.

    Senator Ben Sasse gave a remarkable characterization of what is going on. If you did not hear him or read the transcripts, it is worth looking it up. He blamed Congress for abandoning its role and letting the courts make laws (we are witnessing this day after day) in its place. Not that I think anything will change. No amount of criticism will change the ossified Congress. The only reason they exist is to protect their well paying jobs.

    Kavanaugh will be confirmed despite the left's all out war against him.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 9 months ago
      Yes, but it is such a poster board story of just what their tactics and policies are. Make up your maind as you are told, don't support anything that they do, even if it is good for the people and the country, it is all about the drive to one world and one state, and the dictator that will rule us all. They don't care about the constitution, that was proven in 1932 with Roosevelt and Social Security. It is all part of their defense of the Plan. Kabuki theater with yammering cast.
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      • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
        The left doesn't think it's good for the country. They keep the pressure on to try to break whatever momentum the Republicans have, driving for a critical point at which everything would begin unraveling in favor of the Democrats in elections, impeachment, and who knows what else.

        Republicans now support Roosevelt, Social Security, Obamacare, and a lot more programs based on collectivist premises. They are not in Washington just "to protect well paying jobs." They want the power and pander to those who vote for them. Look at the ideas driving that support, not 'job protection', as the motive. It is much deeper than a "political process run amok".
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 9 months ago
          That is all true and goes back to my premise we do not have 2 parties, with different ideology, or even premises, they both have the desire to rule, control and dominate, and take the spoils for themselves. Power is at the center of it. I just believe that there is a group, which includes both parties within, who are part of the "one world government" movement, and see themselves as the head of that government. People like that are deluded, because even if they got there, they would just fight among themselves until only one was left. The Constitution was left behind 80 years or more ago.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 9 months ago
    There aren't a half-million pages of anything. His decisions are open and available for anyone to read and can be found via a quick Google search. Those aren't what the hubbub is about.

    Kavanaugh served on Bush's team as a paper-handler for the legal team. He didn't write anything or give opinion, but Democrats are claiming that because he touched those papers they have to be turned over for examination. It's completely bogus - those papers have nothing to do with Kavanaugh. Rather, they are legal opinions and discussions held by the White House in a confidential setting and as such are protected by Executive Privilege - and rightly so.

    This whole thing is grandstanding of the most hypocritical degree. Did those very same Senators object to the literally-overnight passage of the Affordable Care Act wherein Nancy Pelosi famously stated "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it."

    As pointed out by Fox News, the number of documents argument is an attempt to stonewall and stall. More pages have been turned over than the last five Supreme Court judicial nominees combined and includes the work he did as a prosecutor on Ken Starr's team as well as his teaching at Yale and Harvard. And all of it has been available for months.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 9 months ago
      Ha, blarman, you touch upon my own thoughts. That is, why don't the Communists (Democrats) adhere to the "Pelosi Doctrine" here and just vote the guy in and then read the documents to see what's in them? :-)
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    • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
      Kavanaugh made many written comments, including in emails, primarily as legal advice. He was not a mechanical "paper handler" who only "touched papers". Kavanaugh's as well as the other's writing are confidential executive branch work that should not be given to politicians demanding it.
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
    What is going on with Kavanaugh hearings is the liberals trying ANYTHING they can to keep Trump from doing anything productive. They tried to keep him from getting elected, then tried to keep him from being inaugurated, then tried to keep him from selecting a cabinet and other appointees, then constantly berating him in the media, then claiming that he is incompetent, then claiming he did some undefined thing with the russian government, then claiming that he is obstructing justice by firing the useless hag Comey. I am getting VERY tired of the liberals, and would vote for dissolving the republic into two parts somehow- liberal and conservative, so that we can all get on with our lives.

    Maybe conservatives pay for the programs they want, and get the benefits from those. Liberals pay for their programs and get the benefits from those. Might be a start.

    Its all about money and whose gets used anyway.
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    • Posted by $ rainman0720 5 years, 9 months ago
      We know that Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, and the others will become leaders in the liberal half of what used to be the USA. I'll stock my cooler, park my fat butt in a lawn chair, and watch as their socialist country does its best impression of Venezuela.

      What's the definition of insanity? Oh yeah...doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
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      • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
        Maybe the goal of socialists is just to keep the hope of it working. In which case what they do isnt insane at all. Keep finding new suckers like us to find their hopes, and when other people’s money is gone, move on to milk new targets
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        • Posted by $ rainman0720 5 years, 9 months ago
          Never considered that the entire point of what they do is the journey, not the destination.
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          • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
            Of course they take their destination seriously. It is a system in which they have even more control than they do now to force individuals to sacrifice.
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            • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
              But they dont seem to ever actually make it work. It ALWAYS fails. In fact most things that government does fails to achieve its stated purposes. Makes me wonder if they really want success. Take roads for example- never seem to get it right. Never seem to fix them once and for all.
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              • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
                Their collectivism is pursued as a moral ideal. They don't know what they think would make it "work" in economic or "practical" terms. They will keep tinkering and more in an endless pursuit of what they regard as a moral system. That is what they regard ultimately as the standard and the goal. All the rest is Pragmatism.
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                • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
                  so they want to keep the hope alive at all costs- turning THAT into the real goal. It doesnt matter if the system is successful really. I wonder what they would do if socialism actually did work. It probably wouldnt turn out the way they wanted anyway. The productive people would either leave or would wind up rich and screw up the whole equality thing.
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                  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
                    It's much more than "keeping a hope alive". "Hope" isn't the goal, they promote their moral ideal of collectivism and sacrifice to spread it, and they rely on it to the extent it is already intellectually and psychologically entrenched. As long as they have that, their stabs at statist policies don't have to work; they can always try something else and something more extreme, consolidating more power.

                    The disasters tell people they are unhappy; it doesn't tell them what is right. The only significant political opposition the left has had to worry about is the Republican theme of 'me too but slower', which is only a variation on the process and serves as a scapegoat, used to blame the results on and as demagoguery to push faster. Republicans may occasionally roll back the degree of some particular controls, but don't stop, let alone reverse, the trend.

                    All that prevents the whole process from going over the cliff now are the remnants of an American sense of life that balks at the extreme measures even while the moral goals are conceded. With little philosophical opposition to the establishment intellectuals, that sense of life has been diminishing. People still want their smart phones but vote for more collectivist policies. They want a higher income but increasingly vote for government-guaranteed minimum wages, 'family leave', and subsidies for medical care, education and everything else.

                    There is no question of "if socialism actually did work"; it doesn't and can't. Whatever is still accomplished is in spite of the collectivist statism, not because of it or compatible with it.

                    Whether the best people would leave depends on whether there is somewhere to go, which there increasingly is not in "one world" -- which is "one neck for one leash". What we do know is that the best stop producing or severely cut back. Very few continue producing while idealistically embracing the sacrificial ethics.

                    In the Soviet Union the only creative 'production' was by some theoretical scientists who thought they could continue their intellectual passion in fields like mathematics and theoretical physics -- until they were killed or ordered to do the impossible. The only people who "wound up rich" were the party elite, just like their feudalist counterparts, and even that level of wealth is arrested or collapses, with those at the top the most susceptible to assassination.
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                    • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
                      I think my argument boils down to why collectivism is so addictive to humans. I say it’s what it emotionally promises that is so addictive that they go along with the ideas of collectivism , not because they have rationally thought about it, and regardless of the dismal failures of socialism

                      I think it’s basic human emotion that enables the blind addiction to collectivism. I think hillary’s Slogan “stronger together” , to which I would add “weaker alone” was spot on.

                      Carry this forward to what’s happening today- - the liberals don’t want a fixed constitution. liberals feel more secure with all people’s “together”. Liberals hate the whole idea of a trump who kind of made it in his own. I think the rise of collectivism is to justify and validate their emotional lay based decision. That’s why rational discussion with collectivists goes nowhere. It’s like trying to extract eels from a bucke. They just slip through one’s fingers. Sorry for ramblingt
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                    • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
                      I wonder about the purpose of continuing something that has 100% failure rate. Perhaps we are talking about to sides if the same thing. They are emotionally attracted to socialism and need to keep the hope of socialism alive. Then they justify the endeavor by convincing themselves its justified.
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                      • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
                        They start by convincing themselves that it's justified, then vaguely imagine it somehow "working" and impose various kinds of force to try to create what they imagine. When it doesn't "work" they try something else, endlessly, never losing the ideal moral 'vision'. They never question if the moral goal is proper. It doesn't have a 100% failure rate to them because none of it matters in comparison with the moral goal. That's what progressivism is (in the early 1900s sense, not the New Left): empowering expert bureaucracies to progressively change rules and restrictions "pragmatically" to achieve what they imagine socialism doing if fully implemented with their intended imagines outcome.
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                        • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
                          So when they try to get some sort of sympathetic sc judge appointed, what is the real end game of socialism, if there is one? Or is there no end game, but just a continual amorphous search for some emotional nirvana?

                          How would leftists know they finally achieved their objective?
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                          • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
                            The collectivist ideal is not just emotion, it's a false philosophical premise to which their emotions are attached.

                            Pragmatism and the Progressive version of socialism have no final objective. But the goal of socialism is collectivist control; from there it is just a sequence of variations.
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                            • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
                              "The collectivist ideal is not just emotion, it's a false philosophical premise to which their emotions are attached." I am suggesting the beginning of the collectivist mind starts with internal psychological reliance on emotion only. More reliance on emotion than on thinking in early life results in a fearful attitude towards life, which collectivism feeds on.
                              At that point, people adopt collectivism philosophically. But the real REASON for sticking with collectivisim is not that it works, but that it continues to "feel right" in the emotionally controlled life.

                              I wil agree that the "leaders" want the social control and goodies that always accrue to them. But the masses go along with them emotionally as they have always done.

                              I postulate this as the reason the mass of people are unaffected by arguments based on reason. Thats not why they adopted collectivisim in the frist place.

                              The leaders' collectivist ideal is definitely control. But they get their power from people who are attracted emotionally because thats all they guide their lives by.

                              I think it all happens very early in life where the young people do not make the transition from helpless infants to being able to control their own lives.
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                            • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
                              I think what I don’t get is the purpose of the collectivism for the great mass of humanity that seems to be attracted to it. I get it that the leaders want power, but what does it offer the followers? That’s why I suggest that it’s the promise of mindless emotional coddling that attracts people. The whole collectivist philosophy comes later to justify it and support the idea that it’s achievable. I just have real problems understanding how the great mass of people even understand the philosophical underpinnings of collectivism. I would suggest the driving force is rooted somehow in some sort of fear of how they are going to deal with their own emotions. Think about it
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                          • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 9 months ago
                            "Equality" is their stated goal. However, arguably, the only place all mankind is "truly equal" is in the graveyard and the most stringent socialist/communist systems have been highly successful in making millions of people prematurely "truly equal". There is their end game.
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                            • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
                              True enough. I am thinking their real goal is to be coddled into emotional nirvana, They want everything to guarantee their feel good state. If I am right, this a really amorphous and no wonder they can never get there. Socialism keeps promising that so it’s attractive. But a system based on the supremacy of emotion cannot work
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          • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
            I got this idea from the fact that pretty much ALL government programs dont work, yet they continue and continue to try spending money on them. Maybe the real goal is to gain power and spend money without ever getting the problems solved.

            Solving problems would mean no more money or power was required. A little like drugs that treat but do not cure. Imagine if a cure for cancer was found how many industries would collapse tht support the current treatments.

            When nothing seems to work, maybe the people working on it dont want it to work.

            Just a thought, but government is such a collossal failure at so many things, it makes me wonder.

            It also explains why government kicks the can down the road so much- maybe they know all along that the goal is not the picking up of the can, but the kicking it further down the road
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  • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 9 months ago
    Delay and Resist! I am loving these hearings and all of the clowns exposing their true colors. The idea behind "Delay" is to push it past the midterm elections because they honestly believe they will ride a big Blue Wave and take back one or both houses of congress. There are many undecided voters watching and listening to all this garbage. I hope they keep it up because when your opponent is digging himself a hole it is best to throw him a shovel.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 9 months ago
    It's a fight between enlightened thinking and post modern thoughtlessness.

    It Should, be obvious to even the most casual observer, that few if any understand what the SC is supposed to do, never mind, know the law and purpose of the SC in the first place.

    Even among those that can read, it is clear that they lack the ability to understand even the simplest of sentences.

    Ruled by the dumbest among us...or shall we just say we are governed by a Kakistocracy and call it a day.

    Enjoy the's good for a laugh or two.
    They have lost control, the laws of nature and existence itself will win, their dream of making this place an alternative universe has failed and this is their last breath.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 5 years, 9 months ago
    The more paperwork, the more they feel as if they have accomplished something. They're morons. I propose that no new law or document of any kind should run to no more than 50 pages. Any more than that, and it's already too complicated to be understood. They do that in order to obfuscate the true intention of the document. Washington is not a swamp, it is an abyss, and even Trump will not succeed in draining it entirely.
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  • Posted by TheRealBill 5 years, 9 months ago
    Of course they aren’t reading it. Any of it. When you announce you will oppose any nominee, and then double down the day the notion monation happens by public ally reiterating you will vote against, your cries about documents are utter bullshite. As if that isn’t enough, Booker’s “see he is a racist in these documents I’m beroicslly not breaking rules by releasing these pages@ fiasco showed Kavanaugh against racial profiling. Clearly not only is he not reading it, neither does his staff.
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    • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
      Yes, they are reading it. All of it, to find anything they can to interpret in using it in a politically damaging way. They disingenuously pretend to want documentation on which to decide when they already know; what they mean but don't say is that they want whatever they can get to use in a campaign to get others to oppose Kavanaugh or the Republicans on anything

      They know Kavanaugh's position against racial profiling. The left always calls that "racist".

      (Please proofread your posts.)
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 years, 9 months ago
    These are the same liberals who said you have to sign the Health Care bill, to read it. They don't read, they just squawk. Not crazy about his connection to the crooked Bush family, but don't want Dams nominating another pedophile supporter.
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    • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
      They do read, and their hysterical "squawking" is contrived demagoguery. They didn't care what was in the ever-changing Obamacare bill -- beyond whatever it took to keep enough of a coalition together to pass it -- because it wasn't intended to be a lasting plan, only establish more power and more precedent for government control, while making such a mess of health care nationally that they expected people to beg for more government control in the next round.
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  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 9 months ago
    Here are a couple of other items in the mudslinging fest of the Kavanaugh hearing which are important and should be understood..

    1. An attack by Sen Whitehouse (D-RI) smearing the pro-property rights Pacific Legal Foundation. Whitehouse was trying to get Kavanaugh to either condemn PLF or be smeared through association with Whitehouse's mischaracterization. Either way PLF is intended to be smeared. PLF "Public interest litigation, Senator Whitehouse, and the Kavanaugh hearings"

    2. The statists fear that the Kavanaugh might help reverse the infamous Chevron decision under which the court gives deference to agencies in interpreting Congressional authority for themselves. The Hill "Stop letting agencies tell judges how to interpret statutes"
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  • Posted by RevJay4 5 years, 9 months ago
    The left wants a judge who will make law from the bench, irregardless of the tenets of the Constitution. The rest of us want a judge who will use the Constitution to weigh cases which come to the Supreme Court, as to their legality within Constitutional bounds.
    The dim clowns know they can't stop the process of affirming Kavanaugh, so they attempt to slow it down and possibly get it delayed until after the midterms. Expecting a "blue wave" to save them with all the talk of impeachment and discrediting Trump's pick for SCOTUS.
    Doesn't look like thats gonna happen either. lol.
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