Lefty Cyclists Believing Evil Isn't Real Killed By ISIS

Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 8 months ago to News
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Death By Darwin strikes again. These goofy grownups pedaled bicycles in dangerous places me dino would never go anywhere near. You could go extinct doing stuff like that.
SOURCE URL: https://www.dailywire.com/news/34581/american-couple-believing-evil-make-believe-hank-berrien

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 8 months ago
    They sacrificed themselves to do the rest of us a favor and show some reality.

    For the past couple years I have been mulling over this thing I see where Americans are no longer able to identify evil. It's a very strange thing...
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    • Posted by BCRinFremont 5 years, 8 months ago
      Abaco. The inability to identify evil may be a result of a nature/nurture malfunction. Nature seems to have slowed down maturation of the brain’s frontal lobe. Nurture has allowed people to remain children for much longer than any time in history.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 8 months ago
        "Nurture has allowed people to remain children for much longer than any time in history."

        More correctly, it is the failure of parents to teach their children and prepare them for adulthood. We have contributed to the greatest waste of lives in history as evidenced by the numerous college graduates still living at home with their parents, unable or unwilling to take responsibility for themselves in facing life.

        Of course I also fault the complicity of the education system. When children are taught that participation is more important than outcome, those children are understandably confused when the 2x4 of Reality brains them.
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      • Posted by BCRinFremont 5 years, 8 months ago
        The success of free market capitalism may be partially responsible for this nature/nurture problem. It is troubling how the best of times seems to harbor the seed if its own destruction. Alas, this is the universe that we live in.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 8 months ago
      When Hillary said, "My dream is open borders," it scared me dino so bad that I had a 9mm carbine constructed from an AR15 frame, bought it two 30-round clips and named it "The Evil Hag."
      Lots of other Americans only felt warm and fuzzy inside. Some may have done a little happy dance, saying, "Yes, a dream of open borders. I'll go vote for that!"
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 8 months ago
        I named my 357 magnum "little jihad". No lie...
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        • Posted by $ 5 years, 8 months ago
          I have a .357. Maybe I should call it "Gun With No Name" like Clint Eastwood was called the "Man With No Name" in those three "Dollar Westerns."
          Nyah! That would better suit an old-fashioned Colt 45 six-shooter and I have enough guns.
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          • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 8 months ago
            I agree. Haha...gun with no name...
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            • Posted by $ 5 years, 8 months ago
              Me dino has a cheap Spanish made 44-cal ball and powder 1851 Navy Colt replica that used to shoot.
              The hammer is stuck. Had it repaired once but the hammer stuck again after about 36 more shots,
              Now its been on a display stand for about 20 years later.
              It does not count as one of my six guns, which are all modern.
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  • Posted by chad 5 years, 8 months ago
    Didn't the lefty cyclists tell the ISIS combatants that they didn't believe in evil and therefore they should not be attacked? I wonder if they recognized evil as they were being stabbed? The only evil they did recognize is the current president and anything he might do, of course they didn't recognize any evil in the previous president did. The solution to the problem of advancing socialism in this country might be in front of us. All socialists need to be awarded free bicycle trips to the middle east and any other communist country. I am willing to put up my bike.
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  • Posted by Solver 5 years, 8 months ago
    Not possible!!! How could have THE religion of peace done that? It must have been CIS White Christian Male right wingers!
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 8 months ago
      Ah, yes, CIS. Those goody-two-shoe Protestant peeps are always sneaking around on a mission to make THE Religion Of Peace look bad.
      ANTIFA needs to seek CIS out and beat them up on a regular basis.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 8 months ago
    As a follower of the "Apostate Prophet," a former Muslim with a YouTube channel calling out the "religion of peace" as lacking credibility as any kind of religion, this is incredibly predictable. Killing infidels is considered honorable, but is still an evil act by Western standards. This was a clash of distorted ideas on both sides.
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  • Posted by wiggys 5 years, 8 months ago
    why did we invent atomic bombs if we aren't going to use them for positive purposes. we ended the war with japan in tow days.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 8 months ago
      Because ultimately you can not win a war of ideas with weapons - unless you can wipe out every single adherent on the planet. The two largest individual sects are the Roman Catholic Church and Islam - each with over a billion adherents.

      Roman Catholicism has been on the defensive for 400+ years and its influence is steadily waning - even faster under the current Pope and all of the sexual perversion/abuse scandals. Islam intentionally keeps its people ignorant and thus controls them. And they have been growing as other nations have refused to see them for what they are.

      Due to the militance in their own religious code, I think that there will be eventually another set of Crusades with Islam vs the rest of the World. The question is other than the Russians (who still remember the Chechnyans), the Indians (Pakistan, etc.) and the Chinese (in their Western Provinces), who is going to stand up and fight? Most of the Western World (especially Europe) is so overrun that they are now culturally a complete joke. Even the United States has come ridiculously close to capitulation (see Barack Obama).
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      • Posted by $ 5 years, 8 months ago
        Under the rule of Chairman Obama with the expectation that Cackles The Evil Hag would become the POTUS, me dino could open borders imagine the USA and certain equally libtarded European nations eventually falling under Muslim control.
        I also imagined such countries that you named would be forced to unite and fight off a wannabe worldwide caliphate.
        I was very much relieved when the Tangerine Tornado pulled off a win. My new hope is that the Jackass Party will radicalize itself into kooky irrelevancy.
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    • Posted by chad 5 years, 8 months ago
      Interesting that the idea of creating more efficient weapons are only for positive purposes. Russia did not declare war on Japan nor help in any way until the last few days of the war because Stalin didn't view them as a threat even though they were part of the Axis Powers. In February of 1945 the prince of Japan traveled to Russia to attempt a meeting with Truman to offer surrender under the condition that they could keep their Emperor. Truman refused to meet with him. The bomb hadn't been tested yet and there was uncertainty that it would even work. Japan knew they were going to lose the war they were trying to get what would be possibly the best deal they could. If American lives were important why not accept? In April the Japanese ambassador in Switzerland made the same offer to the American ambassador. It was rejected for the same reason, the bomb still wasn't ready nor had been tested. When the bombs were dropped they did not convince the Japanese war council to surrender. They voted to continue the war (their minutes of the meeting have been recovered). When Russia finally declared war against Japan in hopes of gaining more territory in the east as they had been awarded in the west the Japanese war council decided to surrender to America thinking they would get a better outcome. America agreed allowing them to keep their emperor the excuse they had used to refuse the two earlier offers. The myth that the atomic bombs ended the war is difficult to kill.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 8 months ago
        This is interesting, but I'd like a little more on why you think the bombs were not the primary emphasis for the final unconditional surrender of the Japanese. My understanding is that the US was more interested in avoiding an invasion of mainland Japan and the US casualties such an assault would entail. The atomic bomb provided a way not only to devastate entire cities but also to cow the population into calling for surrender. Russian involvement in the Eastern Theatre against Japan was an utter farce up until the US threatened mainland Japan itself. Afraid of being left out, Stalin then began offering to help on that front - long after it had already been decided. England would have helped if Churchill had not been replaced immediately following V-E day.

        Truman was a disappointment - thrust into the most critical point in the war when he was ill-prepared. Despite Roosevelt's progressive tendencies, he had a good relationship with Stalin and he and Churchill could have talked Stalin into retreating back behind Poland with far greater success than Truman and Clement Attlee (Churchill's replacement). It was Truman's fecklessness which allowed Russia to establish the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe (combined with Great Britain's ouster of Churchill). Truman had an incredibly strong hand bolstered by an immediate and trained military presence of overwhelming US forces and threw in the towel. This weakness was seen by the Chinese in the East in the civil war between Mao and the Communists and Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalists when Truman failed to support the Nationalists - and then into North Korea.
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        • Posted by $ CBJ 5 years, 8 months ago
          Why do you think Stalin would have had the least desire to retreat back behind Poland? (Assuming his buddy Roosevelt even wanted him to)
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          • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 8 months ago
            Please re-read my comments. Churchill and Roosevelt had personal relationships with Stalin which neither Truman nor Attlee had. In my opinion, the lack of those relationships - and the inferior quality of statesmanship in Truman and Attlee - pretty much left Stalin to dictate terms with none to oppose him.

            Churchill was vehemently anti-communist: see his actions to preserve Greece near the end of WW II and his denunciation of Russian influence and treachery in Poland and the Slav republics along with his own writings on the subject. Roosevelt was no communist, neither was he a communist sympathizer - even though his political tendencies ran to moderate authoritarianism and progressivism. Roosevelt listened to Churchill and was not blind to the ambition of Stalin, he just didn't have the authoritarian control of the US like Churchill did so as to dictate policy. Not only was there a sizable contingent of pacifists remaining in the US Congress, there was also a growing body of communists - a body which McCarthy began to expose shortly afterward. And those objectors were primarily in his own (meaning the Democratic) political party. Truman didn't have the political clout to challenge them.
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            • Posted by $ CBJ 5 years, 8 months ago
              My original question still stands. Why do you think Stalin would have had the least desire to retreat back behind Poland? (Assuming his buddy Roosevelt even wanted him to.)

              Roosevelt sold out Poland at the Yalta conference. Roosevelt, not Truman. Stalin got to keep the vast portion of Poland he had acquired and annexed in his joint invasion and dismemberment of that country with Hitler. Under Stalin’s orders, hundreds of thousands of Poles were either murdered, subjected to atrocities or uprooted and deported to Siberia and elsewhere in Russia prior to the Yalta conference. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_...

              It was Roosevelt’s “inferior quality of statesmanship” that officially abandoned eastern Europe to the tender mercies of the Russians before Truman even took office.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 8 months ago
                I'm not disagreeing with you about Stalin's ambitions. What I'm pointing out - hypothetically - is that had Roosevelt not died and Churchill been replaced, the conversations about the final dispositions of the Eastern European nations might have gone very differently. No guarantees.

                Churchill's comments about the entire matter are in his six-volume work covering the entirety of WW II. The annexation of Poland happened when Russia delayed its entrance into Warsaw. The city's defenders, seeing the advancing Russians, rose up, expecting the Russians to continue to advance and reach the city in the next day. Instead, the Russians inexplicably halted - despite pleas from Churchill - allowing the remaining German forces to quell the rebellion. Half the city died and the pro-democratic leaders who weren't killed in the fighting were actually executed by the Russians. That left only pro-Communists in the capital of Poland. Churchill - and a following Roosevelt - insisted on democratic elections, but after the massacre, they knew that Poland would go Communist. Russia installed a vassal state. Similarly, Stalin worked to install Tito in Czechoslovakia at the expense of other pro-Western groups. Russia was only forestalled in Greece because Churchill sent troops in to control Athens and stop the rioting of the pro-Communist forces. The Russian rampage through Eastern Germany was brutal: nearly anyone found by the Red Army was executed and their homes pillaged by the Russian invaders.

                All this aside, however, Churchill had been pressing for a full disposition of the nations of Europe to return back to their original borders once the Allies landed in Italy. Yes, at Yalta Roosevelt failed to support Churchill in pressing for a return of Polish borders. (We can always criticize in hindsight.) Churchill was prescient in the matter, Roosevelt was more uncertain and so delayed a final arbitration until later on. The problem was that Roosevelt died before that final arbitration could be held and the new British Prime Minister was Labour Party - the same pacifist who had engineered the failed treaties and agreements between WW I and WW II. The new British leadership was only concerned about pulling British forces back to England and worrying about Indian independence (a leftover issue from before the War) than trying to maintain stable democracies in the face of communism, and so Stalin was never confronted.

                Truman was advised by none other than General Patton that they shouldn't allow the Russians to maintain their control over everything East of Berlin. Patton urged a direct military confrontation with the Red Army if they wouldn't go back to their homeland. Eisenhower was more diplomatic, but he, too, had grave concerns about allowing the Russians to stay. Truman caved to pressures back home and concentrated on the necessary victory over the Japanese, but in so doing, he delayed until Russia had strengthened their grip and solidified their presence - executing anyone native who dared speak against them.

                You are welcome to criticize Roosevelt for his missteps (I'm certainly not a policy supporter), but to me Truman had a chance and let it slip through his fingers not once, but twice. One resulted in a brutal communist regime and the executions of millions over the next 40+ years. The other resulted in another brutal communist regime, the execution of tens of millions, and a war that cost millions more and remains unresolved to this day. I speculate that the relationships forged through three years of war - especially when backed by the military might - would have been enough to sway Stalin. We will never know, however.
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  • Posted by Lucky 5 years, 8 months ago
    I don't get the dailywire site but here is one with some more links:

    (How do I put in the entire web address? you need the entire length)

    Those who want to make improvements to whatever should note:
    Nature to be conquered must be understood.

    and did I say ROFL?
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