Serialbrain2 decodes: Boston Globe calls for editorials condemning President Trump.

Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 8 months ago to History
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As you may already know, The Boston Globe newspaper is currently leading a coordinated media attack against Trump under the disguise of defending the Freedom of the Press.

In this article, the Associated Press informed us last week that The Boston Globe has reached out to editorial boards nationwide to write and publish editorials on Aug. 16 2018 denouncing what the newspaper called a "dirty war against the free press." Imgur1

In response to this attack, Trump tweeted this: Imgur2

As you can see, the “PROVE IT!’ at the end gave to the tweet a cryptic touch that prevented Mockingbird media from understanding Trump’s message: Imgur3

What is Trump really saying in this tweet? Let’s decipher it.

First, the obvious. He is describing the scandalous transaction made by the New York Times when it bought the Boston Globe in 1993 to resell it 20 years later at an infinitesimal fraction of its purchase price and writing in its books a 94% loss! As you can see here, at the time, the media picked up on it: Imgur4. So Trump is describing a reality: the NY Times bought the Boston Globe with real money and essentially handed over to somebody for peanuts. Now I have a question for you: where would a failing and struggling newspaper that lost 94% of its value in 20 years find the energies and the credibility to lead a media campaign against the President of the United States and be followed?

Q1688 There is no greater [current] threat to the American people than the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. #ControlledMSM Study Nazism.

Now let’s look at the numbers Trump provides. This is where things get really interesting. As you can see, to describe the transaction, he is having an auditor approach while those who are trying to debunk him with other numbers have an investor approach. Whatever the real numbers are, since we have already agreed there was at least a 94% loss in this transaction, Trump can now “code” his message using the numbers that will guide us to what he is really saying. Let’s analyze. He says 1.3 Billion Dollars + 0.8 Billion Dollars (losses & investment) = 2.1 Billion Dollars (purchase price). Do you see it? Look and follow the process very carefully: Imgur5

So, again, we are in Skull and Bones 322 territory. Trump is telling us the people who made this transaction and who are now instrumentalizing The Boston Globe against him are no other than the Skull and Bones secret society he is fighting to free the Country and the World. Understand folks, this is what they do: the reason why The Boston Globe can be used to do whatever they want is because the new owner is just a puppet and there is no industrial incentive in the company anymore, it’s just a conduit for political operations. Look: Imgur6 Source: link.

Does this ring a bell? The fake billionaires they create as fronts?

Q133 Public wealth disclosures – False.

Q6 Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

Now that we know what we are dealing with, let’s go deeper in the tweet. Did you notice the repetition in “sold the the Failing…”. Error? No. Once again, this is the tweeter account of the United President of the United States of America who can afford any Ivy League graduate to correct his tweets. This repetition is there for a purpose. What is the gematria of “the”? Yes 33. What is 33? Yes, Free Masonry. It’s the number of degrees in the Scottish Rite. Interesting… The Freemasons have joined Skull and Bones to fight Trump. We already knew there was an occult connection between Skull and Bones and Freemasonry but to see them exposed like this in a presidential tweet is unprecedented.

Let’s go even deeper. Do you see this “COLLUSION”? POTUS put it in capital letters to give us the clue we had to focus on it. What is its gematria? 120. What is the gematria of “MASONIC LOGIC”? Yes 120. Coincidence? No. It’s the answer to the challenge “PROVE IT”. By saying “PROVE IT”, Trump is essentially saying: “can you find any logic in buying a major newspaper that had no particular problems and resell it with a 94% loss a few years later?”. The answer is: there is none, it’s “MASONIC LOGIC”, this is the way secret societies do business, buddy-buddy business. They use vulnerable puppets that would carry assets for them but in reality they manage these assets and make them do whatever they want. Like organizing a coordinated media attack against POTUS…

How about this “PROVE IT”? Gematria? 105. What is the gematria of “MASONRY”? Yes, also 105. This is the final confirmation POTUS has given us. We can now draw the following graphic: Imgur7

Now you have to remember this “MASONRY”=105. This number is a very important number for them. I will show you more about it but before, take a look at the history of the Boston Globe as they proudly describe it : link. As you can see, the company was created in 1872 and published its first issue on March 4 1872. Did you catch it? March 4 = 3/4 = 3/2+2 = 322 Skull and Bones. Then, the company changed ownership only twice: acquisition by the NY Times in 1993 for 1.1 Billion Dollars, acquisition by John Henry in 2013 (notice they don’t disclose the price). What if I told you that these dates, just like the date of the first publication, are not random? That’s what the illuminati do: they code everything with numbers and dates to give shout outs to their false priests and divinities… Look: Imgur8

Now let’s go back to the number 105, the gematria value of “MASONRY”. As I told you earlier, this number is of the utmost importance to freemasons. The address of the Boston Globe offices is 1 Exchange Place, Boston. Gematria of “Exchange Place”? 104. Add the 1 of the address and there is your 105… Have you ever wondered why Infowars and Alex Jones gematria are both 105? What are the odds? Always remember Alex’s meltdown on Syria: you saw the real Alex who hates Trump, his family, what he represents, Q and us. Don’t be fooled. With God’s help, Trump is implementing a strategy to take down all the Secret Societies and put an end to their rituals harming us and our children, and, as a result, all their members and allies hate him. As simple as that.

This is it my Friends. This is it. Everything you have read, all the research you have done in the past, the friends you lost because they said you were a “conspiracy theorist”, everything you have gathered and that took you to Q is now happening right in front of your eyes. For the first time, we have a President of the United States who is standing and fighting the satanists who have destroyed our Country and our Planet. It’s happening. And every day, Trump is giving us news from the battlefield. Every day, he is tweeting and talking to let us know what is REALLY going on so that we can bypass the Enemy of the People: the Fake News.

When you are done with this post, you will see many attacks of people claiming they are Q followers but that this gematria thing is to be dismissed or that what I have just exposed about the satanists is ludicrous or a conspiracy theory that will make us look crazy. Well, I don’t even have to respond, Q himself has already done so:

Gematria: Q40 4,10,20 A,b,c,d,e......

Conspiracy: Q924 There’s a reason the word ‘conspiracy’ was made/pushed. Their weapon against the awakening. Q

As we move forward, the picture of the Enemy is getting clearer. You now gather from POTUS himself that this war we are engaged in is primarily spiritual.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 8 months ago
    Hmmm, I hate to say it, but this article's "logic" looks akin to voo-doo chicken gut reading. Make it up as you go along. Pull some numbers out of your ass and spin a tale especially regarding the Masons. With perhaps a few exceptions, all the Masons I know are avid Trump supporters even here in The Peoples Republic of NY.

    Disclosure: I've been a Mason for over a decade now so I know a lot of them.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 8 months ago
      I forget the ancient phrase but it's translation is: Be mindful of bricks the lay before you with unfamiliar mortar.
      A warning from my brother-in-law who claimed he was a 33rd degree Mason. He read my early works and swore that "I" was a Mason.
      Of course, I am not, nor would I ever be.

      Prior to the early 1800's and the intrusions of Albert Pike, Free Masonary was fairly straight forward, abet with a few Bizarre rituals and nothing like what is insubstantially reported these days, but I wouldn't be surprised if their laurels rested upon those unknowing within their ranks.

      I suspect that Nothing is as it seems these days. The confoundations of all things followed the fall of Babylon and the worship of Baal.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 8 months ago
      Hi Mccannon01,
      I respect your opinion .
      Qanon posts and people decifer , it is up to you to decide what rings true( based on evidence) or not. What q wants us to do is to pass the info around it is called the great awakening. I have brought Q to the attention of the forum and exposed many to They have done the same .over 50,000 reading his posts right now.
      360 million around the world have been exposed to Q.

      The 33 rd degree Scotish Freemasons love their symbols.
      The Masonic temples are fraught with symbolism.
      Egyptian gods are prevalent . The number 33 is referenced and used with many examples.
      I am sure you know a lot of the members.
      I have know Shriners for 45 yrs many are great folk. It is not unheard of for the top people in an organization to be corrupt in fact it is apperently
      More common than we know.

      Spooks send coded messages. Gematria is the basis for many codes.
      Gematria originates from the mystical Kabbalah .
      The beehive and the all- seeing eye illuminati symbols esoteric mysticism kabbalah on the free mason map.

      Any of these guys your friends.

      George Bush - Skull & Bones, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, Illuminati , Skull & Bones

      Bill Clinton - Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, CFR

      Saddam Hussein - 33° Freemason

      King Hussein - 33° Freemason

      Tony Blair - 33° Freemason

      Gerhard Schroeder - 33° Freemason

      Benjamin Netanyahu - 33° Freemason

      Yasser Arafat - 33° Freemason

      Ronald Reagan - 33° Freemason (on sight), Knights of Malta,
      Rosicrucian Order

      Michail Gorbatjov - 33° Freemason

      Helmut Kohl - Committee of 300

      Shimon Peres - 33° Freemason

      Francois Mitterand - 33° Freemason (Grand Orient Lodge)

      Yitzak Rabin - 33° Freemason

      Willy Brandt - Committee of 300

      Gerald Ford (frm President USA) - 33° Freemason

      Karl Marx - (Grand Orient Lodge)

      Frederick Engels - (Grand Orient Lodge)

      Franklin D. Roosevelt - (32 or 33° Freemason)

      Sir Winston Churchill - 33° Freemason (but Resigned from the English Lodge!) Member of the Druid Order
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      • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 8 months ago
        With all due respect, your list of Freemasons is at least partially bogus as I only had to check three names to know that. For example Saddam Hussein and Michail Gorbachev were NEVER Freemasons of any degree and there is plenty of evidence they persecuted Freemasons in their respective countries. There is no evidence Karl Marx was ever a Freemason as well. I suppose if I look up a few others, I'd find the same thing.

        Yes there is symbolism used in Masonic discourse, but that is mainly historic. Keep in mind Freemasonry is fairly old and included a lot of illiterate membership especially in the early days. Symbolism in illiterate societies or among illiterate people is used to convey information or to aid in memorizing rules or procedures on how to accomplish some goal or expected behavior. Operative masons built cathedrals and aqueducts and not all could read and write so symbols were very popular in passing information. This doesn't mean those symbols are in some way nefarious. Many of the old symbols are still around today and are interesting to know about. Who knows, maybe a few thousand years from now somebody will dig up a $ sign carved in stone and interpret it as some demonic symbol.
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        • Posted by 5 years, 8 months ago
          Yes I copied the list and didn't fact check it.
          If interested this shows some amazing symbolism in DC with the house of the temple as the top of a pyramid like the eye on the dollar bill.

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          • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 8 months ago
            Greetings, Dobrien.

            Started watching and that video looks really interesting, but it's almost 4 hours long! I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to watch it in pieces while on the treadmill in the morning. LOL! I like watching those kinds of documentaries for the historical information. You have to be careful not to get sucked in by the hype of myth and mysticism and numerology, though.

            Thanks for the link!
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            • Posted by 5 years, 8 months ago
              Hi Mccannon,
              The numbers are not important to me. To ignore the importance to the Illuminatti is a mistake .
              As Q says the symbolism will be their downfall.
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 8 months ago
    "this war we are engaged in is primarily spiritual. "

    No, it is not.

    It is just a war against anything that is normal, against the way people live their lives.

    The goal is to create havoc and anarchy. The left, or whoever is creating the huge waves, does not care about ideology or anything that has been behind colossal wars in the past.

    If you leave your live peacefully in a suburb, you are guilty of not embracing the global "struggle" of refugees flooding continents like Europe or North America.

    The reason is irrelevant: what is important is the WAR.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 8 months ago
      Also you are right, we are on a war footing where 90% of the country has no idea who is fighting who, or even why, and 3 generations or more of ill educated idiots who believe in all their propaganda. It will be a war with a lot of oldsters in it, since we are the unprogrammed for the most part...
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    • Posted by 5 years, 8 months ago
      I can't disagree about the spiritualism , but the the leftist elite are worshiping Luciferian Satanistic gods such as Molech ,Baphomet and are part of evil secret societies. Their symbolism will be their down fall.
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  • Posted by mshupe 5 years, 8 months ago
    I think its spiritual in the sense that this is a war on individualism. Individualism is a complex system of values, justice, production, aesthetics, romance, happiness, etc. It is the greatest threat to the state. It is the essence of the assault, this time by the Globe.
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