Trump showed he won't protect America, will Republicans impeach him?

Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 11 months ago to Government
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Ah, the glorious, corrupt media controlled by the left wing one world Cabal, look at this, an Impeach Trump article with Trey Gowdy to add credibility for the Useless Idiots of America. Remember Stalin LOVED the Useless Idiots, who could be manipulated by propaganda like this.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
    The media is jumping all over Trump with no evidence of anything. They are destroying their own credibility in the eyes of those who have the ability to think.
    Makes me wonder though, because either the media has suddenly become stupid or desperate, or they have a pair of aces up their sleeve.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 5 years, 11 months ago
      They are not that industrious - don't ever make an assumption of a level of intelligence that doesn't exist. If they were so sharp, they wouldn't have all clicked on the phishing emails at the DNC and Hillary campaigns that opened the floodgates for the hackers. It didn't take "state sponsored spy craft" to do that - it took a collectively low-IQ of people interested in free money from Nigeria. Even John Podesta took the bait.

      They are terrified of how well the economy is going, now tipping 4% after they said for 8 years that "2% is the best that the US can hope for" and all we did was lower taxes - something they are ideologically and emotionally-invested against. What have we learned? Millennials are the largest voting bloc by far and they now know that they can get jobs, start a career, and raise a family in a thriving Republican economy instead of living in mom and dad's basement.

      They know their line of bullshit is up and although the hard-core socialists and leftists are still out there protesting, breaking windows, and blocking freeways - they are about to get a shellacking like they have never imagined, and they know it. People don't like to admit they like Donald Trump to some stranger on the phone, such as a pollster, so whatever the polls are, move 10% from the blue column to the red column and the election results will more closely match. If it looks "tight", it won't be, it's going to be a blowout. No one wants to go back to the Obama years, good riddance to bad rubbish.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
        I'm not talking about polls or elections, sco. I'm talking about people who still have lots of power at their disposal with their backs up against a wall for the first time in their lives. They have rarely had to think rationally, so I think they could do something irrational that they think will damage their opponents without any concern whatsoever for collateral damage if they feel it could be blamed on their opponents. I don't think this sort of irrationality is limited to liberal statists either; the GOP manipulators could sign on, too. Waco is a minor example of what happens when these people are under pressure.
        Don't underestimate your enemy.
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        • Posted by scojohnson 5 years, 11 months ago
          I don't underestimate their vindictiveness or the threat, I don't overestimate their ignorance either. It's bizarre how they don't "get" that Americans would rather be struggling while working with dignity, than struggle and be unemployed eating Doritos all day.

          The socialist extremists in the Democratic Party have basically taken over at this point - among the "Dems" they probably seem somewhat rational, but put them in a general election on a national averaged basis outside of their small pockets of leftist weirdos and on a macro level, you are looking at 20% of the country that will go for that - they always have to moderate the rhetoric going into a general election, but seem not to be doing so this time.

          There was one wacko on CNN calling for "the Army to step-in and remove Trump from power" ... What the hell? Some of them are calling for a "coup" - weird, considering their hatred of the military and all-things-defense-oriented.

          How well do you think the Ocasio gal would do in Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Georgia, or Alabama with the made-up "Bronx" upbringing, "democratic socialism", and her "downtrodden" Boston University undergraduate with her career as another "community organizer".

          I am going to make a bold prediction, America is going to slap-down the "party of chaotic politics", their "occupy" bullshit, their "resist" movement that is practically "armed resistance" at this point, and they are going to lose big... really big. I bet the R's take 6 more senate seats and the House swings 20 more to the right.

          Phase 2 - one would think they would do some self-reflection, but they won't, they will be suing Trump with 30 cases in federal court for doing a "bad job" and "hurting their feelings".

          "Democratic Socialism" itself is a farce - socialism destroys the economy, destroys the primary means for production by eroding capital and employment, and inevitably the regime will need to protect itself from ouster by clamping-down and curtailing human rights. Can anyone really cite an example of a "democratically elected" socialist leader that didn't become a dictator? They call Trump "Hitler" - but Hitler was a nationalist socialist, and he controlled the economy and all means of production - sounds a hell of a lot more like Bernie Sanders or Ocasio-Cortez than it does a free-market capitalist like Trump.
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      • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
        Exactly so, 2 years ago it was revealed that the group that hacked them used a simple social engineering spoof to get in, and they KNEW all about it. They opened the the door into their sordid world and then act surprised, and realize just how much dirt was sucked out. Then the dirt is spread, and to neutralize it, they created the "hacking" excuse.
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  • Posted by JuliBMe 5 years, 11 months ago
    It's clear to me, after seeing Mark Levin consolidate the history of our dealings with Russia these past 100 years, that our country has been run by mediocre to downright evil people. Reagan was the only exception in that 100 years.

    Now we have the fearless Trump. Who, in my estimation is Reagan on steroids. The man is doing this at his own expense. He takes no salary. His businesses are losing money. And, he and his family are ABUSED daily by not only his own government, the media, and (not more than) 20% of the population. I say 20% because there's NO WAY that 50% of OUR population could be that stupid and/or bat-sh*t crazy. The rest, I'm hearing, are Walking Away from the Democrat Party.

    Trump OBVIOUSLY loves this country and he's doing his level best with LION-HEARTED courage to bring it back from the brink of tyranny.

    When all is said and done, Donald John Trump will surpass Lincoln as one of our GREATEST presidents we will ever have. We are extraordinarily lucky to be able to see these historical events unfold.
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 5 years, 11 months ago
      I have contended without opposition from my audience (my dear wife) that Trump won the popular vote with 72%. (That's NOT counting the votes of places where there were more votes than voters, or votes from people who lived in two or three or 18 places at once, or anybody in Chicago.)

      Greater than Lincoln? Quite possibly. Greater than George Washington? You would have an argument with me about that, but you might win.

      I think I would put Silent Cal Coolidge up there in the top of the list, even though he is usually used as part of various jokes.
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      • Posted by JuliBMe 5 years, 11 months ago
        No on "greater than Washington". Didn't and wouldn't say that. However, I believe he is as genius as the Founding Fathers were (in a different way) and he will be as consequential for our times.

        I know little if anything about Silent Cal's presidency. However, it seems to me that he just did (or, didn't do) what was expected of him and stayed out of the way of the engine of our economy. Which was very good, but shouldn't be considered remarkable. Do I have that wrong?

        I believe President Trump won the popular vote, too. The Democrats can only win with fraud. Remove all the illegal votes, and I'm sure Trump won the popular vote handily. But, it's the electoral college that elects presidents. So, the popular vote doesn't even matter, much as the loonies whine about it.

        The Democrat loons in this country, as I stated above, probably only number 20% of the reliable votes for the Dems. The rest are just dupes who have not paid much attention before. They DID during 2016 because of the celebrity aspect of Trump. And, they ARE more intently now. And, while they are paying attention, the Democrats hilariously are shooting themselves in the foot DAILY. Many, who didn't pay attention before, are RUNNING away from the Democrat Party now. The mid-terms are going to be a blowout.

        Get out the popcorn. It's going to be VERY entertaining.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
      The 20% you refer to are, as Stalin so graciously put it, the "Useful Idiots" needed to control the population. Use them, then you shoot them.I call them the UI.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 5 years, 11 months ago
    When Clinton, Bush, or Obama went to Russia, none of them was treated as badly as Trump. Not even close. and all three said and did pretty much the same as The Donald. For the left and the elites Trump hatred overrides whatever may be good for the country. "A pox on both your houses!" -- F.D.R.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 5 years, 11 months ago
    I couldn't possibly say it better than Tucker Carlson did last night, 7/17, in his opening monologue (

    Trump is being viciously attacked by the same intelligence community and those who support it that told us:
    1) there were WMDs in Iraq and that, to make America safer, we had to invade;
    2) that there were terrorists in Afghanistan, and we had to invade to make America safer, and we are still there in our longest "non-war" ever;
    3) that Libya's Qaddafi was a threat and, to make America safer, we had to take him out, creating a power vacuum in N. Africa, anarchy and a new base for Al Qaeda;

    4) that to make America safer, we had to militarily insert ourselves into Syria's problems, prolonging that war and contributing to the humanitarian crisis and massive migration to Europe.

    Then these agencies were weaponized by Obama against Trump and anyone who would go against the established war/interference dogma of the deep state.

    No wonder Trump expressed distrust in them. They have, by their errors for the last generation, steered us into massive policy mistakes that have cost us trillions of dollars and wasted thousands of our young soldiers' lives.

    In Helsinki, Trump said we were also wrong for so many of the world's problems. In saying, he committed Biblical style heresy against the deep state, so much so that he has been called a traitor, worthy of impeachment, and even a military coup.

    Eisenhower warned us, in his 1960 farewell address about the military-industrial complex in America and the government policy makers who are symbiotically attached to it.

    I guess that makes Eisenhower a traitor, too.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
      Exactly so! I tried to explain that to my wife, that the Intelligence people he does not trust are NOT the ones he uses, but the ones the Cabal have inserted over the last 60 years or so, to enable their plan. They needed all those things to happen. Trump is the disruptive figure they did not have an answer too, so they try to destroy him, but he was just a figurehead, supported by Q. Q is the real backbone of the war effort against them. They seem to have a pretty good set of weapons as well...
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 years, 11 months ago
    Did these idiots on both side not remember, "speak softly, but carry a big stick!" You do not rush in like Rambo to speak to a leader of another nation, with whom you hope to create nuclear deals, and embarrass him. You work like leaders, not rabid dogs. We know what Russia is, and in the past, Dems have invited them in to brainwash our children, but suddenly, they are all over force. One never knows what the future might hold, and to write off a foreign power is ridiculous. Of course Trump is strong on the USA, strongr than Obama or Hillary. This goofy reaction by politicians and media with now power of reason is really pathetic.
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
    The establishment didnt want Trump in the first place, and has tried every way possible to make him impotent or get him out. They want their establishment protected at the expense of the country and US.

    Trump IS protecting america. Ignoring and treating Russia with disrespect is just not a smart thing to do.

    The dems wanted him to yell and scream at Putin in public so that nothing ELSE could be talked about. It was political.

    The biggest reason to talk with Russia is to keep the channels open in case there is some nuclear screwup mistake that needed attention on both sides to mitigate. Why have a nuclear war started over some innocent mistake or electronic screwup. You want the two sides to at least respect each other so the possibility of mistakes can be handled without going to war.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 5 years, 11 months ago
    It was all scripted before the summit. If this, then that.... If this, then that.... I trust Trump's judgment more than I trust the media's, stealth jihadist Brennan, Clapper, McCain, Ryan, et al. I'm betting Trump will be proven right AGAIN.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
      No doubt, I think they coach him on what is needed and probably told Vlad the Impaler what they were doing.Although I think Vlad is a nasty dictator, he has a weird sense of fairness, mainly centered on respect for Russia.
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I like avocados and find it difficult to assess the ripeness when purchasing them. I have found Costco to have high quality. I buy them in a “hard” state and wait for them to sit around until fingers just can dent them a little. Ripeness is slowed with refrigeration and accelerated outside in sunlight. Slightly greenish color of the avocado meat is best. By the time the meat gets more yellow, the quality has degraded.

    I like guacamole and find that the pH is important to keeping the guacamole from turning black. Lime juice should be added so there is a hint of lime taste to lower pH to acceptable levels.

    The transition between untripe where the pit sticks to the meat and overripe where meat gets soft snd yellow seems to happen rather quickly. Hard to detect from the outside unless u start with a definitely unripe and hard avocado- at which point it’s good in about 3-4 days. IMHO

    People seem to like my guacamole. Avocado, cilantro, red onion, salt to taste, jalapeño, and lime juice such that u can just taste the lime. I don’t add garlic or tomato. I leave it a little chunky
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago in reply to this comment.
    We are taught to be acquisitive from an early age. It feels good to buy things that can enhance one’s life. But take a look at our garages filled with “stuff” we don’t use, clothes that we don’t wear, and food we throw away cause we bought too much and it’s no good. What if we just bought only the food that we were going to eat.

    My parents were much more minimalist than I am. They only made the money they needed. It’s hard to break out of the culture of cintinuous acquisition, but I am trying
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    • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
      Imagine a world without Ebay, Craigslist, pawn shops, and garage sales ;^) Actually Craigslist and garage sales are about the last vestiges of the free market in this consumer driven world.
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      • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
        I can remember when none of those existed actually. There were farmers who sold what they grew on their farms to people who drove by and stopped back in the day . And you could put “fo sale” signs on stuff and put classified ads in the local paper

        Free markets are naturally occurring across all cultures. Now they are mostly licensed, regulated, and taxed here in USA tho

        They haven’t gotten to. Craigslist yet. In California, Sales tax is supposed to be charged at swap meets and garage sales. Here in Nevada you can still sell out of your driveway freely and without tax to individual like craigslist- more efficient than classified ads, and cheaper. It is a true free market thing
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        • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
          I remember, too. My favorite hifi amplifiers were much less expensive then because you couldn't find them. They ended up in the attic or landfill. Now we can buy them on Ebay or craigslist and make them like new again using less expensive tools made in Asia or Mexico. American made vintage hifi equipment from the 70s and 80s are the best bargains for music lovers today.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 11 months ago
    The media is now, without a doubt, marketing itself to people who 1-cannot read, 2-will not read, and 3-have zero critical thinking ability. The sad thing is that this constitutes a large part of the voting population. If it didn't work, they wouldn't be doing it. I've seen members of my own family, and others close to me, take the slop they're serving up. The media is in full assault-mode now. They don't seem to have any interest in covering the news. I've seen some amazing things on the news...but I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime.
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  • Posted by RevJay4 5 years, 11 months ago
    The hysteria is getting totally out of control. What gives me heart is that the American people are seeing the hysteria and realizing the folks in DC are a bunch of lamebrained children.
    Realize that next week, there is another hysterical moment for them to point their collective fingers at Trump and neenerneer. Its coming, wait for it.
    I'm embarassed that I, and my fellow citizens, have let it get this far. Time to fill the lampposts in DC, yet?
    I read an article on another site where the author offered an explanation for the madness we are witnessing from the left. Especially those in policitical circles of both sides of the aisle. The author is D. Blackmon and he writes the "DB Daily Update". He offered that along with TDS(Trump Derangement Syndorome), there is a companion disease he calls "Self-Preservation Syndrome". Those who have been doing dastardly deeds for years may fear exposure by a friendly Russia(to the Trump administration) and expose all that they have done to the detriment of the USA. Think about it.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 5 years, 11 months ago
    All those on the Left don't get it. When I listen to the President in Helsinki I heard this " Keep your friends close and your enemies closer". No one seems to have understood that. The Left and some on the Right must have a selective hearing loss. Or, is it a lack of understanding?
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
    We ARE all to blame for the terrible relations between USA and Russia.

    The Russians did some cyber espionage on the democrats and Hillary, turned themselves into truth-telling whistleblowers, denied it and got caught- creating big political problems .

    On the US side, the establishment settled on the Russian collusion nonsense, whipping up a public and political firestorm preventing a meeting between Trump and Putin.

    So there is 'blame' on both sides. Trump was right, and I didnt see Putin denying it.

    That said, nothing would have been gained by pounding on Putin like that idiot Fox interviewer did. Some things Putin just shouldnt talk about publicly, and the same thing is true with Trump. So be it.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
      And no one seems to have noticed China has hacked billions in material, state of the art tech, weapons system, they even stole the plans for the F35 from Lockheed and no one said a peep....go figure..
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      • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
        I agree wth ur comment on China., which I NOT our ally at all. They are a very smart competitor desirous of taking advantage of th Laziness and finance excessesof the USA t defat us
        The communist government s taking advanage of the very hard working Chinese.
        Meanwhile, we print money and the chneseaccept and hoard it, keepng the Chinese yuan from rising in values do keeping inflation Dow in the USA.

        The Chinese govt is biding it’s time hilewe et drunk on low Chinese prices and give up our manufacturing capabilities and our position of independence in the world. We need to wake up. I think it’s a little late tho, and raids are not going to work
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        • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
          I think that is also part of the Trump agenda, he is handling an awful lot of stuff at once, let alone a huge chunk of the government gone corrupt.
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          • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
            H i trying to balane the trade with chinaa by artifcially increasing chinese prices. Problem is that tariffs woud have i be about 275% to make chinese pricessimilar to sa prices. 10-25% just increases costshere but doesnt affect buying ecisins
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            • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
              Yes, but 200% would maybe cause some other bad things, like missles. Don't push so hard they have to fight to preserve their power...
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              • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
                I just meant that to actually cause a return to usamanfacturing the tariff woud have to be in the neighborhood of 200-250%. 10-25% just causes pain to the USA, but we will still buy from China. Lus as China retaliates, our exports will fall and make trae deficit worse.

                Obviously 200% tariff would decimate shipping indutry
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                • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
                  Well, I am sure this isn't over yet....
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                  • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
                    I really wonder where the trade war is going. What i see is a trade imbalance caused by the relative uncompetitive position of usa workers , the fact that tariff money goes to the rathole of governments, plus china’s desire to take iver the world. That adds up to continuation of tariffs to fund our ever expanding givernment, advancement of automation to reduce the need for expensive usa workers, higher prices and shrinking volume as customers re-evaluate just how much they really need to buy

                    I can tell you from our business its going to mean an expanded push to reduce the need for expensive usa workers through sutomation snd outsourcing of more services, and an attempt to maintain profitability in the face of reduced exports ,higher import costs, and less reliance on. Sales if nanufactured items as opposed to automated services. Interesting future- maybe we buy less junk we dont really need, cutting back on the need for income, and having a more meaningful and simpler life where we spend only what we have and not what we can borrow through money printing
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                    • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
                      imo, at least half of what Americans spend is wasted on junk that temporarily satisfies our consumption addiction (and it will take more than a government program or tax to solve this dilemma.)
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                      • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
                        pretty easy solution though, and we dont need anyone else to accomplish it. Just question how much we really need to buy, and cut back buying to only the important things.

                        10% should be a piece of cake for a starter. Consumption addiction is REALLY an addiction probably up there with many forms of drug addiction.
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                    • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
                      One has to wonder if all the "hidden tariffs" that have been in place for years were not going to some other place anyways., as there seems to be no accounting for it. They have been in place in almost every major economy in one form or another. Along with out farm subsidies and price supports, the market runs in a manipulated manner anyways.
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                      • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
                        Tariffs are s tax applied against the politically disadvantaged with the approval of the politically advantaged and applied under hidden agendas. In this case it’s supposed to cause more to be made in the USA. It’s not going to work
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                        • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
                          In this case I think it is being used as a big stick, more to make the point of anyone can have tariffs, but everyone is better off with none. I think he really is trying to get there, but other countries refused to budge.
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                          • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
                            Trump does say he wants free trade. But once tariff money starts flowing to governments, why would it ever stop. I think the balance of payments with China is because their labor is very cheap and efficient and their people are just more competitive than the relatively lazy Americans. 25% tariff is a drop in the bucket and won’t change chinese exports. Trump should be promoting automation here as a counter to Chinese labor to make it possible for Chinese to actually want our stuff. If selling in China means giving up our secrets, companies can just say no.
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                            • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
                              Good points.
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                              • Posted by term2 5 years, 11 months ago
                                I might add that sales taxes are like tariffs. Once in place, they always just go up and up. Now we get to pay sales tax no matter who we buy from.

                                My answer to this is “minimalism”. Stop just buying what we don’t absolutely need. Cutting purchases 10% without reducing standard of living is usually possible. I have cut way back on food purchases at Warehouse clubs and buy smaller sizes at Walmart hoodmart to reduce wasting so much spoiled food. Breaking the eating out habit by 20% isn’t hard either. Get free water at restaurants and use those little flavor packets I bring with me- saves 2.50 at most restaurants each time. Economize on multiple local trips- saves gas.and miles, requiring less frequent car purchases and sales tax expenditures. We are spending junkies now and it needs to stop
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                                • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 11 months ago
                                  I have cut eating out by about 95%. Once I enjoyed it, but lately I can cook better than the restaurants, and I do not get indigestion when I cook-unlike half the time I eat out. Haven't eaten "fast food" in decades (except when driving 2500 miles cross country - which avoids "fatherland security" at the airport) .
                                  I do wish I could find a way not to waste avocado at home though; they spoil about half the time unfortunately.
                                  I have found that making broth from ribs and chicken enhances what I cook and what I feed pets, too, with the added minerals and lower sodium healthier than "popular" manufactured broth.
                                  I find myself doing what our parents and grandparents did before time saving (less healthy) products were offered in grocery stores, but one must find the time to do that (instead of watching sports or propaganda "news" or playing video games or posting in the Gulch ;^)
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                                  • term2 replied 5 years, 10 months ago
  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 5 years, 11 months ago
    Hello Nickursis,
    It doesn't matter what he does.
    If he talks tough, they say he is trying to get us into WW3. If he doesn't call Putin a liar to his face in public, he is Putin's poodle.
    The MSM are propagandists with an agenda, plain and simple.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 11 months ago
      Indeed so, OA, they are on their own agenda which is a single world government run by the elite. If the best quality elite they have is Clinton and her ilk, they are way below the bar needed.
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  • Posted by KRUEG 5 years, 11 months ago
    Does not matter what he says or does. The screwed up demo party will attack. Give it a couple of days and then something new will pop up. What happened to all the kids?
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  • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 11 months ago
    I thought that Senator Rand Paul's comments to Wolf Blitzer were pretty accurate, pointing to the failure and the bias of the same organizations that implicated Russia and the Democrats irrational desperation.

    That's not to say that I don't believe Putin when he says that Russia didn't meddle - they clearly did. But what was interesting was that Russia didn't meddle in favor of either candidate. They set up contradictory sites and accounts just to foment angst. They trolled various other accounts and sites just to stir up controversy. Putin I'm sure would have preferred that Hillary Clinton win because they had done business before and he knew that donations to the Clinton Foundation would make America abandon Ukraine.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 5 years, 11 months ago
    USA Today has turned into "click-bait" - unreadable garbage website smattered with blue pill advertisements.

    The author is a supposedly a former member of the GOP caucus and a Breitbart correspondent that "turned to the democrat party" - in other words, he was a RINO democrat in a red-district that pretended to be a Republican until he was turned out of office.

    We have a lot of those here... there isn't a litmus test to put the R or the D by your name on the ballot, but there should be.
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