How does an illegal alien break the law? I'm Confused!

Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Watch a Hawaiian Demoduhcrat senator fail to wrap her special, uh, mind~cough! cough!~ around the simple fact that to be an illegal alien one has broken American law.
Me dino has listed "Politics" for the category because "Stupid" is not listed.

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  • Posted by CTYankee 5 years, 10 months ago
    Ahh, I see. How could a Hawaiian have the nerve to ask that question? There are places in the islands I may not even visit because I am white. Much less land there, stake a claim, and try to live! Because the land pseudo-belongs to some tribe or other.

    Dumbocrat hypocrisy at its finest.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 10 months ago
      Kind of makes me shake my head in amusement when the volcanoes then evict the self-righteous clods. I probably should be more compassionate toward those poor souls who paid a million bucks a pop for property with a beach-front view even though it sits on top of an active volcano. Let me think about that for a moment. Hmmmm... Definitely a tough one - almost as tough as people who build below levees in known hurricane zones.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 5 years, 10 months ago
    I know this is only partially related, but it was too funny not to pass on. In a recent bog entry from someone called Dianny on, I found this little gem:

    "Give someone HIV and walk away scot-free. Give your customer a plastic straw in his drink and spend six years in jail. What the hell is wrong with the people in California?

    Now, I realize that California will protect illegal alien criminals. But what if an illegal alien uses a plastic straw?

    There’s a quandary."

    The question posed is very reminiscent of the discussion Wesley Mouch was having with James Taggart, Orren Boyle, et al when discussing Directive 10-289.
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  • Posted by DeangalvinFL 5 years, 10 months ago
    I am going to attempt to be serious.

    First, a root cause of legitimate confusion is "Asylum". With good intentions but disastrous results is a law passed by Congress long ago giving people from all over the world a chance to claim Asylum in the USA to avoid persecution in their home countries. An unfortunate part of the law is that if someone can make it onto US land they can verbally ask for asylum and immediately have the right to stay until their case is decided. The court system backup is many years of waiting. Thus, the mayhem in our immigration system.

    Second, the difference between a legitimate location where foreigners may enter the country at our borders and ask for asylum, such as ports of entry by vehicle AND everywhere else where it is NOT legitimate and therefore a crime is ignored by this Senator and the MSM and many other people.
    Comparable examples that people do understand are an operating room at a hospital - everyone knows that you just can't walk in. Or someone's house, you have to go to the front door and ask.
    This Senator obviously knows but is playing dumb to try to make the enforcement officials look mean spirited.
    The general public's confusion, however, is real because of the stupid method of allowing people to petition for asylum.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 10 months ago
      If that senator was playing dumb, she was not smart enough to avoid looking stupid doing it.
      Me dino is certain many libs looked past stupid playing dumb due to their grumbling that "undocumented alien" is now the politically correct replacement term for "illegal alien," which of course is their "proof" that the ICE official is a racist~all ICE agents being racists in the first place already a libtard given.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 5 years, 10 months ago
    The fact that ANY politician needs to ask indicate how UNFIT that person is to be in government. The reality that voters put those people in office is a clear indication of the decay of our society (emphasizing the lefts dominance in indoctrinating children). Pathetic.
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  • Posted by mshupe 5 years, 10 months ago
    The attitude of the statists is "What good are laws if no one breaks them." In this case it became suddenly inconvenient to acknowledge their own law.
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  • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
    While the Hawaiian Dumbocrap has no clue as to reality except to follow the party line, she incidentally has made a good point.

    John Locke in his Second Treatise of Government stated so purely the concept of the natural rights of man. Too bad he has such a diseased mind that he could not overcome his fear of monarchy to a degree he tried to legitimize a divine being.

    Man by his very definition is a creation of his DNA but the spirit that resides within that shell is another matter all together.

    The spirit of man is endowed by his true creator with inalienable rights of which travel is most fundamental.

    This fundamental right knows no bounds or borders. It is the freedom to venture wherever the spirit guides so long as that venture does not encroach upon the rights of another.

    So illegal is what, a prohibition of another about something they cannot own. Then the real fight is not about travel but about being able to claim on the production of another something not earned.
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    • Posted by jimjamesjames 5 years, 10 months ago
      " that venture does not encroach upon the rights of another......" Invading another's country encroaches upon the rights of the citizens of that country.
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      • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
        By what right does one claim a country?

        Invasion of another's country is the domain of a government, like the US in it's short history has done since inception during the coup of 1887.
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        • Posted by jimjamesjames 5 years, 10 months ago
          "By what right does one claim a country?"

          Historically, by birth or conquest by another nation. If Mexico conquers the USA, all the Mexicans in Mexico (and Los Angeles) can claim that right.Until that happens, Mexicans (and other's without jurisdiction), have no "rights" in the USA.
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          • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
            So you are saying that because I was born on the land I can claim this country is mine. That is absurd.

            Conquest can only capture a government, not a country. That would just be the exchange of one tyrant for another.
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            • Posted by jimjamesjames 5 years, 10 months ago
              If you are born on the land and subject to its jurisdiction, you have rights. If you are not subject to its jurisdiction (a la, anchor babies) you have no rights. And tell Poland that their country was not captured in September, 1939
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              • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
                That's not rights, that's privileges. Privileges can be revoked whereas rights are endowed by your creator and are inalienable.

                I was born on the land but I'm not a citizen of either the fed or state but have full rights as a sovereign individual.

                Poland was never captured, just the people had to face a new set of tyrants that are now gone but for how long? Actually now Poland has many new sets of tyrants including the US and the EU.
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                • Posted by DeangalvinFL 5 years, 10 months ago
                  Some Rights are grandiose and pervade all of life, yet some are not.
                  A citizen may have rights that a foreigner does not.
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                  • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
                    What is a foreigner? Your ancestors?

                    No one has more rights than another, no one!!! What you are trying to state are privileges where your pull determines who has what privileges, the sign of tyranny. I will go out feet first before I bow to slavery.
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                    • Posted by DeangalvinFL 5 years, 10 months ago
                      Well, I would agree that a lack of a clear definition, or listing, of Rights is a major problem amongst the general public and therefore amongst our elected officials.

                      That you may be clear in your distinction between what you refer to as rights as opposed to privileges does not mean that others are.

                      I am thinking much more simplistically than you are, I believe.
                      A citizen is an agreed upon member of a country. A foreigner is a non-citizen. Simple as that.
                      In my opinion, foreigners do not have a Right to be in the USA. We, per agreed upon laws, allow them to enter and be here. It is a privilege that we have given them - it is not their Right.
                      This is equally true for me regarding other countries. I like being able to go to Italy, but I have no fundamental Right to go there.
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                      • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
                        Objectivism was the central philosophy of Ayn Rand, not subjectivism. Are you living life for others being their apologist?

                        I care not about the ignorance of others, I don't have to stoop to that level. If they lie on the ground, they must be doormats and deserve to be walked upon.

                        There is no "simplistically" when it comes to rights, you either know what they are or you don't have them. I leave belief systems to believers.

                        So by your logic of foreigners are non-citizens then are all non-citizens foreigners?

                        "CITIZEN. A member of a free city or jural society, (civitas,) possessing ll the rights and privileges which can be enjoyed by any person under its constitution and government, and subject to the corresponding duties. "Citizens" are members of community inspired to common goal, who, in associated relations, submit themselves to rules of conduct for the promotion of general welfare and conservation of individual as well as collective rights. In re McIntosh, D.C.Wash., 12 F. Supp. 177." - Black's Law Dictionary, Revised 4th Edition, 1968.

                        Collective rights infer the rule of the mob, slave and master. I'm not a slave and have no master on this earth. By what right can you claim to be a god and determine who can or can not be where?

                        By the way the Chinese own a large part of California and other states not to mention some of the largest buildings in New York. Are you saying they have no right to the property they own?

                        We and them is a belief system better left to believers.
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                      • Posted by $ 5 years, 10 months ago
                        And on top of that, there is that law that anyone who enters the USA illegally is an illegal alien subject to arrest and deportation. Period.
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                        • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
                          Really, then please explain the Dreamers and the other alleged 120 million people here without visas.

                          The main issue is that term illegal, a dictate of man not of nature or nature's god.
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                          • Posted by $ 5 years, 10 months ago
                            Kids are not at fault for being brought in--some actually sent in unsupervised like that invasion of children Nutty Nancy happily proclaimed to be "an opportunity."
                            Some dreamers are anchor babies. Don't think I need to explain their purpose.
                            My heart goes out to the kids and to those who reached adulthood knowing only our culture.
                            I think humane concessions should be offered to innocents. But not their chains of grown relatives.
                            Everyone else who doesn't belong here, well, they don't belong here.
                            Can't obey US laws like a grownup should? Bye!
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                            • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
                              Your argument is becoming circular. So what are you trying to project, that immigrants are illegal unless that come with or are children?

                              Anchor babies, is that babies with anchors around their necks? What do we do with them, chuck them in the lake to see if they are witches?

                              Who doesn't belong here? I'm sure the native Indians thought the same of you and your ancestors, so who is right?

                              As Hank Reardon said to his government stooge, "Someday your going to have to decide which side you are on." I say the same to you, you can;t have it both ways.

                              What laws are you talking about? Those arranged by some 57 demigods who declared they had a right to rule?
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                              • Posted by $ 5 years, 10 months ago
                                Me dino thinks you picked the right moniker.
                                Did you even watch this? The law is here stated.
                                Excuse me while I go around in circles acting like a stooge. Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo!
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                                • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
                                  Watched it, no I read it. Do I need to question your language skills?

                                  "LAW. That which is laid down, ordained, or established. A rule or method according to which
                                  phenomena or actions co-exist or follow each other. That which must be obeyed and followed by citizens, subject to sanctions or legal consequences, is a "law." Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292, 179 N. E. 705.

                                  In old English jurisprudence, "law" is used to
                                  signify an oath, or the privilege of being sworn;
                                  as in the, phrases "to wage one's law," "to lose
                                  one's law."

                                  The term is also used in opposition to "fact."
                                  Thus questions of law are to be decided by the
                                  court, while it is the province of the jury to solve
                                  questions of fact." - Black's Law Dictionary, Revised 4th Edition, 1968.

                                  So which of these slave definitions are you referring to? I believe it would be the third, opposition to facts.

                                  The article contains no law, just statutes and statutes are not law, just the prohibitions of man opposing real law in opposition to facts, real law.

                                  No excuse for you, none at all. It's called ignorance which is a choice to ignore that which is. More than likely based on refusal to address that which one does not want to be true.
                                  What law is stated?
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                                  • allosaur replied 5 years, 10 months ago
        • Posted by $ 5 years, 10 months ago
          The USA had did away with slavery during the 1860s, but it was still being mean to American Indians during this time also.
          Looks like Hawaii got even by becoming a state, me dino said, trying to make a ha ha.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 10 months ago
        Please do not venture into my neighborhood, you would be encroaching upon my rights. That would be stupid as would an illegal coming into my neighborhood. Rights are only encroached upon by some action against one's body or earned property or preventing one from the pursuit of rightful happiness.
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        • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
          Law can be stated as two concepts: 1) malum in se (evil in itself) and 2) malum prohibitum (evil by prohibition). The former is a function of natural law whereas the later is based on the prohibitions of man. Illegal falls into the later category and means nothing unless you are a slave of another.

          The two main concepts by the common law is trespass and trespass on the case wherein trespass is with violence and trespass on the case is without. However both require another to cause damage. The whole concept of common law is based on the commons wherein all provided by nature is within the commons. Only the labor of man separates property from the commons but that is not total as one of the fundamental rights is the right of travel which knows no bounds so long as one does not encroach upon what another has claimed by his labor.
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          • Posted by DeangalvinFL 5 years, 10 months ago
            The Right of travel would only apply to common areas, of which there is little left to travel upon in the modern world.
            You have no Right to enter my home, nor me yours.
            So, if a group of people declare a group of homes and land to be theirs, then you have no Right to travel there. Unless you are willing to fight to overwhelm their mutual declaration by force and declare that area to be of "your" common area.
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            • Posted by DeangalvinFL 5 years, 10 months ago
              Here is what I was trying to say as stated by Ayn Rand:

              National Rights

              A nation, like any other group, is only a number of individuals and can have no rights other than the rights of its individual citizens. A free nation — a nation that recognizes, respects and protects the individual rights of its citizens — has a right to its territorial integrity, its social system and its form of government. The government of such a nation is not the ruler, but the servant or agent of its citizens and has no rights other than the rights delegated to it by the citizens for a specific, delimited task (the task of protecting them from physical force, derived from their right of self-defense) . . . .
              Such a nation has a right to its sovereignty (derived from the rights of its citizens) and a right to demand that its sovereignty be respected by all other nations.
              “Collectivized Rights”
              The Virtue of Selfishness, 103
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              • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
                But Ayn Rand was a statist that blocked her from seeing the true causation of the effects she say manifesting. First her father, a middle class pharmacist at the time of the communist revolution where young Ayn got to experience the true tyranny of a communist takeover and then to escape to the US where to her horror this country was in the throws of being another Russia. While she does portray government at it's worse and inaccurately portrayed big business as the victims when in reality they are the order followers, without them the state would not be capable of much of it's theft.

                Experience is a horrible teacher but necessary when one refuses to learn history as you have pointed out in your quote, "it's form of government". There is but one form of government, circular. The stage of this circular form depends on the morality of the population. A republic degrades to a democracy to socialism to collectivism (fascism or communism are the rulers not the form).

                But her philosophy of Objectivism is a very powerful philosophy one should integrate into their lives. One would also be wise to understand the maxim of law in regards to order followers.
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            • Posted by AlfredENewman 5 years, 10 months ago
              You are perfectly right that it applies to the commons but you misunderstand the maxim of law of the commons. It does recognize the right to private property that is the whole basis of free man. What is in question is the land, do you actually own it?

              As stated by John Locke in "Second Treatise on Government":

              "God, who hath given the world to men in common, hath also given them reason to make use of it to the best advantage of life and convenience. The earth and all that is therein is given to men for the support and comfort of their being. And though all the fruits it naturally produces, and beasts it feeds, belong to mankind in common, as they are produced by the spontaneous hand of Nature, and nobody has originally a private dominion exclusive of the rest of mankind in any of them, as they are thus in their natural state, yet being given for the use of men, there must of necessity be a means to appropriate them some way or other before they can be of any use, or at all beneficial, to any particular men. The fruit or venison which nourishes the wild Indian, who knows no enclosure, and is still a tenant in common, must be his, and so his- i.e., a part of him, that another can no longer have any right to it before it can do him any good for the support of his life."

              So long as there is a path to travel then there is no right to enter private property. Where there are large tracts of land then passage is permitted so long as nothing is taken and the only thing left is footprints.

              However that also instills rights, the right to defend what is yours. But before violence is used, the offender must first be asked to leave, if not then you have the right to arrest and have police transport to magistrate where you press charges for trespass.

              But there are millions of acres that are of the commons not to mention the millions of miles of roads and right of ways to get there.
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              • Posted by DeangalvinFL 5 years, 10 months ago
                Interesting, yet in modern times even the public areas are highly restricted. The norm is you can not do anything unless you have a license or authorization of some kind. I do not feel "free" as should be the case.
                The Government acts as if it owns the land even if it is private.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 10 months ago
      Whether there is a "ghost in the machine" or not, as a spirit or just a emergent property of the brain would be nearly impossible to demonstrate.
      From your point of view, had there not been slavery in many parts of the world in the past, then we would all exist as god placed souls in DNA created bodies. In fact, had the past been different, few of us would ever have been born.
      The timing of conceptions would have been different by the shuffling of the DNA genome. In a way one should recognize that the past happened in order to get the present. One should recognize that the past, which produces the present, happened and as rational beings we have the power to not allow the same to happen in the future if it was bad in some way.
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