Free Trade

Posted by coaldigger 6 years ago to Government
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Donald J. Trump Tweeted:

"Canada charges the U.S. a 270% tariff on Dairy Products! They didn’t tell you that, did they? Not fair to our farmers!"

I am sure he will be subjected to many "lessons in economics" by all the experts that point out that tariffs are just a tax on your own people. I agree with the principle but strongly disagree with trade agreements with individual or groups of nations that set up such barriers. The US is the prime market for almost every good and service. The government has no role in setting prices but it is almost impossible to ignore the unfair management of markets by others. I would be 100% in favor of having 0% tariff on everything imported from any country that imposed no tariff on US goods and in favor of 1000% on goods from any country that imposed tariffs on US goods. Handicapping might be a way of making golf more entertaining at the club on Saturday morning, but notice that when they play for money, everyone is 'scratch".

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