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  • Posted by $ Stormi 6 years, 1 month ago
    What legacy? He has no legacy, and deserves none. Jarrett, Iran-born to Chicago slum lord, and we are supposed expect great things from her, her former gay boss, and the in-between shopping buddy? Make America Great Again, keep them out. If they got rid of Trump, do they realize they would still not control the White House? Aren't they all former lawyers who have lost their liceeses?
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  • Posted by GaryL 6 years, 2 months ago
    Trump keeps reminding them how intelligent he is but they just don't listen! He has read and better yet deeply studied "Rules for Radicals" and is following that exact outline using it against them. Heads are exploding in the media and the liberal circles and even the RINOs have no idea weather to shit or go blind. I am loving it!
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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 2 months ago
    Yes these freaks don't know what they are up against with President Trump. Who has more ammo , Who knows the nefarious acts of these treasonous scum? President Trump does .
    I say bring it on . It will be fun to watch Trump bitch-slap Hussien.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago

      The reason I posted this piece of news is because Jarrett was an insider to the extent that very few in the history of presidency were. Still we hear nothing of her, ever. I am certain she had a lot to do with the scandals surrounding Hussein and even more with the FBI and DoJ mess we are in now. She was fittingly characterized as a "reptilian creature" true to her nature. Still, when you do a search on her she comes up as a "businesswoman" on Wiki.

      You are right on Trump. He has been battle tested and I know he is perfectly capable of bringing down the entire cabal.
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  • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago
    EXCLUSIVE: Barack Obama's close confidante Valerie Jarrett has moved into his new DC home, which is now the nerve center for their plan to mastermind the insurgency against President Trump
    Obama's goal is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment, a family friend tells
    Jarrett has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma mansion to work closely with the former president and Michelle Obama
    Jarrett lived in the White House, dined with the Obamas, and helped shape his domestic and foreign policies
    Obama cannot use his West End office, a post-presidency perk, for political purposes
    'He's coming. And he's ready to roll.' former Attorney General Eric Holder said yesterday about the former president's reentry into the political scene

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  • Posted by NealS 6 years, 2 months ago
    Just heard about Rosanna on the radio. I actually believe she is right about Jarrett, but then again I'm just one of those deplorables.
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  • Posted by Casebier 6 years, 2 months ago
    Rosanne's show was just cancelled after she tweeted that Valerie Jarrett is a cross between the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes. Truth to liberal power, especially in the entertainment world, gets you fired.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 2 months ago
    Reminds me of the Palmetto Bug, which is a giant cockroach. Very hard to kill and keeps coming back and coming back. Unfortunately, there is no spray available that will kill them off. Obama refuses to retire as most presidents do, when no longer in office. Barack Hussein is setting new standards for ex-presidents. We may never see the end of him.
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 6 years, 2 months ago
    If the legal system (DOJ, FBI, etc) does not successfully prosecute this gang of evil, I fear that we will lose “The Land of the Free.” Gird your loins, folks. We are headed for a battle for the ages.
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  • Posted by Casebier 6 years, 2 months ago
    This article is from March 2017. So what's Obama/Jarrett actually done since other than watch their fantasy world socialist Muslin empire crumble?
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