Hawaiian man pulls gun on neighbor who went to check on lava-threatened home

Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 10 months ago to Culture
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Take note, when Oregon ( or your other liberal, goofy SJW infested state), comes to take your guns, this is why you cannot let them. Hawaii has got some issues with lava, a few roads cutoff, electricity disrupted, and it has decayed already to guns and violence. People get scared and afraid. If you do not have your weapons, when that big earthquake hits, your baseball bat or steel rod will not help you against the idiot next door with the gun, who needs your food or water or whatever. Civilization collapses quickly when a crisis hits, here is a great example of how fast it can go, with just a little bit of disruption. Cascadia will be 100 times worse.
SOURCE URL: https://nypost.com/2018/05/31/hawaii-man-pulls-gun-on-neighbor-checking-on-lava-threatened-home/

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