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  • Posted by exceller 6 years ago
    "so I did what any American who cares about our nation’s security should have done.”

    Really? McCain has been a cancer on the body of the Senate and by that on all of America. He has always put his selfish interest first and keeps doing it to his last breath, literally.

    He will not be missed. The sooner the better.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years ago
      Definitely. He isnt interesed in the security of the country, only HIS own power. He shouldnt be in congress under these conditions. Undermining a sitting president that the people have elected is treasonous in my opinion.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years ago
    McCain has been a bought man since he was allowed to skate free on the S&L issue. He should have gone to jail for 30 years instead of preaching to us about ethics for 30 years. Hypocrite. Looter. Scum.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 6 years ago
      McCain destroyed 5 aircraft when he was in the Navy - for anyone that didn't have an admiral for a father, the first would have doomed their careers. The first was actually listed as "pilot error" while at flight school. Crashing a jet at advanced flight training should have been a career-ender. He called it "engine failure", the official Navy report says "pilot error, inattention to altitude". How do we know the engine was running? (It sucked up a pile of earth on impact).

      In 1961 while "clowning" over Spain, he flew so low he took out a bunch of power lines and that was the end of jet #2. He even admits it was "clowning" in his book. Again, daddy the Admiral to the rescue after taking the electricity out in numerous Spanish villages.

      He was promoted to full lieutenant a few months after the Spain incident...

      Then in 1965 he "borrowed" a fighter jet to fly from Mississippi to Baltimore to take in the Army-Navy game with his dad. So - cross country flight on leave, normally means buying an airline ticket for anyone else - but if your dad is an admiral, you can get some orders cut and get the F-4 fueled up. On the way back, blaming the weight of all of the Christmas gifts he bought for his family in the baggage storage area, he ended up putting that one down in the Chesapeake Bay. In his book he says he was "coming in for refueling when the engine flamed out" - or.. sounds more like he ran out of gas after getting pretty bombed at the Army Navy game (previously noted he has a problem paying attention to instruments)? This one was called a "routine ejection" by the Navy. Really? "routine"? The first report of the crash said there was no damage or failure in the engine. Then it was revised a couple of weeks later to read "engine flameout caused by failure of unknown engine component". 12 months later, he is promoted to Lieutenant Commander - no doubt the heroism of dumping a plane into the bay.

      During the Forrestal fire - McCain writes about his heroism in fighting the fires after his plane was struck by the missile, etc.. but the Navy official record doesn't list his plane as being among the ones initially struck, and all the ones that were - have dead pilots among the KIAs.. but John would have us believe he jumped out of his plane after the missile flew through his belly tank and took command of the firefighting crew on deck. There is conflicting testimony that says he ran below and was watching the fire from the closed captioned tv screens.
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      • Posted by exceller 6 years ago
        Much of this sounds like H Clinton's "account" of landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. Yeah, there are more than one "patriot" in the top echelon who would probably be looking inside out through some metal grid had they been ordinary citizens.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      Cant say I care for him either as he is a classic RINO. His run for President was the biggest waste of time for everyone in a long time.He was a stooge candidate taking up space to make sure the Democrats won.
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 6 years ago
    McCain prevented the repeal of Ovomitcare. He has cancer. Karma.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years ago
      I will never forgive McCain for forccing me to pay ridiculous obamacare premiums just so he could oppose Trump. He is just jealous that Trump won, and he lost. There must be a god that made McCain lose- imagine what damage he would have done.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years ago
        No, the real reason was Trump announcing he was a traitor during the campaign, which was crass, but the truth is never socially correct. Seeing what he has done in the last few years, he is a traitor, or a shape shifting alien took his body....
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        • Posted by term2 6 years ago
          True. Maybe trump saw that mc Cain is a power hungry politician who uses guilt over his pow status to get power from people in the USA. So trumps comment exposed McCains little sympathy game and the reaction was true hatred- and the country’s interests be damned at that point. He didn’t want to admit his life has been built on guilt. After all, getting captured is areally a failure as a soldier, not an achievement to base one’s life on. He will go to his grave trying to destroy trump and the USA for electing trump. I do hope he retires quietly, but if he doesn’t retire that he dies quickly before more damage is fone
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  • Posted by GaryL 6 years ago
    Talk about Hypocrisy! We will soon get to bury him with full military honors! Makes me want to vomit. The line of veterans waiting to piss on his grave should be much longer. His headstone should be one of those green Porta potties.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 6 years ago
    This socialist talks about "duty", really! "Songbird", as the miliaray men called him, always put himself first. What about the other ignored duties, like to his wives, to his state, to Sarh Palin, to the truth? This man should have changed parties years ago, he is part of the swamp, and never cared about the USA. Too bad he still gets covered by the media at all.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 6 years ago
    McCain is an arrogant douche.

    One of by business buddies met McCain at a DC boat political event just a bid prior to the 2008 election. In pseudo-small talk he simply said he didn't understand one of McCain's positions. McCain simply unloaded on him, with statements like, "you just aren't listening" and "why don't you just go back and read...".

    Arrogant puke. Another above the law, just like Hillary.
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  • Posted by term2 6 years ago
    McCain is a traitor really. He is a closet Hillary supporter and therefor I will be most happy when is is GONE, and that will be soon I suspect. He should retire from the congress before he does more damage to the country. Too bad. He isnt representing our country any more.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 6 years ago
      When did McShame ever represent our country? It was always about him, nothing else. Come to think of it, how many of the critters in DC truly represent our country and the folks who elected them to office? Not many, if any, I'd say.
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      • Posted by term2 6 years ago
        McCain’s game is to trade sympathy/guilt for political power. The reason he hates trump is that trump exposed his game for what is. I think a soldier who is captured IS a failed soldier, not a hero
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 6 years ago
    McCain is a POS. I said this on a local news channel FB page and got agreement from 98% of my fellow Arizonans. As stated there, he is a political animal who serves his own purposes, be that money, power, and/or influence. I've met them man publicly 3 times and had opportunity to speak to him, in passing of course, two of those times. All it takes is a fraction of a second to understand that he say's nothing of substance that isn't prepared, sanitized, and focused on whoever is paying him - and that's not the American people. I won't even go into what my Vietnam Veteran friends tell me of McCain (A ffew saying he stated the USS Forestall fire because he was hot dogging a wet start of his A-4E to shake up the guy behind him)

    There are few politicians I respect less than McCain. And I feel Trump was right, getting shot down and captured doesn't make a hero.
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    • Posted by Bobhummel 6 years ago
      AJA, As a 20 year Navy fighter pilot, I am absolutely no fan of McCain, but the fire on the USS Forrestal was started by the hot exhaust from a "Huffer" (jet startng unit on a flight deck) blowing onto a pod of Zuni rockets loaded on an A-4 on the starboard side on the flight deck. The hot exhaust ignited the rocket motor and it fired across the flight deck and impacted another A-4 on the port side. Every Naval Aviator or NFO gets to watch this PLAT (pilot landing aide television system - see video in "Flight Deck Fire Fighting School" a.k.a. black booger, singed eyebrow school. The official story is that Johnny was in one of the aircraft next to the one hit by the Zuni. Trying to get a "hard Light" on Pratt & Whitney J-52 is a pretty stupid thing to do, because it can break your jet. Not that Johnny boy had not done many stupid things in the past. He is after all a "Black Ace." He has destroyed 5 of his own aircraft. But a "wet start/hard light incident did not start the "Forrest Fire".
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 6 years ago
        I watched the Forestall training video for fire fighting school when I served in the USN. I agree his hot dogging likely didn't start the fire but I only said some Vietnam Vets I've run across say he did, among other things. Having never served on a Carrier I have no direct experience and differ to yours.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years ago
        That was what we were told in DC school as well, it was the Huffer exhaust. Supposedly there was a guy under the wing doing some kind of check on the Zuni unit, and his testing triggered what would have been safe under other circumstances.Really doesn't matter, the real lesson was in how bad fires can get, how hard to control and how easy it is to die in one.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years ago
      Absolutely. It was exactly what I was thinking at the time Trump said it. McCain hated Trump from day one, probably out of jealousy the Trump won, and McCain lost.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 6 years ago
    Unfortunately, McCain's skewed sense of fairness and obvious lack of integrity (sorely wanting) has him making not only poor judgement decisions but ultimately hurting himself and the nation.

    His being an obvious hater of Trump has tainted his character (if he ever had one) to the point of looking like an absurd clown. Releasing a document such as that "Democrat" fake dossier document has forever linked him with lies and deceit that has hurt our country, not helped it! Now that it is well known that this document was fake and was paid for by the Democrats (and probably "Never Trump" R's like McCain) we can now see he has done a grave injustice to the American people!

    In some people's minds, McCain is a hero but even that does not give him license to use a now discredited document to attack the president thereby hurting the country! The best case for McCain would be to cut his losses thus saving some of his reputation and integrity by apologizing for pushing that Dossier garbage!

    If he continues on his "fools" errand, this is the way he will be remembered. A not too bright politician with little or no credibility or integrity. A typical "Swamp" denizen!

    His legacy may well be firmly and completely attached to that fake document perpetrated by the "Deep State" and its henchmen and women! For what its worth!
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    • Posted by mccannon01 6 years ago
      "In some people's minds, McCain is a hero..." As I've said before, McCain is the poster child for the foolishness of hero worship. Especially in his case where yesterday's hero morphs into today's village idiot.
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