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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 1 month ago
    Besides the nevarious money laundering operation the thing I keep seeing is how the leftist envirostopo pours gas on a fire to put it out.
    Nat gas burns very clean so these keepers of the planet ha ha ha won't allow it to be gathered. People who could have had inexpensive natural gas instead have had to pay very high electricity prices due to the cold snap this winter,” Moreau told The Daily Signal, “and many power generators were actually forced to burn oil instead of natural gas due to the constraints on natural gas.”
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 6 years, 1 month ago
    The Russians have been pushing the US toward pseudo-environmental bans sinee Gorbachev entered the US schools to sell the green agenda to our kids. Not because he cared, but to set in motion control via the topic. And what idiots allowed that to happen? Then we got Earth Day, which just happens to also be Russian Vladimir Lenin's birthday! Then the socialist UN teamed with NGOs like the Sierra group, to use the environment as a means to end private property rights, end capitalism, control what we eat and limit our fuel sources - all for control. Even the UN blatantly admitted they no longer care if global warming is true, as long as people believe it is, and they can control them. How stupid are our leaders! How stupid is the public?
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    • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 1 month ago
      We didn't have leaders before Trump we had destroyers people who sold us out. Stormi you probably know this woman, Charlotte Iserbyt but if not you will like her conclusions that we have dumbed down our future.
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 6 years, 1 month ago
        You bet I have read Iserbyt, also BK Eakens, and mroe. These are the ones who met in Colorado about a year BEFORE the shootings for a pane local TV discussion on the curriculum being finalized in Columbine. They called for people to beware what they had put in to that school. I had a VHS of that discussion, sent to our parents' group, and we said it would lead to bad things, boy was that an understatement. This dumbing down goes to the Ford, Rockefeller Fdns, CFR, clear back before Clinton even, calling for the creation of sheeple via the schools, with a goal to make us accepting of communism. These snowflakes with lowered IQ are rady and willing. I still have all those books from back in the 80s, and what these ladies predicted, or identified, were spot on.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 1 month ago
    The idiots in New York and California keep shooting revenue opportunities in the foot at every turn, and the source of their pinheaded thinking comes straight from the Communist plan created almost a century ago. In order to destroy America's economy and culture, the Communists invented things like political correctness, fanatic environmentalism, and an antireligious theme by turning the 1st amendment on its head. Promotion of unions and growth in government control over every aspect of our lives has crippled the drive that made this country.
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  • Posted by wiggys 6 years, 1 month ago
    so if all of this information is accurate and correct what is the government of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA doing about it? are they shutting down these groups such as the sierra club for accepting donations from an enemy of the state? as far a i know the government who we finance i doing nothing! i that becaue thoe who we pay are also on the take from the same people who donate to the sierra clubs of the USA? collusion is far'er and wider than we could possibly imagine. the only thing that is good is that the bad guys are not going to militarily attack us because they are quietly winning!!!
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  • Posted by GaryL 6 years, 1 month ago
    My take on this one, First, I have lived in the Great State of NY all of my 66 years. Voter ignorance has been a continual thorn in my side and another spot for as long as I can remember. I lived under Mario Cuomo and now under his slug son Andrew. Both are anything but American value supporters and most recently Andy admitted he is in fact an Undocumented Immigrant.
    On the other part of this issue I must call it as I see it. Anyone who honestly believes any energy company that is claiming to supply cheaper energy from what ever the source better quit smoking that stuff. They could strike an endless supply of energy fuel tomorrow and you can be sure it won't get one damn bit cheaper. We must look back to our roots at a very special engine that never will change our world.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 1 month ago
      I hate to say it, GaryL, but NY has no monopoly on voter ignorance; it is an epidemic that has been encouraged for at least 6 generations in the States united.
      A few billion to buy the ownership of any energy breakthrough is a small price for the existing energy cartel members. It would take a great deal of courage to defy the cartel.
      ( I don't know what engine you refer to. Please enlighten me;^)
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 1 month ago
        I mentioned to Dob, that I realized in this discussion the value of natural gas during the aftermath of a devastating EMP...(no matter where it comes from), Those that have piped access to it could survive during the time it would take for the Country or the world to rebuild their electrical infrastructures.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 1 month ago
          If they don't die of thirst or hunger. Transportation will be near zero until the buggy whip makers get production going. Full employment at last! (after lots of re-training and a new appreciation for the simple things.)
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          • Posted by $ 6 years, 1 month ago
            We have a lot of Horses in my area...I thought about that the other day...we just need some wagons, turn the local green houses into food growing centers, we have good fishing areas and a few farms with cows and chickens.
            If we don't freak out, we could survive pretty well.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 1 month ago
              What pumps your water? What keeps food from spoiling? What stops crazed hungry people from burning things down when they think you have something (that you earned and saved and they didn't) that they want? What stops them from killing and eating those irreplaceable horses? Who will fix the broken legs? Where will antibiotics come from? Growing enough food for the existing population is not easy without extensive mechanical assistance. The US would look like a banana republic with soldiers everywhere in a short time (if they can get there) - and where will they live and what will they eat? There are about 250 million too many people to feed in the US after a big EMP.
              BTW, no reason to reveal anything that isn't common knowledge that gives you an edge in such a situation ;^) If you are well prepared, don't tell anyone.
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              • Posted by $ 6 years, 1 month ago
                Natural gas runs generators very nicely. My generator will run both, natural gas/propane or gasoline with a little fiddling.
                Most people in my area, have them.
                What else is there to do when the lights go out? you can plant, water seeds and pick fruit without a machine.
                Maybe my little town is unusual...especially in connecticut.
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                • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 1 month ago
                  Will that generator run after a big EMP? Any electronic component in it?
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                  • Posted by $ 6 years, 1 month ago
                    No and that's the beauty of it...some of the others in the area?...don't know. It cost big bucks to get anything without anything electronic.
                    We do have a lot of car builders, electricians and engineers in the area though...we could build what ever we need...not to mention a Dam near by that could be utilized.

                    PS...the carrington event may have been an wouldn't take much more than an x10 to do the job today with our shields 25% down and all our electronics; not to mention a properly placed nuke at the right altitude would take out 99% of the north American land mass.

                    Interesting enough, Texas, not only has it's own grid, parts of Texas would be just outside of that Nuke/EMP parimiter.
                    Can't convince the wife to move to Texas...
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                    • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 1 month ago
                      How does that gas continue to get to you? Is it from a local source? Few cars will even run. After a few days there won't be any fuel for those few. Nothing will be transported to your area. Anything sourced elsewhere will stay there and the people there will make certain of it. Trade will cease. Communications will cease.
                      How many engineers have any experience without computers, transistors, other modern items that are used to build everything else. How many engineers can build a crystal radio from a razor blade, a pencil, a few wires?
                      I think you are underestimating the extent of the problem.
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                      • Posted by $ 6 years, 1 month ago
                        We are talking old school here...the old car hot rod builders will see to that!
                        We'll strip down the useless cars down to their chassis and hitch a horse to them.
                        We do have natural gas on one of the main roads near by but none of us are connected.

                        Here is another interesting thing to consider. Say a few dumb phones survive by accident or perhaps someone using their knoggin...with a can still have communications, not to mention, older Ham radios or a few older CB's.

                        I've started this conversation with a few of my local buddies...we're puttin on our thinkin caps before we get alzheimers.

                        Gas and diesel fuel can be had with an electric pump, garden hose and a car battery via an older car (hot rod).
                        Westbrook stands a good chance of surviving and maybe thriving...the towns around...maybe not so much.
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        • Posted by GaryL 6 years, 1 month ago
          EMP, Electro Magnetic Pulse that could take out our entire power grid! The magnitude of such an action is absolutely unfathomable even by most of us here in the Gulch. We lost grid power for 8 days and I have my own generator. I keep 30 gallons of fresh fuel on hand for just such occasions. Others here have rather large propane tanks to run theirs. When my 30 gallons run out I have to run for gas and gas stations don't pump if they don't have electric from some source. An EMP that destroys the grid in this country would spark panic in very short order. Some would and could last longer than others but in the long run things will certainly go bad real fast and about 2 weeks is where thing start getting very dicey. No fuel for you generator, no fuel for your cars and trucks, all your cold foods are spoiling or gone and you better have guns and ammo to keep what you do have in stockpiles. Our world here in the majority of the US revolves around stable power. Damn few of us are even remotely capable of living off the land for any length of time without the convenience of electricity. Even those who consider themselves Survivalists will be out hunting for the supplies they need. We could start a new discussion on all this stuff that I won't even bother with. There is not a tree for fire or an animal for food that will be safe in the absence of electricity here. The Haves will be fighting off the Have Nots and if you look at some of these war torn places in this world right now you just might get the picture. Go for just a few days without clean running water or even no toilet paper and you might have a much deeper respect for the conditions we live in and how it might be in their absence. I doubt this will ever happen here but then I also doubted we could elect such idiots as Obama and Hillary and Pelosi and Cuomo and Schummer and the list goes on and on. We have a Porn Whore who has already bilked our billionaire President out of $130,000 in hush money and is now going for a much bigger black mail pay off and I don't care if it happened or not. Our liberal left and the MSM wants to take all of our guns away from us leaving us defenseless and half of our population are perfectly fine with that. They think the cops will protect us and I don't have a cop within 20 miles of my house for 23 out of 24 hours every day. Ask yourselves this. Are your kids in a public school being indoctrinated as we speak? Someone coined the term "Shit hole country" a short while back and we are headed right for that exact condition PDQ. At 66 I figure I might have another 20 years and at the rate we are going I might not make it out before the SHTF right here in the land of the free and home of the brave!
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          • Posted by $ 6 years, 1 month ago
            Doesn't have to be that big...our shields are 25% down and still degrading. It is reasonably speculated that it would keep going down as the poles move closer and closer.

            I personally am hoping for a simple magnetic pole excursion instead of a reversal...our biggest danger is from stupid people and cosmic radiation.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 1 month ago
            Correct. Out of brevity I think you may have underestimated the extent of the problem ;^) An extensive EMP would entirely destroy our civilization and billions would die. Only invading extraterrestrials would benefit.
            It's a prime reason that the human race must get self sufficient colonies off this planet. Instead we waste billions on "nation building", new sports stadiums (to replace ones that still work), "women's studies", and election campaigns.
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  • Posted by BrettScott 6 years, 1 month ago
    More Useful Idiots working for the commies.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 1 month ago

      Special thanks Hillary Clinton, the Podestas and the Obama administration on behalf of Russia.
      Mrs. Clinton, while feathering her nest and launching the failed Russian reset, managed to transfer military technology being used in the missile system.
      Hillary as secretary of state transferred “major technology” that “may have substantially undermined U.S. national security” and the media ignored it, Peter Schweitzer reported in a WSJ piece. The report published July 2016 was titled , “From Russia With Money — Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset and Cronyism.”
      It explains that the Obama administration, with Hillary in charge of the project, was planning to set up a Russian Silicon Valley. It involved a major technology transfer that substantially enhanced the Russian military’s technological capabilities, according to both the FBI and the U.S. Army.
      It involved government officials and American corporations in the transfer overseen by Hillary’s State Department. Tens of millions were then funneled into the Clinton Foundation’
      A Putin-­‐‑connected Russian government fund transferred $35 million to a small company [Joule] with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta on its executive board, which included senior Russian officials.
      Podesta also headed up a think tank which wrote favorably about the Russian reset while apparently receiving millions from Kremlin-­‐‑linked Russian oligarchs via an offshore LLC.
      John Podesta, of course, is Hillary’s campaign manager, a committed Socialist and a close ally and working partner of Socialist George Soros.
      The Moscow-based IT technology company called Skolkovo, fashioned after Silicon Valley, poured tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation, the report states. This was supposed to be the earliest of foreign policy initiatives to reset our relationship with Russia.
      Hillary Clinton was the point person.
      Beginning in 2009, State Department officials under Clinton “played a substantial role in assisting Russian government entities in accessing U.S. capital and in seeking investments in U.S. high technology companies”.
      Clinton was intimately involved and almost exclusively in charge.
      The idea was that Russia was going to form its own Silicon Valley at Skolkovo and U.S. companies would invest and share talent. Hillary and Podesta sought to find investments here in the States.
      Of the 28 US, European and Russian companies that participated in Skolkovo, 17 of them were Clinton Foundation donors or sponsored speeches by former President Bill Clinton.
      Clinton was warned that the technology could be used for a hypersonic missile engine.
      The FBI and Army warned the administration
      Lucia Ziobro, the assistant special agent at the FBI’s Boston office, said at the time, “The FBI believes the true motives of the Russian partners, who are often funded by their government, is to gain access to classified, sensitive, and emerging technology from the companies.”
      “Skolkovo’s link to the Russian military-intelligence apparatus is not in dispute”, the report read.
      The U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program at Fort Leavenworth issued a report in 2013 (written in 2012) about the security implications of Skolkovo. The report declared that the purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a “vehicle for worldwide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, biomedicine, energy, satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology,” Schweizer wrote in his report.
      Hillary Clinton launched the reset and it died in 2011 but the damage had been done.
      Russia’s FSB spy agency — the successor to the KGB — reportedly keeps two of its information warfare “security centers” at Skolkovo, the report says.
      “I think the idea that you’re going to help develop a Russian version of Silicon Valley, which, by the way, will be controlled by the Russian government, and then not to expect that the technology will be siphoned off for military uses, is incredibly naive,” journalist Peter Schweizer said.
      She got them uranium too
      She also helped get Russia the uranium for the nuclear projects.
      “Nine Uranium One shareholders donated more than $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. Some of those donations, including those by Uranium One Chairman Ian Telfer, had not been disclosed by the Clinton Foundation”.
      Hillary later facilitated the sale of a US uranium mine to Russia, to Uranium One, a mine which produces for 20% of US output.
      Continued… http://
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