The Politicization of the FBI

Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 4 months ago to Government
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A great article by a former special counsel and government attorney regarding the repeated abuses and criminal actions of the FBI under James Comey.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 4 months ago
    A good description of the facts except for one statement that shows the speaker's naivete in one area.
    "staged a pre-dawn raid with weapons drawn on the home of Paul Manafort, rousing Manafort and his wife from their bed—a tactic customarily reserved for terrorists and drug dealers."

    Federal agents of the BATF and FBI have been doing this without any evidence of wrong-doing against targeted federally licensed innocent gun dealers for decades.
    The FBI cannot be trusted even as garbage collectors (since they have proven that would destroy any evidence in said garbage.)
    Shut down the FBI completely and fire all the employees. Return the funding for it to the states and let the states and cities do the job of protecting their citizens from thieves.
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