Dutch intelligence had a front-row seat to Russian DNC hack

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 4 months ago to Government
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This is interesting, but raises a whole series of questions. Engadget only talks about "anoymous sources" which means 0, in terms of credibility. Go to the "de Volksrant" (people rant?) website and they give a much deeper article. However, it still, while sounding good, says either the Obama gangs NSA, FBI and State Department IT "experts" are incredibly incompetent, or there is a whole lot of BS being thrown around. Not being a hacker myself, I do not see why they had this supposed "big battle" and then these evil Russians penetrated both the White House and the DNC. You mean nobody told all the probable targets "Red Alert" and "DO NOT open any emails that are the least bit weird" It just seems that either there is huge incompetency, or this is not the real story.....
SOURCE URL: https://www.engadget.com/2018/01/26/dutch-intelligence-election-hacks/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 4 months ago
    So the gist is that some Russians uncovered some valid documents hidden on the Dems computers showing that the Dems/Hitlery were unethical, possibly committing illegal acts and then the Russians published them so the voters could more clearly understand why Hitlery and the Dems should not be trusted with power.
    Isn't that a good thing for individual liberty?
    I don't want such unethical statist looting scumbags elected or appointed to any office or position of public trust.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
      Well, uh, yea. There were a few more things in the mix, like the senior head bozo was taken in by a phish, and gave up the access to the White House network as well as the DNC. It was a long list of stupid dids, but the worse was that, according to this story, everyone in the "combat arms" of the cyber world KNEW they were being attacked, and evidently didin't think was a big enough deal to sound "battle stations". Lucky it wasn't KJU and his nukes, just some Russian hackers.....
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      • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 4 months ago
        "senior head bozo"
        Love your colorful description.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
          AKA John Podesta, who appears in many Clinton story's for both Billie Boy and Hillary Beast, the story I saw said he was one of the many who was fished with the "Your email is corrupt, click here to repair" or something like that Phish. How many times have the security people told people to NOT click on the links? Yet he did and opened the door. These were not world class hackers who cut their way in, they asked idiot John to open the door and he (and like 20 others) said "sure". The went in and cleaned house which is how all the emails got to Wikileaks. I am agreeing with Dob, as far as Seth Rich was in on it deeply somehow. And he ain't Russian.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 4 months ago
    You can also bet that this never would have come to light if the Cozy Bear outfit hadn't found out they were hacked, as Dutch Intelligence would keep using it. What does amaze me is that if this is true, Cozy Bear is incredibly lax in their own security. To not detect a hack for two and a half years??? That's an insane amount of time in the cyber-espionage world.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
      Yep, this seems to be a bit of a stretch in many ways, yet is being sold off as "truth". Remember, this all goes back to blame Trump and prove he was in collusion with the pesky Russians...
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 4 months ago
    Why would the Dutch care about any of this...don't they have a dike and some tulips to tend to?...laughing

    I still don't think the DNC was hacked, it's more likely the info was stolen and passed on...that was a much more credible story. The "Hack" story only promotes the DNC coverup.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 4 months ago
      Seth Rich murdered in Washington soon after the wikileaks release.
      Assange offered $100,000 reward .
      Wikileaks says it was not from Russians.
      The narrative does покрывать убийство.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 4 months ago
        Part of the reason this just doesn't wash, almost like someone is making a bad attempt at rewriting history.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 6 years, 4 months ago
          Yeah, a lot of Glossing over things. Remember the DNC was actually hacked TWICE. Once when the stuff about how they rigged their nomination and another set we associate with Seth Rich.

          The FBI never got to look at the computers involved. And according to logs, like 8GB of data was transferred in seconds. Implying a USB3 type device and NOT an internet connection.

          This account, is more like the stuff we KNOW was going on. Hackers hack. Other people create fake news web sites, etc. Most hackers don't have the patience for that. They would rather unlock the door, get paid, and move on.

          So I agree. Someone is rewriting history. I trust WikiLeaks on their sourcing.

          Also, it makes me curious as to what tools they used to see all of this, because my understanding is that MOST of these hackers VPN into other boxes to hide their foot prints, so the data they were pulling over the network was most probably encrypted during transmission. Not doing so is a childish mistake.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 6 years, 4 months ago
    If they really did got this feed, and did report it, what did Obama do about it. Hillary still had her unsecured server operating, no issue there, right. As far as the FBI, they did not investigate the past criminal connections of Obama, and declare him a security risk before he ran.The DNC was full of leaks and intrigue, and the only information was the truth about some dishonest and duplicitous Democrats. I have yet to see the issue of Russia exposing truth, after Obama put boots on the ground to try and influence the elections in Israel, Canada, and Europe, his ACORN type trouble makers. He had people spreading disinformation and promoting face to face!
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