Benghazi, The Non-Resignations

Posted by itisntluck 11 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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In case you missed it, those State Deptartment employees who resigned over the Benghazi screw-up, didn't actually resign.

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  • Posted by $ kathywiso 11 years, 7 months ago
    You know, this whole Benghazi deal is so unbelievable. Watching four American servicemen being murdered in the situation room and not sending the help needed is beyond comprehension. Our military defends our freedom with their lives. They walk away from their families, friends and life here to defend their country and us, willing to give everything they have for our safety & freedom. This is the response they get from their government. It has been proven that they lied to the American people, before the election.... No wonder Hilary has a headache, The whole bunch of them, including the King, are a disgrace and should be arrested for treason.
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