Is This The First Signs of Significant 'Shrugging'?

Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
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More and more corporations, in order to escape the onerous tax burdens of the U.S. are moving their headquarters out of the US and keeping the off-shore earned profits overseas. The looters in our government aren't happy. Should Objectivists be happy about this 'Shrugging'?

From the article: "Wouldn’t you know it? Barack Obama and his cohorts have found yet another way to blame those greedy, bloodsucking profit-seekers (otherwise known as American businesses) for tarnishing the American dream.
What’s the latest sin of those dastardly companies? It’s having the unmitigated gall to move their headquarters out of this country in order to save on taxes. How dare they! Aren’t they supposed to put their country’s need for more money ahead of their shareholders’ desire for more profits?
“My attitude is, I don’t care if it’s legal, it’s wrong,” the President thundered during a recent speech. He called on Congress to fast-track legislation to make such relocations (known as “inversions”) illegal"

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  • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 10 months ago
    "We all need to have skin in the game" translates from obamanese into "I'm gonna pick ALL your pockets"

    We have almost if not the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Of course companies are moving headquarters to countries where they can have a better tax stance.

    The only surprise is that it hasn't started sooner or moved faster.
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 10 months ago

      Agreed completely, Technocracy. Obama is citing the looters' mantra. The only country with a higher corporate tax rate is the United Arab Emirates.

      Regarding "the only surprise is that it hasn't started sooner or moved faster", this is why I am seeking advice from straightlinelogic and MrKnoWhen.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 10 months ago
    There is significant shrugging going on. The only question is whether this is the first sign of shrugging.

    Right after Obama got elected, he said that we all need to have skin in the game. I converted quite a bit of cash to Au that day.
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  • Posted by LibertasAutLetum 9 years, 10 months ago
    Yikes! The US corporate tax rate is 39.1%? When you factor in all overhead you would be lucky if you can eek out a razor-thin profit margin, if any at all. I once got a bee in my bonnet to open a small motorcycle dealership in New Jersey. After about a week of solid research the fees and taxes that need to be paid BEFORE you can even open your doors laid to waste yet another American dream. Ever since then Ive had my head in the sand about things like this because I simply don't want to hear it. Its downright frightening. Everywhere you look in my town theres another commercial property with a vacancy sign in the window. Wasn't like that ten years ago. Seems the cost of doing business is just to high to bother. Once ambitious people like myself are doomed to live out their lives as lowly worker drones thanks to the governments seemingly hostile attitude towards business owners...
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