Pentagon Pays For Soldier's Transgender Surgery
No, we did. .
A federal judge blocked Trump's ban.
So congratulations.
Happy $rainbows$ to taxpayers one and all.
A federal judge blocked Trump's ban.
So congratulations.
Happy $rainbows$ to taxpayers one and all.
Just ask Kalifornia's Gov. Moonbeam Jerry Brown.
Hope you don't live in that dysfunctional state.
While writing the above, me dino first wrote "thinking" but substituted that word with "feeling."
"To feel" as opposed "to think" is what lib feel-good bleeding hearts do.
A military discharge is a far more rational and economical way to handle those who selfishly sign up to sneak a pricey personal problem into the armed forces.
I suppose now soldiers have to take extra care to mind their Kalifornia-styled he, she or it pronouns even in the heat of combat.
I named a stray cat that's now a pet "Moocher."
Perhaps calling a federally funded transgender that or just plain "bum" could protect soldiers from facing a court martial for using politically incorrect pronouns.
(Thus does old dino sarcastically snarl).
is a mental illness.
Treating the soldiers mental health is ethical.
Changing their body surgically is not rational or anyone's responsibility.
So I suppose a boob job or maybe teeth braces or hair replacement is not out of the question for us all to pay for. While at it what the hell how about massages and tattoos.
What you listed on that last line is not health care but cosmetic goodies a soldier should have to pay for his or herself.
Having your teeth cleaned and checked and filling a cavity is health care. Braces? Maybe if it relates to an injury in the line of duty.
Marines have Navy doctors.
Imagine a combat Marine getting his free girlie fix.
Guess that's when dogs and cats will start to mate.
I told him talk is cheap. Many people who agree to not to pay taxes may secretly pay them anyway, leaving the rest in lurch.
The lib then asked, "Are you a leader? Or are you a follower?"
I told that weaselly lib I knew what he was trying to do.
So here I am still voting and enjoying my retirement without IRS-releated legal problems..
I've worked in a prison but I've never lived in one. And convicted felons can't vote.
Trouble is, most taxpayers won't do that. They just won't.
Maybe wishful thinking from the old Rev. So tired of the "feeling" issues and losing focus on reality, and the rest of us paying for it. This "trans.." issue is just another reason to oppose anything remotely progressive/leftist/etc. Liberalism is a serious mental disorder and should be treated as such.
Maybe we need a dual tax system that allows each participant to select one or the other. If you want the military to pay for transgender surgery you check the box and the IRS bills you for your "fair share", If you don't want it, check the other box, no charge. If you want Obamacare (with or without sex changes) check the box(s) and pay your "fair share", if not check the other box. If you want to build and use national highways check the box, if not don't want it then you can't use the highways, you are not authorized a vehicle, check the box for bike paths.
Heck, a lot of libs even hate the American flag.
My theory is, where the USA is concerned, that these people are at the core of a communicable disease that part stems back to LBJ's "The Great Society" program and even farther back to Woodrow Wilson.
On a worldwide level, this kind of stupid has already spread like a pandemic. Just look look at the libtard mess Europe has become. Glad my grandparents got the hell out of there.
I'm glad Peanutbrain Jimmy Carter helped to fully wean me from the same mode of errant thinking.