Jason Brennan Joins the Brigade of People Misrepresenting Ayn Rand’s Views

Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
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" blog post by Jason Brennan of Bleeding Heart Libertarians, in which Brennan claims (among other things) that Rand and Objectivists are, according to the implications of ethical egoism, “committed to the view that you should rape, dismember, and murder others when it serves your interests.” Of course, Brennan does not and cannot quote Rand saying or implying this or anything of the sort. Nor does he or can he get around the fact that the implications of Rand’s ethics are precisely the opposite of what he claims them to be—as Rand herself made clear."

Is this going to be Objectivists battle for ever? Or is it a major indicator of the successes of AR's philosophy?
SOURCE URL: http://www.theobjectivestandard.com/2014/07/jason-brennan-joins-brigade-people-misrepresenting-ayn-rands-views/?utm_source=TOS+Commentary+%26+Announcements&utm_campaign=d07b3992ce-July_28_2014_Blog_Commentary7_28_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6e1a126b97-d07b3992ce-317566077

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