Mr. Thomas Mark Wessel

Posted by deleted 9 years, 9 months ago to Philosophy
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I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...

I believe my following comment might not be received well by others here at Galt’s Gulch, but I feel forced to say my part. I strongly think Ayn Rand would not be 100% supportive of the current Republicans and the Tea Party members in government who are absolutely trying to derail America. As an example, look at their stance on one particular legislative record: they refuse to pass much needed funding for our deteriorating infrastructure, be it roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, other rail transportation systems, etc. In Atlas Shrugged, it was a given that America had the infrastructure to successfully move resources to produce anything which filled unmet economic needs, whether consumer goods or technology to enhance business’s efficiency. Yes, Dagny Taggart stepped into her brother’s shoes when she realized that he did not possess the vision and fortitude to lead the family business.

Atlas Shrugged published in 1957 was released on Thursday, October 12th, a little more than 15 months after President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law on Friday, June 29th the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956. I am sure Miss Rand applauded the use of tax dollars for this mid-century game changing pro-business utility and what it meant for her friends (e.g.: Allen Greenspan) and all gentlekind to move about this great country from east to west and north to south.

I have to run, but more words later. I welcome all feedback with goodwill as all objectivists provide in goodwill.

Gentlekind regards,

Thomas Mark Wessel

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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 9 months ago
    A few comments in goodwill- I thank you for the pleasure of the opportunity to give free advice:
    Funding- a special word used mainly in government. It means other people's money. It is taken by force, even more can be printed (yes this is still other people's money as inflation steals), astronomical amounts can be borrowed thus imposing more inflation and liabilities.
    A central theme of AS was the railroad. It was not built by government. A reader of AS can hardly miss the respect Dagny has for her grandfather who built it. The railroad supplied economic needs of many customers who were willing to pay for what they received. That process did not depend on government. The investment was made voluntarily, not with government 'funding'.
    I doubt AR would have approved of the idea of government 'funding' to support her friends, the story of AS is strongly against cronyism. I am quite sure she would have opposed the gift to Hamas of $500m. When handling other people's money, some are careful and frugal, some are wasteful and foolish.
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