How The Trans Agenda Seeks To Redefine Everybody

Posted by khalling 9 years, 10 months ago to Culture
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"It’s ironic that those leading the charge for the transgender revolution would claim there is only *one* right side to history."

"Indeed, “civil rights” is always a nice line. It works well to stop debate. There’s lots of emotional blackmail involved because of the social punishments (labels of “hater” or “bigot”) heaped upon anyone who might question the agenda."
SOURCE URL: http://thefederalist.com/2014/06/23/how-the-trans-agenda-seeks-to-redefine-everyone/

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    Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago
    Sorry, but that's like calling Objectivism an "agenda". What those people do - to themselves - that has NOTHING to do with me or mine - is none of my damn business. I don't know any of the people involved, it's not my place to stick my nose into their personal lives and tell them how to live.

    Its not like an actor on a TV show or some same-sex couple is gonna make me go out, take those male enhancing drugs I keep getting spam over, and try to grow a dingus and a beard. (OK, at my age, most women in my family get facial hair... damn)

    What someone does with regards to this stuff - whether I know them or not (and I don't know these folk) don't make one whit to me. Are they a straight shooter? Can I trust them? Will they rip me off? Can they work their ass off for an honest paycheck? If they say something can I take it to the bank?

    Strangey enough, THAT'S what's important to me - not whether they married or live with someone who's the same sex, not whether they went through some psych wringer to try to straighten out whatever's making their mind all fubar, but if they're someone who I can trust, and like, and maybe even stand back-to-back with during a shootout.

    Those are my values. People that degrade others on shit those others can't control - I just can't understand them.

    Like I said before - if your marriage or life is so fragile that someone who's gay or lesbian or transwhatever is gonna cause you to get divorced or go off the deep end... it's not on that person, it's on you.

    (Frigging hornets!)
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      while I agree with your mini-rant, I am curious if you read the article? This has nothing whatsoever to do with how people live their lives, but how they push a social agenda to impact how I live mine: who I associate with, who I hire, what my legal status is. The agenda has force behind it. President Obama just signed an ACT recently imposing on government agencies hiring and workplace standards that give preferential treatment to transgenders. Figure out how to get hired on your merits! That's all I'm saying. Whenever the govt passes things like that imposing new regs on themselves, the private sector is one step behind. There are radical movements to FORCE so-called social justice on people. It's not a right that you get to feel comfortable while putting the full force of the federal and state government against me. Realizing this is a real agenda with big teeth behind it important. We do NOT need anymore laws recognizing this or that group. and we need to repeal a few others doing so.
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago
        Yes, it's a huge agenda issue. And I can't see how the libs making laws over stuff that should just be common sense can fail to continue to enslave (should I say EnSheeple?) our peoples.

        I also (highly) disagree with the Gub'mint forcing their socialist-agenda crap down our throats. I don't want to hire someone because they're a transgender, I want to hire them because they're the best damn employee I can hire... I don't give a d@^^n if they're a lesbian, or gender-questionable, or even married to Curly, their pet Sheep (tho thinking about it, there seem to be a plethora of married (and single) sheep in this country)... Can they do the job, do it well, for what I'm paying them? THAT is the bottom line...

        I *do* know there's a lot of discrimination out there - from the highway superintendent that wants to fire a frigging dynamo worker because he brought his boyfriend by when he picked up his check, to the person who talks crap behind someone's back to discredit him to his boss because they heard a rumor (unfounded, BTW) he was once a dike named Sheila (seen both firsthand), to the person who wouldn't hire someone because their name was Abdul (even tho they had more mechanics certs than I thought possible, and stood up to the certs, and undercut his competition on wage-expectations by 15%)...

        Yeah, there're problems out there. But what it will take to straighten this mess out - other than some people growing up mentally - is NOT the nannystate telling us who we must and must not hire, but all of us employers taking a stand, and telling these people who practice this (dare I say the word?? --giggles--) bigotry and discrimination against people they should be damned glad to have on their team.

        It's like the whole Minimum wage bullc*@p... As a good employer, I'll pay someone what they're worth, but if they're doing $5 an hour work, I'll be damned if I'll willingly pay them $11.73 (or whatever they say I pay them). And forcing a floor (minimum) wage and then jacking it up over and over - does NOTHING but accelerate inflation.

        And THAT gets me more pissed than my former rant... because it affects ALL of us.

        (So, what IS this creepy popcorn smiley thingy? Damnit, now I want to know...)
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 10 months ago
      Like you, I have no interest in telling others how to conduct their personal lives, so long as as they do no harm to others. However, the goals of the unconventional sex proponents are to gain taxpayer support for and promotion of their lifestyles. The reason they try to tie their purpose to "civil rights" is to attempt to reap the financial and judicial harvest like that resulting from society's march toward racial equality.

      What makes me uncomfortable is how groups seeking approval for incest and pedophelia are trying to tie their tail to the kite of homosexual rights. Membership in the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) should be a criminal offense, in my opinion.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
        what?! I have never heard of such a thing...That would be a good post...where is the line drawn between speech and crime ...games and vilence
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 10 months ago
          You can find the web site for NAMBLA here: http://www.nambla.org . If leaving a record of visiting such a site makes you squeamish, wikipedia has an entry here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAMBLA

          The goal of NAMBLA is broader than just for males having sex with minor males. They want to eliminate ALL age of consent laws, which, I suspect is to gain support from other pedophiles of the lesbian and heterosexual stripe.

          I haven't seen an organized group promoting incest (but then I haven't spent much time looking), but an Australian judge recently made headlines by saying that with the existence of many methods of contraception, incest shouldn't be a crime (since the common argument against family sex was to prevent genetic birth disorders). I suppose one could argue that incest between adults shouldn't be a big deal, but I'll leave that up to individual opinion.
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          • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
            I read that (Aus ruling)and had an immediate eeewww that's not natural feeling. LGBT stuff doesn't bother me the same way. Who am I to say what two consenting adults can agree to as long as they aren't harming one another. No-I do draw the line there. I think it's criminal when couples cut one another or other sick crap like that. as I said on a social media site-was I the only one who thought the Luke Leia thing was a close call?
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            • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 10 months ago
              Actually, most psychiatrists would say the Luke-Leia "almost" experience wouldn't be that unusual, citing numerous pairings of siblings separated at an early age and becoming lovers when reunited as adults. It seems that without regular familial contact the discomfort of too-close contact between siblings or parent-child disappears.

              There's an incest case going on now in Germany, where the brother-sister pair married and had children. In their defense, they had been separated and placed in foster care at about one and two years old, and their sibling status wasn't discovered until they had been living as a family for several years. There's a law against incest, under any conditions, in Germany, and their children were taken from them and they were sent to prison. An appeals court reversed the prison sentence, but under the condition they remain separate and can't see their children. Thanks to public outrage, they remain a couple and free, and are seeking the return of their children. The tax man, however, insists their marriage is still not legal.
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
              Why draw the line at them hurting one another? What business is that of yours? Further, some people LIKE hurting each other. So you're willing to accept the LGBT community, but not the BDSM community. tsk tsk.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 10 months ago
                I think that's khalling's point: the line should be drawn somewhere. The BDSM community has a range of followers, from mild to savage, and sometimes the violent end results in crippling or lethal events. Newbie BDSM-ers may get drawn into a more violent experience than they anticipated, so who decides that a crime has been committed?
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                • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
                  yea, what the doctor said. pick your bed partners with care...I have heard stories where the BDSM started mild and ratcheted up...fear is part of the game sometimes. I say if there is fear on the part of a partner, then they need to check a premise
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
      The "Trans Agenda" in point of fact has nothing to do with transgender. It has to do with destroying American society. While the LGBT "community" benefits from it, ultimately it will benefit from the agenda the same way blacks, women and children have benefited from its predecessors.

      It doesn't sound like those are your values. It sounds to me like you have no values...
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 10 months ago
    Some of us will have a difficult time adapting to the required political correctness no matter how tolerant we are. https://screen.yahoo.com/pat-birthday-pa...
    Minorities of every persuasion often seem to want more than equality. They want special consideration... government intervention. I would not ask for government intervention to stop them. It is none of my business.
    Personally I have no problem with people being who they are as long as they do not shove it in my face. If I see a hetero couple engaging in public acts that are none of my business, I mind my own business, but I want to say "get a room." If I see lewd behavior the source is irrelevant. If you want to be an exhibitionist Mardi Gras is the place you ought to be. :) Strangers ought to have warning and a choice. Parents should not have to explain to their children things they are not yet old enough for. I sound like an old fuddy-duddy. :)
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
      You sound like a reasonable and rational person.

      I personally think that LGBT is wrong from a perpetuation of the species perspective. On an individual basis, I don't give a rip what one, two, or more people want to do in their bedroom - so long as they are of legal age, competent to understand what they are doing, and consent to what they are doing. What I do object to, is being told that I MUST not only tolerate what they do, but that I must, as you identify, give them SPECIAL consideration. That is where their rights overlap my rights. And when they want to bring in the force of government to do so, that's where/when I become militant about it.

      I don't shove my sexual perspectives in the faces of others and only ask that they not do so to me either. If a certain provider of goods/services doesn't want to serve you (other than if you are a legally protected class) that is their right - move on and find another. It is not your right to force them to violate their own beliefs so that you might enable your own. And if there is no other provider out there, then start your own service/company if you think there is a demand for such.

      Maph is a one-note band on this board. He insists that everyone accept his point of view, and refuses to allow that others might have a different point of view. There are a couple others on certain topics as well, but he is certainly the most pronounced and prolific.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago
    I wonder if this crap is included in Common Core somewhere "UN-defining us all" is their motive as well). After all...we are all the same inside..(gag, hurl). And gender neutral pronouns...just like in Anthem.

    Let's all just melt into one big blob of nothing for the purpose of the greater good and fairness for ALL.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
      It's worse than that. There's a particular book that is advocated to use - It's Perfectly Normal - that will amaze you.

      Here's a link to a video - http://www.auee.org/sexuality-standards....

      Not safe to watch at work, with children, with anyone you don't consider a close friend. Very disturbing.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
        that is NOT the job of the school system to tell kids how to behave sexually at 10. For years, my mother taught a health class to her 5th and 6th grade students. Teh kids were divided up and the majority of the talk was about personal hygiene. She ignored the movies and slide presentations offered by the district, instead favoring a very simple approach to how your body-plumbing works, both males and females. That's it. There might have been vague references to you're a sexual being...I don't know, and you will develop these feelings, but always with a big wrap-up of ASK YOUR PARENTS! no parent ever opted their kid out of her class. I think you step it up a notch in jr high and then in high school you can talk about these many topics. But not to 10 year olds! reminds of Brave New World, where the point was to get all the children sexualized very early in life. It also reminds me of heading back to the primitive. Sexuality is an important part of life, but the school's job is about teaching the stuff that helps make you productive for yourself. I cannot unsee that stupid book
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 10 months ago
    I read the article...then reread some of it. I find it quite lacking in logic. To me, the root of the problem is that it is no business of the government to 'allow the State to refuse to recognize that children result from the male-female union'. Who gave the State the prerogative to recognize the definition of a family?! The State should not be in the business of defining marriage or family in the first place. No, this should not be shoved down our throat - it should not be part of their venue in the first place.

    Let's take a look the accuracy of the quoted statement itself : We have known since around 2000 that it is hypothetically possible for a man to have a baby. What happened to illuminate us on this was that a woman who had had a total hysterectomy was delivered of a child by c-section: (She had an ectopic pregnancy and the placenta had formed on the outside of her colon.) So - given modern techniques - it is not really necessary for the genetic or physical parents to be a man and a woman. Two women are possible; two men are plausible given a female egg-donor (enucleated - so not nuclear genetic component from the woman) to provide mitochondrial DNA.

    We can go a step further. You can have a single parent child - we call it a clone, but it is really just a twin with an age offset. You could have your clone-child implanted and deliver it. We may soon be able to have an external gestational device that allows the embryo/fetus to be nurtured independent of a biological host altogether. None of these things mean that a child is less of a child or that that their parents are less parents.

    None of these things imperil the existence of the family or the tendency of the human species to form male-female pairings. This will probably remain the norm.

    Insofar as 'calling' people different things, I will point out that Tagalog does not have personal pronouns that distinguish gender. This does not seem to inconvenience the people of the Philippines (any more than English speakers are inconvenienced by not having a 'chair' be 'female' as it is in Romance languages).

    Get the government out of our personal lives, and let the gay and trans people have their own fine families (which they do) and work and play with people who accept them. As I do: I have a number of friends in that community and I qualify them for 'people I want to hang around with' (or hire) the same way I do everyone else.

    (Incidentally, about one in 13K births is an XY female - the person does not even know that she has a Y chromosome but thinks she is a normal woman. If you add up all the possible syndromes, the number of babies whose genitalia or sex chromosomes are 'different than normal' are about one percent.)
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      I agree with your points...except you missed the part about coercion of everyone else in policies
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      • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 10 months ago
        Ha! I thought that point was well and amply made in many of the prior emails.

        As I was driving in to work today, I moved over a lane so that some bicyclists would have more room. I thought to myself how I really like there being bicycle lanes going everywhere...but that I would NOT like the government to make me ride a bicycle when I wanted to be driving a car. And then I thought of this discussion...

        It adds a whole different flavor 'to make' rather than 'to let'.

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 10 months ago
    Re-definition of basic descriptive words and phrases by progressives makes discussion and even thought more and more difficult for many people. It's been going on for a number of years and is a major tool of socialist. Can anyone remember the fight over Ebonics being taught in school from Oakland back in the 70's and 80's?

    Changing language to control thought.
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    • -5
      Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
      Language changes naturally over time. Cultural evolution is an inherent part of language. It has nothing to do with socialism.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 10 months ago
        The language of logic, reason, reality, truth, and rational thought does not change. It may be added to with refinement and expansion-but not changed. As in any realm of science, the language (such as mathematics) is defined by the science and understood by all that wish to learn and become involved in the area of science. The definitions are fixed by and are specific to the particular area of science so that all may interact and learn from each other. Semantics is not a game, but rather is the science of logic and definition.

        An example of progressive attempts to change or re-define language and therefor thought is your second sentence in which you attempt to combine and conflate three separate identities. By doing so you have generated a nonsense statement
        "Cultural evolution is an inherent part of language" Culture does not experience evolution. It is not genetically inheritable. It's development depends upon a 'building block' mechanism from generation to generation and group taste.
        The dictionary definition of culture: culture |ˈkəlCHər| noun
        1 the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively:

        The dictionary definition of evolution: evolution |ˌevəˈlo͞oSHən| noun
        1 the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
        2 the gradual development of something, esp. from a simple to a more complex form:

        The dictionary definition of language: language |ˈlaNGgwij| noun
        1 the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way:
        2 the system of communication used by a particular community or country:
        3 the manner or style of a piece of writing or speech:

        So what you as a progressive socialist have attempted to do with 'cultural evolution of language' is to imply that 'culture' is a part of the natural world effected and changed biologically, i.e. 'evolution' and insert that into the definition of language.

        A is not B is not C.
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        • -2
          Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
          Wow, you are wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to begin. Pretty much everything you said is wrong. The language used in the various fields of science is CONSTANTLY changing, and new discoveries often come along with total revolutions of the language used in that particular field. Plus, old vocabulary often becomes depreciated over time, while new vocabulary inevitably takes its place. Also, the word "evolution" does NOT have to apply exclusively to the realm of biology. It can be used to apply to literally anything that changes over time, whether biological or not.

          Also, if you say that one variable cannot equal another variable, all math and deductive reasoning becomes impossible. Ayn Rand takes the axiom A is A (otherwise known as Law of Identity, or the Reflexive Property of Equality) from the writings of Aristotle, but Aristotle NEVER said that A cannot also be equal to B. That's not how the Law of Identity works. In fact, Aristotle said exactly the opposite. What the Law of Identity ACTUALLY means is simply that the variable A cannot hold more than one value at a time, but that in no way prevents it from being equivalent to another variable. Yes, it's true that Aristotle said A must be equal to itself, but he also said that if A equals B, and B equals C, then A must also equal C. For example, Socrates cannot be anyone else except Socrates, and if Socrates is a Greek, and all Greeks are men, then logically Socrates must be a man. That's called Syllogism, not Socialism.

          And I'm not a Socialist.


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          • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 10 months ago
            "And I'm not a Socialist." If quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, its a duck.

            The purposeful blurring or changing of language or purposely not defining one's terms is dishonest and the province of charlatans and despots.
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            • -4
              Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
              Sure, but don't go around calling a goose a duck. My financial beliefs are based primarily on the writings of people like Robert Kiyosaki and Warren Buffett, neither of which is a Socialist. :P

              And the only charlatans and despots who have ever made any deliberate attempts to change language are the fictional ones in the novels of George Orwell. As far as I'm aware, that's not really a tactic that real dictators have ever actually used in real life. But regardless, changing of language is something that's also done by scientists when the old vocabulary cannot sufficiently describe observed phenomena. Bill Nye came and gave a speech at my school back in 2011, and one of the things he talked about was how he himself had personally invented new words to describe phenomena which previously had no label attached to them. You can watch a video of that speech here:

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          • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 10 months ago
            See, there you go again. You're trying to conflate and confuse by attempting to mix definitions of 'identity' and 'variable'. Variables can vary, Identity can't. That's their definitions in logic and language.
            You also refuse to accept simple definitions. Evolution is not change over time-it's development from simple to complex and it's identified in it's science.
            You additionally attempt to conflate 'change' with 'added to' or 'expand' in the language of a science.

            If you're just ignorant, I can excuse that. You can always learn more. But I think you're purposeful which pretty much defines you as a progressive socialist.
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            • -4
              Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
              Okay, gradual change from simple to complex over time. Articulating a more precise definition doesn't refute what I said. And where in Aristotelian philosophy does Aristotle define "identity"?

              And progressivism isn't socialism. Socialism is the abolishment of private property, which is an idea that's not part of progressivism.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
    The article mentions employment non-discrimination but most of it is based on the premise that families with traditional gender roles are a foundation to liberty. So we don't want to make life easier for transgender people b/c they're a threat to freedom.

    This is tortured logical gymnastics trying to find a way denying people equal marriage rights paradoxically gives people more rights.

    I would say this employment act isn't really doing transgendered people any favors. When people talk to transgender people, they will legitimately wonder if they're there on their merits or if someone was afraid of being accused of discrimination. I'm very happy to see traditional gender roles broken down. The authors grandkids will be embarrassed to be associated with this bigotry. If she wants to make things hard for minorities, though, she should support the gov't helping them with non-discrimination laws.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      yes. this is my issue. you feel uncomfortable and so you force a national agenda down my throat...why don't things like this backfire? because the govt operates in Alice and Wonderland land. that's why....it's always someone else's money for the carnival
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      • -5
        Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
        You have no idea what you're talking about. No one's trying to shove anything down your throat. We're just trying to defend a persecuted and misunderstood minority.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 10 months ago
      "This is tortured logical gymnastics trying to find a way denying people equal marriage rights..."

      Ah, but right there you have fallen into their clever trap. Two people of the same gender hooking up does not equate to a marriage. You are buying into the notion that there is no such thing as gender at all and that society has no need for mothers and fathers - nor do children. That was the whole point of the article.

      Sociologically and morally, how do you teach children how to be good parents and how to relate to others without role models of both sexes? Answer: you can't. It is impossible. All one has to do is look at the breakdown in the African-American community since the 1950's due to the explosion in unwed motherhood to see what happens when you eliminate the traditional core of father (male) and mother (female) from marriage. You get significantly higher crime rates, gang formation, lack of education, MORE unwed pregnancies, higher drug addiction rates, etc. You get a societal cancer.

      I've already seen what happens when parents break up at a very personal level. I find it hard to believe that anyone would wish that upon an entire civilization - let alone a single family.
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      • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 10 months ago
        It isn't just the African-American community, white births out of wedlock percentages are up there as well.

        72.2% for blacks, 29.4% for whites. If I remember right that 29% is as high as it was for blacks in the 60s. The aggregate out of wedlock birthrate for all groups is 40.7%.

        Think about that, just over 40% of ALL births are out of wedlock.

        You can't call them children of "broken homes", we need a new term....

        Children of "unformed homes" or can you even call half a home a home?
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 10 months ago
        You've hit squarely on the issues that are at the core of our primate heritage. Humans are social animals geared to a specific social structure, and disruptive behaviors (like homosexuality) cause negative effects that are difficult to incorporate into the larger society.

        Blaming religious intolerance for society's resistance to these disruptive behaviors is an act of misdirection. We are genetically geared to resist unconventional behavior. Homosexual proponents point to the occurrence of their kind of activity in primates like chimpanzees as being "normal", but they avoid discussion of what happens to the homosexual actors in primate culture, where most are brutally punished or banned.

        If anything, humans are far more tolerant of dysfunctional behavior, and Christians are the one who espouse love of the misbehaving, while disavowing the negative behavior. For the record, I'm not a Christian, but I do contribute to Christian organizations like the Salvation Army, mainly because of their tolerance of "sinners".
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
          "Humans are social animals geared to a specific social structure, and disruptive behaviors (like homosexuality) cause negative effects that are difficult to incorporate into the larger society."
          In that case we need a system to determine which behaviors are indeed "disruptive" to the "social structure". Then we need a set of ways for gov't to make life difficult for people who exhibit the "dysfunctional" behaviors.

          If we're modelling everything on other primates, we need to look at all behaviors they exhibit.

          Maybe we should just abandon looking to primate for how to behave and leave one another alone.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 10 months ago
            Why do you feel the government needs to get involved at all? Note that I didn't use other primates as the example - promoters of unconventional social behaviors have been the culprits there.

            Human social instinct is usually pretty good at determining what is positive and negative behavior, even though it takes some time to work things out. What gets in the way are religious and government interference.
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          • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
            these are great points and should go both ways. ;) PC society doesn't get to come to a consensus on how I react or what I say either. sometime I'm willing to look at guidelines because I want to be polite...but not at the expense of my self and my rational behavior and words. this reminds me of a post...I wonder if db has already posted it?
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        • -3
          Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
          "they avoid discussion of what happens to the homosexual actors in primate culture, where most are brutally punished or banned."
          ORLY? Got a source for that?
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          • -2
            Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 10 months ago
            How about turning mainstream superheros in comic books into homosexuals instead of creating new characters?

            Just today I saw an article about one actor (name escapes me) that refused to take a role as a homosexual vampire and lost his job. I have no issue with his losing his job because of his decision. However I know from many authors whose books became films that directors have a lot of liberty with scripts. I does raise the minor question, if this guy was so popular why not adapt the script to accommodate him?

            Its A Living was the first (TV show, 70s or 80s), to my knowledge, to use desensitization to force social acceptance.
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            • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 10 months ago
              I find the 3 down votes rather amusing. One of you at least TELL me where I slighted your sensitive feelings by presenting the truth. As for the actor I did say it was his decision.

              Sack up and tell me...
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
        "Two people of the same gender hooking up does not equate to a marriage."
        This is a question of definition ,not something to prove or disprove. For the purposes of a discussion I could accept alternate definitions.

        "You are buying into the notion that there is no such thing as gender at all and that society has no need for mothers and fathers - nor do children."
        Of course gender exists. Gender are the cultural ideas we associated with the sexes. There is such thing as sex too. I also believe kids need parents.

        "Sociologically and morally, how do you teach children how to be good parents and how to relate to others without role models of both sexes? Answer: you can't. It is impossible."
        It's amazing what's possible with hard work. It happens every day. My wife is an estate planning and probate attorney who sees the cases on a daily basis.
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
          " It happens every day. My wife is an estate planning and probate attorney who sees the cases on a daily basis. "

          I love the modern disconnect between actions and outcomes.

          Most folks on here would agree that the U.S. is heading into the toilet. Yet, pretty much everyone also agrees that boy, single moms, homosexual "couples", everybody and anybody is a great parent (except someone who tries to instill some moral direction in their children).

          It's like Nixon. He won in a landslide; yet a few years after Watergate, you couldn't find anyone who had voted for him. It was almost as hard to find someone who had not "known all along" what a bad person he was...

          Sure, single moms, working moms, "alternative families"... all this raises kids who are emotionally stable, hyper-intelligent, morally upright and full of good character.

          All the lowlife scumbags proliferating today are obviously shipped in from another planet.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
      "This is tortured logical gymnastics trying to find a way denying people equal marriage rights paradoxically gives people more rights."

      Not as tortured as the logic that people with deviant sexual appetites are somehow being denied "marriage rights" simply because they can't marry a member of the same sex, or a dog, or a cucumber. People with deviant sexual appetites already have equal marriage rights.
      "I'm very happy to see traditional gender roles broken down"

      You're very sick, then.

      "The authors grandkids will be embarrassed to be associated with this bigotry."

      This is what the progressives call "progress". Over the past half-century and more, they have pushed the envelop bit by bit, destroying cultural norms based upon human nature, claiming moral righteousness in fighting for "fairness" where there is no unfairness "equality" where equality is an impossible measure. And painting anyone who refuses to conform to the new norm as stupid, primitive, backwards, bigoted, hateful.

      First they hid in the civil rights movement, then in the feminist movement, now in the LBGT movement. And any time someone predicted that we'd be right here someday, they were pooh-poohed in the media and by all "right-thinking" people as being alarmist.

      I remember Geraldine Ferraro, back in 84, laughing at the idea that we'd ever have unisex bathrooms or put women in combat. Lessee...30 years later, we've had both for awhile now.

      What you mean when you say, "the author's grandkids will be embarrassed" is "in another 20 years, we'll have managed to brainwash the young enough to think such deviancy is normal, and they'll have nothing to compare it to."

      That's why the overwhelming population of the gulch is old, and why the focus in elections is the young people, because the old folks still remember way back in their hindbrains what the world was like before we started listening to the terminally insane.
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  • Posted by NealS 9 years, 10 months ago
    Can I redefine my Special Needs (thanks to Vietnam and Agent Orange) daughter as a child even thought she's 32, still living with us, so I don't have to buy a bond to protect her money from me even though I support her furnished housing, food, clothing, etc., and have to report her income, expenses, etc. to the courts every three years with a lawyer that costs another $600? I only have to do this because she is an adult and I need guardianship in order to make medical decisions for her. This kind of irks me. Perhaps I can redefine her as my permanent 16 year old son and forgo all the court required nonsense and expense every three years. (It's just another form of wealth redistribution)..
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      I 'm sure it 's a huge challenge. Also lots of love. Neither of which the govt should be a stakeholder in.
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      • Posted by NealS 9 years, 10 months ago
        OMGosh, I just got an email from "Certified Professional Guardian Board Communication Plan" with an e-address of "@courts.wa.gov". Is this coincidental to my post about my daughter a few hours ago or are they spying on us at Galt's Gulch.

        It turns out it was coincidental, I think, it says "The Certified Professional Guardianship Board is establishing a new communication process to facilitate increased involvement in developing standards, rules and regulations to guide the guardianship profession. Refer to the link below for explanation of the process. The process is evolving and will likely change as we move through the development phase. We’ll keep you informed about changes as they occur. The linked document also requests comments on the issue of guardianship agency ownership, revisions to two regulations and a proposed new Standard of Practice." Just more bureaucracy to keep us confused and in line.
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        • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 10 months ago
          Since they are classifying it as a profession now, will they be giving you a salary?

          Part of a profession is pay after all.
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          • Posted by NealS 9 years, 10 months ago
            No pay for professional work (and we even had to take an on-line WA.State mandated class too, two years after already being a guardian). Today the definition of all words has changed since I was educated back in the olden days. Marriage, unemployment numbers, gay, constitution, liberal, independent, union, conservative, honor, freedom, trust, rights, security, etc., all have new meaning, most of them completely different meanings. I guess that is part of God's plan, the reason we pass on, because we don't know what these words mean anymore. The newest generation will not know what these words really meant to us as their next newest generations will not know what they meant to them. We did have a pretty good run at it though, some 238 years give or take a few (2014-1776=238). (Is there a symbol for devil's advocate?)
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            • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 10 months ago
              I dont know if there is a symbol for one but we could do a cartouche type thing.

              Devil would be - donkey + presidential seal

              Devil's advocate would be - donkey + presidential seal + press card (over justice dept seal)
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    • -1
      Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
      Wow, you have to reapply for guardianship of your special needs daughter every three years? That's... really messed up.

      I admit I don't really know much about the problems surrounding that particular issue, since I'm not personally involved with it, but I would definitely support any changes in regulation and/or legislation which alleviated you of that hassle and expense.
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      • Posted by NealS 9 years, 10 months ago
        No, not reapply, we have to submit her detailed financial records to the court every three years. They need to approve how she spends her money. The new court order then gives us another three years of guardianship papers that we need in order to be able to sign things for our daughter.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 10 months ago
    Agree with Khalling.

    However part of the problem is the legal recognition of marriage and gender. If we didn't have obamacare and unnecessary special tax treatment for married couples, a lot of the distinction these weirdos want to draw out and blatantly buck would be uninteresting personal choices that affect no one else.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
      The special tax treatment is to reward married people for the positive contribution they make toward society. A contribution not made by a pair of homosexuals shacking up.

      Why it is so difficult for the equality-obsessed crowd to figure out that we are a species with two sexes for a reason, and that all marriage really is is a formalized recognition of a man and woman engaging in their natural roles in the reproductive cycle of homo sapiens?
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  • Posted by Notperfect 9 years, 10 months ago
    My wife and I have met one of these people who have had this change in their lives as a matter of fact he or she what ever their preference in my eyes are just angry at the world more than likely at God because of their situation. Angry because they were born a male or a female. That my friends no one and I mean no one has control over. Yet they will push this agenda on all because of their disgust. Back to the ones I work with as I stated. At first I just thought they were sisters and welcomed them as just two more employees as I was greeted. Then when I found out what their preference was I could care less as long as they did their jobs they were hired to do. Being a long haul truck driver also armed secured carrier we haul many different precious and expensive articles around this country. Both are truck drivers both know how to use a weapon. One was a policeman at one time the other a stay home mom, but their attitude caught up with themselves. If doing my job makes me a bigot, hater then so be it. They have the same responsibilities as my wife and I nothing more nothing less, but when customers are complaining about what they do what they wear then that reflects on us all and that includes me. This is not a rant behind their backs because I called them both on this subject one night and the used to be male employee evidently knew I was angry because all they both want is the easy road as long as their transgender problem takes front seat to everything. I have a problem with this attitude so call me what you want, but just stating facts. In this business as in any business doing the job is numero uno and being angry at the world because your agenda gets trampled on I could care less. I am here to make money not to set an agenda for anyone to follow what the rules should be. The rules were given to them just as they were given to me. I do not have to defend the Bible for it's words, but God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. It is not my place to harm any who believe otherwise, but these are mine. If those who believe in this so called transgender revolution cannot even agree with what cards they were dealt then why bother those who believe otherwise. Stop the damn anger it serves no purpose. Instead of taking it out on someone who does believe otherwise take it out on an oak tree or a maple tree see how far that gets you. Hiding behind "civil rights" shows the cowardice of that agenda. Those of that agenda will not be standing beside me on judgement day as I will not be beside them. I can only tell those who will listen as prophesied in the days of Noah and in the days of Sodom and Gommorah this will take place no matter who tells you different. I guess I have said enough, but it's your choice.
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  • Posted by NealS 9 years, 10 months ago
    In the article I read about the children becoming owned by the State. My Special Needs (thank you Vietnam and AO {not ) daughter still lives with us. We needed and obtained court ordered guardianship for one reason, so we could remain able to make medical decisions for her (an adult). Being that we a her guardians we need to file with the court every three years a breakdown and copies of al lher financial transactions, wages, Social Security, etc. to prove we are not stealing her money. It doe snot matter that she doesn't get enough to sustain her own life and that we contribute housing, food, clothing, etc. to our little girl. I few could re-designate her as our daughter again, as a child, perhaps we could forgo the court ordering reporting every three years.
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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 10 months ago
    Sorry kh, I do not know if I should give you a point or not. I only read a couple of sentences of that and had a convulsion of ROFL.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      please explain after you catch your breath
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      • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 10 months ago
        I will not read it again, too much excitement. From memory, a person once a woman decided to become male. The psychology, physiology and hormones not well described. The change was achieved by some surgery which was again not well described.
        The err. person decided to have a baby, done if I remember by insemination. Enough.
        Well I am not really against any of that as long as my money is not in it. Was the child breast fed? Anyway, what should be the role of the state, if any? Is there any obligation to provide for the child? To provide welfare for the (pardon the expression) mother? Does the child have a recorded mother and father?
        The study of ancient churches in Iraq is easier.
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  • Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago
    >> As fringy as they may sound, injecting such lies into our language—“the pregnant man” and the push to separate the word “pregnancy” from the word “woman”—are clear signals that we are moving steadily towards erasing all gender distinctions in the law.

    But wait - isn't that what women want? To be treated equally (except when it doesn't suit their purpose)? Two examples leap to mind:

    1) Welfare support systems that are for WOMEN AND CHILDREN ONLY, and,
    2) Dual standards for fitness in the military.

    In the former, it's just plain, flat gender-based theft. In the latter, why have fitness standards at all, if not everyone is going to meet them? So why would it be okay for a 19-year-old woman to run 30 seconds slower over 2 miles than a 55-year-old man? Is it because women will never have to be as strong or fast because (even though we're led to believe women are equal and will be assigned the same tasks as men) women don't need to be as capable to do the same job?

    law historically contained advantages for women to offset the fact that they couldn't vote, engage in contracts, etc. Women want to get rid of the limitations, but still want to keep the preferential treatment. Until recently, 90% of all custody of young children went to the divorcing female. More recently, that percentage is down to anpit 83% - but it's still the men who are getting shafted by a system that until recently deferred almost exclusively to women. I could go on - but you either get it or you don't.
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  • Posted by BambiB 9 years, 10 months ago
    >> "Indeed, “civil rights” is always a nice line. It works well to stop debate. There’s lots of emotional blackmail involved because of the social punishments (labels of “hater” or “bigot”) heaped upon anyone who might question the agenda."

    Pretty much the same think happens when you point out that the coming economic destruction of America is due primarily to female voting patterns.
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  • -1
    Posted by plusaf 9 years, 10 months ago
    Well, it saddens me to see how many attendees here at the Gulch have so many iron-clad beliefs about sex, marriage, gays, trans-people and the obvious damage done to them by all of those driving forces.

    I'm not gay but I've met MANY gay and lesbian people through work and friendship relationships, and TO A PERSON, not ONE of them has ever shown any behaviors which would evoke or provoke the kind of hatred and anger expressed here.

    Yes, the SAME "they're going to destroy society" arguments came out when blacks DARED to hold hands with, LET ALONE MARRY whites. OMFG... how horrible!

    Visible damage? Only in or to the minds of the bigots. And the illogic of the alleged 'arguments against everything from polygamy to incest to 'marrying your pet' is astounding. Two infertile people, even if brother and sister from the same parent, have NO logical 'reason' to be refused 'the right to marry.' Neither one is going to get pregnant, and if they were to adopt a child or a hundred children, there is no fucking way that anyone could accurately predict the 'damage to' or outcome for the children which might result.

    Then someone tosses in the concept of 'sin,' as if there were a legal definition which somehow sprang into being without being sourced from some religious holy book or fire-breathing preacher.

    All I am seeing here is just too many examples of pseudo-libertarians who are really right-wing conservative bigots under the skin.

    If any of them (you) think you've offered any rational reasons for your opinions, you are sorely mistaken. If you had any self-awareness, you'd be taking a good, hard look at who or what or when those ideas infiltrated your minds and took root.

    I only hope that society outlives your bigotry much as it's come SO far in battling racial prejudice (and still has a long way to go, too.)

    If you have those horrible beliefs about gays, I'm pretty sure you haven't socialized with any of 'them' or known them or their families or who they are as people or citizens.

    Friday night, my wife (female) and I are going to see one of the kids of such a FAMILY perform in Seussical... a lovely, beautiful girl with perfect pitch and bubbly personality, who calls one of her parents Mom and the other Mommy. Nor is her fraternal twin brother confused, either.

    Just you.
    Your attitudes (other than Susanne's) may drive me out of this group if the hypocrisy and bigotry continues.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      Show me whrre I have made a bigoted comment in this post. I have close friends in a partnership. I was in the the hospital room when their first daughter was born and their children both refer to me as "aunt." There are some illogical opinions on this post but also some logical concerns about state driven agendas that force behavior. The inventor of JAVA was recently forced to step down from the CEO position of his company, even though he has many gay employees due to his political choices on a California legislative issue. Those employees enjoy great jobs and even so they pushed him out. That is group think. I think like myself. You have insulted me personally. Please check your premises
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      • -2
        Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
        You're engaging in group think as well...
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        • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
          which is? you will not list out what I have said that violates reason in regards to the social justice push for LGBT? What is the group think I am "buying" into? I make up my own mind. I often try to persuade others. I do not try to change their minds with laws. If someone is harming someone, we have existing laws on the books to address that. Words have meaning. Identity is constant. When things change the language also changes. But LBGT is becoming more and more synonymous with political agenda and force. Show me where I am wrong. I have pointed out many instances. You do not respond to those.
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    • -2
      Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
      So your beliefs bout gays, marriage, trans and the obvious lack of damage done by them are not iron-clad? Where I come from, that suggests you lack the courage of your convictions, then...

      "Yes, the SAME "they're going to destroy society" arguments came out when blacks DARED to hold hands with, LET ALONE MARRY whites. OMFG... how horrible! "

      There is no comparison; a sexual appetite is not a race... but hold on to that thought.

      "I'm not racist, but I've known MANY racist people through work and relationships (some of them even homosexual), and TO A PERSON, not ONE of them has ever shown any behaviors which would evoke or provoke the kind of hatred and anger expressed here. "

      See, I'd be willing to bet you weren't old enough to have lived in such a era, and are parroting what you were taught. But, I am old enough to have lived through it.

      What "horrible beliefs"? That their sexual appetites are not normal and healthy? That they already enjoy the same rights as healthy people? You've led a sheltered life indeed if that rises to the level of "horrible" to you.

      "If any of them (you) think you've offered any rational reasons for your opinions, you are sorely mistaken."

      How would you know? I've used nothing but rational reasoning to explain the obvious, which is why you mistake it for hatred; your "reasoning" is not reason, but emotion.

      "I only hope that society outlives your bigotry much as it's come SO far in battling racial prejudice (and still has a long way to go, too.) "

      Well, with bigotry society has gotten at least as far as it did in the 1950s... the anti-bigotry society you postulate has at least 6,000 years to go to match its track record.

      I'll tell you one thing... if the "horrible beliefs" of the bad old days had held sway back then... we wouldn't have Obama in the White House today. His mother wouldn't have let his father touch her, or gotten herself into a position where he could, and her parents would not have raised her grandkid for her; they'd have shipped him off to a Kenyan orphanage.

      But, we would have been spared the anguish of this pretender in the White House. The hundreds of thousands of lives already lost and destroyed probably would have been saved. What price tolerance?

      I like irony.

      "And the illogic of the alleged 'arguments against everything from polygamy to incest to 'marrying your pet' is astounding."

      What illogic? Your problem is your narrow-mindedness. You, in your self-declared moral and mental superiority, cannot see views outside the narrow confines of your preconceptions, prejudices and indoctrination.

      What is illogical is suggesting the appetite and romantic feelings for members of your own sex are somehow the same as the appetite and romantic feelings for members of the opposite sex, yet still different from the appetite and romantic feelings for groups, minors, family members, inanimate objects, animate objects, and so on.

      If my little chihuahua had not gone and died on me, I'd have had fun challenging the legitimacy of the equal rights claims of the LGBT community. No, there was no sex or even sexual appetites involved in our relationship, but there was deep, strong, binding love.

      When my father died, I developed panic attacks, for awhile. When my mother died, I cried for 3 days, so loudly I still wonder why the neighbors didn't call the cops.

      But when my mom's chihuahua died... I learned what hell was. For I don't know how long, about every 15 minutes, I would flash back to the last moments of her life; the look of fear in her eyes, the sound of her strangled yelp as the heart attack hit her, the feeling of helpless impotence and anguish, as she died in the arms of a stranger, the vet technician who had begun to carry her back for observation and treatment. Who are you to judge that my feelings weren't real, or relevant, or "equal" to normal relationships, while out of the other side of your mouth you try to convince people that obviously abnormal relationships are equal to normal ones.

      For decades, science fiction shows have shown sexual and romantic relationships between humans and space aliens, even humans and robots. Star Drek pioneered television by portraying the first inter-racial kiss (forget the fact that Spock's parents had to have somehow bred).
      In "Galaxy Quest", they took it to the next logical extreme (can't push the envelop unless you're willing to push it...)
      There is a romantic and sexual relationship between one of the human actors and a squid creature from another planet. But, as the movie was PC, the ending had to be PC and they were portrayed as a happy loving couple, even though they weren't just of diferent species, but different animal kingdoms!

      We're not horrible people for our beliefs; we're "horrible people" because our beliefs don't agree with yours.

      I can live with that.

      "Nor is her fraternal twin brother confused, either. "
      Ah, so he knows that they're both sick, and that one of them isn't his parent. I see.


      Oh, and fyi... society cannot outlive bigotry. Bigotry is a survival mechanism. We lose that, and the species is toast.
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      • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 10 months ago
        Well, on my next birthday, on the anniversary of the murder of JFK (yes, I remember exactly where I was that afternoon... in my freshman year graphics class at RPI), I will turn 69. I, by long arithmetic, was born in 1945, and yes, I was aware of the bigotry and discrimination faced by blacks and many other minorities back then and still now.

        So please don't think or generalize for me.

        BTW, "What illogic? Your problem is your narrow-mindedness. You, in your self-declared moral and mental superiority, cannot see views outside the narrow confines of your preconceptions, prejudices and indoctrination.

        What is illogical is suggesting the appetite and romantic feelings for members of your own sex are somehow the same as the appetite and romantic feelings for members of the opposite sex, yet still different from the appetite and romantic feelings for groups, minors, family members, inanimate objects, animate objects, and so on. "... cuts both ways. But if your mirror is stained, you won't see that, either.

        And condolences on your loving dog's death. My wife and I have rescued, fostered and owned many dogs in our 24 years of marriage and I wailed in the vet's office after MY favorite golden had to be put to sleep after a hemangeosarcoma bled into her pericardium and I took her to the vet twice for it to be drained of about 100cc of blood, and even helped with the procedure the second time.

        Vote me down all you want, but notice the changes in today's society as more and more anti-LGBT laws and even state constitutional amendments are being reversed or found to be unconstitutional.

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  • -1
    Posted by barwick11 9 years, 10 months ago
    I *always* (ok, not always, there's one exception 0.000000001% of the time) refuse to call someone who's transgender by their "new" gender.

    If I walked up to you with a 6 month old dog, and said "hey, how do you like my new leopard?" Would you be wrong to say "Dude, that's a dog, not a leopard"? Would you be doing me a favor by saying "wow dude, cool leopard you got there"?

    No, you would be feeding my own mental disease if I truly believed I was walking around a Leopard (or my just plain weirdness for the sake of attention).

    In the same way, if dude is born with XY chromosomes, I'm calling HIM a guy, even if he "identifies" as a woman. I don't freaking care what you "identify" with, you're a man. And you're going to freaking use the men's restroom because if I ever catch you going into or coming out of the woman's restroom where my wife and daughters go, I will have it in mind to pound you into the dirt you freaking pervert.

    Same goes for a woman. If you're born with XX, you're a chick. Not a dude. You want to change your name to Butch, that's fine, depending how long I've known you, I may call you Mary, or I may call you Butch, but I'm not going to call you "Butch the man".

    That 0.000000001% of the time is when someone's born with two distinct sets of chromosomes. It's so utterly rare in transgenders that it's basically statistically insignificant to the discussion.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      "And you're going to freaking use the men's restroom because if I ever catch you going into or coming out of the woman's restroom where my wife and daughters go, I will have it in mind to pound you into the dirt you freaking pervert."
      barwick, I think this statement is rather ignorant. Trans is not synonymous with pedophilia. So your exclamation of use of force is outrageous. You are entitled to your opinion, but a trans female would only be comfortable going to a female restroom. I know I'm uncomfortable going into a men's room. I'd probably be fine with uni-sex bathrooms, if it wasn't for those nasty urinals...what's up with that? why don't men want to pee in private? ;)
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago
        Years ago I was at a Renaissance Fair (as an actor)... we were standing outside the portapotties waiting for one of the handicapped units to open up (if you've ever worn a huge hoop skirt, you'll understand)...

        This woman (customer) walks out, comments how *nice* these portapotties were, why, they even put this nice purse tray next to the seat...

        We all looked at her purse, and of course, it was soaked on the bottom... and it took all we had not to burst out laughing.

        At least she didn't ask why the "soap" in the "sink" smelled funny, and didn't lather up...
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
          Wait... were you there as an actor, or as an actress?

          It's one of the PC things I haven't caught up to speed on yet. I know they use "actress" when it benefits them to display a veneer of femininity, but just when that is eludes me most of the time.
          Otherwise they've adopted the term "actor".

          Which I find really funny among people who would rather use the mouthful of "chairperson" or "Congresswoman" than be associated with Man. Seems feminazis never can tell when they want to distance themselves from Man and when they don't...
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 10 months ago
        Peeing standing up-one of the last remaining bastions of manhood!
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        • -1
          Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
          I remember how annoyed I was when I first saw them putting Kybos (portable toilets) on jobsites. I still think it was one of the concessions to women we were assured we'd never have to make.

          Ever since a certain road trip to CO in college, I've been sickened by the very mention of porta-pots (blerp...)

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          • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 10 months ago
            Allegedly, at the Portland Golf and Country Club when they first started allowing women to play on the course, a group of women complained to the Board of Directors that men were peeing behind trees on the course. After the next month's Board Meeting it was announced that an answer had been arrived at. Women were now allowed to pee behind trees as well.
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            • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago
              BTDT, no restrooms on hunting or camping trips since I was a little kid. Once you get used to it, it's not a big deal. And it's good practice for travel to places where they don't have these "porcelain appliances" like in the states.
              Guys peeing behind trees? At least they weren't peeing in the little flagged hole in the middle of that nicely-kept lawn...
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              • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
                While we're being vulgar, my father had a joke he once told me during a certain break in bricklaying 3 or 4 scaffolds high...

                "This is something a bricklayer can do that a barber can't".

                "What's that?"

                "piss on his work".
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          • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago
            I still have bad memories over having to use a portapotty in Russia. It was during one of the 20th anniversary celebrations for the fall of the USSR, some concert or something... after drinking a lot of beer (and truth be told, vodka) I had to **--GO!!!--**... saw a portapotty with an ominous stream coming from the door (first clue), but this 20-something girl came out of it, so I figured "It can't be that bad"... It smelled pretty rank from the outside (second clue), but I went on in...

            Almost EVERY surface was covered with, well, excretory material. Full to the brim and then some. The only (presumably) safe thing to touch was the vent pipe. As a lot of public outhouses are enclosed squat holes anyway (not much different than peeing behind a tree), I tried to use it as such - no WAY I was gonna sit my fanny down on *that*!!! Damn near killed myself in the process. (And I was in flats... the girl leaving was wearing heels. Must be an acquired skill or something!)

            Anyway... It worked. Barely. Looked next to it, the guys (of course) had a trough to pee in. Mentioned it to one of my friends there, she looked at me like "What? You've never used a portapotty before?" But surviving that, the ones over here - even the "bad" ones - are stellar.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
        Having had to clean both... I'm happy with keeping bathrooms segregated. In fact, I keep wanting to try talking Wal-mart into switching to a 3 bathroom approach (going from 4 to 6 bathrooms in the store):
        One for the men
        One for the women
        One for me.

        Men do pee in private, in most bathrooms. Urinal stalls in stores and offices, unlike in sports stadiums, are individual affairs with small dividers between them. When urinating, men look directly ahead at the wall, even while talking. Looking at another man while peeing isn't forbidden, but it can get you a dirty look and make the other guy uncomfortable.

        In his book "Caves of Steel" (which I highly recommend) Isaac Asimov painted a future Earth where cities were domed over artificial habitats. In the novel, it was rare to rate a private bathroom in your family's apartment.
        So people used the public "freshers".
        There was a cultural divergence in the bathrooms in the novel. While the women's "fresher" was a social place, with gossip and personal interaction, the men's 'fresher" was cloaked in silence. You kept your eyes forward and on your own business and... you... did... not... speak to anyone. The men donned a virtual "cloak of solitude".

        Other than lovemaking, there are few situations where men are more vulnerable than when using the necessary... and, in spite of social engineering, men have evolved to be averse to vulnerability.
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      • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 10 months ago

        Its not that we don't like privacy,

        They are there for efficiency more than anything else, that and tradition of course. Until unisex becomes the norm, mens rooms will always have urinals if it is designed for more than 2 at a time

        And if those bother you don't go to Japan or a good bit of asia either.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
        More than defending them from pedophilia he's defending their right to privacy.

        I just worry that he shops at Wal-mart... because there have been nights when I've had to clean the women's bathrooms (you women are *nasty* in there, btw....)
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      • -2
        Posted by barwick11 9 years, 10 months ago
        Trans in my mind may as well be synonymous with pedophilia. At the very least a mental disorder. Someone who is clearly a man but "identifies" as a woman and wants to be treated as a woman... Something's not right in their head.

        Now, that's not to say they have to *act* like a man, but to expect people to CALL you a woman? No... that's just lunacy.

        Now would I honestly pound someone into the dirt? No, but I certainly would not be ok with some random dude walking into the women's bathroom because he thinks he's a chick.
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        • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago
          Someone just read your comment over my shoulder and made the comment, "He's hiding something. His reaction is way too strong, and too out there." Then they scrolled up, read some of the other stuff. "Yep. There's something going on here. He's either really ignorant, or he's working too hard to not be in denial. " He also made a couple other choice comments I won't repeat. But it did get a laugh out of me.

          I wasn't going to reply to this nonsense, but I thought that was worth repeating.
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          • -1
            Posted by barwick11 9 years, 10 months ago
            Actually here's a better explanation. I am filled with hate. Hate for lies and misrepresentation being presented as truth. I hate that, more than almost anything else on this planet. And the trans agenda and LGBT agenda is almost exclusively filled with lies. I don't care what someone does with their life. I mean, I CARE, but if they want to do something, I'm not going to force them to stop, so long as it's not hurting someone else.

            This whole gay "marriage" thing (not civil unions, "marriage"), and the trans agenda encroaches on my life in forcing me to recognize and support it. And I hate that
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            • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
              I have a close friend who is a woman. She identifies as a woman. you know the phrase walks like a duck...well anyway-she walks like a man, has muscles like a man, talks with a deep voice, sized like a man (proportionately), is attracted to women...How is she to fit in? She tries hard to. It is a constant dissonance, and lots of ridicule, looks, and heartbreak. Luckily, she loves athletics and has made that her career...she hangs with the guys drinking beer watching the game while us "women" gossip and and nurture the little kids...which bathroom can she use? You might punch her before you realize she's not trans...
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              • -1
                Posted by barwick11 9 years, 10 months ago
                I know a lot of women like that. That doesn't mean they're not women. like I said, someone can *act* like whatever they want, but this whole Trans agenda that's forcing US to recognize them as something they're not, it's stupid.
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          • -3
            Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
            What's nonsensical about this? If anything, ti's common sense.

            as I understand it... you're a navy veteran... and female... nevermind, I know where you're coming from.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago
      I have no idea why I'm even posting this, but...

      I'm no expert on genetics, either normal or with trans-people, but your figures come out to 7/100 of one person. For the entire planet.

      I hate people who do that - pull a number out of thin air to make a point how "bad" or "right" they are, or to make some over-emphasized point.

      Now... where's the popcorn?
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    • Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
      And what about female-to-male transsexuals? Are you going to beat them up for using the women's restroom, too? Attitudes like yours are exactly why legal protections are needed.

      Also, biological and/or genetic anomalies surrounding gender/sex occur in roughly 2% of the population, not 0.000000001%.
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      • -1
        Posted by barwick11 9 years, 10 months ago
        "attitudes like mine"... whatever dude.

        Biological anomalies where someone has both male AND female sets of chromosomes are not 2% of the population, seriously...
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        • Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
          Having XXY chromosomes is specific condition called Klinefelter Syndrome, which is only one among many possible causes of intersex conditions. There are several others. Here's a brief list:

          Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)
          Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (PAIS)
          Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
          Gonadal Dysgenesis (partial & complete)
          Klinefelter Syndrome
          Non-Klinefelter XXY
          5-Alpha Reductase Deficiency
          Genetic Mosaicism involving sex chromosomes
          Ovo-testes (formerly called "true hermaphroditism")
          Progestin-Induced Virilisation
          Swyer syndrome
          Turner syndrome


          And yes, if we look at all of these conditions together, they do, in fact, affect approximately 2% of the entire human population. The total population of the United States is 318.5 million, which means that there are probably around 6.3 million people with some kind of transgender and/or intersex condition in the United States alone, and 140 million people world-wide.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
            so for 2% of the entire human population, you want to turn society on its head and destroy it.

            Doesn't work that way; you're mixing fractions. 2% of the WORLD population. And you extrapolate that to the U.S. population.

            Doesn't work that way. Care to measure, for example, the percentage of the global population that has sickle cell anemia? So, logically, then, you'd apply that same percentage to the population of, say, Switzerland... even though sickle-cell anemia is an *African* disorder?

            140 million out of almost 7 billion....

            347 million people worldwide have diabetes. Let's force everyone else to change their diet to accommodate diabetics.

            each year in the United States, about 2,650 babies are born with a cleft palate and 4,440 babies are born with a cleft lip with or without a cleft palate

            70 million people worldwide have schizophrenia. Is that enough to consider them a special class, and for them to demand that we consider schizophrenia a normal, healthy, alternative lifestyle?

            That it affects 2% of the population doesn't mean it's normal, natural or healthy. MORE than 2/3 the population of Europe developed bubonic plague... I wouldnt' consider being plague-ridden a normal, healthy, alternate lifestyle.

            The percentage of the population affected does not change it from being an illness.
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            • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 10 months ago
              You keep calling something an illness while modern science and medicine keep discovering ways in which "it" seems to be a normal variation for many species.

              You have created the label of "illness" and the like out of whole cloth. And you can't even recognize that, yet you label our comments "illogical."

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          • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
            So what?

            347 million people worldwide have diabetes. Should we force, or try to brainwash, everyone to change their diet to accommodate this fraction?

            70 million worldwide are schizophrenic. Is that enough to declare schizophrenia "normal" and a "healthy alternative lifestyle"?

            If you want to argue that people with confused sexual identities have something wrong with them, then you'll be arguing my position."
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  • -4
    Posted by johnmahler 9 years, 10 months ago
    This is a mental sickness. It should not be funded by any draw of largesse. These people are free to be whatever gender they "trick" themselves to believing they are. The only time it comes to political awareness is when the mental illness garners wealth from the republic by demanding it be funded as a class of citizen not equal to every other citizen. If this invented factionalization is permitted to stand in our nation, it will soon resemble a fractured automotive windshield. Shall we call ourselves the FSA Factional States of America? This is what the left has been trying to do from the Civil Rights 1960's to the present. Too bad all gays are not people of color. Maybe "white guilt" would have worked better.
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  • -6
    Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
    This article is a load of fucking bullshit and you should feel ashamed of yourself for posting such goddamn ignorant tripe and blatant hate speech. None of the shit this article is claiming has any basis in reality whatsoever. It's all a bunch of complete fear-mongering and propaganda. Not a single line of it is true.

    I expected better of you, khalling. I thought you were different. Guess I was wrong.
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    • Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 10 months ago
      Come close to this tone/language again, and you're done. You'll not receive another warning. http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/faq#faq1...
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      • -4
        Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
        Yeah, sorry, I just lost my temper. It just upset me that this kind of blatant propaganda and lies is being propagated so willfully here.
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        • Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 10 months ago
          There is no valid justification. And, do yourself a favor and stop with the passive aggressive nonsense. It's transparent and just makes you look foolish.

          You'd be best served to read that Code of Conduct Maph (http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/faq#faq1...). There are plenty of other forums online for you to push your agenda. You should reflect on whether or not you're in the right place. From what I've read of yours, it would appear not. This is not a forum to debate the merits of Objectivism. It's a forum to celebrate them.

          Of course if you're willing to learn, there are plenty here willing to teach. However, your history here indicates that you are unwilling to accept the facts of Objectivism - preferring mostly to base your conclusions on misinformation spread by the enemies of Objectivism.

          Reevaluate why you're here Maph. We are.
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          • -5
            Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
            sdesapio: "Of course if you're willing to learn, there are plenty here willing to teach. However, your history here indicates that you are unwilling to accept the facts of Objectivism - preferring mostly to base your conclusions on misinformation spread by the enemies of Objectivism."
            In my defense, the book I draw most of my criticisms from — "Without a Prayer: Ayn Rand and the Close of Her System," by John W. Robbins — was actually praised by Ron Paul himself, who even said it was a book which should be read by "everyone who wants to advocate freedom with arguments that cannot be refuted."

            "John Robbins is as stalwart a defender of a free society as I have known. His love of freedom — religious, political, and economic — motivated him to write 'Without a Prayer,' a brilliantly insightful analysis of Ayn Rand's influential philosophy. 'Without a Prayer' deserves to be read by everyone who loves freedom — everyone who wants to advocate freedom with arguments that cannot be refuted. Robbins furnishes the indispensable ideas — the intellectual ammunition — required to defend freedom successfully."
            — Ron Paul (quote printed on the first page of the book)

            Isn't Ron Paul making a cameo appearance in the third film? If you've still got a way to contact him, you should ask him about John W. Robbins' book.
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            • Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 10 months ago
              And still you respond with a passive aggressive appeal to authority?

              Let me make this very simple for you Maph - you do not belong here. This is not a forum for you to push your agenda. This is a forum for me to push my agenda - to celebrate the ideas of Ayn Rand.

              Your account is currently under review. While you can continue to comment, your posting privileges have been suspended. You will no longer be permitted to hi-jack this board. Your time is up.
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            • -4
              Posted by Maphesdus 9 years, 10 months ago
              By the way, the arguments that John W. Robbins presents in his book are what convinced me that it's not possible for a government to exist without periodically engaging in the initiation of force, which is why I've been critical of the Non-Agression Principle, and why I don't buy the argument that using force is automatically bad. Without force, there can be no law. And without law, there can be no government.
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