Call the Senate NOW to support a separate ObamaCare vote...

Posted by deBohun 11 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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Cruz is still standing! Watch on c-SPAN. This is about forcing ObamaCare to be voted on separately from the remainder of government finding. It is critical. A combined vote allows politicians to say, "but I had to support ObamaCare because otherwise the government would have shut down." A combined vote gives them a cop-out excuse at election time. Don't let that happen! Call you Senators now, or email, and demand they support separate funding votes. Also tell them what you think of ObamaCare while you are at it. Both me and my mother are seeing our coverage cut back, and premiums and out-of-pockets going up, and even some care being denied—and ObamaCare is not even fully into effect yet. Oh, and this came out last week, ObamaCare is going to require vaccinations whether you believe they are safe or not — and mandate STD profiles and tests from every patient. Outrageous, and how is that going to lower cost? ObamaCare is corporate Welfare, not Healthcare. Remember that.

Call the Capitol Switchboard at: (202) 224-3121, or visit on the Internet to leave a message. Just tell them your state to be routed to your Senators' offices. No long explanation needed, just, "I want a separate vote on ObamaCare."

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