A responsible discussion everyone should objectively listen too.

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago to Science
70 comments | Share | Flag

A 7 part series that will stun, inform and awaken those that are willing to listen to the political and life shattering issues of the day.
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnZ_o5cpwkHJuEYjPtM0j5A

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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years ago
    Every year, about 40,000 people die in automobile accidents. You vaccinate a million kids, someone's going to have a bad reaction. The problem is not vaccination per se, it is the fact that we are each of us biological individuals and the best medicines would be genetically engineered for each of us as individuals. Short of that, we use soap and hot water on ourselves and our clothing; cook, dry, salt, and refrigerate our food; etc. (And, yes, some people are allergic to some soaps. And, yes, 84 people contracted trichinosis in 2015, which would not have happened if they had not eaten pork in the first place.)

    "A measles outbreak in Minnesota particularly centered among unvaccinated individuals in Somali-American neighborhoods is spreading outside the community and even infected two people who had originally been vaccinated, state health officials said Thursday.
    "There are 41 confirmed cases of the disease and health officials believe 2,500 individuals were exposed.
    Two of the most recently contracted cases involved people who had received the recommended doses of the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported on Thursday.
    One was a healthcare worker who had been exposed to several infected patients, the paper said.
    The outbreak has been concentrated in the state’s Somali community, where fear of vaccinations leading to autism has caused many parents not to vaccinate their children against the disease." -- Washington Times (not Washington Post) here:

    I did not vote down the original post because this is a discussion we should. I respect your facts. I just dispute your conclusions.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      MMR "IS" a problem, mercury and aluminum "IS" a problem. Why can't these creatures figure this out?
      Measles is not a particular problem, The thing that surprised me is, once infected, one is protected life long, as opposed to just 10 years but also against many other diseases...goes to show how valuable the immune system is when left alone from allopathic humanoid intervention.

      Don't know about you, but I got all the childhood diseases and never got sick again after that. There is something to be said about letting mother nature take it's course and engaging in the environment by playing in the dirt.

      Someone, that didn't comment, marked you down, I voted you back up.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years ago
        When I was a kid, my folks had me vaccinated for everything there was. (Late 40s, the 50s, the early 60s).
        When I was drafted into the Marines (1969), we were herded like cattle through a chute, getting shots on both sides.
        One was in my butt or how I learned I was allergic to penicillin. No recruit on Parris Island got to call home on Christmas unless they were in the infirmary. My folks were really glad to hear from me on that day.
        I married a nurse during the 80s. So you know three kids got all their shots.
        Maybe pinheads didn't put dangerous stuff like mercury and aluminum into vaccines back then.
        I never heard of such stupid crap until I landed into The Gulch.
        One thing is for sure, parents have a right to know if such poison is added to a vaccine.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years ago
        Just to say, being older, I also had the diseases before the vaccines were invented. And I note in the story about Minneapolis that among those infected were two who had been vaccinated. As I said, it is worth discussing. Thanks for starting it.
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
          When you actually learn what the titers research says about the effectiveness of vaccines you see that they are only partially effective. The oft-maligned MMR is about 60% effective, in terms of titers. Almost nobody knows that. I happen to know the doctor who did the study.
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          • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years ago
            Well, we know that: they are only partially effective. Last October I considered getting a flu shot. My doctor told me that based on recent years, a flu shot might be only 25% effective - one chance in four that I would not get the flu this year if my only protection were the innoculation. However, the basic question was: Who do I work with? The doctor gets her flu shot because she sees lots of sick people and it is worth the opportunity cost. I considered it because of my work group (military base), but decided against it, and did not get sick... this time...
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      • Posted by $ blarman 7 years ago
        The problem is outliers. There are some who die from measles - especially infants and the aged. There are some who die from the vaccinations. Yet it is the outliers who seem to drive public policy. Why? Shouldn't public policy center around the majority?
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago

          It should center around the individual.
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          • Posted by roneida 7 years ago
            Abaco... I think America has approximately 300 million individuals. We can't have separate laws for each individual can we? There have to be some advantages to living with society...Common sense mutual defense is one of the big ones.. Individuals needing total isolation and independence probably need a country of their own.
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            • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years ago
              A reductio ad absurdum argument would be that as a driver, you should "keep your eye on the other guy" so that people who drive drunk are not a danger to you.

              I believe that people who are sick but "catching a cold" or "getting over it" should not socialize. It is not that I need "total isolation" but that you have no right to bring your diseases into my environment. Otherwise we have Typhoid Mary who was not sick herself, but who killed other people with her germs. (From below ... https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post... )
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              • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
                Mike, you sound pretty scared about this stuff. Ever hear the story of what SARS did when it came to America? It died off, killed nobody. Any theory as to why that might be? Why can't we end polio in India? Really look into the science of this stuff and you'll start to be less concerned.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 7 years ago
            I don't understand your argument. Please elaborate.
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            • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years ago
              A public policy that is based "around the majority" killed three children of friends of mine. Some may say that is appropriate...that they were expendable for the betterment of "the majority". I disagree. I think they should have been allowed to live. In "providing healthcare", programs "centered around the majority", governments end up being unethical and dangerous. This is why I value the individual in this discussion. Thanks for asking. I just respectfully request that you mull this over and, perhaps, read my words carefully a second time to see what I'm really saying. One who was killed was a baby girl, less than a year old. One was a girl who was horribly disabled and lived 14 years in a wheelchair unable to dress, feed or toilet herself before dying. One was a healthy 15 year old boy. All were very, very tragic.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 7 years ago
                Having personally lost a daughter (to unknown causes), please understand that I sympathize with your friends. That being said, however, I think your characterization of the argument is missing one major component: risk. Every choice or decision carries with it risk. Measles carries with it a 30% mortality rate and a 90% infection rate in non-vaccinated individuals. Those aren't great odds. In fact, they're quite cataclysmic. I think that as a matter of public policy there was no chance to get the disease under control, however, without mandating the vaccine.

                Times have most certainly changed, however, and so have the risks of contracting measles, so I would agree with you that it may be time to re-evaluate the mandate in that light. Technologies have also changed and we might now be able to identify individuals at high risk for the vaccine (noting that those same individuals with a sensitivity to the vaccine would almost certainly die if they ever came into contact with the actual disease). I believe that the policy should be adjusted to encourage but not mandate vaccination and allow the parents to weigh the risks.
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                • Posted by $ 7 years ago
                  They should also take the poisons out! Unless they do, those that survive the vaccine will still be less than they would have been mentally and immunologically with out the vaccine.
                  The surprising information is the benefits received by actually getting the measles virus and being protected against other diseases.
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years ago
                    Completely agreed! For all intents and purposes, vaccines are poisons themselves. To complicate the cure by forcing the body to fight off two at the same time is bad medicine. Those who are adding these "stabilizers" are ignoring the Hippocratic Oath: "Do no harm".
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                • Posted by Kittyhawk 7 years ago
                  Do you have a source for the claim that measles has a 30% mortality rate? That seems awfully high.
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years ago
                    Sorry, I read it wrong as I conflated two sources. Complication rate is 30% (meaning serious complications that can affect the rest of one's life or lead to death) and death rate is .2%, .01% here in US (CDC).
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                    • Posted by Kittyhawk 7 years ago
                      Thanks for clarifying. If it was 30%, I should have lost quite a few classmates to measles in childhood. In fact, I don't remember anyone suffering any negative effects from measles, so I have to wonder how they define "serious complications."
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        • Posted by $ 7 years ago
          A few might die but most will be left unharmed and might benefit naturally but vaccinations on a whole kill and maim more. Medicine is not advanced enough, not integrated enough nor honest enough to be trying to fool mother nature.
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          • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
            Why make up that nonsense?
            Just for some reality in the discussion from Wiki:
            "Measles affects about 20 million people a year,[1] primarily in the developing areas of Africa and Asia.[3] It causes the most vaccine-preventable deaths of any disease.[9] It resulted in about 73,000 deaths in 2014, down from 545,000 deaths in 1990.[5][10] In 1980, the disease was estimated to have caused 2.6 million deaths per year.[3] Most of those who are infected and who die are less than five years old.[3] The risk of death among those infected is usually 0.2%,[7] but may be up to 10% in those who have malnutrition.[3] It is not believed to affect other animals.[3] Before immunization in the United States, between three and four million cases occurred each year.[7] As a result of widespread vaccination, the disease was eliminated from the Americas by 2016.[11]
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            • Posted by $ 7 years ago
              The measles vaccine "alone" was semi successful abet, lasting only ten years but the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) vaccine is an abortion waiting to happen. Too much at once, especially to a population suffering from poor or no nutrition.

              I would not trust wiki fully, they are part of the establishment and have no particular attachment to truth, facts and accuracies.
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              • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
                Interesting how you can just toss off all those, in the millions per year, who died or had very bad outcomes before measles vaccination.
                As for MMR vaccine, mercury compounds have not been used for more than a decade but the autism rate still increases. The use of aluminum compounds has good reasons along with other chemicals.
                Also the dosage makes the poison and there is no evidence for any poison being added to vaccines.
                Wiki of course can be slanted any time politics gets involved as in articles on climate or medicine but with vaccines the INTERNET is rife will quasi- and pseudoscience. Just try to find out who is a propagandist or not. Those who sell supplements may not be the best to trust with scientific knowledge.
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                • Posted by $ 7 years ago
                  No poisons.... just just monkey kidneys and human baby lung cells, no worries mate...laughing sarcastically.

                  Yes mercury has been used for centuries...it was called "quackery".

                  I posted these videos because they are the best reasonable discussions on the subject I have heard to date. These people are Doctors and lab techs...not crazy supplement providers and I thought it was important to share. There is some good information here that you won't get on the quasi pseudoscience sites on the internet.

                  The MMR gives you three diseases at the same time...how do you think the body response to that...not very well I say.
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                  • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
                    Millions of possible deaths without vaccines seems to not faze you at all? Not just possible deaths, but guaranteed deaths as history would show.
                    As for your reference to mercury being used for centuries being quackery, that does not imply that there is no reason not to use a mercury compound for other reasons than to pretend that it somehow fights some disease. One context does not imply a different context.
                    Chemical compounds have different identities and do not act biologically the same, so elemental mercury has different properties than all mercury compounds and same for aluminum and its compounds. Those used in pharmaceuticals have been studied throughly and not just by drug companies. But whether something is a poison will depend upon its dosage and nothing more.
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                    • Posted by freedomforall 7 years ago
                      "whether something is a poison will depend upon its dosage and nothing more."
                      The condition of the body receiving it (the disease ) is the most important factor. Virtually all the measles deaths are because of malnutrition before the disease. Hardly anyone died from measles in the 1st world before the vaccine because the people had healthy fully functioning defense systems. All the global stats on deaths are misleading when applied in the US. The real problem to solve is malnutrition and hygiene in the third world. Solve that and the measles death stats will be negligible (except to the specific families affected, of course.)
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                      • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
                        Here is an article which I have only one partial disagreement with, the Precautionary Principle which can be applied , sometimes, irrationally.
                        But it all comes down to some form of evidence based science and thus scientific medicine and not just gut or knee jerk reactions.


                        But what would I know as a BS (1963) from the that "pinko" University of Wisconsin Dept. of Chemistry and over fifty years of study and thought.
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                      • Posted by $ 7 years ago
                        Thank you Freedom...that was my take as well...psst!...I'm thinking allopathic Irshultis has been working for the drug addict companies...what do you think?
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                        • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
                          Careful with those joking labels or someone might think that you are just dumping a load of BS into the Gulch.
                          Time for the drug companies to go on strike to let you and those of like mind find out what the health of the world's peoples would be like trying to apply non modern evidence based medicine. Perhaps you can buy a shovel to help bury the dead.
                          Medical science, as with most science, is kind of over all asymptotic to the truth and not absolutely certain like your faith based beliefs.
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                          • Posted by $ 7 years ago
                            1 I was joking about you. 2 I have not engaged any type of allopathic medicine or drug, not even over the counter for more than 25 years now...so let them go on strike...hell, I'll cheer them on.
                            3 Evidence based medicine? I think not, more like "lets skid by", I hate people and political based medicine...corner one of these creatures and ask them...would YOU take this crap?...most, I bet, would say NO! the conscious ones anyway.
                            There is something basically wrong with a system that only concerns itself with symptoms and not causes...you need to pay attention to both, ease the pain while you treat the cause. For most, it'll be poor nutrition, bad habits or toxic environmental overloads.

                            Truthfully Irshultis, you trust your schooling, government and the system way too much. We've been lied to not just about our history but the causes of disease and it's treatments as well.
                            If you watched all 7 parts you would of seen real Doctors faced with real life observations and woke up...many of the Doctors with their own children...these are the guys that know what really works and what doesn't, they lived it.

                            I was hoping you of all people here, would have been objective enough to listen to it all.
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                            • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
                              It is hard to spend time watching 10 hrs+ of something that can't even be unbiased in the first 8 minutes. E.g., in episode #1 at about 7:27 the film maker cannot even blow up the highlighted text honestly. He changes "autism" to a biased "AUTISM". At about 33 minutes, John Kennedy Jr. is talking about something he knows nothing about: synergistic effects of different metals in vaccines. No vaccine contains metals as far as I know. They contain chemical compounds of metals for various reasons. One place you might get pure metal would be the elemental or reduced iron in some fortified breakfast cereals.
                              I do not take the statements of reporters, as in the documentary, without question.
                              I do agree that many of the vaccines need not be given early or even later. My doctor keeps on me to get a very expensive vaccine for shingles even though I had chickenpox and much later shingles.
                              The idea is that it might reduce the severity of another case of shingles. So much for the idea that getting a viral disease when very young will give immunity for maybe the rest of one's life.
                              Listening to the whole documentary may or may not require objectivity. I would suspect that most viewers would be far from objective in their viewing habits. I do have trouble, but will do so, watching very biased stuff usually quasi-scientific stuff. At times it is hard to read some comments here in the Gulch that seem extremely biased to me, but I learn something from them.
                              I used to post to USENET humanities.objectivism until the idiots took over and Betsy and Steven went elsewhere to a highly moderated place. Just glad that The Gulch has some but not too severe moderation. Get rid of that and you get porn and some repeated posts of some idiot white supremest or anti-Jew or such taking over the threads.
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                              • Posted by $ 7 years ago
                                I surprised myself by watching the whole thing but it's an issue I am concerned about. Especially where the children of the next generation is concerned.

                                Crossing the blood/brain barrier was new to me and was worth learning. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on that, no rush, we all have busy lives.
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                                • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
                                  Not sure when I can get back to that. Have heart emergency with very low pulse rate near 35 and a very high BNP of 500. So need some medical servicing. Will find out today what can be done, I hope as simple as a pacemaker.
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                    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
                      I'm thinking we get enough mercury and aluminum from nature without being inundated by the likes of humanoids that insist upon doing For and In Spite of the body instead of empowering the body.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years ago
        Right. I also point out that some children do die of those diseases and many are left not better off, but worse, for having had them. Moreover, there is a huge social loss as diseases sweep through populations taking - if nothing else - lost productivity for nursing care for the afflicted.

        It is a trade-off. If a child could be proved to have been made autistic because of the vaccine, it must be true that the disease itself could cause autism in some. Vaccines are only "dead germs." If the dead ones do that, the live ones must do more or do worse.

        It is fallacious thinking to say, "I did not get sick again, therefore let Mother Nature always take her course." Your outcome was not another's.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years ago
          Your forgetting the poisons in the vaccines and the fact that they are designed to breach the blood brain barrier.

          As far as my immune system being better for experiencing these diseases naturally is not to say that everyone should allow nature take it's course. The one thing I always promote is the work of Dr Peter D'Adamo which seems to have a system that at least tries and mostly succeeds at identifying those at risk.
          We all need to do our homework but then again, we haven't been taught that we could do a lot better of taking care of ourselves.

          Granted, the odds are against us finding the right protocols to follow for good health in this paradigm but even if we get lucky, we will likely get a bout of something or another that our bodies are woefully unprepared for.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago
    First of all, did he say April 15th? We are either too late or very, very early.
    The problem with vaccinations as proposed by the gov. is that like all things that comes out of Washington, it's one size fits all. If millions of vaccinations are given, there are bound to be some with negative effects. If the negative effect hits your child, then you will not be inclined to be a supporter of inoculation. The question boils down to whether or not you as a parent is willing to take a chance with your child even if the odds are heavily in your favor.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years ago
    Polio vaccines - first Salk, then Sabin - worked and work. Smallpox has been eradicated because of vaccination. Smallpox, in fact, as we know, was the first vaccination. That is where the word comes from: VACA = COW. Giving people cowpox immunized them against small pox. While Native Americans were decimated or worse by smallpox, it was not always fatal among Europeans: it just left scars. As I noted in a different reply to Allosaur (https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post... ) , even if the diseases do not kill, the loss of personal time and personal productivity both for the afflicted and their caregiver add up to huge social costs. Vaccination is not perfect, but it is better than epidemics.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 7 years ago
    I almost voted this article down because the subject was left as a surprise to trick people into following the link.

    Yes, vaccines aren't perfect for everybody, but they are meant to protect a whole community, especially the few whom those diseases might kill, not just the individual receiving the shot. Thus I see refusal as sort of like reckless driving -- most of the time you'll get away with it, but why take the chance?
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      So, my mind, brain, good health and ability to create value should be sacrificed for someone with an inadequate immune system?
      Instead, why don't we identify those with poor immune systems and build them up naturally and leave the rest of us alone.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years ago
        Well, it is an interesting point. I look to the great flu epidemic of 1918-1919. Back in 2014-2015, we freaked out when one person in the USA had ebola. Imagine 100,000 deaths because that was the case in 1918-1919. But everyone did not die... or even get sick.

        Some people are more susceptible than others and it is not just "good health" (paleo diet or whatever) but factors more specific and less well understood.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years ago
          Seems to me the establishment has wasted much time and money on these vaccines and we aren't really that much better off; instead of identifying why some get disease, why some even benefit from disease yet others surcome.
          Maybe that's too hard, less profitable or not even a consideration.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years ago
    The government seems to think one size fits all, mandate, mandate. I am one of the ones with severe egg allergy, and cannot take most vaccines, and was very worried when government a few years ago began mandating vaccines.
    We have to admit, some vaccines contain bad stuff. Chemicals that are harmful on their own.
    I had German measles as a child (pre-vaccine days), got pneumonia, and fever 103. However, what nearly killed me was the cure, penicillin! Hives, fever spiked at 106 and coma followed the antibiotic injection. Sometime, drugs are more dangerous than the disease.
    What really scares me is when the Queen's husband, and Bill gates start talking about how much of the population has to be reduced, in the millions, and Gates tells a group to whom he is speaking, "vaccines are the way to go'? Erie! I know the UN talks of required birth control, and pregnancy only by license, but was Gates referring to mandatory birth control, or soemthing else?
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years ago
    What has some people frightened about vaccines isn't the vaccines themselves, but the heavy metal additives for long term storage. The coincidence between mercury vaccine additives and the similarities between autism and "mad hatter's disease" caused by long term exposure to mercury elicit suspicious comparisons. All of the studies that purport to validate the additives cause no harm have been done by pharmaceutical companies who profit from vaccine sales.

    Mercury is not the only culprit, as aluminum additives are used in some vaccines, and dementia resembles afflictions caused by ingestion of aluminum. Of course some people still cook with aluminum pots and pans, so it's hard to determine any substantive connection with vaccines. Third party studies on the effects of incidental aluminum exposure have cast doubt on this metal being much of a hazard, but it does give some people cause for worry.

    There may in fact be no substantive connection between vaccines and certain maladies, but serious research done by parties with no conflict of interest would help to put the concerns to rest.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years ago
    As a somewhat unrelated problem, do you know if anyone has invented a way to ascertain risk factors for these diseases on an individual basis (probably using genetic markers)? It would seem that much of the policy debate was a shotgun approach to try to shield the majority of people from the minority who were the risk. With improved technology, maybe now we can individually determine the risk both to going un-immunized AND to receiving the vaccine...?
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      Yes...the very best I have seen is bloodtype markers. It is actually bloodtype that determines what parts of our dna is activated together with ancestral and epigenetic consequences.

      Dr. Peter D'Adamo of http://right4yourtype.com has done an amazing amount of work in this area.
      It's the first place to start in achieving good health and I think it's the lowest common denominator to be considered for good health...we can work our way up from there.

      His original book: Live Right 4 your type or even the original Eat Right 4 Your Type gives you a complete synopsis, Biological, chemical and anthropological facts to consider.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years ago
    I believe that coming to work sick should be actionable. You do not have the right to infect other people. It is like waving around a loaded gun or driving drunk. Some people here disagree with me.

    Typhoid Mary did not get sick herself. She just made other people sick and dead. Some people here think that it was wrong to imprison her. That other people got sick was their problem, not hers. I disagree.
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