And they're holding the smoking gun...

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 11 months ago to Government
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This one is cut and dried. The House should be asking the FBI to find an detain Ms. Solis and compel her to testify to Congress just prior to her being convicted for violating the Hatch Act.

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  • Posted by $ 9 years, 11 months ago
    Just in case you were interested in the details of the law:

    It's been around for a VERY long time.

    EDIT: I found this particular section VERY interesting:
    "President Barack Obama signed the Hatch Act Modernization Act of 2012 on December 28, 2012. It modified penalties under the Hatch Act to allow for disciplinary actions in addition to removal for federal employees; clarified the applicability to the District of Columbia of provisions that cover state and local governments; limited the prohibition on state and local employees running for elective office to employees whose salary is paid completely by federal loans or grants."
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  • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 11 months ago
    The catch --it had to be a government phone. At least, that’s the impression I was left with after reading the article in it’s entirety. Getting anyone to admit that on record is going to be near impossible. And, whether we like it or not, Obama, as the president can reserve the right to excuse wh staff from appearing. But this does change the picture in my mind of the process of how all the fundraisers are organized that Obama has attended have come about. I had just assumed he was responding to invitations. Now I’m beginning to suspect many of them are being organizing at the WH.
    Maybe news outlet should be looking at this? I mean, it’s one thing to see the President jet-setting all over the country to raise money when we have serious issues that need his attention, but the image of his staff sitting on their phones all day organizing fundraisers too? Have they turned the WH in to one big phone bank? Have they put players into key positions in various agencies because of their abilities to fundraise as well?
    This is potentially another scandal. No wonder we feel he is disconnected. They could possibly be running a phone bank not governing the nation.
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    • Posted by $ johnrobert2 9 years, 11 months ago
      Actually, the Act also applies to superiors soliciting from lower level employees at any time for any purpose not approved by law. The military has the Combined Federal Campaign which is an agglomeration of charities (any of which the donor can designate as recipient) and, as such, is an approved solicitation. The discriminators are they are charities and the donor has a choice of recipient.
      Solis' solicitation, whether or not made FROM a government phone, if made TO a government phone, was illegal and subject to prosecution. The fact it was made for a specific political purpose doubles the legal liability. This, if true, can begin to crumble this house of cards. We must screw our courage to the sticking point and DEMAND Congress get the bottom of this.
      Having been a military officer and a city manager, I had to be very cognizant of the allowances and restrictions contained in it.
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      • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 11 months ago
        Correct, even if Solis was using her own cell phone to place the call, the fact that she left the voice mail on a government employee's work phone is enough to break the law. The employee could also get in trouble for not saying anything, and knowing that voice mail servers are usually backed up, the employee probably decided to report it, instead of putting his/her job in jeopardy because of it. I am glad at least one person stood up for the law here. My guess is that this is way more common and just not reported.
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