Portland City Council votes to sue President Trump over policy on sanctuary cities

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 1 month ago to Government
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Only on the Left Coast. Let's see, they claim it is against the 10th amendment to force cities and states to do the Feds bidding. Then why would it be the Feds requirement to give them money, especially when the money is to PAY for them to do the Feds bidding? Most of the money in question is tied to funding anti terrorism (where they are required to cooperate with federal officials) . I would be fine if they just gave them no money and let them be sanctuary cities, and see how long their "principled" stand lasts. But they want their "principles" and all the money, and the Feds can go sitck it. I don't think it will work that way, but of course, they will find all the "left" judges they need to get it their way, so it will end up in SCOTUS in a few years...By then a Democrat will be back in charge and we will be going back down the drain...
SOURCE URL: http://www.kptv.com/story/35138589/portland-city-council-votes-to-sue-president-trump-over-policy-on-sanctuary-cities

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  • Posted by ReneeDaphne 7 years, 1 month ago
    Oh there are "principles" here in Portlandia! We have the principles of theft, the principles of enslavement, the principles of dependency, debt and depravity. We have LOTS of principles here Just not a lot of the ones you want.

    On the bright side...I've met a few teachers who are really getting jack of they system and looking around for alternatives to forced status quo. They are even seriously considering foregoing the fed subsidies for their autonomy. It's happening, it's just a lot slower here than other places because of the wayyyyy lopsided political views west of the I-5 corridor. So change is happening even in Portlandia.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 1 month ago
      Daphne, can you explain the reference to "west of the I5 corridor"? I am not sure where that fits in, as it seems the cascades are the main divide, with the outlier of Eugene/Corvallis and then Metro. Everywhere else seems fairly rational.
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      • Posted by ReneeDaphne 7 years, 1 month ago
        The Cascades are to the East of the "valley" the I-5 Highway corridor is in (this includes Marxist Eugene and Socialist Salem). Some think eastern Oregon is "normal" because "it's country" but all rural areas are in literal lock-down through restrictive legislation that cripples all ability to profit off ANY use of the pitifully small acreage of land still in private ownership. In 1995 OR was in 4th place at 60% owned by fed and state http://www.propertyrightsresearch.org....

        This shows that "we be landless" west of the Rockies http://bigthink.com/strange-maps/291-... The BLM owns well over half of eastern Oregon. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/06/up...

        So you see, the sit-com Portlandia you see in the media may appear more free that in real life. Bureaucrats changed the state statues to exclude the word "navigable" which limited state jurisdiction over water. The state authorities now have jurisdiction over a every birdbath and every drop of rain that runs off your roof.

        State bureaucrats having their hand out at the federal level is the LEAST of our problems here in Oregon, oh trust me.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
          Sorry to hear of this very depressing story in Oregon this as I watch a documentary on how on the opposite part of the country of how the Feds have destroyed an entire fishing fleet and all the supporting services it is called Sacred Cod. These bureaucraps are our enemy and they supposedly are our public servants. Far as I am concerned they are at war and we are all under their attack.
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 1 month ago
            Indeed, just as logging was destroyed in the west, because there was never any room for negotiation and logical solutions.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 1 month ago
              The example that comes to mind is the recent news that 84 million trees died in California forests from 2013-2015 the death was caused by over crowding resulting in bark Beatles. The truth is a thinning or compromise from clear cutting is known to produce a healthier ecosystem. Preserves the integrity of the hill sides (land slides) And reduces forest fires.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 1 month ago
          Oh, I agree with you completely, it is just that my perception is that most countries beyond the cities seem fairly conservative in their views. The Multnomha and Washington county crowds with Eugene, Salem and Corvallis, make all the decisions, and then send us the bill. A large horse facility that would have brought all kinds of business to Polk County never got built because the State made incredible demands on the guy, and he gave up after 1.5 million in wasted money trying to satisfy insane demands. Yet the state refused to go after a 30K windfall when a piece of property had criminal leins on it, and the owner screwed up and foreclosed incorrectly, and when taken to court the state said "30K is not worth our effort". They are as free with money as any drunken sailor, thinking they can always get more from us.
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          • Posted by ReneeDaphne 7 years, 1 month ago
            Ah, but you can opt out sometimes and "take it where you can get it" by NOT paying the Art Tax. :-)

            Of the 1.4 million in 2015, 95% of it went to the Opera, the Symphony, the Art Museum and the Ballet (smallest amount to the Ballet of course). Since they are already well and truly funded, this was really gilding the lily in Portland (since all these STATE facilities are housed in Portland...not Eugene or Bend).

            So, it's a tax to subsidize a TINY segment of the population's obsession with totally NON-self-supporting arts.

            Needless to say, we neither patronize nor promote taxpayer funded entertainment....including "Concerts in the Park", "Movies and Swim Night", "Get Your Free Energy Audit Here" or any of the other bazillion tax funded "fun" things to get and do in Oregon.

            On the good side, we do have "The Magic Kingdom" which was built and is run as a private family business with nary a dollar in loan and ZERO tax dollars. They went so far as to write their own music so they don't even pay copyright fees...clever hey?

            Check them out http://www.enchantedforest.com/.
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  • Posted by voodoo59 7 years, 1 month ago
    Pull the plug on these lefty nutjobs. No more grants, no more subsidies, no more federal dollars-period. Also, make these untouchable local politicians accessories to the immigration violations. That should be a good way to gauge the level of their commitment to the cause!
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 1 month ago
    "I would never imagine myself suing the President of the United States on an issue of what I believe is an issue of morality"
    To me it seems like a natural consequence of taxing people's income, sending it to DC, and then having DC send it back to local gov'ts that do what the Fed Gov't wants. States already tax their citizens to fund officers whose purposes it is to help people apply for federal grants. Of course this system leads to issues of morality.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 1 month ago
      And it points out the inconsistency of our goverment. The fed should only take in enough to cover it's needs, and strip itself of all other responsibilities beyond national defense. All other infrastructure could be handled at the state level, and funded there. Want a 5 lane highway? Then someone would build it, toll it, and then maintain it. Right now everyone in 3 states (in the Midwest) pays for whatever Kalifornia wants, or Oregon, or Washington. Because they lack the huge population, they get little as "the need" is greatest in LA, or SF, or Portland, or Seattle. This all started (or accelerated) with FDR and has steadily gotten worse...
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