The way to smuggle Central Americans into the US from Mexico

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 2 months ago to Video
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Interesting videos. In the second one, note the people milling around behind the trees when the camera zooms in on the Mexican side. 100 in ten minutes an get smuggled over by the experienced traffickers.

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  • Posted by DaveM49 10 years, 2 months ago
    I have mentioned this possibility earlier and will again. How many of you have read "Starship Troopers"? It dealt with a global government in which one had to perform several years of government service in order to be recognized as a "citizen" with the right to vote, etc. The protagonist in the novel joins the military, but it is made clear that a number of other options are available (e.g. for those not physically fit to serve in the military or what have you).

    I suggest a similar option for illegal aliens. Keep in mind that many have been working in various agricultural jobs, etc. for generations--these are not lazy people or people unwilling to work. There is a lot that needs to be done in this country which is not being done--e.g. rebuilding aging infrastructure (which was in many cases originally built by a Depression-era government program) and yes, the military. How about a Foreign Legion-style military unit that secures our borders and just might someday be sent in to put the drug barons' private armies out of business?

    I propose a sort of foreign legion for illegal immigrants, including, but not limited to, military service. Those willing to sign up and serve honorable for five years are, at the end of that time, granted citizenship. By then they will know English, have marketable job skills, and have a track record of behaving themselves. Those who do not behave themselves will be sent home immediately.

    At least SOME of the people illegally crossing our southern border are people fleeing nations where the corrupt and the looters have taken over. They could be an asset to this country. Let's see if they are willing to prove themselves so.

    By the way, I would offer the same option to Canadians who sneak over the border regularly--around here, half of the logging crews are Canadian "visitors".
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 2 months ago
      Dave, et. al.
      Let's start with a [unfortunately, truncated] etymology lesson. Look at the root words for "service" - related, in the Latin, to "slave"
      If it's service and you have to do it, you are either under 18 years old and living in your parents' home, or a slave.
      Not for me.

      Another point from Neil Smith - in his alternate universe, their version of Congress was meeting when what was the Second Wold War in our universe began. There was a vote to send aid, people, stuff. It failed unanimously. Then, again, unanimously, the entire Congress took a leave of absence to go and fight the bad guys.

      I still believe that [at least many] people will do the right thing, given the chance. Compelling one to do 'the right thing' assumes that the end justified the means. It doesn't.
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      • Posted by DaveM49 10 years, 2 months ago
        I haven't said anything about compulsion. Everything I have discussed refers to volunteering in return for a reward. It could be argued in the case of illegal aliens that a degree of compulsion exists since the alternative is deportation. However, anyone would be free to refuse.

        Similarly, no one is "compelled" to take or hold a job. The benefits of doing so, however, lead most of us to do so voluntarily.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 2 months ago
      Yes, RAH was able to work in some very profound ideas while writing very riveting stories. Starship gave me pause to think about citizenship and the right/responsibilities of citizens, Stranger caused me to evaluate my own religious beliefs, why I had them and what they mean to me, Moon made me think about what governments are and what they should do and shouldn't do, and Starbeast - well that just made me want to get my own Lummox!
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    • Posted by $ johnrobert2 10 years, 2 months ago
      Anent the 'Starship Troopers' scenario: it was all military, just some of the jobs did not involve combat. And a 'term' was elastic, determined by what was happening vis-a-vis everyone else in the known universe. Many times, citizenship would be defined as a piece of real estate small enough to hold you, if enough of you could be found to make the deal. And citizenship was not granted until that term was served successfully and you were no longer in service.

      The caveat I would offer to the Legion Etrangere idea would be they would not be allowed to serve within the US but in a TO outside, protecting our interests.
      All in all, I agree with that scenario. Our country would be served by a voluntary force, and governed and protected by those who had made the necessary commitment to prove their worthiness. As RAH stated, some were not worthy but they had done the necessary.
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      • Posted by DaveM49 10 years, 2 months ago
        The sergeant who "Starship Troopers" main character speaks to when he goes in to sign up says something along the lines of: "and we HAVE to find a job for you" and refers to someone who is physically unable to do nothing but move beans from one box to another or some such.....and who was allowed to "perform service". Yes, I believe the primary mode of service was military, as indicated by the desk sergeant with three missing limbs whose job was, basically, to make joinees think about what they were doing.

        There was another nice touch in "Starship Troopers": the first thing every enlistee does is go on 48 hours leave. And if they don't come back, nothing happens. Except that they never get another chance.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 2 months ago

        The novel makes it clear that you don't have to do military service; you can be a postal carrier, a park maintenance worker, whatever.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 2 months ago
      Why limit it to aliens? I think that the same system should be implemented for residents. Citizenship should not be bestowed on an individual merely because of place/parents of birth. You need to earn it. That which is obtained at no cost, has no value.
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      • Posted by rdub76 10 years, 2 months ago
        I disagree. This would be another way to strengthen an already overbearing, centralized government. It would also make it easier for our govt. to entangle us in foreign military adventurism and empire building. Do you really want to supply arms and training to people who already break our laws and raise their native flag over American soil as an act of defiance? The problem is not illegal aliens. The problem is the welfare/warfare state. Those coming here to seek gainful employment would lose incentive to come here if we didn't have a welfare state rewarding so many American citizens for being lazy. Those on the handouts would be forced to take the menial labor jobs now performed by non-citizens. Stop the "War on Drugs" and violent/criminal enterprises lose their monopoly because then anyone can supply that demand. Just like no one goes to a den of criminals to buy a bottle of whiskey anymore.
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      • Posted by DaveM49 10 years, 2 months ago
        I entirely agree. I was merely thinking of a way to "manage" the current rush of illegal immigrants in a way that would, in the end, profit this country. Surely even the startup costs would be less than those of maintaining detention facilities and processing deportations.

        I have long been an advocate for the availability of government service for several purposes. We have young people floundering under student loan debts at the moment. Why not give them a chance to "work it off" and gain a valuable entry on their resume in the process. Again, it will profit all far more than the current liens and foreclosures which are costing a fortune and yielding, for the most part, nothing.

        As far as voting, serving on juries, etc., I believe every American should be required, perhaps during high school, to take and pass the citizenship test given to every immigrant who applies for citizenship. At present we have people voting, serving on juries, even holding public office....who haven't the faintest idea of what they are doing.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 2 months ago
      I know they don't teach history in the government indoctrination centers any more, but haven't any of you encountered an old history book?

      You think this idea of allowing illegal aliens to "earn" citizenship by joining the legions is new? You think this idea of employing illegal aliens in the governance of citizens and the maintenance of the bureaucracy is new?

      That you even discuss it seriously shows how far down Rome's road of decay we've traveled.
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  • Posted by LITTLERED1977 10 years, 2 months ago
    This stunt by the Democrats may lead to unintended consequences. One group of Moochers may become angry at the importation of a new group of moochers. Clay Jenkins, the Dallas County judge, has stepped forward and invited several thousand into Dallas County. Needless to say, many minorities are upset. Many are saying the judges actions are merely an audition for a higher appointment in the Obama administration. He will raise his visibility to the national leaders and won't be here when the bills are due.
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 2 months ago
    so they get here. once here they will not get an education and even if they do there are no jobs since the government has driven so much industry out of the country. they will ultimately migrate to the ghettos and drugs and gangs. a new set of criminals will have developed. I guess the government that is allowing all of this to take place has no foresight. but then government never has had any. what a way to go.
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    • Posted by XenokRoy 10 years, 2 months ago
      Or perhaps they have a whole lot of foresight.

      If things continue down the road we are on then the government will need a body of people willing to blindly follow instruction and do so without hesitation regardless of the order. Most Americans are not like this, so where do they get them?

      Perhaps this is being done with much foresight. I hope not, but its something that has to be considered.
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