The Hollywood Film-Billies: The Last of the Mohicans

Posted by RogerMalcolm 10 years, 10 months ago to Entertainment
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Mike and Roger discuss Michael Mann's The Last of the Mohicans. Possible SPOILERS, of course!

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  • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 10 months ago
    Keep the green screen...I liked it!

    Just a suggestion about the audio...can you find a way to go to lapel mikes? You are so soft-spoken, the commentary sometimes goes too low to follow your points, and the background 'white noise' masks you. The overall effect is too much like a conference call, and we all want to be able to focus on the conversation.

    Do "The Book of Eli". You would have so much to discuss, that you would probably have to give it two parts to cover.

    Keep them coming!
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
      "You are so soft-spoken" hey old man, I like it. caressing commentary. hitting a new marketing niche. the hollywood film billies, well I don't like that. Ayn Rand said, making fun of oneself is like spitting in your own face. and you can't be a film billy in Indiana. I'm sorry hillbillies aren't from Indiana. sheesh!
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      • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
        Hillbillies aren't from Indiana, ha! That's all we are when we start to speak. I figured I'd get it out of the way but I don't feel I am making fun of myself. I am not ashamed of who I am or where I come from and to prove it I wanted to celebrate it. Also it was my nod to The Beverly Hillbillies and in a crunch I made the title up 2 days ago. I liked it, yet I don't think Mike was thrilled with it.

        I do have two lapel mics but they don't connect to the cameras I use for filming the shows. I've been debating using my other cameras I use for filming my movie but that would add more post production time to transfer the footage. Thanks for the comments though, I do appreciate the feedback very much. Also the green screen takes really good lighting which I don't have at Chris' place.
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
          well good luck making it all work out. I'm glad you are celebrating the film billy thing. I didn't wish self deprecation o your considerable efforts. looking forward to next week
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
    Hey...where was Chris? I actually watched this movie last week. I thought I had seen it before, but I don't remember any of it. Better than I expected.
    (Yes, Americans were brutal to the Indians....and they were brutal to each other before we ever got here. Just sayin'. Also, there are still some humble appreciative hunters, a muzzleloader would never be that accurate from that far away...and invite Mike to the gulch...where we talk about freedoms and property rights all the time.)
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    • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
      We had plans to film Tuesday night but Chris had to cancel the whole week. Mike said he could do Wednesday and I experimented with my green screen at home. We'll hopefully be back to normal next week.

      I'll extend the offer to Mike. He only recently started using social networking. I'm always telling folks about the site though. It's easy for me to talk about someone else having appreciation for something I'm doing and this site provides those opportunities.

      I know there are still humble hunters but I personally know far too many that aren't. Hunting for sport disturbs me.
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      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
        Not that I want to debate hunting, but it's food...and if there weren't hunting seasons to thin them out they'd starve or spread to more populated areas with high traffic. I'd rather a deer get killed and eaten (and help the economy too, cuz hunting licenses are not cheap) than starve or cause an accident and die by the side of the road. Not to mention the added bonus of people having a survival skill...something all of us could use more of. Plus learning gun safety etc etc etc :)
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  • Posted by $ johnrobert2 10 years, 10 months ago
    You guys blew it! Day-Lewis did NOT play John Cameron. He played Nathaniel "Natty" Bumpo. John Cameron was the settler to whose cabin they came in the beginning of the movie and where the Royal recruiter was. It was him and his family killed by the roving war party.
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