Progressive Columnist: Riots Are Hurting Our Cause

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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Granted this columnist has awakened somewhat; BUT!...why do progressives; communist and marxist by nature, (if not way under qualified to govern anything; including their own lives), embrace rules for radicals and Violent Protest?:

“The direct costs of violent protests are fairly self-evident. People who may not have anything to do with the underlying grievances get injured or killed, their livelihoods are impaired, the communities in which the rioting takes place suffer property damage that can linger for decades, and the inevitable police response creates new dangers for innocent bystanders.” next time they will bake us cake and cookies so we will vote for them and not against them.
This isn't a's just a chance to act up!...those that act this way do not know the issues except the issuance of a paycheck from georgie sorass...

“It is surely the case that some positive social reforms have emerged in response to rioting. … But the question is not whether rioting ever yields a productive response, but whether it does so in general. Omar Wasow, an assistant professor at the department of politics at Princeton, has published a timely new paper studying this very question. And his answer is clear: Riots on the whole provoke a hostile right-wing response. They generate attention, all right, but the wrong kind.”

"Hostile right-wing response"??? about a reasoned defense in favor of self responsive liberty!
The left operates from a false premise, learned from false and revised history, from a misguided, misunderstood stance of all the values collected by our forefathers in constructing America.

"Many Americans simply want to go about their quiet lives and accept change as it slowly comes."

What! You go about your daily routine accepting "liberal or harmful" change as it slowly comes?

I don't...maybe I missed something...

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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 4 months ago
    I want the 8 year old arsonist from the riots to be taken to Children's Services, since his parents have raised him to be an ioiot! I want Soros charged for all his using his money to incite riots. I want to stinking protestors to have to pay business owners for the damage they did.
    I want the dumb woman who on the women's march called for the killing of all boy babies to be charged with anything! I want the press to completely covering stupid Madonna, the over the hill slut who has long sold us far more profanity than talent. d Guess that is enough, for now. As a college educated female, I am sick of the liberals trying to sell their garbage, not buying it.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 7 years, 4 months ago
      You go girl! As one college educated female to another, I agree with all that you said.
      My mother didn't raise my sister and me to be idiots. We are both secure in who we are. We don't derive our personalities from our husbands, but we do love them. And we absolutely do not want a bunch of liberal nut cases to think that they are speaking for us.
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 4 months ago
        So agree. I think we actually like men, while these women with their signs really seem to hate men. Maybe it is because we have expected to be equals and do our own thinking, but with love, not hatred! Ashley Judd is deranged! I know she, like Hillary have had mental issues for which both have been treated, but it was as if she were auditioning for some play, bizarre!
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
      I second that "emotion"!

      The Best way to cure someone's mischief, vandalism or theft is to pay for the damages themselves, even if it's $5.00 a week until paid in full. It's a hard lesson but next time they will thing twice. Jail does squat in these cases...they get everything free...Make them uncomfortable in their recompense!
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 4 months ago
      Stormi, I take it the old biddy on the airplane they kicked off for being a typical Oregonian wack job, also did not impress you? I live here, and they are indeed whack jobs.
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 4 months ago
        You are right on the crazy plane lady. Why can none of them act with class and dignity? It is so sad, all the beautiful locations, Oregon, Wash., parts of Calif. - are all infested with these nut cases, such a waste. These people act like kindergarten kids who have not yet learned to be civilized. My former high school boyfriend lives in Wah. state, and he would e-mail once a year on my birthday., until he had a major disagreement over the value of the UN. He just could not see how evil they are. My husband laughed and said I had dodged a bullet, as I might have married a liberal.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 4 months ago
    Wait a minute:
    "All this is not to say that we don’t need change in certain areas. We do. But would we be more effective in making that change through rational discourse and reasoned debate, rather than emotional riots? If so, is it time we returned to teaching the next generation how to actually engage in rational, logical discourse? "

    Uh, I have not heard any rational, reasonable debate in a hell of a long time. DC lost that in the 90's or before. Remember Felony Pelosi, ramming Obamacare through the House? Yet no one on their side, or even the other side, want to go back and say "You brought it on yourselves, with lies, misrepresentation and fearmongering".
    Teach it? Do you think they have not been "taught" enough? The current couple of generations of snowflakes have been taught by the current educational establishment that all this stuff is what you do, protest, whine, and need a "safe space". How would you teach, when the teachers are just as dysfunctional?
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years, 4 months ago
    No no no. Keep the revolution going! Death to Bolsheviks! We must be heard. The elections were rigged. We must take control by force.

    All you 125 lb tree hugging zealots, come get us. Demonstrate precisely why you believe the 2nd amendment is flawed with your pathetic, whining behavior.
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years, 4 months ago
    I would venture a guess that Chicago may soon see some results of a new (?) and different approach to reacting to citizens that were brought up and trained to be hostile (not an excuse, but an observation). I can't even figure out if there was any positive result of any of the hostile demonstrations that I have seen in my lifetime (mainly Watts, Vietnam, today). I relate the Vietnam demonstrations mostly to cowardice (Kerry & Fonda and many others who demonstrated), probably a wrong conclusion on my part, and probably concluded because I served in Vietnam, they didn’t. I even know why I served. It’s just my prejudiced point of view, which makes it my personal demonstration. I can see that most demonstrations seem to have been futile except for promoting opportunists like the Sharpton's of this world that make their living off extreme dissention. They would have little to do if we could figure out how to get along with those that we might disagree with or are different from us. Mostly I see nothing has changed from the majority of demonstrations, they have only ticked off more people and furthered our division. Mostly those that agree with them and support them are only lying to themselves. We have to first admit the real problem or there is nothing that can result in a peaceful solution, or any other kind of real solution. It makes no sense fighting something if you don’t truthfully and consciously understand what you are fighting, or fighting for. I cannot for the life of me understand the “leadership” of Chicago (), ignoring the truth of why people are scared to go there anymore, and doing nothing about it. It stifles Chicago’s economic growth. Every person in Chicago should be concerned that Rahm Emanuel is just seemingly another Sharpton drawing a paycheck. I have heard not even a word from him about any concern about the reputation he is allowing to be brought on his city. It hurts everyone, him being only a politician drawing a paycheck, he should be paid on commission. Of course we can blame it all on the people that live there too, after all they elect these “leaders” mostly to confirm their argument for whatever, not for what’s good for the people. Politics today has created generations of people that can’t even understand what they are voting for. It’s little more than a popularity contest anymore. Those are just my opinions, I could be wrong. I sometimes get (a little) fed up, but I have learned God’s plan. When He takes us away, it all makes sense now.

    St. louis, Detroit, Birmingham, Memphis, Milwaukee, Rockford, Baltimore, Little Rock, Oakland, Kansas City, etc.)
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 4 months ago
    The trope now is to blame the rioting and vandalism on "Anarchists." However, the vicious anger and foulmouthed diatribes are no less unappealing to an American public seeking civility.

    The Democrats have become a group of tribalists, choosing to separate America into favored and unfavored collections and emphasize social conflict between them. They seek to divide people by color, gender, religion, age, and economic status.

    I'm tired of the words "multicultural" and "diversity," as these promote tribalism, serving to divide us. I always thought America's strength came from being an "inclusive" culture, where all who seek individual freedom and economic opportunity are welcome. Instead, we've invited invaders who want to change our society into one like the dysfunctional world they've escaped, and have no interest in being included in the American experience. The TEA party and the Trump election is a rejection of the misguided track the Democrats want to impose on America. If they stubbornly continue down this track, they will go the way of the Whig party.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
      Let us hope they go the way of the whig party but when oh when will we realize that in general we really do not want to entertain any other idiotology but the one outlined by our brilliant forefathers.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 4 months ago
        The Whigs became the GOP under that murdering traitor Lincoln who destroyed the chance for freedom in America. The Dems deserve a worse fate than Nagasaki and Hiroshima. They are a bigger threat to individual liberty than the residents of those cities ever were.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 7 years, 4 months ago
    They should have thought of that before!

    Then again, this is nothing new. The British General Strike flopped big-time in the 1920's, because the strikers "put people out" and even brought bodily harm to some.
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  • Posted by wiggys 7 years, 4 months ago
    I believe that the bulk of the population of USA citizens are peace loving people who simply want to get on with their lives and when there are riots that disrupt things this bulk of the USA citizens does not like it and supports aggressive actions by the police charged with protecting them. So the writer is correct in noting that riots damage their cause. by the way 0 and his leaders never did recognize that.
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  • Posted by JuliBMe 7 years, 4 months ago
    The premise and purpose of the violence is to cause so much chaos that we all would scream for the government to "DO SOMETHING". This increases funding for more democrat chaos, and so on. It's the democrat playbook and has been from the 60', likely forever. It has worked in the small scale for many years. Obama tried to make it work in the macro. It might have worked if he had more time. ANOTHER reason to keep and expand term limits to ALL of government and the bureaucracy.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 4 months ago
    I can't help but think of the night the grand jury exonerated the officer in Ferguson Mo. when Oblamo with the most disgusting look on his face said to the camera . The policeman was exonerated. With in a few seconds rioting started and soon a camera on Michael Browns stepdad in the back of a pickup with a microphone screaming to all the rioters to
    "Burn this bitch down", repeat over and over.
    We have a law that prohibits inciting a riot but alas it is pick and choose who to charge.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
      Yea...It's ok for liberals to loose it with no loss of freedom to loose it once again...and again and again. mr professional...they lost because they lost it and the rest of us got pissed and vindictive.
      And I thought blaming climate change was bad enough!
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  • Posted by Seer 7 years, 4 months ago
    Just read the article. Well, most of it. He or they didn't even bother to say "protests" or "demonstrations"; just plain admitted they were riots.
    And then acted as if he or they had just come up with some really original and innovative thoughts.

    But as far as "civil disobedience", I have a good friend from high school who is a professor of Political Science at Gonzaga, who told me that Gandhi's method of achieving independence from Great Britain probably wouldn't have worked with any other government.

    And then Britain went and pulled out of India and let that poor divided country almost destroy itself.

    Lessons from the past.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
      Bad as "colonialism" in some circumstances was, there is a part of the theory that might be valid. The idea of bringing civilization to countries that really don't have much of a civilization is a good thing...the middle east comes to mind here. The society itself has not ascended into "Conscious" behavior and are Stuck in the pagan ancient ways. They were way too behind to play a part in the global world stage. Another example would be the tribes in Africa also.
      WAIT!...however, I am sure this view was a minority view from the few sentient conscious humans that took part in the effort.
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      • Posted by $ Seer 7 years, 4 months ago
        India did benefit in some ways from the British Raj, and were hurt by it in others.

        The Near and Middle East and Asia Minor are a different story.

        West and Central and East Africa? There was exposure throughout the last 2 millenia to both Islamic culture and Christian culture, yet not much of the good in those cultures seems to have taken root.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
          What the "World order" of idiots don't understand is that just exposing them to western civilization via "multiculturalism" will not work, and has never worked. It is a competence in a language that is "chock full of heavenly" Metaphors that awakens them...that's how mankind began to awaken and that's how they can wake up and smell the desire for self regulated liberty, inventiveness and free market benefits also. (English pretty much does that, the english language encompasses all the worlds great languages and their metaphors).
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          • Posted by $ Seer 7 years, 4 months ago
            And also, for the same reasons, they seem to have an avoidance of risk-taking, which risk-taking behavior Indo-Europeans have in full measure.
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          • Posted by $ Seer 7 years, 4 months ago
            I have the feeling---though I would never say it---that West and Central African cultures are very hedonistic--pleasure-seeking- in nature, and that type of morality is hard to let go of. Unfortunately, especially with progressive, Leftist, Liberal "teachings", it has infiltrated into American culture, not the other way around.

            I wouldn't say this either: Montesquieu came up with reasons for that (his climate theory on differences in human nature) and it boiled down mainly to the fact that in his opinion the southern climes induced laziness. Now, I didn't say I agreed with that.

            But I do think those regions of the world had, and still have, more exposure to diseases, and thus the people developed a rigidity of sorts. That one must always follow certain "protocols"---in the form of magic and ritual---in order to stave off disease. That any departure from these routines caused more sickness to result.
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            • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
              Among other "sickness" as well...

              I think there is something to more piece to the whole puzzle.
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              • Posted by $ Seer 7 years, 4 months ago
                Remember Vachel LIndsay's "The Congo: A Study of The Negro Race?" Magic runs all through it.
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                • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
                  Very much like and maybe even worse, than Our biblical ancestors prior to losing the illusionary voices of the gods. (Julian Jaynes)

                  Just look at the south and VOODOO!...good thing it's really Not warming or we'd be in deep doodoo voodoo!
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                  • Posted by $ Seer 7 years, 4 months ago
                    And Haiti. Only now the "magical ones" want to refer to it as "voudon" to eliminate any bad images people may have of it.
                    When the Leftist/Liberals decided never to call any people's culture "primitive" and to use "traditional" instead, it pretty much hampered any attempt to find out why some cultures advanced and others didn't.
                    I believe Progressives wanted everyone to believe one culture's morals were as good as another's.
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                    • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 4 months ago
                      Why do I suddenly think of headhunting cannibals?
                      Oh, yeah, a libtard once sang it to me: "Di-ver-sa-ty."
                      That's what he sang after saying I should be comfortable with all the Muslims flooding the country.
                      So I asked what will he say when he gets blown up.
                      He did not answer that question.
                      Don't know if he went away mad but he went away.
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                  • Posted by $ Seer 7 years, 4 months ago
                    Did you ever read a book titled "Before Philosophy"? It is atheistic in outlook but does admit that the Hebrew monotheistic religion seemed to be a giant step forward.

                    I've also read that at about that time, maybe 600 BC or before, there was a great flowering of not just math, science and technology, but also a spiritual awakening, around the world, including even Siddartha Buddha.
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                    • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
                      No but having studied western mans venture into self introspection, (consciousness) I am aware of the going's on during that time.
                      Yes recognizing that "something" brought about existence and that it wasn't some weird creature, the moon,a star or a planet...only, even with their new awareness they still stuck to the meme of the time and expressed it mystically.
                      You'd be surprised to find that a whole lot of natural and unusual things were happening at that time as well.
                      The times we find ourselves now is interesting also, as far as we can tell, a grand solar minimum And rapid magnetic pole movements have not occurred at the same time.
                      These things have an effect upon mans brain and health...needless to say...we are in for an interesting ride.
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                      • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 4 months ago
                        Melatonin is a potent anti-oxidant with receptors in every major organ, and it is released from the pineal gland when the natural boundary of light is missing.16 Melatonin production peaks at night, around 4 am when the temperature is at its lowest and the melatonin level is at its highest.

                        The variable changes in Space Weather and solar wind parameters lead to perturbations in the environmental electromagnetic fields, certain frequencies of which can “significantly alter the cellular calcium ion fluxes and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) waves in brain tissue” (Cherry 2001).17

                        The collected evidence reveals that the effects can go from environmental ULF/ELF signals to directly altering our cellular calcium ion homeostasis, which is capable of altering primate and human EEG waves, thereby affecting cell-to-cell communication and impacting reaction times.

                        There is evidence that “at days with high neutron activity (CRA) there were more medical emergencies and more deaths… A strong trend of Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) (mostly of fatal cardiac arrhythmia, fibrillation) occurred more often on days of high CRA (neutron activity)” (Stoupel et al. 2014). During periods of low Solar Activity and ‘zero’ geomagnetic activity, data showed that those at risk were more likely to die of SCD; this illustrates the inverse correlation between Solar Activity and Cosmic Ray Activity.

                        On the other hand, in the scientific paper “Geomagnetic Storms Can Trigger Stroke,” the authors purpose was to present evidence for the impact of geomagnetic activity on stroke occurrence, which has been “limited and controversial.” They conclude that, “Geomagnetic storms are associated with increased risk of stroke and should be considered along with other established risk factors” (Feigin et al. 2014).18 Perhaps it is the balance, the middle ground, which is most prevalent compared to high Solar Activity and CRA, which are short-term events and less prevalent than active conditions.

                        Previous research shows that geomagnetic variations of a solar origin have been correlated with enhanced anxiety, sleep disturbances, altered moods, and greater incidences of psychiatric admissions (Persinger, 1987).19 Babayev and Allahverdiyeva’s findings indicate, “there were an indisposition, weakness and presence of indistinct localised headaches during the days with severe Geomagnetic Storms in experiment participants.” They concluded that “geomagnetic disturbances affect mainly the emotional and vegetative sphere of human beings… changes in geomagnetic conditions mostly affect the activity of the regulating systems of the right hemisphere and the ability to adapt to changes in a physical environment.”
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                        • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
                          Other than the extreme physical effects, the rest of many of these effects upon mood etc. can be dealt with awareness and mental control.
                          That's why I say that those unaware will be effected to most.
                          So, let's put this together: 1 teach the kids bull crap...which amounts to ridiculous mysticism. 2 feed them crappy food, 3 distract their attention with social media, destructive game playing and false ideology, 4, teach them not to work for their needs and give them everything, 5 now, piss them off, wait for atmospheric disturbances then pay them to destroy other peoples hard work because the rest of the conscious world is the cause of their misery!
                          Presto! you have chaos and riots.

                          See?'s a simple formula to keep yourself in power.
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                      • Posted by $ Seer 7 years, 4 months ago
                        The difference between the monotheism of the Hebrews, as "revealed" and the paganism of the time was the elimination of magic and ritual as a means of man's control of his environment.

                        God, that is, the God of all, has said that no sincere, genuine search for knowledge is displeasing to him.

                        Not sure I agree with you about the extent of the "heaven's" influence on the evolution of intellect. (Reminiscent of astrology.) Certainly there is some affect on physical and random mutations.
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                        • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
                          Has nothing to do with astrology. Science has know since the 50's that these electrical events play havoc with the brain. Anything that disturbs any part of our atmosphere at any level or disturbs the natural frequencies we have evolved with, even our magnetosphere has an effect on life itself. Not to mention the psychological effect of strange atmospheric phenomenon can quell or enhance insights and awakenings.

                          Let's just imagine that the lack of a voice of our own and the illusion of the voice of others present in bicameral mans brain was do to the lack of a sufficient shielding in our magnetosphere. Then for some unexplained reason our shielding gained strength via rapid sunspot flaring or some other mechanism sufficiently blocking certain frequencies that kept us from evolving into self awareness.

                          Observing the past it would seem that conditions on earth our sun and our solar system, (all of which have an electrical effect on each other) might have been very different from now.

                          Perhaps just the addition of Venus into our system was enough to change things a bit. We also suspect that other stars in other systems have an effect on ours.
                          It's not like we are just sitting still in the middle of nowhere. Our solar system is moving at 433,000mph around the Galaxy and the Galaxy is moving around the local universe as well.

                          There is still many lifetimes of knowledge we have yet to discover.
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                          • Posted by $ Seer 7 years, 4 months ago
                            So all those holes in the ozone layer do have an effect on our mental capabilities, you are saying?

                            I bet you've had more than one "Venus" get into your system, haven't you? ---That was a joke!

                            Only 433,000MPH? Thought we were moving faster than that.

                            You're pulling my leg, aren't you?
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                            • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
                    , no, yes, I thought we were also and no I am that order.

                              There is a whole lot of stuff we were never taught, however, I will say that some of this wasn't known when I was a kid...Our Vikings, now exiting the heliosphere, (our sun's protection from strong cosmic winds that surrounds our solar system.), have filled in a lot of info.
                              Check out this body of you will watch it over and over:
                              Note: 1 early in the video you'll see measured connections between the stars. 2 note our position in all this...kinda makes one wonder.
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                              • Posted by $ Seer 7 years, 4 months ago
                                That was fascinating. I bookmarked it. Astronomy and geology were always fields I would have liked to get into, but haven't had time.
                                One thing though: position and motion are relative in this universe. Do these scientists start out with a reference point?
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                                • Posted by $ 7 years, 4 months ago
                                  Glad you enjoyed it...laughing I was great at geology. I guess it was the physical experience along with the book learning.

                                  Ref point? Not sure but I bet they started with the closest objects.
                                  I had a thought in relation to the "great attractor" and the Electric Universe Theory. I wondered if the Gal. and Univ's going away from us would meet at the great attractor kinda like a Giant Generator.
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                                  • Seer replied 7 years, 4 months ago


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