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    Posted by barwick11 9 years, 10 months ago
    It's really simple... Atheists can live on the basis of "some" form of morality, but, a morality without a firm standard to base it on (aka, the eternal Word of God) is no morality at all. Their morality is a house built on a sand island in the middle of the ocean, it's got zero foundation.

    They can invent whatever form of morality they want to when they don't believe in God. Hitler had a morality he believed was right. So did Pol Pot, Stalin, the Caesars, etc.
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    • Posted by barwick11 9 years, 10 months ago
      To any of you who down voted this, please explain why? Besides I pointed out the truth a out your atheistic beliefs. They have no unchanging basis for morality. Your morality can change over time. Mine cannot.
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 10 months ago
        I’m just popping in for the drama. I didn’t vote at all. Lemme see if I got this right: christian --good, athesist --bad. That’s your sum message and you want to know why you were down voted. Pffft. I say you belong in the dog house. (which that doesn’t have to be a bad place to be. Mr. Morality, himself, Jim Baker and his lovely bat-eye wife Tammy use to own their very own custom air-conditioned dog house. Life is better for christians even when they are worthless pieces of dung, no?
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        • Posted by teri-amborn 9 years, 10 months ago
          My best friend is an atheist and an immigrant from Finland. She is probably the most basically moral person that I know BECAUSE she always tells the truth and lives in the realm of reality.

          She makes no effort to put anyone else down and she has a value system that is second-to-none.

          I think that she is the epitome of a moral atheist.
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        • Posted by barwick11 9 years, 10 months ago
          Oh yeah, real good mudslinging there. Please, explain to me how my RATIONAL post yielded your irrational post.

          Please, once again, point out where my post is wrong. It is FACT.

          Christians base their morality on the unchanging Word of God. It never has changed, it never will change. It *is*. As God said to Abraham, "I AM". Eternal, unchanging, reliable, an utterly firm foundation.

          Atheists' moral beliefs HAVE NO UNCHANGING FOUNDATION. How in the world can you argue with that? What are you going to base your moral foundation on? The law of nature? Whoever is strongest wins? If that's your morality, then so be it... I suppose that's unchanging. But I predict that's not YOUR morality, and you would appreciate it if someone was prosecuted criminally for assaulting your teenager to take his bike simply because he was stronger.

          There is *nothing* for Atheists to base a common moral structure on, period. There is no underlying moral law like Christians have, period.

          It's not a slam, it's the truth. So quit with the freaking mudslinging.
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          • Posted by $ katrinam41 9 years, 10 months ago
            barwick11, my husband is a very intense Christian. He has spent many hours in his 80 years of life poring over the Bible in its many translations. His conclusions are not fixed in stone even now--he has found too many mis-translations--his quote is, "All of God's Word is in the Bible, but not all of the Bible is God's Word." He is beginning to believe that the only answer will come when he meets the Man face to face. Please try not to explode because some don't believe the same as you do. If you attack, you will be answered, and it should not surprise you--we're all under attack if we write something someone else disagrees with! How else can we learn, if not to discuss with those of different views?
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          • Posted by amhunt 9 years, 10 months ago
            That is an interesting assertion "... on the unchanging Word of God". If one postulates the existence of God then it could follow that His word is unchanging, presuming He did not want to change it. In either case (changed or unchanged) it would still be possible (and even likely) that humans would argue the point (and we certainly have a lot of evidence that they do.)
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
          I would qualify that, Mimi...

          As I've tried to point out, atheism provides a philosophical haven for those who would avoid personal responsibility and respect for the rights of others. Hedonists, sadists, etc.

          Doesn't mean all atheists are that way. But a lot of people who claim to be atheist make a religion of it.

          re: Baker... "No cause is so noble that it won't attract fuggheads." - Larry Niven

          Just as atheism provides a haven for those wishing to escape responsibility for their actions, so religions such as Christianity provide a haven for predators, who are no more "true" in their Christian belief than the hedonist/sadist atheist is.

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