Opinion from a New Mexico resident

Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 11 months ago to The Gulch: General
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A former customer stopped in this morning. She has been living in New Mexico for the last 6 years. I asked her about the border problem and she just rolled her eyes. She is in the northern part of the state so it's not as bad but she said they are everywhere. I always thought the ones that worked did so for little pay. She said she just fired her cleaning woman. She was paying her cash so her income was tax free and she knew she had a lot of places she cleaned. When she showed up in a BMW and she saw her husband driving a new Dodge truck that was the last straw. She said the ones that work do work very hard and long hours but it bothered her that they made more money than her daughter who is a teacher and has a degree. I really don't have a problem with that. Producers we want moochers we don't.

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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 9 years, 10 months ago
    The original rant has many problems. "I was helping my housekeeper and her husband sell drugs. We also dealt in untaxed cigarettes, homemade wine and corn whisky; and we wholesaled condoms which my kids sold at school along with the smokes and moonshine."

    First of all, however the money is earned it is cultural that poor people spend their money on conspicuous consumption. When I moved to a Spanish neighborhood here in Austin in 2011, I saw this every day. My neighbors went to work each day and came home each night, lugging a box of tools, hard hat under their arm maybe, and driving an outsized SUV. (La Trocka.) We had garbage on the grounds, but the people who dropped it drove BMWs. Their car payments might be more than their rent or run for ten years.

    In the second place, paying people in cash is fine. Getting paid in cash is convenient. Tax evasion is illegal. You claim to honor the Constitution - except for the Income Tax. How do you feel about women voting? Do you refuse to vote for _any_ federal senatorial candidate because you are opposed to their direct election? I assume you have some problem with slavery and do not want to see those Amendments ignored by real patriots who honor the original Constitution by keeping slaves.

    It is a principle of republicanism that you obey the laws you do not like until you can get them changed. Otherwise, we have anarchy.

    So, the woman who paid her housekeeper in cash in order facilitate tax evasion was not just breaking a law, but was undermining the very idea of a lawful society.

    You can say that taxation is theft - and make a good case for it. You can point out that our government must be held accountable to a higher moral law, above legislation. Bad laws must be resisted, ignored, violated - even at the risk of anarchy and then chaos. Perhaps so. What about other unjust laws? Why not sell cigarettes and booze to kids? Any kid old enough to earn money is old enough to spend it as she sees fit? I mean: What is the standard here? We just watched "Lost in Austen" where Amanda Price the great fan of _Pride and Prejudice_ is transported into the world of the book. In one of many confrontations with Fitzwilliam Darcy, she says: "You do whatever you want and then later call it 'principle'!"
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 11 months ago
    my only problem with "they are everywhere" is that New Mexico was settled by Mexicans originally. One would expect a very large latino population in "new Mexico," which is actually very "old." The Santa Fe Trail was a major north to south route originally called the
    El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, the route to Mexico City. It was a major trading avenue between mexicans and Indians, primarily the Comanche. Pueblo Indians eventually were able to maintain pueblos after the trail was exploited (not a bad connotation) by US traders pioneered somewhere around 1820 which eventually linked Independence Mo and then St Louis. Along the trail in eastern Colorado Bent's Fort was established which linked north to John's Fort, which became Ft. Laramie and linked with the Oregon Trail. These were the major trails used for westward expansion of the US. They boast an out-of-touch state capital and a big illegal immigrant/drug problem. Ask straightline
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    • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
      It was strange how someone who just moved there 6 years ago said "they are everywhere". I expected her to talk about the drug issue or the strain put on facilities from the current crisis. She was clearly more upset at the money her cleaning woman was making.
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 11 months ago
        No, I think she was expressing the shock and anger in learning that her ‘illegal’ housekeeper that she thought she was being compassionate to, is earning enough under the table to live in luxury while as an American, she has to play by the rules and pay taxes.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
          Good points Mimi but I think there are other problems more pressing. I wish more left wing people could see things like this. Someone works hard and keeps what they earn and the economy benefits. If they access Social Security and other programs that is a problem.

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          • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
            No, there are no more pressing problems then alleged "objectivists" in the guch defending and supporting LOOTERS and MOOCHERS. People who take the unearned.

            They couldn't have competed if they had to obey the rules we have to obey. Since when do the occupants of a website dedicated to the "men of the mind" make heroes out of laborers?

            In order to work in this country, I have to produce a social security number, I have to accept no less than the currently dictated minimum wage, and I have to pay taxes on those wages. As a law-abiding citizen, I can't house a half-dozen families in my apartment, either.

            The reinemachefrau had the BMW and the Dodge truck because she, and probably her husband, kids, 17 cousins, etc, were committing fraud on a grand scale.

            She has it because corrupt looters, again on a grand scale, look the other way.

            And you think she's not accessing social security?? I would be shocked to discover she wasn't.

            Meanwhile, an honest CITIZEN, one of "us" in this equation, can't get a job. If the cleaning woman's husband worked construction, as is most likely, then it's possible, because I've experienced it and seen it happen, that that person who can't get a job isn't able to get one BECAUSE OF HIS SKIN COLOR.
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            • Posted by khalling 9 years, 11 months ago
              are you referring to me? where did I say she shouldn't have to play by the rules and you should? I think it starts with the lady who hired her. She also committed a crime by paying her in cash without reporting her as an independent contractor. (Not that I like those IRS rules, nor do I think you should be compelled to keep track of your part-time housekeepers' charges). She should have reported her when she knew the woman stated she was avoiding taxes.
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              • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
                No, I was replying to rich.
                Hang on a sec, I've got a blog post on the subject...

                "Take a man of good character. He finds himself in a position where he’s so broke he doesn’t even know where his next meal will come from. He finds a five dollar bill on the floor of his local 7/11. He takes it to the clerk and turns it in.

                "Take a man of poor character. He finds the five dollar bill, and pockets it. His mind fills with rationalizations; no one will miss it; his need is acute; he’ll find the owner and pay it back when he’s rich."

                I'm combating the myth of the "honest, hard-working" illegal alien invader. From the start they're dishonest, so any attempt to white-wash them as being somehow morally 'good' or ethically trustworthy, or as contributors is hogwash.
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            • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
              I was making the point that if many of the tax laws didn't exist at that income level the economy would benefit. She and her husband are breaking the law but we have limited resources and they have to be directed elsewhere right now.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
      I t hink she's referring to "illegals" rather than simply Hispanics.

      khalling, you don't have a dog in this fight. You quit the country... fine, you worry about invaders to your neck of the woods.

      You're too smart not to get it through your skull that current day New Mexico didn't exist prior to the European acquisition of the territory. I don't mean political lines, I mean the cities, the highways the hospitals the technology centers, the products of industrial age society that the pre-existing stone age societies didn't have.
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      • Posted by khalling 9 years, 11 months ago
        I never implied that our Constitution was not integral to advancement or that the US was not entitled to the territory. I merely bristled that someone who lived in NM would refer to latinos born in the US and whose parents and grandparents were born in the US as "they're everywhere."
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
          "Our"? You really need to explain your status someday. You keep talking about how you abandoned the U.S., so is the Constitution still "ours"?

          My father's family goes back on this continent seven generations. As an Irishman of English descent once said, "if 300 years in a land doesn't make one a native, what the hell does?"

          I was watching "Border Wars" in boredom last night, and there was one border patrol agent with a very, very thick Latino accent.
          And copper-colored hair.
          And the name "MacNamara" (spelling...)

          I can spot an illegal within seconds. However, I can also sympathize with the "they're everywhere" sentiment... such as last night, when a group of 4 or 5 Hispanic children at the store were jabbering away in Spanish. There's no excuse for that. None. Well, I suppose they could be *tourists*...

          Now, I live in the Indian Nations; I work with "native Americans", Hispanics, black Americans, African Americans... one very nice lady I work with I like a lot (she reminds me of my mother, aside from not-being Irish) is a Hindu from India. My wax partner looks a bit like Obama, but is from Ethiopia. He's very proud of his sons' achievements (one is running track for the U.S.), he has a very thick accent, and I've become a sort-of pseudo interpreter. He waited in line to get here.
          Another nice guy I work with is from Morocco, named "Mohammed". This morning I greeted by saying, "Mohammedan!" The third time I repeated it, I was close enough for him to hear me, and he grinned and said, "yes" in a predictably thick middle-eastern accent. Then we did our usual fist-bump.
          There's this Korean woman I can't believe is a grandmother, and every morning we have out traditional, "Good Morning!" (can't believe she's a grandmother...)

          My point is that I'm not a xenophobe. And I don't have a grudge against people simply because they're Hispanic. But, based on my life-experience of illegal aliens, they are NOT the mythical hard-working, honest peasants that is the image of them that is most promoted.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
        Some one outside the country is allowed to have an opinion. My customer was referring to illegals but how can she tell the difference? Sounded racist to me.
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
          I can tell the difference. The way they carry themselves, the way they smell (not necessarily bad, just different... I assume a result of diet), and of course the obvious ones, the thickness of the accent. Granted, a lot of illegals, as part of their refusal to assimilate, are teaching their children Spanish first, and so we have multiple generations who've developed a specific, hybridized accent.

          Then again, i worked around the s.o.b.s for 20 years...
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
    And, rich... speak for yourself, or at least add a disclaimer excluding me.

    *Americans* I want, non-Americans I *don't*.

    No more than Galt wanted people who wouldn't take the oath in the gulch...
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    • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
      I don't get that???
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
        Okay, let me put it to you this way...

        Your brother is broke. He's a deadbeat. He moves in with you til he 'gets on his feet'. You resent it, you gripe and moan, but you let him stay to help him out, because he's part of your tribe.

        Now a stranger walks in the back door and takes over your guest room. Oh, he cleans the house from top to bottom... especially the refrigerator. He may even get a part time job, and so pay a little bit of rent, maybe enough to compensate for the resources he uses, but probably not.

        Now, you'd prefer having this uninvited stranger in your house over your brother?

        I'll deal with deadbeat compatriots, that's a separate, internal issue. But I will not equate aliens with my countrymen, I don't care if they're living saints and my countrymen are rogues and thieves.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
          Good point. I just don't know how we deal with someone like her cleaning woman and let some drug user get away. This has to done methodically and in stages. The problem is too big to deal with all of them at once.
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