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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 9 months ago
    This is the nature of govt-sponsored schools. Parents can talk to the administration, but in the end if they want free education, they need to do whatever the administration says. Someone else is paying the bill, so someone else makes the rules.
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    • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 9 months ago
      "Someone else is paying the bill, so someone else makes the rules."

      To claim this, you must not be paying any property taxes.

      Since even renters are paying this tax through their rent (passed on by the landlord), then you would have to be one of the homeless individuals!
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 9 months ago
        Of course we pay for it! I'm saying this is the $hitty part of having the gov't provide the service w/ tax money instead of people just buying it.

        I'm conflicted b/c I like the gov't to provide services that give us a fair society, but once they're doing it we end up with this debate. If we all bought our own kids' education directly, it would be none of our business if someone wants to sends his kids to tug-of-peace-style school.

        I send my kids to Waldorf, which is a little tug-of-peace-ish, but I try to expose them other ideas and encourage them to play cops and robbers if they so desire. You could send your kids to military school. It's a free country. But when gov't takes over something, that's not part of the free country anymore. Now politician can and should debate what kind of schools we should have.
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        • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 9 months ago
          My guess is that Waldorf is a private school.

          Sounds like you meant to say: "I am paying the bill, but someone else makes the rules"?

          That is true for public education, but where I live we have a school board, and we elect the leadership. You will get whatever is the prevailing community political leaning.

          Charter schools in my neck of the woods are far more productive, and conservative in their curriculum. I attest this to the teacher's union failing to get their foothold into them....
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 9 months ago
            Yes. Right. "I'm paying the bills indirectly through taxes, and I make the rules indirectly through a political process." Where possible, it's better just to pay a service provider you like directly, skipping the taxes and political process.
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            • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 9 months ago
              Until education leaves the "right to get" category, we will all have to pay in our 'pound of flesh'.

              If you want to talk about inequity: I haven't had a school aged child for the past 10 years...but I am paying for the public schools.

              Add to this 'theft', the fact that I don't approve of how our local schools are being run, and you have what amounts to a capital crime against me. And if I refuse to pay my portion of the property tax that goes to education, I get to lose my property.

              My neighbor is a close friend, and teaches in one of our elementary schools. You can imagine some of our conversations....
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 9 months ago
      Who's paying the bill???? The tax payers! aka the parents (in most cases). The parents do have a say, however too many never make a peep. It's a strange thing to watch. Sad really.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 9 months ago
        It's amazing we have to say "parents do have a say". If most people just bought their own education directly, this would be obvious like "people have a say which make of car they drive."
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 9 months ago
    I have been thinking on this. Could it be the reason men aren't getting married and raising families? Just look at all the commercials on TV, and the inane American sitcoms. The men are stupid. The women has to come riding to the rescue and the kids think he's an idiot and waste of space. I was watching a Happy Days rerun last night, and Howard Cunningham was the head of the house hold. The leader. That is no longer the case. Men are being portrayed as superfluous sperm donors.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 9 months ago
    When was tug of war ever on a playground? That involves a big rope. In P.E. they have it, but not on the play ground. And what does "tug of peace" involve? Staring at each other and flinging compliments? Can we just admit that boys and girls are different? And they SHOULD be. The real problem is oversensitivity and the need to control (with the adults in charge). Each incident is different than the last one and can't have a blanket answer on how to handle it OR even if it needs to be 'handled' for that matter. Adults are paranoid and fear confrontation from parents and other staff. It's the adults that need to grow up, just let the 7 year olds BE 7 year olds.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 9 months ago
      I agree. Let's not even make a determination whether "boys and girls are different". Let's just let each person explore the life he has on his/her own terms as much as possible.
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