Elon Musk: Objectivists' Dream or Just Another Crony

Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago to Technology
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Today, I received an Atlas Society article about the Musk Hyperloop, praising its innovation: "It's hard for an Objectivist not to be fan of Elon Musk. The co-founder of PayPal and the principal entrepreneur and CEO driving Tesla Motors and SpaceX, Musk has dedicated his life to seeking new and better ways of creating value in industries that shape our basic way of life (banking, energy, and transport)"
Mr. Thomas does talk about the fact that this amazing technology (I have disputed that on another post) is fated to be a government project, unlike the the inventions in transportation our favorite characters created. I'll take it further, and say, outside of PayPal, Mr. Musk knows EXACTLY what he's doing and Big Government is all part of every plan he has-oh, and of course lots of splashy PR. He's a modern day medicine show come to town. Don't buy his tonic, you know what some of the ingredients are.
SOURCE URL: http://wallstreetpit.com/99848-the-near-miraculous-nature-of-the-turnaround/

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  • Posted by slfisher 9 years, 5 months ago
    Just coming here to inquire what people thought about the Powerwall and I figured I'd post on this existing topic rather than start a new one.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 2 months ago
    Thanks for the warning. I was never a Paypal customer or even a Paypal fan. You take the good with the bad. Henry Ford did business with Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Of course, Ford did not have the benefit "Atlas Shrugged" and Musk has.
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