#Calexit could make California the world’s sixth-largest economy. Will it happen?

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 6 months ago to Government
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Idiots on parade. They neglect the fact the feds give them a boatload of money...they would lose access to the Colorado, would need a lot of desalination plants, borrow a lot more money, have a hard time going bankrupt (a major pasttime for their cities, and even their state seems rickety). Societies who fail to recognize their problems in lieu of living a fantasy seldom have a good end...
SOURCE URL: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/calexit-could-make-california-the-worlds-sixth-largest-economy-will-it-happen-2016-11-09?siteid=yhoof2&yptr=yahoo

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  • Posted by gpecaut 7 years, 6 months ago
    Can't wait to see it. They can take Oregon ,Washington and Nevada with them. No loss, our gain. And then if the rest of the US manages to get stupid about going more Statist, they won't be able to complain when Texas leaves too.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
      Now wait a minute, look at the map of Oregons election results, and it is red, except for Multnomah and Washington and Eugene. You can carve them out for sure. However, that would end up making Oregon one of the richest states because it would eliminate about 80% of the 19 billion PERS debt, and a huge amount spent on freeloaders. The rest of the State has always been Republicrat/independent, and always votes that way. One of the great inequities, and is also a good example of why the Electoral college is needed. You have a concentration of freeloading looters in those three areas, and they elect more looters who always have some crazy idea of how you need to "pay your fair share", which always ends up being a bigger and bigger share and always goes to a small number of special people. That was why they tried Measure 97 and wanted to tax sales instead of income, they would get 6.5 billion they never explained what it would go to. It was going to go to PERS out of control debt. Needless to say, it failed because the rest of the state woke up to the charade and they didn't lie big enough to cover it.
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      • Posted by Temlakos 7 years, 6 months ago
        So you propose carving out a Pacific Coast corridor. I wonder: in your elevator pitch to President-elect Trump, would you recommend sending in a military detachment to "secure" this corridor, as General Rosecrans did in what became West Virginia during the War Between the States? And I'm only half joking here.

        Anyhow, what you're saying is that three counties drag all the rest of the State with them. I believe that. In Virginia, Hillary carried it mainly because Fairfax and Loudoun Counties, and maybe the City of Petersburg, went for her. (Oddly enough, so did Henrico County, because people were foolish enough to believe what Hillary, and Obama's Department of Information, meaning the Mainstream Media, said about Trump. Because though Hillary carried the county, so did the Republican congressman.)

        While we're on the subject, it might be worth a try to force Los Angeles and San Francisco Counties to divorce themselves from the rest of California. Then if they want to play the game of being "Alta California" as part of Mexico, more power to them.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
          Notice we keep referring to situations where a huge pile of people in one small spot, impose themselves on everyone else? Then, people want to dump those small spots because they produce less than they suck up. It is the same all around the country, and is a primary reason for the Electoral College needing to be kept. Otherwise, we will have nothing bu liberal Dumbocraps running things until there is nothing left to loot. Those huge piles of humanity do not often produce more than they consume, and usually have to have a whole bunch of freebies dumped on them by creatures like Clinton, to vote for her. And we end up paying all the freebie costs, no wonder they love the Beast.
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    • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 7 years, 6 months ago
      Ouch! I hope you meant Western Washington.

      If you would look at a political map, you would see that views are deeply divided along the Cascade Range. In fact, if King County weren't involved, the state would be predominantly red.

      I've been told a similar situation exists with Oregon, but I haven't confirmed this.
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    • Posted by Temlakos 7 years, 6 months ago
      Except for one thing: we lose our access to the Pacific Ocean. We need two coastlines. It will be a struggle as it is to redirect our internal transport routes away from Los Angeles and San Francisco to Portland and Seattle.
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      • Posted by gpecaut 7 years, 6 months ago
        Have you forgotten the Panama Canal! The new canal handles the new modern larger ships. Not to mention, do you have any idea how much freight already comes in to Mexican ports, them ships across into the US. Let Left coast ship to US boarder crossings, and we'll take it from there. I know most truck drivers would love doing a drop and hook at Yuma vs going to LA or SanDiego.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 6 months ago
        This is a viable reason to open up a mutually beneficial trade relation with Mexico. Arizona could easily run rails that lead directly to the Western Mexican Coast. Mexico could make serious money and pull themselves out of their doldrums. Perhaps the new jobs will keep their people from crossing into our country illegally (yeah, right),
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 6 months ago
        That was my first thought, too, Temlakos, and I suspect it would weigh heavily on CA secessionists, too. I doubt that any secessionists in CA would join with WA and OR because they know that it could not end in peaceful secession. Not that the feds would ever consent to any state requesting independence, even on constitutional grounds, much less lose shipping and military access to the Pacific.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 7 years, 6 months ago
    I have thought for years that it was more likely that California would split into 2 or even 3 States. As much as I would like to see them leave the Union I doubt we could be that lucky. Democrats depend on their 55 electoral votes.
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    • Posted by Riftsrunner 7 years, 6 months ago
      There have been at least two separate proposals to split California into 2 or more states based on various criteria. The minimal proposal would create Jefferson out of Northern California and Southern Oregon. So I assume if California decided to secede those parts of California would attempt to secede from California to stay (similar to Scotland saying it would leave the UK to remain in the EU, if Brexit were to be triggered). Unfortunately, it would take too long for the succession (they would need a referendum, then the state legislature and governor would need to inform Congress, who would need to debate it at the very least, for an amicable split) that it is very likely we would have another Democratic President before it could happen which would likely nullify the need to leave according to these morons protesting in the streets.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 6 months ago
    It is amusing that when Texas residents commented that they would consider seceding if Hillary was elected, the liberals all shouted that the Civil war had settled the question of secession. Now that the shoe's on the other foot, they see no shame in a complete reversal of logic.

    It's interesting that a Russian scientist predicted the breakup of the U.S. into six regional countries due to the extreme distance ideologically and economically between regions. This #Calexit thinking is reflective of that path.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 6 months ago
      "the liberals all shouted that the Civil war had settled the question of secession"
      This is anecdotal, but for years I have heard self-described liberals say they would be fine letting the South go.

      I don't know if I'm a liberal b/c I don't believe in the left/right thing, but I generally agree with the notion of letting people go for the same reason I would support the American Revolution. My reading of history is the colonies wanted to secede and create a country with such freedom and weak central gov't that no one would want to secede. I guess I agree with those liberals who say they should have let the South form its own country.

      I think we should find some way to let people separate or a way to go back the Founders dream of it being moot because the Fed gov't doesn't tax much or get involved with people's lives.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 6 months ago
        You're probably right. Dems would never let CA escape their clutches but the south they might consider-until they realize that most of their cannon fodder comes from the south. Moot point though, the GOP would never let any southern state have independence for the same reason the Dems want to keep CA.
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      • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
        CG, I do not believe in the left/right thing either. To me, they each have an evil side, and rarely, a good side. But I would never take the label of "liberal". One of the fundamental traits is a desire to have no one use your money (or to even get money for nothing), and to tell everyone else why they have to pay, more and more. They also love to use the term "for the children". I'm done with their damn children.
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    • Posted by Temlakos 7 years, 6 months ago
      I have another idea of something that could happen. Those trying to make a one-world federation would necessarily carve up the United States into four parts--not equal in geography by any means--and give each part to an existing country. The American Southwest, and the State of Florida, would go to Mexico. The rest of the "Lower Forty-eight" would go to Canada. Alaska would go back to Russia, and Hawaii would go to the Japanese (who tried to take it once before), or the Chinese, or maybe the Indonesians.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 6 months ago
        Putin has made it clear he'd love to get Alaska back. People make the mistake he wants to reassemble the USSR, but his acquisitions and plans look more like imperial Russia. After being premier and president, maybe he'd like to become the new Tsar?

        A natural breakup of the U.S. would more likely involve southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico joining Mexico, with northern California, Oregon, and Washington state joining Canada. Texas, Louisiana, and the other "energy states" up to the Canadian border could probably remain independent as a supplier of the energy (oil, gas, wind, solar) the surrounding nations need. Florida might join with Cuba and Puerto Rico. I haven't a clue where the other states end up.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
      Exactly, they love the system when it does what they want, and then they tear it down and burn it when it doesn't. You didn't see that for the last 8 years by the other side. They just took the punishment and waited.. now the shoe is on the other foot and they don't like it. Too bad, snowflakes...
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 6 months ago
    It would collapse on itself in a year. Those libs can't control their spending and entitlements..wait until they have to foot the bill for their own military and power consumption.
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  • Posted by gsaunder 7 years, 6 months ago
    Let's first redraw the state lines. The majority of Libtards live within 30 miles of the coastline. Redraw the line at the San Andreas fault, everything to the east (which will someday be coastline anyway) becomes the newly formed State of Jefferson, while old California floats out to sea.
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  • Posted by dukem 7 years, 6 months ago
    I have lived on the west coast in the subject three states (furthest left in all ways) for 50 years, coming here from Kentucky in 1965. I succumbed to liberalism once I served my military duty and was sucked into the maelstrom of northern California politics and lifestyle (not to mention Silicon Valley where I built a fair part of that environment).
    Only after coming to central Oregon (east of the Cascades) did I wake up and realize what a misspent youth I had.
    This last week has been terrible, since many friends (ex-friends) ask why I'm a racist and misogynist once they find out I actually voted for Trump.
    I think I need new friends. : - ) Somewhere around the original Galt's Gulch in western Colorado (although Denver is deep blue now).
    The Gulch makes it possible to withstand all of it, but I think I've reached the breaking point..
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  • Posted by ycandrea 7 years, 6 months ago
    I guarantee you that northern California and central Oregon would never want to Calexit with these liberals! We could not afford to feed, cloth and shelter them! There are very rational people in these states too. Northern Cali has talked about seceding from the US just to get away from Southern Cali. And we over here in Central Oregon definitely do not agree with what is going on west of the Cascades!
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
      Now stop that! We, in Western Oregon, have to live with the idiots in Portland and Eugene. The we have the classic idiots in Salem (and I only live 25 miles from there, have been there, and then realized that even Republicrat politicians are just fat lazy, corrupt idiots who care for their donors). So we have (when you subract the above communist enclaves) all red over here too. Although, truth be told, I have come to the conclusion there is no difference between Red and Blue, other than their donor lists.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 6 months ago
    California, like Scotland, is a huge net consumer of tax money, and the people who want independence for each want them to stay that way. But if they ever do manage to secede, they'll be on their own and will be forced to tighten their belts.

    In the long run, though, that could be just the kick in the pants they need. It seems to have done wonders for Slovakia.
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  • Posted by ScaryBlackRifle 7 years, 6 months ago
    No. Saner heads will look around and count things (water, electricity, gasoline, wheat, automobiles, etc.) and realize that Cali doesn't have the resources it needs to go it alone.

    Even as part of the US, Cali is a failed welfare state.
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  • Posted by walkabout 7 years, 6 months ago
    Personally I don't see any reason not to "let them go" though the last time a state (or a group of states) seceded from the Union, President Lincoln took offense and 600000 people died to drag them back in. While there should be, there is not 'escape clause' in the Constitution. If you look at Europe and Asia over just the last couple of centuries you see lots of movement of boundary lines; why not here. Many people seem to think NOW is forever -- in treating Borderline Personality Disordered patients my therapeutic mantra became, "now is not forever." Maybe that can apply to this situation. Half of North America used to belong to France, we bought it. Alaska use to belong to Russia, we bought it. (I guess we just stole Hawaii.) Maybe we should sell California! A colleague of mine once suggested we should buy Mexico -- fix that illegal immigrant problem!! To answer the question, no, I don't think it will happen. As to the content in the article about High School kids and millennials, there is a reason children don't have the vote -- they are not intellectually mature enough to make reasoned decisions.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
      I agree that letting them go may be the best thing, since they have no common sense as a state, followed closely by Oregon and Washington. I guess there is something in the Oceans water that effects commons sense.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 6 months ago
    Never happen. There are many closet right-wingers in California, especially in the State of Jefferson. And California serves as a petri dish of leftist leaders to send to DC. Trust me. Want a name you will see in DC in the future? Kevin Johnson, followed soon after by Gavin Newsome. DC counts on California to provide these guys.

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  • Posted by andrewtroy 7 years, 6 months ago
    Alaska already has a political party pushing for separation from the U.S. but rather than calling it a secession, their statement claims that Alaska was made a state illegally and they call for intervention by the U.N. to decide the matter.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 6 months ago
    Who cares, California is close to a socialist state and has no business being part of the US. Maybe if high explosives were detonated along the San Andreas fault were could see the whole thing just slide into the ocean. Problem solved.
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  • Posted by mminnick 7 years, 6 months ago
    This may have been mentioned before, not sure but what happens after the exit? It is entirely possible that a large portion of the population of California would want to join with Mexico, the original parent of California? They could agitate for a vote and win. Then CA is faced with the option of joining Mexico or retaining it Free State status ad a country.
    What happens if Mexico says the majority of the citizens of CA have voted to join the state of Mexico and send in Military forces to force the union? You can see how this plays out.
    I'm not sure such a scenario would happen but it could and the people wanting CalExit better consider it well before taking any precipitous actions and let their mouths talk them into something they can't change.
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  • Posted by bkeiber 7 years, 6 months ago
    Everyone. Something you may have forgotten is the fact that Mother Nature may take care of the California - West Coast situation. THE BIG ONE!.....a 9.5+ earthquake along the San Andreas and further north into Oregon, Washington would accomplish them seceding from the union. ;-)
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 6 months ago
      Don't say that too loud, I live in Communist Oregon. We are waiting for it. Also, the big one has 2 flavors, the California one (San Andreas from San Diego to San Francisco then exits to western pacific) and the Washington/Oregon one (Juan De Fuca plate/Cascadia Subduction Zone). The 2 are related but not directly connected, and may go together (which would be a really, really BIG One, or separate). Lets hope they go first, then maybe FEMA has more for us.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 6 months ago
    Idiots on parade, yes, but setting that aside I actually think they're sort-of right, at least partly. We waste a lot time arguing whether we live in farm country or ride our bikes a tech park. I wish we were separate countries, but not by state but by urban and rural. They would be like partner nations, with neither one being able to touch the other's money, or send police into the other's territory to enforce laws against guns, drugs, discrimination, tax evasion, or anything. There would be a lot to work out. One step closer to this dream would be just to follow the US Constitution closer to its spirit. Jefferson hoped that cities and neighborhoods would have autonomy to experiment. All the Framers were afraid of a distant intrusive gov't with excessive taxation. That's exactly what we have now.
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