Good to be back... & a new tune.

Posted by JossAmbrose 10 years, 11 months ago to The Gulch: General
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I lost my producer status for a while there. Some freeloading thief decided to use my credit card to purchase plane tickets to the tune of £619. I had to cancel my card & the looting is now under investigation.

Have new card, money reimbursed, & despite my recent absence, it's good to be back in the Gulch.

Work has calmed down a bit now. I have to admit I'm not sorry about it. Having worked six days a week - plus working at night on the album release, I reached burnout about a month ago.

Business is still ticking over & the music is doing fairly well. We (Meander Lane) plan to release another album later in the year - called Lovers & Thinkers. We've been busy working on new songs with a different feel. We're supposed to be meeting a promoter who's worked with some very big names in the near future & just today I've been discussing video production with someone in the business - who seems very keen on us.

See the link for our latest tune from the forthcoming album Lovers & Thinkers.

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  • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 11 months ago
    When can I find you in Rhapsody???
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    • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
      Not sure when... or if. When I released the album, I was informed that there could be a wait of up to six weeks before the album goes live in some stores. The album was definitely sent to Rhapsody but there's no guarantee that every store will sell our music. Maybe there's hope, maybe a 24 track album is a bit big for their liking. Honestly, I dunno.
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