Americans Fight Back - Protesters Block Obama's Buses Transferring Illegals, Force Them to Retreat (Video) | Top Right NewsTop Right News

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 11 months ago to News
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Boiling point. This is why DHS bought all that ammo. Manufactured by the letter O.

Anyone think his threat to use executive orders to "fix" immigration is false. At this rate, if riots erupt, he will declare martial law, suspend what left of the Bill of Rights and rule by fiat. I suspect that this has been his plan all along.
SOURCE URL: http://toprightnews.com/?p=4170

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  • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago
    Anywhere where this is done we must be very careful. Obama is looking to stay in office forever, and the only way he can is if there is a state of emergency that he can use to suspend elections.

    He is trying to get us to riot so that he can declare martial law and keep it going for a couple of years, spin it so he is the only one that can save us. An change in leadership would be just to hard.... and he will have become our Hugo Chavez.

    I love what these people have done. It both excites me and scares me. So long as we can keep it peaceful it will be great.
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    • Posted by $ katrinam41 9 years, 11 months ago
      It won't matter how peaceful we keep it--if we won't break the peace, then goon squads will force the issue or more likely, instigators will be on-scene to make it happen... and the media will be complicit. I saw one of the early Tea Party rallies, both in person and on the news later that night. The mediots interviewed the ONE attendee in a costume, remarked on how few folks were there, and took all their shots from a viewpoint showing the fewest possible in a crowd. In reality, there were thousands, peaceful, and not in costume. Maybe it's time to boycott the mainstream media. Without their "help", we might have a chance.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 11 months ago
    I an so glad to see people standing up against this invasion. Because that is what it is. If a person comes here legally using all the proper channels, welcome. Come using force and just sheer masses, well, we are obliged to repulse such lawlessness. And the parents if these kids are responsible for the outcome. Not we the people!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 11 months ago
    My mother-in-law is from France. She loves America and is somewhat ashamed of France. She jumped through all the hoops to become a citizen here. She does not agree, in any way, with these new methods of immigration. It's interesting to hear her chime in on these matters - refreshing.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
      Part of my angst at the illegal alien invasion is on behalf of people like her, to wanted to be Americans to BE American.

      And it's very aggravating to see the left continually pretend that those opposed to the illegal alien invasion are xenophobes opposed to immigration, period.

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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 11 months ago
    interesting that it is California residents that are in the fore front of this situation. maybe that will have an effect on the people who live where the illegals are coming into the country and they the people in the area will stop the buses from leaving the facilities where they are located to begin with. then maybe our fellow citizens who have been working for the government will join us in stopping the movement of the illegals beyond the border. THAT will tell those rectal brains in Washington what is going to happen.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 11 months ago
      they are, at this point, closest to the drain. Whatever American is still in the hearts of those people have to, at this point, sense something dire coming. Unfortunately the liberalism and multiculturalism they practiced for decades opened their eyes when the noose was tightened around their necks. This is self-inflicted. I wish them luck.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
      It's interesting that DHS is bussing many to CA. Could this be that they are intentionally trying to cause the biggest economic engine of the country to finally collapse?
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  • Posted by $ FredTheViking 9 years, 11 months ago
    I hate to throw cold water on this. Yet, I think that laws that simply prevent people from coming into this country, because they just happen to born somewhere is simply unjust. Obama may be going against law, but to pick this issue to fight him on seems silly to me. There is still plenty of other things to be criticial with Obama, where more noise needs to be made.
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    • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 11 months ago
      Laws are not about justice, and never have been, that needs to be kept firmly in mind.

      Justice is a concept that is largely abstract and always relative, not something that can be firmly defined, and therefore cannot be effectively legislated.

      Every situation is different, and everyone wants an exception for themselves or their friends.

      If a country does not maintain their borders and enforce their own laws, in a relatively short time they will no longer be a country.

      It will become a chaotic cesspool where ONLY force determines anything.

      Not a future I want.
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      • Posted by $ FredTheViking 9 years, 11 months ago
        Obama has broken many laws and overstepped himself over a number of issues. Yet, it is this issue that has been getting the most play. I think attacking is Obama on this issue in particular is a bit dubious, because it calls for the enforcement of a law that is unethical.

        What is an illegal immigrate? A person who crosses into the US without the permission of the US government. In effect, the law asserts the authority of the government to dicate who has the right to live in this country and who does not. Such an authority is a fundamental violation of person's right to live and work where they want to. As long as that person has commit no other crimes, such a rape, murder, theft, etc.

        Yet, so many people are screaming for the government to exercise this authority. At the same time, these people complain about the errosions of thier own liberty. Well, on one hand, they beg for more liberty and on the other hand they ask the government to exercise more control over people lives. Well, which way do they want it?
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        • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 11 months ago
          What you are claiming as a right does not exist in our law, our constitution, or frankly...anywhere in the world.

          Good luck finding a country that agrees with that "right" but it surely is NOT here.

          I prefer the accurate term for them Criminal Alien.

          Illegal immigrant is both a contradiction since a legal immigration process is defined, and a nonsense term made up by politicians and news media.

          Undocumented migrant is also a specious nonsense term.
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          • Posted by $ FredTheViking 9 years, 11 months ago
            A right exists whether or not a law respects it. We define rights of men in order to determine if the law is right respecting. We define rights based on what man requires into to make rational decisions about thier lives in order to survive. The basic freedom of movement is a right that may be necessary for one's survivial. A right is something should be respected by the law, but law does not always meet that requirement.

            An illegal Alien is not always a Criminal Alien. A Criminal is a define as a person, who simply fails to respect the right of other individuals. For example, a criminal will kill, steal from, or rape other persons. That is my definition of a criminal. An illegal Alien rarely mets that defintion.

            An Illegal Alien does not voilate the rights of other individuals by simply entering this country. Therefore, it is wrong to define them as criminals. There are a number of laws that defined so called victimless crimes. Of course, a victimless crime is a contradiction in terms, which makes the law problematic. The immigration laws makes it a crime to enter the country by failing to follow an difficult visa process.

            Immigration laws should be reformed to allow people to enter the country legally more easily. Also, the welfare state should be pulled back. As a reform of the law, it could be the case that some benefits should be held back until an immigrate has established thier presence in the country for a longer period of time. For example, let's say you have to pay taxes for 10 years before you qualify for Social Sercurity and Medicare. At the same time, you still need to pay into those programs.

            Of course, these are just techinical details that can be work out. The principle should be if you want to live and work here. You are welcome to do so. The laws should just make sure when one enter the US, one is not a criminial.
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            • Posted by $ 9 years, 11 months ago
              I guess you don't live in Phoenix. Illegal aliens violate my rights, endanger my life and livelihood, and threaten my family. They are a drain on our society that knows no limit and they revel in it. They also break a variety of laws including private property rights.

              This stance if exactly why I call myself a Conservative and not an objectivist.
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            • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 11 months ago
              We will have to remain in disagreement on that one, along with Winterwind who agrees with you.

              You can claim all the "rights" you want to, but if they are not recognized under law, they are effectively non-existent. From an "individual protections under the law" standpoint.

              The law enforcement organizations can pick you up and deport you, because you are in criminal violation and deport you.

              I for one support their doing exactly that. I only wish they would fully enforce the existing law instead of the half-assed crap they do now.

              Bottom line for me....If you do not follow the defined immigration process...
              You do not belong here
              I definitely do not want you here
              I want the government to use their powers as defined under the constitution to enforce the laws they have on the books to get you out of here.

              That is my position on it, obviously we differ and will undoubtedly remain differing on that.
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
              Illegal aliens steal from Americans all the time. Virtually every one of them.

              I see no reason to make it easier for people to enter the country.

              "The immigration laws makes it a crime to enter the country by failing to follow an difficult visa process"

              Okay, let's do away with the difficult visa process... NO VISAS AT ALL.

              I'm fine with not letting anyone into the country, at least for the foreseeable future...
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        • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 11 months ago
          *Pulls up fire-and-spear-resistant shield*

          Fred's pretty much right on this one.. Don't let your joy at seeing government actions openly thwarted make you lose sign of the essential points.

          "But they use government services!" It is the system of services that is immoral; many "legal Americans" do the same thing. They should all be tarred with the same brush and the system should be abolished.

          "But they don't pay taxes!" I wouldn't either, if they didn't make me. How many here would? How many would pay a minimal amount, not the 75% many of us are hit up for?

          "But they come here without following proper legal procedure!" Any of us would and should rise up in fury if some Government goon told us where we could go and where we could not go. Why should some people have the right to come and go where and when they wish, while others do not?

          "They might be criminals!" and so might the guy sitting next to you in first class on the plane from Europe. Americans believe in innocent until proven guilty. It doesn't just apply to some people, it applies.

          Human beings have rights due to natural law and our essential humanity. Americans are fortunate to live in a country that has a Bill of Rights which protects our natural rights. Just because other people do not live in such a country does not mean they don't have the same rights.The Bill of Rights GUARANTEES them, it does not GIVE them.

          and finally, if a law is bad, the moral person has a [natural] right and a [sometimes] duty to flout that law. They are just like any other law we all despise - written to achieve someone's political ends and supported by force. Immigration laws are bad laws, and it is those laws that we should be fighting, not the people who flout them.

          I'm going to breakfast. Later, all.
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          • Posted by shivas 9 years, 11 months ago
            Agree on many points. I would point out that many also pay taxes. If they are not squatters they pay rent at some point and almost all rent has as a portion property/school tax. Anybody who makes a purchase in most states pays sales tax. There are excise taxes on gas and all truck delivered goods that can't be avoided.

            Unfortunately many come here to join the Americans on the dole. While I agree that system needs to go, it's going to take some time. Allowing non-citizens on the dole is step we can take back now.
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
              I'm tired of hearing that canard.

              Where do they get the money to pay the rent and make the purchases? Oh, right... jobs they cannot legally have. Or welfare they cannot legally collect.
              Jobs they get by breaking the rules legal citizens are compelled to obey (including identity theft). Welfare they collect through fraud.

              So don't give me that PC horseshit.

              Bottom line; I don't want them in my country. It doesn't matter WHAT the do or don't do, contribute or don't contribute, I, whose home this is, who IS a multi-generational native born citizen, do... not... want... them... here. No matter the process.

              If you feel differently, give me your address; I know any number of bums who hang out in the vestibules at Wal-mart who need homes. I'll send them to squat (scatologically) in your living room. See how you like it. Oh, they'll contribute money... they'll turn in the cans of your pop they drink to the recycling center and give you a tiny cut of the change they get...

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              • Posted by shivas 9 years, 11 months ago
                How did you get here? If the Mayflower hadn't sailed, you could be a xenophobe racist right in jolly old England.
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                • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
                  How did I get *where*?

                  Long before the Mayflower sailed, but after the Norsemen visited, Queen Elisabeth I tried setting up colonies in the New World for the purpose of glass-blowing. The glass-blowers of England were denuding the forests (apparently the Welch coal mines weren't yet producing...) for fuel.

                  The colonies couldn't handle the harsh New England winters and returned home.

                  When the Pilgrims got here, they found a continent in pretty much the same condition it was in for the past 10 millennia. No roads. No hospitals. No unemployment agencies. No shopping malls. No airports or train terminals.

                  The "here" I got to had all of these things, courtesy of those terrible xenophobe racist jolly old Englanders.
                  It's disingenuous in the extreme to pretend that illegal alien invaders into our *nation* is the same as the colonization and civilization of a vast, undeveloped continent occupied by static autochthones stuck in the late stone age.

                  "Bottom line; I don't want them in my COUNTRY". Get it? An empty wilderness is NOT a "country".

                  I was born in this *country*, as were my ancestors for at least 7 generations.
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          • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 11 months ago
            Natural rights?

            Define please.

            Also understand having a "natural right" initially does not mean you keep it. Without some sort of society and structure you are back to "might makes right"

            Government does almost nothing well, in fact it does nearly everything poorly at best. Most of the stuff it does do, many people (me and I think most here) do not want it doing at all. But the problem is human nature.

            We are all amoral animals with a thin veneer of civilized behavior layered on top. Without agreed upon rules of behavior, also known as law, we revert to chaos quickly.

            For examples look to most of Africa. If that is too third world for you, look at the ugly parts of the inner cities here, or on a slightly larger scale most of Detroit.

            People will survive without laws but it will be ugly indeed. In all honesty most won't have the backbone, equipment, or ability to survive when society collapses. Nor will the majority be willing to pay the butchers bill required to survive.

            Government, as feckless, incompetent, and evil in result as it tends to be, is still better than the mobs we would have without it. At least for now, if it sinks a whole lot further my attitude may change.

            If we had an Atlantis to go to that would be one thing, but right now I don't see that in the cards.

            When it collapses, I will do my utmost for myself and my family, everyone else will have to do the same.

            How big a butchers bill will you be willing to pay?
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            • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 11 months ago
              In a thread this long and complicated, I'm not sure if you're directing this to me, but, as usual, I'll put my toe in the pond.

              The entire "rights" discussion is long, difficult, and filled with dissension. I would direct you to O.A.'s original post at http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/94...

              I don't agree that humans are immoral animals; cats are immoral animals. Humans, due to their powers of reasoning, are different. They can choose to act immorally, or not.

              A system of laws does not keep people from doing immoral things - those who are going to, will; those who are not going to, will not. A law forbidding murder is not what keeps me from murdering the neighbor who climbs into his hot tub every night and 10 and disturbs my attempts to get to sleep. It is my own moral code that keeps me from murdering him [tempting though it is!].
              Conversely, the people who have committed the many public shootings through recent history are not deterred by the laws against murder.

              In all the places you list where people act immorally, I would argue that they do have a system of laws in place - one usually missing the idea of non-initiation of force, but a system. "We're the East Side Sisters. This is our territory. We protect it and each other. If there's a group of the 33rd Street Rats that comes too close to our territory, we'll show 'em who's boss and send 'em home bleeding."
              Since most modern Americans don't understand what laws are, what rights are, what morality is - in short, have no education, they will probably act in the same ways as the ESS.

              The people who will survive will have a reason to do so, and the foresight to look ahead, prepare and practice the needful skills. They will not randomly attack other groups of people who have done them no harm, in part because it would diminish their own strength. They will make agreements with other like-minded groups if they can find them, and try to work their way back to a future that's better than their present.

              Government, with its laws, will probably be less than no help - more like a hindrance. Anyone who is doing an acceptable job of surviving will be a target.

              You pay the butcher's bill you run up and that you can afford, of course.
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              • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
                Neither humans nor cats are "immoral". Please don't confuse "immoral" with "amoral".

                "A law forbidding murder is not what keeps me from murdering the neighbor who climbs into his hot tub every night and 10 and disturbs my attempts to get to sleep"

                We are different. The laws forbidding murder and their connected punishment have a large influence on preventing me from killing any number of individuals whom I feel need killing.

                "Since most modern Americans don't understand what laws are, what rights are, what morality is - "

                Stop projecting.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
            "many "legal Americans" do the same thing."

            THEY are part of the society. THEY are not invaders come to raid the largess of our society.

            Whether the system is immoral by your definition of morality or not is irrelevant. Our representatives put it in place for the benefit of our countrymen, not parasitic invaders from outside.

            Rights don't exist; they are a convenient fiction used within a society to describe and regulate the interaction of members of said society.

            "Just because other people do not live in such a country does not mean they don't have the same rights."

            Correct; the Bill of Rights neither guarantees nor gives; it *protects* them. But, if you are not a citizen, if you have invaded the country and are therefore not a legal guest, your rights are not protected.

            But, since you think people everywhere should have their rights protected as we do... next time I have a car accident, I'll put it on YOUR insurance. Don't try to tell me that that is a contract between you and your insurance company, and that I'm not covered; I have "rights", and therefore I have an equal right for your insurance company to pay for my accident just as you do.

            The Constitution is a contract between the people of the United States and our government. Third parties not invited.
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        • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 11 months ago
          I appreciate Fred's comments because he is trying to initiate a dialogue based on logic and fact. The fact is there are people who want to immigrate to the US for good reasons, and people who want to immigrate for bad reasons. According to the law, the people who flew the planes into the world trade center were legal immigrants (although they ended up overstaying their visas, they entered in a perfectly legal way) Then there is the Mexican down the street who works 3 jobs and is too busy working to cause any trouble. He broke the law by entering illegally yes, but do we really not want people like that here? There are no perfect laws and there is no perfect system, but I think basing an immigration policy on objectivist principles would be a start. The question is, how do you create a system that effectively judges a person on individual merits. I would rather have each immigrant, be required to register by law on entry (if they are not registered and are here they are automatically disqualified), give them a probationary time to prove their worthiness (work or study without government assistance and have no crimes on record) and then decide after a year or two if they are worthy of staying legally. There are still bad and good people that would get through the system but at least we would know who they are and how many there are. I know that the federal government's duty to define our borders and who qualifies as a citizen is essential, however I think that a huge part of what has set the USA apart from other countries is that most of us had ancestors who made the decision one day to risk everything and come here to make something better for themselves. At least that is what happened in my family.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
            "Then there is the Mexican down the street who works 3 jobs and is too busy working to cause any trouble."

            The three jobs are more trouble than if he was a serial bankrobber.
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        • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago
          I do not think living in a country or state is a right. No place on earth has ever treated this as a right. Its a privilege to be earned. The method for earning that privilege is well documented and it should be followed.
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          • Posted by $ 9 years, 11 months ago

            What would you constitute valid service for citizenship? I'm a veteran (so was my father, grandfathers and uncles). My children aren't veterans. Do they not qualify under the terms you present.

            Why would birth not qualify for citizenship?

            You sound like something out of Starship Troopers by Heinlein. I adamantly disagree.
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            • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 11 months ago
              Birth should not qualify you for citizenship if neither of your parents were themselves citizens.

              "Anchor Babies" are an ongoing crime.
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              • Posted by $ 9 years, 11 months ago
                no kidding. I'm thoroughly against anchor babies. However making some type of state oriented service as a requirement for citizenship as XenoRoy has stated is wrong on a variety of levels. A birth between two citizens yield a natural citizen, nothing more required. IMO
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                • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
                  Why? What makes being created by two people that share citizenship a justifiable reason to bestow citizenship on their offspring? I would grant them residency. However, benefits of citizenship should only come via contribution to the society. Value requires payment of value.
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                • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago

                  Please see my eariler reply. I was refering to immigration only in my post. I was making no comment about state oriented service. The privilage is gained by going through the legal process to get into this country, whatever that process is. It should be given away through amnesty or any other nonsense. It is earned by following the immigration process we have in place. If that process is failing it needs to be legally changed before we change our policies around it.
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                  • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
                    There is no "earning" via our current immigration process (nor from the current bestowing via birth either).
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                    • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago
                      Having been involved in working with people who are here going through the legal process there is a lot of work that goes into getting in and staying in the country. I have sponsored more than one person and worked for a German immigrant who was working on citizenship as well. to say its not "earning" is well just plain uneducated. They do a significant amount of work over years to get in and stay in.

                      now for those that come in illegally and with amnesty of some type they are not following the legal process but riding the wave of illegal processes that are being used to get more votes for whatever party does them a favor. That method is not work, but its also not part of the legal process
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                • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
                  A birth within the nation by two citizens is a natural born citizen.

                  a birth within the nation where one or neither parent is a citizen is a native born citizen.
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                  • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
                    Why? Why does birth bestow citizenship? Perhaps residency, but why citizenship?
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                    • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
                      Because your parents are "one of us". Because your parents earned your citizenship for you.

                      Part of the issue is the conflation of "legal residency" and "citizenship". I happen to agree that just being born here shouldn't grant you the power to influence the form and direction of our society; but it should grant you a modicum of protection for your rights.
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            • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago

              I was referring to those who are coming to this country. I am surprised that you would consider immigration having a legal process around it occurring and that process being followed hogwash.

              We have a legal process for immigration it should either be followed, or the laws changed and then those changes followed.

              Perhaps you thought I was bring it up about something else?
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              • Posted by $ 9 years, 11 months ago
                I agree with what you say here. Initially to me it sounded like you were requiring state service to prove your citizenship worthy (like Heinlein's Starship Troopers). In other words being born in a country by parents who are citizens isn't enough.

                A misunderstanding.
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                • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago
                  No problem, I thought that likely what it was. I should have been more clear. Thanks for clearing it up. People do not have a right to stay here, or come here. They earn that privilege through the legal process we have in place. Many of us were lucky enough to be born into that privilege, but in my mind its still a privilege.

                  Edit: and its Veterans like you that provided that privilege to people like me that never served in the military. We will only maintain it so long as we have the ability to defend it both home and abroad. So thank you.
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
              First thought was Starship Troopers.
              Second thought was Sparta, in the "Falkenberg's Legion" series.

              No, I don't think just any slob who can draw breath should have equal standing of citizenship.
              There should be some qualification to determine that you have an interest in and are willing to devote some effort to running and protecting the country. Heinlein's universal public service was one way of achieving it.
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
              "Why would birth not qualify for citizenship? "

              Where have you been the past six years?

              (points in the general direction of the White House)

              There's a good reason, right there.
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          • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 11 months ago
            what AJA said.
            How did I "earn" my American citizenship?
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            • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago
              If you received it by the law, you earned it. Likely because you were born here. I was referring specifically to what this article is about, immigration. They have a legal process to earning citizenship for those that do not have it. They must go through that process. If you were born in the US you went through that process.

              If we do not like people running over the boarder to give birth to baby to try to keep them here then the legal process by which the privilege of citizen ship is gained needs to be changed. Otherwise we should follow and live with the process until we change the law.
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    • Posted by kathywiso 9 years, 11 months ago
      EVERYTHING he does needs to be fought. These children have parents and families that are going to join them..who pays for it and who gets revoted in because of it. It is just another attempt to take over our "once free" country.. among all the other unconstitutional crap he has pulled.
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      • Posted by shivas 9 years, 11 months ago
        Would agree if they didn't come here to live off the taxpayer's dime. Eliminate the welfare magnet and then welcome those who want freedom.
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago

          Eliminate the welfare magnet by eliminating the crooked employers as painfully and publicly as possible, then eliminate those who invaded.

          You can welcome them, so long as they stay on YOUR freaking property. The instant their toes touch a public sidewalk, they should be fair game.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 11 months ago
      So toss our private property rights and the law? Hell, why have a country? Why have home ownership? Why have cities and towns?

      Repelling them as they are being placed in position is exactly what need be done To allow this invites something larger and more in your face. Perhaps those poor huddled mexican masses, the lawless invaders, should be given rooms in my house? eg. We the Living.
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      • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 11 months ago
        AJ, I had a nightmare about 3 years ago which
        scared me.

        I dreamed that I was returning home from an errand
        and stopped at the corner store to buy milk. as I came
        out of the store with the moo, I noticed a guy on
        the corner with a sign. the sign read "open room
        at 1000 fuzzy dog lane" (it was my real address).
        I went over to him and asked what it meant. his
        reply was that our guest bedroom was being let
        out for free, since it was currently empty.

        we have property rights and must defend them. -- j

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    • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago
      So what happens when Obama decides to release the murders and hardcore convicts because they are just misunderstood? Then those people become the leaders of the American Gestapo he is forming? Seems a little off, but its exactly what Hitler did.

      Do you stop law breakers or do you embrace them? If you embrace one type of lawbreaker its a slippery slope to the rest of them.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 11 months ago
    Agreed AJ, this is his plan. BO needs to have some citizen(s) fire first on the Feds to justify the necessity of his taking over "for the good of the people".
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 11 months ago
    As soon as the race card gets pulled this will either die down or turn to some sort of civil race war.

    I was recently shocked at the racist activities of a neighbor of mine - an elderly Mexican lady I've knows for years. It's like she was some sort of hidden La Raza cell (lol). It reminded me that there are a lot of really angry people from other lands here. Der leader certainly isn't helping, either.
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    • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago
      One has to wonder why they are not pulling the race card. Its usually one of the first things the liberals pull.

      You look at the Obama and Polosi speeches of the last week and it sheds some light. This is really about overturning the supreme courts judgement that Obama overstepped his bounds with executive orders. They are attepting to get the people so wrapped up in immigration that when congress cannot provide a solution Obama can be the savior through executive order, thus giving him the ability to ignore the supreme court as its the will of the people that he execute executive order to solve this.

      If we see the race card played it will be timed to assist with the larger picture of pulling more power to the white house by beating a Supreme Court Decision that should have reduced the presidents power.

      Obama is evil in every sense of the word, but he is a dam brilliant kind of evil, and this positioning shows just how much so.
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      • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 11 months ago
        Kind of hard to play the race card when its a minority playing the minority card over minorities held in a camp run by minorities. And a significant amount of the protesters are minorities themselves.

        Whom do you play it on, and how?
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        • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago
          I do not think it was meant this way but you gave me a good laugh.

          Truth does not matter to these people, they pull the race card whenever a minority is involved in any way when it is to there advantage. Unlike you and I truth has no necessity to the claims they will make.

          You comment shows truth has importance to you always keep in mind it has none to those people willing to take what you have earned and live off it.
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