School To Use Hair Test To Screen For Student Alcohol Use « CBS Chicago

Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago to News
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If you so much as touch a single hair on my kid's head! .... (Coming next to a school near you, retinal scans and cheek swabs.)

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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 10 months ago
    I changed my mind. I went and actually read the story, then looked up the school online.

    You complain about the decline in public education. Catholic schools are famous for their discipline. (All of Tom Clancy's heroes went to BU and Fordham for a reason. ) Of all the religions in the world, Catholicism is closest to Objectivism. In an early draft of Atlas Shrugged, the Taggarts were Catholic and had a wise family priest.
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    • Posted by Snoogoo 10 years, 10 months ago
      Catholicism is all about unearned guilt. I don't get how that is objectivist. Also the whole human sacrifice thing, zero freedom of thought, and subjugation of women doesn't say Ayn Rand to me... please do explain though.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 10 months ago
        I will reply to several here because Snoogoo actually asked me to explain.

        I am not endorsing much of Catholicism here. Its problems begin with metaphysics and continue through aesthetics with a large body of ethics to argue against. That much we all know, easily.

        First of all, I suggest that Objectivists can be wracked with guilt, and all the rest. I took the Basic Principles class 1966-1967. While the Rand-Branden split took its toll, it was not until the passing of Ayn Rand and the Kelley-Peikoff split that Objectivism broke free of some old chains. If you read Branden's second and third books, you see that Objectivism was not a guaranteed path to personal happiness.

        Ayn Rand has some positive things to say about the essential core of Christianity. The problem is that the passage of time eroded what she found in that original message.
        "Christianity was the first school of thought that proclaimed the supreme sacredness of the individual. The first duty of a Christian is the salvation of his own soul. This duty comes above any he may owe to his brothers. This is the basic statement of true individualism."
        Ayn Rand in a letter to Reverend Dudley, October 23, 1943
        Linked and then
        linked to here

        Third, we know that Ayn Rand praised Aquinas for bringing Aristotle into the universities and into Catholic theory. Actually, Aristotle came in much earlier via others, such as Gerbert d'Aurillac who studied with the Muslims in Spaion before becoming Pope Sylvester II. But the point remains. Catholic Scholasticism is very similar in its particulars with the concretes of Objectivism. I suggest the works of Cardinal Désiré-Félicien-François-Joseph Mercier (1851 to 1926). Your public or university library can help you. You do not need to spend much time with it. Just open it anywhere in the middle.... It is logical, rational, empirical, grounded in the reality of humanity. That is the Scholastic tradition. Jesuits were kicked out of colonies for arguing against slavery. The Jesuits took the Copernican-Galilean astronomical system to the Chinese and Japanese: the Jesuits showed the emperors how to fix their calendars. The Catholic Church has an error-correction mechanism. Trials include a "Devil's Advocate." They admitted that they were wrong about Gailileo (eventually); they turned the corner on evolution right away, while Protestants held a "Monkey Trial" sixty years later.

        Finally, I point to the ARI Essay Contest. Read the lists of winners and search for the Catholic schools. You will find them. The teachers might not be happy, but they live with it because they accept free will. If you find any Protestant Bible Academies in there, let us know.

        I will not defend the Catholic Church beyond that. I am just saying, it's complicated.
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      • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 10 months ago
        None of the catholics I know are anywhere close to Objectivists. It's all unearned guilt, screw whoever you want then go to confession and it's all better. They are close minded, rigid, and very far left. catholics as a group supported obama. This is my experience with catholics. My brother recently got rid of his Lillian, and she's a lay nun who wears out her knees and stole with impunity.

        As for the school, it's a private school. If you don't like it send your kid to another school.
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        • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
          Okay... send them to another school...but that' wasn't my point. Who are these arrogant brutes to be pulling out student's hair to test for something they might have done that's none of their business?
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
      catholism is so like Objectivism that is why the catholic dominated south america overtook the US in creating the greatest nations on earth. Spain, Italy, paragons of freedom. Priests are considered the ideological leaders of socialism. Do not get me started on their greatest shames. a religion built the immoral premise of guilt upon birth, your devoted not allowed access to the Bible- discipline for discipline's sake is irrational.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
      You changed your mind from....??
      Discipline is one thing... hair testing is another. If a kid staggers into class by all means figure out what's wrong with him, but saying 'hey we think you partook in booze a couple weeks ago" is not okay. (And I think Rand left out the Catholic priest business for good reason.)
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